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STRENCO Competency Assessment Tool for Generic Erasmus Competencies - March


Domains Compentences Descriptions

1. Language Writing a The student can express themselves in writing in at least one Jawaban :
Skills text in language other than the mother tongue, in such a way that he is I can use English in writing, but its not fully
another able to produce a clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects used in daily learning
language related to their field of study.

Speaking a The student is able to express themselves verbally in at least one I have not been able to use English fluently
foreign language other than the mother tongue, in such a way that he When interacting, I can only speak according
language presents detailed descriptions in work-related contexts, on a wide to the vocabulary I know
range of topics, and is quite able to participate in a fluent and
spontaneous conversation with native speakers.

Being able to The student is able to understand more complex argumentations I haven't been able to fully understand the
understand oral and lectures related to their field of study, spoken in at least one arguments presented, I still have to focus on
texts in a language other than the mother tongue, and is able to replicate the flow of the conversation
foreign the main train of thought.
Being able to The student understands texts written in at least one other I’am able to understand the text written in
understand a language other than the mother tongue and related to their field English according to the topic being discussed
written text in a of study, and is able to replicate the most important trains of
foreign language thought.
Cultural self- The student knows and understands their own frame of reference Jawaban :
knowledge I can understand different cultural conditions from
my point of view
2. Intercultural and worldview and is able to link these to other view points.

“The ability to Cultural flexibility If necessary the student adapts their behaviour and I adjust my behavior and communication patterns
communicate communication style in an intercultural context and explores When discussing so that everything seems to be in
effectively and alternative behaviour patterns. harmony

STRENCO Competency Assessment Tool for Generic Erasmus Competencies - March

intercultural Cultural resilience The student can deal with the difficulties and negative feelings that There are no negative feelings when meeting
situations based may arise in intercultural encounters in a constructive way. with international friends, but if there are
on one’s negative feelings, I will try to take the
intercultural positive side.
knowledge, skills Cultural responsiveness The student listens to the vision and expertise of others and
I listen and appreciate their every vision and
and attitudes” accepts the relativity of one's own vision and ideas.
“Intercultural Cultural knowledge The student acquires knowledge about other cultures and employs I know the existence of cultural differences
competence is this knowledge in an appropriate manner with respect for the and appreciate the uniqueness of different
the proper and uniqueness of each individual human being. human beings
Cultural connectivity In an intercultural context, the student develops a working During this program, my friends and I from
management other countries formed a good partnership,
between people, competence relationship with colleagues, clients and other stakeholders and
contributes to an atmosphere of trust. supported each other even when other friends
who, to some had difficulty expressing them in English.
extent, represent
the different or
Cultural communicative The student examines the specific features of their own I try to adjust good communication so that
competence communication style, allows for a remedial approach if necessary they can understand what I explain
and explores the communication style of other people.
cognitive or
behavioural Cultural conflict The student regards intercultural conflicts as learning I agree with the statement that if there is
orientations of management opportunities and is aware of their own conflict management conflict it is a learning opportunity, where I
the world.” style. can control myself
(Spitzberg, 1989)
Multi-perspective The student approaches and understand a situation, an issue or a I try to look at the problem from different
points of view so as not to comment
approach problem from multiple cultural perspectives.

STRENCO Competency Assessment Tool for Generic Erasmus Competencies - March

3. Global International orientation The student can place local events and practices in an international Jawaban :
engagement context by indicating the international consequences of local events I share experiences that happened in my
and the influence of the international or European contexts on these country with them and notice attention to
local situations. their responses too

I explain my opinion on what I think

Forming an own The student is able to develop an informed opinion about
about the issues discussed
opinion regarding international social and / or political issues.
societal or international
Expressing an own The student formulates and communicates their views on I feel confidently if indeed the opinion I
opinion on societal international social and / or political issues in a clear and have given is in accordance with the topic
or international convincing way. being discussed
Showing social The student understands how they personally may be able to I understand the contribution of myself
involvement contribute to the societal solution of international problems in a and the organization is important to
prevent negative issues
positive way, and is able to act accordingly (either as an individual or
as part of a socially involved organization).

4. Personal Being able to The student is able to independently do their work and / or internship Jawaban:
Growth function I feel confident when I joining this
independently program
Co-operating and In work-related settings, the student can connect easily connect
I try to adapt to the environment in
networking with people; is able to communicate in a clear way, and is able to
which I do an activity
function well in a team.

Showing confidence The student dares to take responsibility; can address the challenges I dare to accept the risk if my skills are
at work or internship. This behaviour is based on a realistic not as expected
understanding of their own skills and competences.

STRENCO Competency Assessment Tool for Generic Erasmus Competencies - March

Showing a If necessary the student can change plans and responds to Based on the current situation I will
flexible attitude unexpected events resolutely change the plan

Investigating other The student is open to alternative ideas and opinions, will examine I openly accept any opinions expressed
perspectives them and considers the value of the alternatives.
I convey the idea of what comes to my
Showing creativity The student devises innovative solutions to problems encountered at mind
work or internship.
From now on I start to think about how my
Possessing a clear idea The student has a clear picture of future study or work choices based future will be, but still leave everything to
of the future on a realistic insight and understanding of their own capabilities and the God

Holding one’s own In stressful work-related situations, the student has relevant capacity If I feel stressed I will find time for myself,
in stressful and coping skills to either maintain their professional performance, and tell the people I trust
situations or to seek appropriate support.

5. International Being able to situate Jawaban :

Disciplinary their discipline within I try to follow the rules well in the activity
Learning the international
Recognizing the fact I believe and understand how they convey according to their
that their domain is cultural background
culturally determined

Having a developed I know that cultural differences between countries will lead to differences of
knowledge of the opinion but I try to adapt without compromising my culture
professional activities of
their discipline in other

STRENCO Competency Assessment Tool for Generic Erasmus Competencies - March

Being aware of I realize that this program is in accordance with the social issues that occur
relevant international and need to be discussed
organizations within
their field

6. Digital Digital communication The student is able to understand how digital competences can Jawaban :
competence support communication. Agree, in this program I can learn to
communicate better
Digital creativity The student is able to understand how digital competences can Agree, by honing the mindset, the ideas
support creativity. conveyed are good

Agree, from a different point of view we

Digital innovation The student is able to understand how digital competences can can build new innovations
support innovations.

Digital citizenship The student is able to understand how digital competences can Agree, I am grateful that representing my
support active citizenship. country can meet friends from other
countries in competence
Digital awareness The student is aware of the opportunities, limitations, effects and
risks of digital technologies for example: mental health apps. Agree, digital technology is not only good
but also bad
Working with The student is able to use, access, filter, evaluate, create, program
digital technology helps our creativity to be
digital content and share digital content.
conveyed better


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