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Activity (Employee Training)

Discuss the following

1. Why do employers offer training to their employees?

- Employers offer training to their employees for more improvement of skills and knowledge. By
this, employers can specify the information and skills they want their staff to possess by offering
training and development opportunities to workers. Employees can learn new skills or receive
updates on honed ones through training and development programs, which can increase

2. Compare and Contrast the strengths and weaknesses of traditional training methods versus
those of technology-based training methods.
- On traditional training methods, both the instructor and the trainees must be present during
traditional instruction. Direct human contact is thus the most important component of
conventional training. Face-to-face connection helps to foster cohesive instruction and creates a
positive learning environment. The only drawback to traditional education is that it is frequently
more expensive than online programs. An offline training will incur additional costs, such as
employee travel costs, meals, hotel stays, supply costs, and other training costs. Additionally, if
several employees are required to attend the training on the same day, there will be a shortage
of workers available to run the company. While on the other hand, when and where employees
receive training can be decided by them. Employees have on-demand access to knowledge and
expert systems. Similarities between the working and learning environments can be heard, seen,
and felt. The kind of media that employees want to use is up to them. to put to use in a training
course. Instead of needing students to travel to a central training site, traditional training
methods can be offered to learners.

3. Discuss the role and importance of transfer in evaluating training outcomes.

- Transfer of training enables companies to evaluate the impact of training and measure
performance disparities due to its behavioral outcomes. In the end, transfer of training gives
businesses a way to assess training's efficacy and pinpoint areas for improvement.

4. Discuss how transfer can be supported before, during and after training.
- There is room for improvement to support sexual harassment training before it occurs.
Leadership turnover has affected worker camaraderie, morale and trust. The focus for this
training is mainly on compliance (passing the upcoming audit) rather than building employees’
interaction skills and the ability to address uncomfortable situations.
- Being organized and prepared is important for trainers but is not sufficient to ensure transfer.
Trainees should have been engaged in the training by using mini-case scenarios based on real-
life situations to make the learning more meaningful.
- Asking trainees as they rush out the door to e-mail their questions has good intentions but will
likely not transpire. Asking for trainees’ satisfaction six weeks after a program will cloud the data
collected; trainees will not likely be honest because the data is being collected by e-mail and
their identity will be known. However, reminding trainees of key concepts six weeks later could
be a useful transfer strategy. It is likely that assessment of trainees’ comprehension of the
sexual harassment material will show lackluster results, as well as their ability to deal with
relevant situations at work.

5. Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of traditional training methods versus
those of technology-based training methods.
- On traditional training methods, both the instructor and the trainees must be present during
traditional instruction. Direct human contact is thus the most important component of
conventional training. Face-to-face connection helps to foster cohesive instruction and creates a
positive learning environment. The only drawback to traditional education is that it is frequently
more expensive than online programs. An offline training will incur additional costs, such as
employee travel costs, meals, hotel stays, supply costs, and other training costs. Additionally, if
several employees are required to attend the training on the same day, there will be a shortage
of workers available to run the company. While on the other hand, when and where employees
receive training can be decided by them. Employees have on-demand access to knowledge and
expert systems. Similarities between the working and learning environments can be heard, seen,
and felt. The kind of media that employees want to use is up to them. to put to use in a training
course. Instead of needing students to travel to a central training site, traditional training
methods can be offered to learners.

6. Explain how new technologies are influencing training.

- Prior to the advent of the internet, businesses were having difficulty making information and
top-notch training programs accessible to all of their employees. Accessibility to quality
information and training has long been a significant problem in the private sector. Business
owners can now readily share information with their staff thanks to the digital technology,
which is crucial in the current climate when remote work has become the norm for many
businesses all around the world. Companies and professionals in certain teams can access online
synchronous and asynchronous learning from a variety of associations and recognized training
program providers across the globe. This makes developing employee progression programs for
corporate leaders very simple.

7. Explain learning and transfer of training are enhanced by new training technologies.
- Technology enabled learning can be an effective tool if the lessons are designed according to
instructional design principles. Additionally, online training is not restricted to a specific time or
location. Employees can complete training materials anytime and anywhere they have an Internet
connection. Websites can deliver the primary instructional content or extend and enhance training
content. Many online employee training programs require registration and have the capability to
monitor employee performance through the use of a learning management system.

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