Ogl421 Risk Register Tyler Hubertus

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Organizational Leadership 421

Risk Register

Project ID: 1234 Project Name: Nexus-6 Replicant

Business Analyst(s): Tyrell Corporation Project Manager(s): Tyler Hubertus

Risk Risk / Awareness Own Description / Action Project Resolution

Priority Mitigation Plan Status
# Impact Date er Background Required By Health Date

1 Missed 6/1/2022 Tyler The source of this risk High Project Good The way we will Closed 8/22/22
Website Hube is the project deadline, Manager/We mitigate the risk of
Launch Date rtus the 3 test phases, and b missing the website
the resources. The Developer/W launch date will be to
test phases will drive eb Experts have three testing
the needed resources phases before the
and not completing website goes live.
the testing phases will Additionally, the
cause the deadline to website will need to
be missed. be fully functional the
week prior to launch.
The resources
needed for this risk
will be the additional
web developer, and
weekly coordination
meetings between
the web developers,
web experts, and the
project manager.
This action will be
preventive based as I
don’t anticipate any
cost to be associated
with this. It is
contingent on
passing beta testing
before the launch

Project To ensure the

Manager deadline is met, the
project team will
need an additional
web developer to
help work out any
technical issues that
arise. There will need
to be a pre-launch of
the website,
marketing material,
and sales pitch. This
will allow for any
The source of this risk bugs or last-minute
Proje is the schedule that issues to be worked
ct the owner has out. I recommend
Deadline/ Mana provided. The 3-month that there be test
Delivery ger/ schedule allows for launch every three
Date of End Web very little error and will weeks or once per
2 6/1/2022 High Good Closed 9/1/22
Product Deve present a lot of month given the
(Scope loper/ challenges to the three-month
creep) Web team. deadline. The
Expe resources needed to
rts accomplish the
deadline will be the
one additional web
developer, bringing
the total to two. The
other resources
needed will be
Adonal funding for
the increase in
staffing. This will be
based on
measures as cost will
be captured in the
estimate and buyout.
3 Sales Pitch 6/1/2022 Proje The source of the risk Medium Project Good The solution to Closed 8/1/22
(How to sell ct for the sales pitch is Manager/Mar making sure the
the Product) Mana the sales team and keting sales pitch is
ger/ their ability to Officer/Sales completed on time is
Mark communicate with one Team having weekly sales
eting another to get the job updates that reported
Offic done. to the marketing
er/Sa officer and the
les project manager.
Tea Having weekly plans
m will allow for the
marketing officer to
decide the best way
to market the product
based on how the
sales team decides
to sell the product.
The marketing officer
will have the final call
on when the
marketing and sales
ideas will be ready to
go onto the website.
The anticipated
resources will be
video editing
software to make any
ads needed. Other
resources will include
graphic editing
software, photo
editing, SEO
research system
(Search Engine
Optimization), and
market research
tools like buyer
trends. This will be
preventative as long
as all of the proper
software needs are
accounted for. If
something is missed,
it will be funded from

Project The solution to

Manager dealing with personal
conflicts will be
weekly check-ins
with team members,
which will be
conducted by the
Proje The source of this risk project manager.
Personal ct is each individual and Conflicts will be dealt
4 6/1/2022 Low Good Closed 7/1/22
Conflicts Mana their ability to work will immediately.
ger with one another. There will also be a
formal complaint plan
in place. The
resources needed
will be a human
resources compliant
officer for the

The solution to
dealing with funding
issues will be to have
an early estimate put
in for the total cost of
the project.
Additionally, there
will be contingency in
The source of this risk place for any
Proje is material going up in surprise cost that
ct cost, extra testing Project arise. The
5 Funding 6/1/2022 Mana needing to be Low Manager/Ow Good contingency will be Closed 7/15/22
ger/O performed, and the ner 10% and added into
wner team needing more the total cost of the
resources. project after all over
head is accounted
for. The resources
needed for this will
be owner funding.
Any additional
funding needs will
come from
The risk is this source Unforeseen risk will
is not having a plan in be managed the
place to combat entire team. The
unforeseen risk. main solution will be
determined by the
Project associated risk and
Manager/Tea the use of the risk
Unforeseen eam/
6 6/1/2022 Low m/Risk Good management plan. Closed 8/1/22
Risk Risk
Management This will come from
Plan contingency if there
are any cost
associated with the
risk. The rest will be
preventative on a
case-by-case bases.

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