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Fundamentals of Mixed

Signals and Sensors

Prelim Reviewer
› Graph the current flow in positive and
negative cycle along with the signal
ANSWER output seen in the oscilloscope based
During positive cycle: on the circuit below.

During negative cycle:

Output signal:
› For the stiff voltage divider bias
circuit below, solve the Vb, Vc and
𝑉2(𝑅4) 10(5.6𝑘Ω)
𝑉𝑏 = =
(𝑅3 + 𝑅4) (5.6𝑘Ω)(10𝑘Ω)
𝑽𝒃 = 𝟑. 𝟓𝟖𝟗𝟕 𝑽

𝑉𝑒 = 𝑉𝑏 − 0.7 = 3.5897 − 0.7

𝑽𝒆 = 𝟐. 𝟖𝟖𝟗𝟕 𝑽

𝑉𝑒 2.8897 𝑉
𝐼𝑒 = =
𝑅6 560 Ω
𝐼𝑒 = 5.16 𝑚𝐴
𝐼𝑒 ≈ 𝐼𝑐
𝑉𝑐 = 𝑉2 − 𝐼𝑐 (𝑅5)
𝑉𝑐 = 10 − (5.16𝑚𝐴) (1𝑘Ω)
𝑽𝒃 = 𝟒. 𝟖𝟑𝟗𝟕 𝑽

Good luck on
KKDM your Prelim

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