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TYBMS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Today, in every organisation personnel planning as an activityis necessary. It is an important part of an organisation.

HumanResource Planning is a vital ingredient for the success of theorganisation in the long run. There are certain ways that are to befollowed by every organisation, which ensures that it has rightnumber and kind of people, at the right place and right time, so thatorganisation can achieve its planned objective. The objectives of Human Resource Department are HumanResource Training on. Each Planning, Recruitment and Selection, andDevelopment, objectiveneeds Career planning, Transfer and special attention and proper

Promotion, RiskManagement, Performance Appraisal and so planning and implementation. For every organisation it is important to have a right personon a right job. Recruitment and Selection plays a vital role in thissituation. Shortage of skills and the use of new technology employers areputting go about to considerable out a pressure on how It is of Recruitingand carry Selecting staff.



Recruitment and Selection procedure. With reference to this context, this project is been prepared process. toput This a light on Recruitment Meaning and and and Selection of of projectincludes and Definition Purpose



Recruitment, Evaluation of RecruitmentProcess, Recruitment Tips. Sources of Recruitment through whichan Organisation gets suitable application. Scientific Recruitmentand








rightmanpower. Job Analysis, which gives an idea about the requirementof the job. Next is Selection process, which includes steps to ofSelection, Selection, Types of Test, Types of Interview, Common InterviewProblems and their Solutions. Approaches ScientificSelection Policy, Selection in India and problems. 1 TYBMSRecruitment and Selection are simultaneous process and are incomplete other. Process Since of without all each other. needs They are important and also components ofthe organisation and are different from each theaspect And a practical example It explanation this project includesRecruitment and selection Infosys. practical casestudy. contains addresses of various and top placementconsultants and the pricelist of advertisements in the magazine. For Free Downloading of this report and for more projects,assignments,reports on Marketing,Management Marketing Management, Accounting, Economics Human Resource, Organizational Behaviour, Financial Management Cost Accounting VISIT RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 2

TYBMS 1 INTRODUCTION Recruitm ent and Selection Recruitment and selection are two of the most importantfunctions of personnel management. Recruitment precedes selectionand helps in selecting a right candidate. Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpowerto meet the requirement of the staffing schedule and to employeffective in is measures to for attracting that manpower adequatenumbers one basic facilitate of effective All by

selection of efficient personnel. Staffing managershave function of management. function responsibility staffing

selecting the chiefexecutive and even the foremen and supervisors have a staffingresponsibility when they select the rank and file workers. However,the personnel manager and his personnel department is mainlyconcerned with the staffing function. Every organisation needs to look after recruitment andselection in the initial period and thereafter as and when additionalmanpower is required due to expansion and development of businessactivities. Right person for the right job is the basic principle in recruitment andselection. Ever organisation should give attention to the selection of itsmanpower, especially its managers. The operative manpower is equally importantand essential for the orderly working of an enterprise. Every businessorganisation/unit needs manpower for carrying different business activitiessmoothly and efficiently and for this recruitment and selection of suitablecandidates are essential.

Human resource management in an organisation will notbe possible if unsuitable persons are selected and employment in a business unit.


TYBMS 1.1 MEANING: RECRUITMENT Recruitment means to estimate the available vacancies and to make suitable arrangements for their selection and appointment.Recruitment is understood as the process of searching for andobtaining applicants for the jobs, from among whom the rightpeople can be selected. A formal definition states, It is the process of finding andattracting capable applicants for the employment. The processbegins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applicantsare submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which newemployees are selected. In this, the available vacancies are givenwide publicity and suitable candidates are encouraged to submitapplications so as to have a pool of eligible candidates for scientificselection. In recruitment, information For this is collected source from as interestedcandidates. different such

newspaperadvertisement, employment exchanges, internal promotion, etc.areused. In the recruitment, is a pool for of eligible of and most interestedcandidates created selection

suitable candidates.Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes withpotential employees

