Creative Shock 2022 First Preliminary Round Case Study

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helping single elderly

Creative Shock’22 Preliminary Case Study

ATTENTION: Data provided in the case study is fictional and is

presented for illustrative purposes only
Business overview

What is Single Euphony

• This company is a non- • The organization, which • An elderly individual[s]

profit organization with a cooperates with many who wishes to participate
beneficiary status that partners, rural must contact their local
focuses on rural areas, municipalities, and municipality and express
single grandparents, volunteers, is looking for their desire to participate.
grandmothers, or elderly help for lonely older This way, his biography is
couples with their own people, helping them with reviewed, possibilities are
farms, house, animals, farm work and household evaluated, and all
and/or gardens. issues, taking care of information (needs of the
animals, and renovating senior[s] and expectations
houses. of the individual/family) is
added to the created

• With this initiative, the company aims to increase interest in villages, address the
seriousness of loneliness among the elderly and improve their standard of living.
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Overview of Single Euphony social model

_ Lasting social problem

• It is challenging to ensure the honesty and background of volunteers. This way, there are
thefts in older people's homes, dishonest work, and taking advantage only to sleep and do
nothing virtuous.
• Due to our low reputation, partners often do not believe in our idea and work for society and
refuse to cooperate, which is why we lose the most significant sponsorships, such as food,
renovation supplies, tools or seeds for gardening, or animal feed.
• Due to the NGO status and the program, it is difficult for the company to obtain profit or
material benefits.
• Because the target audience is the inhabitants of the cities, there is a problem that many have
not even seen animals or innate nature or have not planted plants in their life. For this reason,
the number of volunteers is significantly reduced. Adding to this is that many villages look
unsightly, neighbors or untidy surroundings, wild animals and insects can scare the volunteer.

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How Single Euphony approach to the problem

_ Approach of the company

• For the company to maintain a regular rhythm with as few
problems as possible, it asks the municipalities to take into
account the biography of the elderly so that there are no
mental disorders, convictions, or other inhuman offenses - in
this way, the protection of volunteers is ensured.
• To ensure the safety of the single elderlies, when a volunteer
registers, they are required to send a resume, a short
interview is conducted, and then the elderly are asked to
write a written review about him. This way, efforts are made
to ensure the motivation and honesty of the volunteers.
• For the company to receive sufficient funds, it successfully
applied for European Union support for rural businesses,
which provides the most significant part of the funds
received by the organization. Partners are also actively
Page 4
How the initiative works:

1. The emergence of information

• An older person or couple seeking help submits a request to the municipality of his area, providing information about
the needed support.
• Then the municipality gives the green light to the company and contacts it - this is how the older adults' profiles
appear on the platform, where volunteers can see the profile information.

2. Selection of volunteers
• Anyone who wants to participate in the program with assistance must fill out a registration form through the
platform, which the staff reviews and assesses whether they can continue to travel.
• A volunteer who has progressed to the next stage has an interview with the staff, during which motivation and life
history are checked. If this step is successful – a person can participate in the program.
• The Single Euphony team has determined that it is most effective for a volunteer to visit 5 elderly people per year.

3. Activity together
• Having chosen a favorable profile according to the set requirements and expectations, the volunteer visits the
participant[s] for the specified time. During this time, they must do the work specified in the profile, communicate
with individual[s], and have fun time.
• On the part of the older people, they have to provide accommodation for the volunteers.

Page 5
Declining interest in rural areas

Then & Now Urban Number of shrinking

Population small towns
250 • These statistics show
84 how rapidly the rural
80 75 200 population is shrinking
165 in various regions of
64 148
150 the world and how
52 52 rapidly everyone is
44 100 85
moving to cities. Single
Euphony is trying to
50 41
reduce this problem by
30 at least 5% per year,
20 18 increasing the interest
14 0
of the townspeople in
the countryside.
Region Region Region Region Region Number of shrinking small towns
1 2 3 4 5
Small towns with at least 5%
population decrease

Page 6
The problem of elderly loneliness is acute

Older people feel lonely • A long-lasting problem

60 56
is lonely older people
who need help in all
50 46 areas – shopping, farm
41 work, household, and
many other spheres.

30 27 28 Loneliness 1 in 3 older Because of this, Single

and social
people are
Euphony is trying to
20 among older
find volunteers to help
the elderly survive and
have a meaningful
0 retirement. Especially
during the pandemic,
this problem has
*According to the data from 2021 become acute due to
the reduced activity of
volunteers due to
various restrictions.
Before pandemic After pandemic

Page 7
What is next?

