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Presentation skills

 A formal way of convening your message to your audience

oral presentation is different to communication.
 Oral communication and oral presentation

 Oral communication is interactive process of sharing

 Oral presentation is formal, structured, systematic and
intend to raise particular issue for discussion.
Presentation skills
• Importance of oral presentation
oral presentation can inform, motivate and convince more effectively
than any other single form of communication. Your ability in this area
can make or break your carrier.
 As an employ in any organization expected to attend seminars,
workshops, symposiums , conferences, general meetings
departmental presentation.
 if you have proper knowledge of presentation skills you can use this
ability to acquire professional growth.
 The presentation skills are thus essential part of working life
Presentation skills
• Factors important for effective oral presentation.
• purpose
• people
• planning
• preparation
• Be positive
• Preach not
• personal appearance
Presentation skills
• place
• Punctuality
• posture
• pretend not
• physical mannerism
• panic not
• proper feedback
• language
Presentation skills
• Do’s for oral presentation
• Be positive firm and relaxed
• Take deep breath before you start
• Anticipate questions so plan answers
• practice
• use note cards
• speak clearly
• Maintain eye contact
Presentation skills
• Structure your presentation
• Do research on the topic
• speak clearly and correctly
Presentation skills
• Don’ts for oral presentation
• Do not rely on one source of data
• Do not panic
• Do not be boring
• Avoid using technical terms not familiar to your audience
• Do not read completely form
• Do not speak too fast or too slow
• Do not go over the allotted time
Presentation skills
• Do not forget your audience
• Be honest
• Be humble
• keep in mind the Distracting environment
• Do not forget to gave bit of fun.

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