TYBMS Definition: According to EDWIN FLIPPO,Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. 1.2 Need for recruitm ent: The need for recruitment may be due to the following reasons / situation: a)Vacancies due to promotions, transfer, retirement, termination, permanent disability, death and labour turnover. b) Creation of new vacancies due to the growth, expansion anddiversification of business activities of an enterprise. Inaddition, new vacancies are possible due to job specification. Purpose and importance of Recruitm ent: 1.Determine the present and future requirements of theorganization on conjunction with its personnel-planning andjob analysis activities. 2.Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost. 3. Help increase the success rate of the selection process byreducing the number of visibly under qualified oroverqualified job applicants










recruitedand selected, will leave the organization only after a shortperiod of time. 5.Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its work force. 6.Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates. 7. Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long term. 8. Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants. Recruitment is a positive function in which publicity is givento the jobs available in the organization and interested candidatesare encouraged to submit applications for the purpose of selection. Recruitment company recruitment that represents potential the first will contact It is to come that know a a makeswith employees. through


company, and eventually decidedwhether they wish to work for it. A well-planned and well-managedrecruiting effort will result in high quality applicants, whereas, ahaphazard and piecemeal efforts will result in mediocre ones . Unscientific Recruitment and Selection

TYBMSPreviously, the selection of candidates was influenced by superstitions, beliefs, personal prejudices of managers looking after

the recruitment and selection of the staff. The net result of such unscientific recruitment and selection are: (a)Low productivity of labour (b)High turnover (c)Excessive wastage of raw materials (d)More accidents and corresponding loss to the organization (e)Inefficient working of the whole organization and finally (f)Ineffective executive of training and management development programs Scientific recruitment and selection The importance of selection recruitment and selection of staffis now accepted in the business world. Selection is important as ithas its impact on work performance and employee cost. As resultscientific methods of recruitment and selection are extensively forthe selection of managers and the supervisory staff. The assistanceof experts such as industrial psychologist and managementconsultants are also taken for the purpose of scientific selection. Asa result, the objective of right man for the right job is achieved inmany organizations. Moreover, right job is the basic principle inmanpower procurement. 1.3 RECRUITMENT PROCESS

TYBMSRecruitment refers to the process of identifying and attracting

job seekers so as to build a pool of qualified job applicants. The process comprises five interrelated stages, viz, 1. Planning. 2. Strategy development. 3. Searching. 4. Screening. 5.Evaluation and control. The ideal recruitment programme is the one that attracts arelatively larger number of qualified applicants who will survive thescreening process and accept positions with the organisation, whenoffered. Recruitment programmes can miss the ideal in many waysi.e. by failing to attract an adequate applicant pool, by under/overselling the organisation the are or by inadequate responsible and for a how tolook screening for for the the of of applicantsbefore they enter the selection process. Thus, to approach employees what ideal,individuals needed, to where use have recruitment process must know howmany and what types of individuals with the appropriate qualifications andinterests, inducement from various reasonable types chance applicantsgroups, how to distinguish applicants who are qualified thosewho success and how to evaluate theirwork. STAGE 1: RECRUITMENT PLANNING: The first stage in the the recruitment translation of process likely is job planning.Planning involves

vacancies andinformation about the nature of these jobs into set of objectives or

TYBMS targets that specify the (1) Numbers and (2) Types of applicants to be contacted. Numbers of contact : Organization, nearly always, plan to attract more applicants thanthey will hire. Some of those contacted will be uninterested,unqualified or both. Each time a recruitment Programme iscontemplated, one task is to estimate the number of applicantsnecessary to fill all vacancies with the qualified people. Types of contacts: It is basically concerned with the types of people to be informedabout job openings. The type of people depends on the tasks andresponsibilities involved and the qualifications and experienceexpected. These details are available through job description andjob specification. STAGE 2: STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT: When it is estimated that what types of recruitment and howmany are required then one has concentrate in (1). Make or Buyemployees. (2). Technological sophistication of recruitment andselection devices. (3). Geographical distribution of labour marketscomprising job seekers. (4). Sources of recruitment. (5). Sequencingthe activities in the recruitment process. Make or Buy:

Organisation must decide whether to hire le skilled employeesand invest on training and education programmes, or they can hireskilled labour and professional. Essentially, this is the make or

TYBMS buy decision. Organizations, which hire skilled and professionals shall have to pay more for these employees. Technological Sophistication: The second decision in strategy development relates to themethods used in recruitment and selection. This decision is mainlyinfluenced by the available technology. The advent of computers hasmade it possible for employers to scan national and internationalapplicant qualification. Although impersonal, computers have givenemployers and ob seekers a wider scope of options in the initialscreening stage. Where to look: In order to reduce the costs, organisations look in to labourmarkets most likely to offer the required job seekers. Generally,companies managerial look in to the national market or for andprofessional employees, regional local

markets for technicalemployees and local markets for the clerical and blue-collaremployees. When to look: An effective recruiting strategy must determine when to look-decide on the timings of events besides knowing where and how tolook for job applicants. STAGE 3:

