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Component Percent Wet mass Moisture Dry mass Composition

by mass kg content % kg C H
Food wastes 15 15 70 4.5 2.16 0.29
Composition, kg
O N S Ash
1.69 0.12 0.02 0.23

Designation Number For 1st class quarter of residential zone

Chairman 1 Total employee number
Board of trustees 11 Accommodation given
Admissions 11 Assumed family member
Administrative 514 Total present population
Academics 20 Annual growth rate (%)
Deans & Associate Deans & Head 32 Population after 10 years
Faculty Members 24 Population after 20 years
Executive Assistant 2 Sample
Co-Ordinate Officer 2 For 3rd class quarter of residential zone
Office Assistant 2 Total employee number
Cleaner 6 Accommodation given
Security Guard 4 Assumed family member
Total 629 Total present population
Annual growth rate (%)
Summary of Estimation for Administrative Zone Population after 10 years
Total Current Population 629 Population after 20 years
Growth after 10 years (Assumed) 20%
Population after 10 years 755
Growth after 20 (Assumed) 40%
Population after 20 years 881

dential zone For 2nd class quarter of residential zone

44 Total employee number 569
100% Accommodation given 100%
7 Assumed family member 6
308 Total present population 3414
0.70% Annual growth rate (%) 1.20%
330 Population after 10 years 3847
354 Population after 20 years 4334
Sample Calculation
dential zone For 4th class quarter of residential zone
6 Total employee number 10
100% Accommodation given 100%
6 Assumed family member 6
36 Total present population 60
1.50% Annual growth rate (%) 1.70%
42 Population after 10 years 71
48 Population after 20 years 84

Assumption a) From BNBC, Occupancy Category is Assumption a) School is assumed to be fall in

F1: Office and per capita category B2 with restricted facility
consumption is 45 lpcd and per capita consumption
b) Peak factor is assumed to be 1.4 consumption is 35 lpcd [4-16]

Residential water demand Water demand for common services

Present population = 327 629 Present population
Per capita consumption (lpcd) 45 Per capita consumption (lpcd)
Time factor 12 Duration = 8 hours
Average present demand 339660 Average present demand
Peak Factor 1.4 Peak factor
Peak present demand 475524 Peak present demand
Population after 10 years 755
Average present demand 407592
Peak present demand 570628.8
Population after 20 years 881
Average present demand 475524
Peak present demand 665733.6

umed to be fall in Assumption a) Only one fire incidence occurs per day.
th restricted facility b) Each station/ facility should be served by two fire
consumption hydrants at a time.
s 35 lpcd [4-16] c) Nozzle diameter of the hydrant is 3 inches.
d) Velocity of water in the pipe is 3 fps.
e) Each hydrant will supply water for 30 minutes.
Water demand for fire fighting
100 Diameter (in) 3
5 flow velocity (fps) 3
8 Flow occurs for (sec.) 1800
1500 Volume of water flowing in one hydrant (cft) 265
4 Number of fire hydrants 2
6000 Total volume of water required (liter) 15012

Data Analysis and Calculation

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