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Introduction Of Pinyin

Pinyin – it is the phonetic system of the Chinese language like English, It also uses the modern
alphabet to build this kind of system.

- It Also makes it easier for mandarin learners from over the world read Chinese.
- Describes basically in how you pronounce Chinese

Why Pinyin is created?

Back in the 1950s Chinese scholars saw a need to standardize the pronunciation of
Chinese characters because there are 56 ethnic groups in China painting was created to help
people retain ease captors in a United Way

Four Tones of Pinyin

Flat tone ( - ) – example mā (mother); we call the first tone

Rising tone ( ˊ ) – example má (fiber); we call the second tone
Falling Rising Tone (˅) – example mǎ (Horse); we call the third tone
Falling tone ( ˋ ) - example mà (to scold); we call the fourth tone
Chinese Pinyin - the pinyin system uses a Roman alphabet there are 26 letters similar to the
ones that we use in English but we need to be careful because the same letter in pinyin doesn't
always sound the same in English

Chinese pinyin alphabet.

Pinyin 2 parts
 Initials (consonants) – there are 21 initials consist of ( b, p, m, f, d, t, n, l, g, h, k, j, q, x,
zh, ch, sh, r, z, c, s,)
-2 not real initials ( y, w,)
 Finals (vowels or start with a vowel) – there are 36 finals
Three groups:
^ Simple Finals – A single vowel (consist of a, o, e, i, u, ü.)
^Compound Finals - 2 or 3 vowels ( ai, ei, ao, ou, ia, ie, ua, uo, üe, iao, iou, uai,
-iou actually written as iu chile uei is ui for short
^Nasal finals – these finals start with the vowel and end with the nasal
consonant. There are 16 of them (an, en, in, ün, ian, üan, uan, un, ang, eng, ong, ing,
iang, iong, uang,uang, uang, ueng)

- uen is un for short.

* Special Final – (er) it is special because it can never be put after an initial it's always by
itself and the r = quick curling of your tongue.

We already know that the Chinese language is based on characters and each character
as a sound For example this one (zi) is pronounced so the sound can be represented by pinging
when people talk generally one character is one PN syllable and one peen syllable usually has
three parts an initial a final and a tone but sometimes there's no initial there are four different
tones in Chinese.

Pinyin syllable


Initial Final

One pinyin syllable usually has three parts: an initial, a final and a tone.B ut sometimes there's
no initial

Four Tones of Pinyin ; the first tone( ā ),second tone ( á ), the third tone (ǎ ) and the fourth
tone (à) examples ; Bā, jie (á), ren (ǎ) , làng
Zero initial syllables - with these pinyin syllables there's no initial there's only a final and
a tone. Ex. en (ā), ang (á), au (ǎ), e (à).

Pinyin, a great tool

1). Help with pronounciation - helps us to remember what a character sounds like.
2). To write unlearned characters – you can write pinyin as an alternative if you forget
the characters.
3) To type characters - learn not only how pinyin is pronounced but also how to write
and type using pinyin.

So pinyin is a very good system for transcribing Chinese pronunciation even though
PINYIN is not the language itself we can say that it's an interpretation of the sounds of the
Chinese language while CHARACTERS are the written part . And generally Chinese publications
don't come in pinyin they all come in characters except for children's books or textbooks.

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