SEARCHNG: Once a recruitment plan and strategy are worked out, the search process can begin. Search involves two steps A). Source activation and B). Selling. A). SOURCE ACTIVATION: RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 10 TYBMS Typically, sources and search methods are activated by theissuance of an employee requisition. This means that no actualrecruiting takes place until lone managers have verified thatvacancy does exist or will exist. If the organisation has planned well and done a good job ofdeveloping its sources and search methods, activation soon resultsin a flood of applications and/or resumes. The application received must be screened. Those who passhave to be contacted and invited for interview. Unsuccessfulapplicants must be sent letter of regret. B). SELLING: A second issue to be addressed in the searching processconcerns communications. Here, organisation walks tightrope. Onone hand, they want to do whatever they can to attract desirableapplicants. On the other hand, they must resist the temptation ofoverselling their virtues. In selling the organisation, both the message and the mediadeserve attention. Message refers to the employment advertisement.With regards to media, it may be stated that effectiveness of anyrecruiting message depends on the media. Media are several-somehave low credibility, while others enjoy high credibility. Selectionof medium or media needs to be done with a lot of care.

STEP 4: SCREENING: Screening of applicants can be regarded as an integral part of the recruiting process, though many view it as the first step in the RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION

TYBMS selection process. Even the definition on recruitment, we quoted inthe beginning of this chapter, excludes screening from its scope.However, for of we have The in included selection screening process is a in will recruitment listed. validreasons. professors

begin after the applications havebeen scrutinized and shortHiring auniversity typical situation. Application received in response toadvertisements is screened and only eligible applicants are calledfor an interview. chancellor, interview. A selection Registrar Here,the committee and comprising experts the Viceup to subject conducts




screening the applications.The selection process commences only later. Purpose of screening The purpose of screening is to remove from the recruitmentprocess, at an early stage, those applicants who are visiblyunqualified for the job. Effective screening can




oftime to

and assure









employees are not rejected without justification. In screening, clear job specifications are invaluable. It is bothgood practice and a legal necessity that applicants qualification isjudged on the basis of their knowledge, skills, abilities and interestrequired to do the job. The used. screen techniques used to screen blanks and applicants may be vary to depending onthe candidate sources and recruiting methods Interview andapplication use interviews used walk-ins. Campusrecruiters and agency



checks are also useful in screening. STAGE 5: EVALUATION AND CONTROL: RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 12 TYBMS Evaluation and control is necessary as considerable costs areincurred in the recruitment process. The costs generally incurred are: 1.Salaries for recruiters. 2.Management and professional time spent on preparing jobdescription, job specifications, advertisements, agency liaisonand so forth. 3.The cost of advertisements or other recruitment methods, that is, agency fees. 4.Recruitment overheads and administrative expenses. 5.Costs of overtime and outsourcing while the vacancies remain unfilled. 6.Cost of recruiting unsuitable candidates for the selection process.

1.4 EVALUATION OF RECRUITMENT PROCESS The recruitment has the objective of searching for and obtaining applications for job seekers in sufficient number and quality. Keeping this objective in the mind, the evaluation might include: 1.Return rate of application sent out. 2.Number of suitable candidates for selection. 3.Retention and performance of the candidates selected. 4.Cost of the recruitment process 5.Time lapsed data 6..Comments on image projected

TYBMS 6.Comments on image projected. 1.5 Sources of Recruitment SOURCES OF MANAGERIAL RECRUITMEN

TYBMS INTERNAL SOURCES EXTERNAL SOURCES 1) Promotion 1) Campus recruitment 2) Transfers 2) Press advertisement 3) Internal notification 3) Management consultancy service (Advertisement) & private employment exchanges 4) Retirement 4) Deputation of personnel or transfer fromone enterprise to another 5) Recall 5) Management training schemes 6) Former employees 6) Walk-ins, write-ins, talk-ins 7) Miscellaneous external sources The sources of recruitment can be broadly categorized into internal and external sources-

