FSA Questionnaire: Section A (SO 1)

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FSA questionnaire

SO: 1, 2, 3, 4

ELO: 3

Learner Instructions
1. Attempt all questions from this section.
2. Answers must be written on a separate page where necessary.
3. Write neatly to avoid loss of marks.
4. All questions must be clearly marked as indicated in this questionnaire.

Section A (SO 1)

1. Explain the methodology for stakeholder identification and analysis with reference to
municipal specific contexts and identify the relevant stakeholders and the importance of
participation within municipal development in own context.(12 marks).

2. Identify the relevant processes, committees and forums which ensure that senior
management guide, and municipal officials are closely involved in municipal management and
development.(13 marks)

3. What advise can you give to the Stakeholders on matters regarding the IDP process with
specific reference to how it impacts on their respective contexts. (15 MARKS).


4. Identify any hindrances to the effective engagement and participation of stakeholders and
solutions proposed to overcome these obstacles. (10 marks).

5.Identify all the relevant mechanisms required to ensure maximum participation in IDP
process.(10 marks).


1. Design a communication plan that can be used to ensure that the municipality, the IDP
Representative Forum and IDP Unit/Municipal Mangers' Office communicate effectively
engage with a range of interested and effected parties. (15 marks).

2. Design all the relevant processes, committees and forums to ensure that political
champions guide are closely involved in municipal management and development.(12 marks).

3. Describe the Review mechanisms regularly used to measure the effectiveness of

communication plan in line with overall IDP plan.(13 marks).


4. Describe how Problem areas in communication plan are recorded and reported for the
purposes of continually enhancing the communication plan. (10 marks).


1.Design Systems and processes to enable communication between the respective role
players in the IDP process. (10 MARKS).

2. Draw up proper Terms of Reference and code of conduct for the respective IDP related
structures and forums. (13 marks).



1. Outline the Roles and responsibilities of the various role players in the IDP process. (12
2. Set up a capacity building programme to enable the various role players to understand and
internalise the IDP principles and approaches.(15 marks).

3. Develop a Ward and community based planning processes and structures within the
context. Show how it can be integrated within municipality. (10 marks).

Competence Rating:
The candidate must obtain an overall percentage of 75% to be declared
competent against the skills programme unit standards” and its related
assessment criteria.

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