• Single Euphony authorities often face the
problem that there are not enough funds to YOUR TASK:
carry out activities, so now they are
seriously considering the budgeting Your company has been hired for consulting and
strategy and intensively looking for partners strategy on behalf of Single Euphony. For this
and projects. reason, you must prepare a plan for business
development and expansion in consultation with
• Employees are often faced with the the team – see next slide.
inactivity of municipalities and there are
plans to solve how to speed up the analysis
of elderly applications in municipalities.

Page 8

YOUR TASKS (submit your answers here)

1. Carry out SWOT analysis.
2. What are the KPIs that indicate initiative success?
3. Calculate the overall population in 2021. Given that: 1,16% of 2020 population emigrated to
another region in 2021; 0,068% of 2020 population immigrated to this region in 2021; 0,86% of
2020 population born in 2021; 1,76% of 2020 population died in 2021.
4. In 2021, there were 597 113 elderly people in the region. How many of them did feel lonely?
5. How many people were suitable for volunteering in 2021 if the number of people declined by 3,87%
compared to 2020?
6. How many people were able to assist in 2021?
7. What is the target audience for volunteering?
8. Calculate the ratio between demand and supply of assistance in 2021. Is the ratio sufficient, and
Page 9
IMPORTANT: All the answers must be rounded to the whole numbers. For example, 74,56 = 75

9. Calculate the profit of each year:

9.1. Profit after year 2019;
9.2. Profit after year 2020;
9.3. Profit after year 2021;
9.4. Comment on what was done differently every year that led to higher or lower profit?
10.Calculate what the overall income should be in 2022 that the 2022 year’s profit would be 10%
higher than after the year 2021, based on the fact that:
• In 2019, inflation reached 2.3%;
• In 2020, the inflation rate declined by 1.13% from 2019;
• In 2021, the inflation rate was an 3.48% increase from 2020;
• The forecasted inflation for 2022 is 16.0%.
• Inflation must be adjusted for all costs.
• In 2022, all expenses will be planned the same as in 2019.
11.How can a company make more money for its operations while maintaining and not distorting the
social aspect?
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IMPORTANT: All the answers must be rounded to the whole numbers. For example, 74,56 = 75
Table of main expenses

2019 2020 2021 2022
Expenses Type
Salaries 9 300 9 300 9 600 -
Trainings 1 000 1 000 1 000 -
Fuel 500 540 600 -
Rent 6 000 6 000 6 500 -
Food support 1 500 2 500 2 000 -
Material support 3 500 2 500 4 000 -
Other 1 100 2 000 1 800 -
Sum 22 900 23 840 25 450 -
The following table shows the main costs of Single Euphony.
• Salaries are paid to 5 employees;
• The training is intended for the education and introduction of volunteers;
• Fuel is used to reach employees to partners;
• Rent costs are for the office, its maintenance, and utility bills;
• Food and material support are given to volunteers to take with them to the elderys;
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• Other includes all other expenses of the organization.
Table of main income

2019 2020 2021 2022
Source of Income
Government 3 000 3 000 4 000 -
European Union
5 000 5 000 5 000 -
Partners 15 000 16 000 12 500 -
2 000 5 000 500 -
Sum 25 000 29 000 22 000 -

This table shows where the company gets its money from:
• We want to emphasize that before 2019, the money balance was 4 500.
• Partner support comes in various forms: advertising, food, items, and/or money.
• Volunteers‘ help also means support in money, materialistic items, and/or other things.

Page 13
Population distribution of elderly people

Population Over Years


2800482 2761005


• This statistic shows the

2 population over years in
the region. Green graph
correspond to overall
1,5 population, other graph
corresponds to the
amount of elderly
828301 people in the region.


2018 2019 2020

Population Elderly people

Page 14
Potential volunteers

Distribution in population

2800482 2761005

• This statistic shows the
population over years in
2 the region. Green graph
corresponds to overall
population, other one
1336852 1299786 corresponds to the
number of potential
1 volunteers in the


2018 2019 2020

Population Suitible people for volunteering (18-45 age rank)

Page 15
Distribution of people between the ages of 18 and 45

Who were able to volunteer in 2021


34% • This pie chart shows

how many people in the
18-45 age group were
be able to volunteer in
2021, based on their
life status, activities.


Have children Have dissabilities Are studying

Are working Are able to assist

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