TYBMS with the company, furnishing them with introduction andencouraging them to apply. This is a very effective means asmany qualified people can be reached at a very low cost to thecompany.The other advantages are that the employees wouldbring only those referrals that they feel

would be able to fit inthe organization based on their own experience. The organizationcan be assured of the reliability and the character of thereferrals. In this way, the organization can also fulfill socialobligations and create

goodwill. Former EmployeesThese include retired employees who are willing to workon a part-time basis, individuals who left work and are willin g tocome back for higher taken compensations. up once again. Even The retrenched employeesare

advantage here is that the peopleare already known to the organization and there is no need tofind out their past performance and character. Also, there is noneed of an orientation programme for them, since they arefamiliar with the organization. Dependents of deceased employeesUsually, banks follow this policy. If an employee dies,his / her spouse or son or daughter is recruited in their place.This is usually an effective way to fulfill social obligation andcreate goodwill. Recalls: When management faces a problem, which can be solved only by a manager who has proceeded on long leave, it may de decided to RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 17

TYBMS recall that persons after the problem is solved, his leave may be

extended. Retirem ents: At times, management may not find suitable candidates in placeof the one who had retired, after meritorious service. Under thecircumstances, management may decide to call retired managerswith new extension. Internal notifica tion (advertisem ent): Sometimes, management issues an internal notification for thebenefit of existing employees. Most employees know from theirown experience about the requirement of the job and what sort ofperson the company is looking for. Often employees have friendsor acquaintances who meet these requirements. Suitable personsare appointed at the vacant posts. (II) External Recruitm ent External recruitment seeks applicants for positions from sources outside the company. They have outnumbered the internal methods. The various external sources include : Professional or Trade Associations :Many associations provide placement service to itsmembers. andproviding It consists to Also, of compiling the job seekers regional of lists or these access members during



associations carryclassified advertisements from employers interested in recruitingthe ir members. These are particularly useful for attracting highly RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 18









recruiterscan zero on in specific job seekers, especially for hard-to-filltechnical posts. Advertisements :It is a popular method of seeking recruits, as manyrecruiters prefer advertisements because of their wide reach.Want is the most ads describe the job but benefits, for highly identify the employer and tellthose interested how to apply. Newspaper commonmedium specialized recruits, advertisements maybe placed in professional or business journals. Advertisements must contain proper information likethe job content, working conditions, fringe location of job job,compensation including benefits,

specifications,growth aspects, etc. The advertisement has to sell the idea thatthe company and job are perfect for the candidate. Recruitmentadvertisements can also serve as corporate advertisements tobuild company image. It also cost effective. Employment Exchanges:Employment Exchanges have been set up all over thecountry Vacancies) requires all in Act, the deference 1959.The to Act the provision to all to of the of EmploymentExchanges (Compulsory applies Notification

industrial notify the

establishments having 25workers or more each. The Act industrialestablishments vacancies before they are filled. Themajor functions of the exchanges are to increase the pool ofpossible applicants and to do the preliminary screening. Thus,employment exchanges act as a link between the employers andthe

prospective workers






usefulto in recruiting blue-collar, white collar and technical

TYBMS educated, experienced or skilled personnel. Also, the recruiterscan zero on in specific job seekers, especially for hard-to-filltechnical posts. Advertisements :It is a popular method of seeking recruits, as manyrecruiters prefer advertisements because of their wide reach.Want is the most ads describe the job but benefits, for highly identify the employer and tellthose interested how to apply. Newspaper commonmedium specialized recruits, advertisements maybe placed in professional or business journals. Advertisements must contain proper information likethe job content, working conditions, fringe location of job job,compensation including benefits,

specifications,growth aspects, etc. The advertisement has to sell the idea thatthe company and job are perfect for the candidate. Recruitmentadvertisements can also serve as corporate advertisements tobuild company image. It also cost effective. Employment Exchanges:Employment Exchanges have been set up all over thecountry in deference to the provision of the of EmploymentExchanges (Compulsory Notification

