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Majnoon Field Development


JHA No: YAM/ 001
JHA for works on the Lighting Tower at DS1

The four steps of a RAM assessment:

A B C D E 1. Identify potential consequences (credible scenarios)


Never Heard of in Has Has Has

the Industry happened at happened
heard of in happened in
2, Estimate severity of each potential consequence


the Industry the the Location more than

Organization or more than once per
or more than once per year at the
once per year in the
3. Estimate likelihood of potential consequence
year in the
Industry (past experience)
No injury or No No effect No
0 health damag impact
effect e 4. Estimate the risk rating
Slight injury Slight Slight Slight
1 or health damag effect impact
effect e

Minor injury Minor Minor Minor

2 or health damag effect impact
effect e

Major injury Moderate Moderate Moderate

3 or health damage effect impact
PTD or up Major Major Major
4 to 3 damag effect impact
fatalities e
More than Massive Massive Massive
5 3 fatalities damage effect impact

Light Blue/Low: Manage for continuous

improvement, although Businesses may set lower
priority for
Further Risk reduction.

Blue/Medium: Manage for continuous improvement

through the effective implementation of the HSSE
Management System.

Yellow/High: Identify and implement controls and

recovery measures to reduce Risk to ALARP.

Red/Serious: Identify and implement Controls and

Recovery Measures to reduce the Risk to ALARP and
provide a documented demonstration of ALARP by
a Bow Tie or equivalent methodology.
Risk Ranking AFTER
NO. Controls Implemented For each hazard identified list the control
List the steps Against each step list the measures required to eliminate or Nominate the
required to potential / risk hazards that minimize the risk of injury. person who will



perform the task could cause injury / damage High High be required to
in the sequence when the task step is Medium Medium action the control

they are carried performed. Low Low measures.

PTW shall be signed by Shell prior start of

1 Planning and Preparation for the job is less
works Job Supervisor
Obtain PTW than adequate
C 4 H C 1 M PTW Applicant
Plan the work involving personnel PICWS
responsible for preparation.

2 Conduct a pre Incorrect Procedure

Review works and procedure with all
works meeting
involved in works. Job Supervisor
Miscommunication C 4 H C 1 M
Ensure that time for meeting suits all
Absent team members

3 Mobilise to site Vehicle accident

Unauthorised persons onsite
Review SIMOPS with PTW office
Job Supervisor
Heat stress C 4 H C 1 M PICWS
Follow MFD procedure for working in hot
Unstable loads
Ensure load secured

C 1 M Job Supervisor
C 4 H
4 Set up at site Uneven surface PICWS
Do not rush
Shell Lifting
Unloading Supervisor
Where possible use Hiab to unload
otherwise dual person lift
Unsecured working area
Barricade the working area to prevent
Uncertified equipment
unauthorised entry
Risk of fire from combustion
Fire extinguishers to be placed on site
All equipment must have certification
Damage to Company property
Conduct TBT and ensure all involved fully
understand the works

Ensure Shell have isolated and tagged

electrical system

No work authorised without Company

representative at site

Company representative will confirm

lifting procedures

C 1 M Job Supervisor
C 4 H
5 Prepare for the lift Incompetent operator PICWS
Ensure operator, skilled workers and
Shell Lifting
supervisor are competent and ‘fit for the
Incompetent supervision Supervisor
Poor lift plan
Ensure area barricaded off for the works
is sufficient for the works being
Confined work area
Riggers injured while climbing
Riggers must maintain 3 points of contact
the tower
whilst climbing
Failure of communications
Riggers must remain on the planned route
between supervisor and
and not deviate
Do not rush the climb

Riggers must have adequate water

available at the point of the works
Riggers must not ascend the tower if the
weather conditions, including winds, are
not optimum.

All equipment to be checked prior to

ascension and ongoing checks made
throughout the works

Riggers are not to be overloaded with


C 1 M Job Supervisor
C 4 H
6 Remove existing Load to be lifted is not PICWS
Ensure load is secured at two pints with
lights and conduct secured properly Shell Lifting
certified slings
the lift Supervisor
Workers in and around the lift
Clear all unnecessary personnel from the
lift area
Unauthorised persons in and
around the lift
Ensure no unauthorised persons enter the
barricaded work area
High winds
Operate the lift only when conditions
Uncontrollable load
including wind factors are optimum
Crane inappropriate for the
Ensure size of crane is suitable for works
and refer to load charts for confirmation
Hiab inappropriate for the
Use hand signals to manage the lift
tailing work
Do not rush the lift
Poor communication between
operator and riggers
Designate one person to be in charge of
the lift and do not allow any other party
Interference from third parties
to interfere or attempt to give direction to
operator or riggers
Falling tools
All tools to be attached to lanyards in the
Falling equipment
event they are dropped
Unsafe rigging practice
Riggers to be connected by double
Unsecured riggers
lanyard at all times

Do not rush

Riggers must maintain best practice at all

times and if they are acting outside of
accepted practice they are to be removed
from the tower.

7 Land the light Damage to light tower

Use 2 tag lines
Damage to crane
Only 1 person in charge of the lift
Damage to Hiab
Do not rush the landing of the tower to
prevent damage
Injury to workers
Job Supervisor
Ensure tower is landed on stable ground
with suitable access for the next stage of
C 4 H C 1 M Shell Lifting
works to be conducted
Land tower with understanding that it will
have to be lifted and reinstalled

Landing must be reviewed by Shell officer

Position of landed tower must be agreed

by Shell officer

C 1 M Job Supervisor
C 4 H
8 Reinstall the light Load to be lifted is not PICWS
Ensure load is secured at two pints with
tower and refit all secured properly Shell Lifting
certified slings
light fittings Supervisor
Workers in and around the lift
Clear all unnecessary personnel from the
lift area
Unauthorised persons in and
around the lift
Ensure no unauthorised persons enter the
High winds
barricaded work area
Uncontrollable load
Operate the lift only when conditions
including wind factors are optimum
Crane inappropriate for the
Ensure size of crane is suitable for works
and refer to load charts for confirmation
Hiab inappropriate for the
tailing work
Use hand signals to manage the lift
Poor communication between
Do not rush the lift
operator and riggers
Designate one person to be in charge of
Interference from third parties
the lift and do not allow any other party
to interfere or attempt to give direction to
Falling tools
operator or riggers
Falling equipment
All tools to be attached to lanyards in the
event they are dropped
Unsafe rigging practice
Riggers to be connected by double
Unsecured riggers
lanyard at all times

Do not rush

Riggers must maintain best practice at all

times and if they are acting outside of
accepted practice they are to be removed
from the tower.

C 1 M Job Supervisor
C 4 H
9 Demobilisation Riggers injured during descent PICWS
Riggers must maintain 3 points of contact
during descent
Falling tools
All tools to be secured for the descent
Slip and trip on uneven
Ensure area is free from hazards after
Manual handling of
equipment onto transport
Ensure area is clean and no tools or waste
Vehicle accident
left on site
Poor housekeeping
Follow JMP
Entry by unauthorised persons
Use Hiab where possible to load vehicles
after hours
otherwise ensure two person lift

If the demobilisation is only for the day

and works are to continue the following
day then the area must be secured to
prevent unauthorised persons from
gaining access to the site.
Job Safety Analysis Work Team Sign-on/ Review Register
Personnel are required to sign this register to indicate they have read, understand and will adhere to the requirements of the JSA

This JSA covers works on the Lighting Tower at DS1 JHA No: YAM/001

Name Employee Signature Date Name Employee Signature Date

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