Vacancies) requires all

Act, the





all to

industrial notify the

establishments having 25workers or more each. The Act industrialestablishments vacancies before they are filled. Themajor functions of the exchanges are to increase the pool ofpossible applicants and to do the preliminary screening. offices Thus,employment are particularly exchanges act as a link between the employers andthe prospective employees. These usefulto in recruiting blue-collar, white collar and technical workers. Campus Recruitm ents:Colleges, particularlythe global Grindlays, markets. candidates recruitment university an universities, Campus HLL, recruit sought research laboratories, is for going ANZ global of Campus college; sportsfields and institutes are fertile ground for recruiters, institutes. like and Recruitment Citibank, a given looking withcompanies L&T,Motorola from is so HCL-HP, number


Somecompanies much or

theseinstitutes institute even

every afterthat will if

year. each have


aplacement process

officer to handle recruitment functions. However, it isoften expensive process, recruiting producesjob offers and acceptances eventually. A majority leave theorganization within the first five years of their employment. Yet,it is a major source of recruitment for prestigious companies. Walk-ins, Write- ins and Talk-insThe most common and least expensive approach forcandidates is direct applications, in which job seekers submitunsolicited application letters or resumes. Direct

applicationscan also provide a pool of potential employees to meet futureneeds. From employees viewpoint, walk-ins are preferable asthey are free from the hassles associated with other methods ofrecruitment. While direct applications are particularly effectivein filling entry-level and unskilled vacancies, employees some organizationscompile direct those who pools of potential skilled from applicationsfor send

positions.Write-ins are further

writtenenquiries. the job

These jobseekers are asked to complete applicationforms for processing.Talk-ins involves aspirantsmeeting the recruiter (on an appropriated date) for detailed talks.No application is required to be submitted to the recruiter. Contractors:RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 20

TYBMS They are used to recruit casual workers. The names of theworkers are not entered in the company records and, to thisextent; difficulties experienced in maintaining permanentworkers are avoided. Consultants:They useful as are in the profession for recruiting They and also and are lend keep selectingmanagerial they to professionalism and the executive personnel. contacts They



prospective employer and employeeanonymous. However, the cost can be a deterrent factor. Head Hunters:They are useful in specialized and skilled candidateworking in a particular company. An agent is sent to representthe recruiting company and offer is made to the candidate. Thisis a useful source when both the companies involved are in thesame field, and the employee is reluctant to take the offer sincehe fears, that his company is testing his loyalty. Radio, Television and Internet:Radio and television are used to reach certain types ofjob applicants such as skilled workers. Radio and television government areused but sparingly, and that in the too, by departmentsonly. Companies private

sector are hesitant to use themedia because of high costs and also because they fear that suchadvertising will make the companies look desperate and damagetheir conservative image. However, there is nothing inherentlydesperate about using radio and television. It depends upon whatis said and how it is delivered. Internet is becoming a popularoption for recruitment section today. There are specialized sites Also, websites of companies have a separate

TYBMS The merits are-

The organization will have the benefit of new skills, new talents and new experiences, if people are hired from external sources. The management will be able to fulfill reservation requirements in favour of the disadvantaged sections of the society. Scope for resentment, heartburn and jealousy can be avoided by recruiting from outside. The demerits are Better motivation and increased morale associated with promoting own employees re lost to the organization. External recruitment is costly. If recruitment and selection processes are not properly carried out, chances of right candidates being rejected and wrong applicants being selected occur. High training time is associated with external recruitment. 98% of organizational success depends upon efficient employee selection RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 23 TYBMS 1.660-Second Guide to Hiring the Right People 0:60 Define the Duties: To find promising employees, you must first determine what youwant them to do. Carefully and consider all direct and a associatedresponsibilities incorporate them into

written job description. Be careful with general titles such as typist or sales clerk, as theyhave different meanings to different people. 0:49 and What it Takes to do Them: Fulfilling these responsibilities will require some level of skill andexperience, even if it is an entry-level position. Be reasonable aboutyour expectations. Setting the bar too high may limit your availabletalent pool; setting it too low risks a flood of applications fromthose unqualified for the job. 0:37 Make it Worth their While:

Likewise, you dont want to be overly generous or restrictive aboutcompensation. State and local chambers of commerce, employmentbureaus and professional associations can help you determineappropriate wages and benefits. Scanning descriptions ofcomparable jobs in the classified ads and other employmentpublications will also provide clues about prevailing wage rates. 0:38 Spread the Word: How you advertise your job opening depends on who you want toattract. Some positions are as easy to promote as posting a helpwanted sign in your store window or placing an ad in your localnewspaper. For jobs requiring more specialized skills, consider RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 24 TYBMS targeted channels such as trade magazines, on-line job banks andemployment agencies (though these may require a fee). And dontoverlook sources such as friends, neighbors, suppliers customersand present employees. 0:25 Talk it Over: Because you have clearly defined the role and requirements, youshould have little difficulty identifying candidates for interviews.Make sure you schedule them when you have ample time to reviewthe resume, prepare your questions and give the candidate yourundivided attention. After the interview, theyre jot down any impressionsor key points while still fresh in your mind. This will be avaluable

reference when its time to make a decision. 0:12 Follow-up on Interview s:

You want to believe your candidates are being honest, but neverassume. getting the Contact facts references clear to up make any sure youre orto uncertainties.

Professional background checks are awise investment for highly sensitive positions, or those that involvehandling substantial amounts of money and valuables. 0:03 Youve Found Them; Now Keep Them: Now that youve hired ideal employees, make sure they stay with you by providing training and professional developme ntopportunities. The small business experts at SCORE can help youcraft human resource policies and incentive plans that will ensureyour company remains the small business employer of choice. TYBMS 2 SELECTION Selection is defined as the process of differentia ting betweenapplicants in order to identify (and hire)

those with a greaterlikelihood of success in a job. Selection is basically picking an applicant from (a pool ofapplicants) who has the appropriate qualification and competencyto do the job. TYBMS The difference between recruitment and selection: Recruitment is identifying n encouraging prospective employees to apply for a job.

And Selection is selecting the right candidate from the pool of applicants

TYBMS The following are the type of tests taken: 1). Ability tests:Assist in determining how well an individual can perform tasks relatedto the job. An excellent illustration of this is the typing tests given to aprospective employer for secretarial job. Also called as ACHEIVEMENTTESTS. It is concerned with what one has accomplished. When applicantclaims to know something, an achievement test is taken to measure how wellthey know it. Trade tests are the most common type of achievement testgiven. Questions have been prepared There and tested for many such trades as and asbestosworker, machinists. punch-press are, operators, electricians



achievement tests given in industries, such astyping or dictation tests for an applicant for a stenographic position. 2). Aptitude test: Aptitude tests measure whether an individuals has the capacity or latentability to learn a given job if given adequate training. The use of aptitude testis advisable when an applicant has had little or no experience along the line ofthe job opening. Aptitudes tests help determine a persons potential to learn ina given area. An example of such test is the general management aptitude tests(GMAT), which many business students take prior to gaining admission to agraduate business school programme.

Aptitude individual specialized to




ability in

or any



an of

engagesuccessfully They cover





aptitude, numerical aptitude, mechanical aptitude, motor co-ordination,finger dexterity and manual dexterity. These tests help to detect positivenegative points in a persons sensory or intellectual ability. They focus attentionon a particular type of talent such as learning or reasoning in respect of aparticular field of work. Forms of aptitude test: RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 29

TYBMS 1.Mental or intelligence tests: They measure the overall intellectual ability of a person andenable to know whether the person has the mental ability to dealwith certain problems. 2.Mechanica l aptitude tests: They measure measure the ability of a person to learn a particular typeof mechanical work. These tests helps to specializedtechnical knowledge and problem solving abilities if the candidate.They are useful in selection of mechanics, maintenance workers, etc. 3.Psychomotor or skills tests: They are those, which measure a persons ability to do aspecific job. Such tests are conducted in respect of semi- skilledand repetitive jobs such as packing, testing and inspection, etc. 3). Intelligence test:

This test helps to evaluate traits of intelligence. Mental ability, presence ofmind (alertness), numerical ability, memory and such other aspects can bemeasured. The intelligence is probably the most widely administered standardized test inindustry. It is taken to judge numerical, skills, reasoning, memory and suchother abilities. 4). Interest Test: This is conducted to find out likes and dislikes of candidates towards occupations, hobbies, etc. such tests indicate which occupations are more in line RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 30

TYBMS with a persons to interest. Such tests also to enable the the company providevocational guidance selected

candidates and even to the existingemployees. These tests are used to measure an individuals activity preferences. These testsare particularly useful for students considering many careers or employeesdeciding upon career changes. 5). Personality Test: The importance of personality to job success is undeniable. Often an individualwho possesses the intelligence, aptitude and experience for certain has failedbecause of inability to get along with and motivate other people. It is conducted to judge maturity, social or interpersonal skills, behavior understress and strain, etc. this test is very much essential on case of selection ofsales force, public relation staff, etc. where personality plays an important role.

Personality tests are similar to interest tests in that they, also, involve a serious problem of obtaining an honest answer. 6). Projective Test: This test requires interpretation of problems or situations. For example, aphotograph or a picture can be shown to the candidates and they are asked togive their views, and opinions about the picture. 7). General knowledge Test:

TYBMS Now days G.K. Tests are very common to find general awareness of the candidates in the field of sports, politics, world affairs, current affairs. 8). Perception Test: At times perception tests can be conducted to find out beliefs, attitudes, and mental sharpness.etc. 9). Graphology Test: It is designed to analyze the handwriting of individual. It has been said that anindividuals handwriting can suggest the degree disclose letters of energy, the inhibition andspontaneity, as well as and elements of balance and idiosyncrasies atendency

andcontrol. For example, big letters and emphasis on capital indicate towards domination competitiveness. A slant to the right, moderatepressure and good legibility show leadership potential. 10). Polygraph Test: Polygraph is a lie detector, which is designed to ensure accuracy of theinformation store, banks, given treasury in the applications. jewellery Department officesand

shops, that is, those highly vulnerable to theft or swindling mayfind polygraph tests useful.

11). Medical Test: It reveals physical of fitness of a candidate. tests With the development technology,medical have become

diversified. Medical servicing helps measure andmonitor a candidates physical resilience upon exposure to hazardous chemicals. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 32

TYBMS CHOOSING TESTS: The test must be chosen in the criteria of reliability, validity, objectivity and standardization. They are: 1. RELIABILITY: It refers to standardization of the procedure of administering and scoringthe test results. A person who takes tests one day and makes a certain scoreshould be able to take the same test the next day or the next week and makemore or less the same score. An individuals intelligence, for example, isgenerally a stable characteristic. So if we administer an intelligence test, aperson who scores 110 in March would score close to 110 if tested in July. Tests,which produce wide variations in results, serve little purpose in selection. 2 . V A LI DI T Y : It is a test, which helps predict whether a person will be successful in agiven job. A test that has been validated can be helpful in differentiatingbetween prospective employees who will be able to perform the job well andthose who will not. Naturally, no test will be 100% accurate in

predicting jobsuccess. A validated test increases possibility of success.

TYBMS STEP 3: INTERVIEW: The next step in the selection process is an interview. Interview is formal, in-depth conversation conducted to evaluate the applicants acceptability. It isconsidered to be excellent selection device. It is face-to-face exchange of view,ideas examination and of opinion between interviewis the candidates but be an can and oral interviewers. Basically, nothing




tounskilled, skilled, managerial and profession employees. Objectives of interview: Interview has at least three objectives and they are a follows: 1)Helps obtain additional information from the applicants 2) Facilitates giving general information to the applicants such as company policies, job, products manufactured and the like 3)Helps build the companys image among the applicants. Types of interview:Interviews can be of different types. There interviews employed by the companies. Following are the various types of interview: 1)Informal Interview:

An informal interview is an oral interview and may take place anywhere.The employee or the manager or the personnel manager may ask a few almostinconsequential questions like name, place of birth, names of relatives etc.either in their respective offices or anywhere outside the plant of company. It RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 35

TYBMS id not planned and nobody prepares for it. This is used widely when the labour market is tight and when you need workers badly. 2)Formal Interview: Formal interviews may be held in the employment office by he employmentoffice in a more formal atmosphere, with the help of well structured questions,the time and place of the interview will be stipulated by the employment office. 3)Non- directive Interview: Non-directive interview or unstructured interview is designed to let theinterviewee speak his mind freely. The interviewer has no formal or directivequestions, but his all attention is to the candidate. He encourages thecandidate to talk by a little prodding whenever he is silent e.g. Mr. Ray,please tell us about yourself after your graduated from high school. The idea is o give the candidate complete freedom to sell himself, withoutthe encumbrances of the interviewers question. But the interviewer must beof higher caliber and must guide and relate the information given by theapplicant to the objective of the interview. 4)Depth Interview:









background and thinkingand to go into considerable detail on particular subjects of an important natureand of special interest to the candidates. For example, if the candidate saysthat he is interested in tennis, a series of questions may asked be asked tact to test thedepth of understanding analysis; and it is interest of the candidate. These probing questionsmust be with and through exhaustive possible to get agood picture of the candidate. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 36

TYBMS 5)Stress Interview: It is designed to test the candidate and his conduct and behavior by himunder conditions of stress and strain. The interviewer may start with Mr.Joseph, we do not think your qualifications and experience are adequate forthis position, and watch the reaction of the candidates. A good candidates willnot yield, on the contrary he may substantiate why he is qualified to handlethe job. This type of interview is borrowed from the Military organisation and this isvery useful to test behaviour of individuals when they are faced withdisagreeable and trying situations. 6)Group Interview: It is designed to save busy executives time and to see how the candidatesmay be brought together in the employment office and they may beinterviewed. 7)Panel Interview:

A panel or interviewing board or selection committee may interview thecandidate, usually in the case of supervisory and managerial positions. Thistype of interview pools the collective judgment and wisdom of the panel inthe assessment of the candidate and also in questioning the faculties of thecandidate. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION

TYBMS 8.Grievances procedure (or reference to it). 9. Disciplinary procedure (or any reference to it). 10.Work rules (or any reference to them). 11.Arrangements for terminating employment. 12. Arrangements for union membership (if applicable). 13.Special terms relating to rights to patent s and designs, confidential information and restraints on trade after termination of employment. 14.Employers right to vary terms of the contract subject to proper notification being given. Alternatively called employment agreements or simply bonds,contracts of employment serve many useful purposes. Such contracts and seekto restrain bottom job- hoppers, mightbe and line to vital to protect to a prevent knowledge companys information that


competitorsfrom poaching highly valued employees. Great care is taken to draft the contract forms. Often, services oflaw firms (prominent firms in this category include Mulla, Craigie, Bluntand Caroe, Crawford Bailey,

Amarchand Mangaldas Hiralal, etc.) areengag4d to get the forms drafted and finalized. Most employers insist on agreements being signed by newly hiredemployees. But high turnover sectors such as software, contracts. The drawback with the contracts is that it is almost to enforce them.A determined employee is bound to leave the organisation, the new contract or nocontract. provide companies The employee It is is the prepared to pay the penalty for breaching theagreement or employer that will compensations. have scrapped thereason several advertising andmedia are more prone to use

contracts altogether. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 45 TYBMSSTEP 9: CONCLUDING THE SELECTION PROCESS: Contrary to popular perception, the selection process will not endwith executing the employment contract. There is another step who did amoresensitive not in must their one reassuring of of but those any the were candidates serious theirprofile organisation. have not selected, the notbecause requirement that those

deficiencies They






selected were done purely on relative merit. STEP 10: EVALUATION OF SELECTION PROGRAMME: The broad test of the effectiveness of the selection process is thequality of the personnel hired. An organisation must have competent andcommitted personnel. The selection process, if properly done, will ensureavailability of


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systematic evaluation. 2.2 Four Approaches to Selection: 1). Ethnocentric Selection: In this approach, staffing decisions are made at the organizationsheadquarters. autonomy, and the Subsidiaries from have limited at employees theheadquarters

home and abroad fill key jobs. Nationals from the parent countrydom inate the organisations at home and abroad. 2). Polycentric Selection: RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 46 TYBMSIn polycentric selection, each subsidiary is treated as a distinct national entity with local control key financial manage targets and investment decisions. Localcitizens subsidiaries,

but the key jobs remain with staff from the parentcountry. This is the approach, which is largely practiced in our country 3). Regiocentric Selection: Here, control within the group and the movements of staff group. are managed ona regional have basis, greater reflecting discretion the in particular disposition of business and operationswithin the Regional managers decision.Movement of staff is largely restricted to specific geographical regions andpromotions to the jobs continue to be dominated by managers from the parentscompany.

4). Geocentric Staffing: In this case, business strategy is integrated thoroughly on global basis.Staff development and promotion are based on ability, not nationality. The broadand other parts of the top management structure to are say, thoroughly such international are incomposition. uncommon. Needless organisations

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