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Interest position enjoy interview executive review

resume impress decide notice contract sign office
possible approximately contract look forward remind
annual held provide associate bring sign up celebrate
achieve retire responsible merger contribute human
Interest position enjoy interview executive review
resume impress decide notice contract sign office
possible approximately contract look forward remind
annual held provide associate bring sign up celebrate
achieve retire responsible merger contribute human

Dear Mike,
Thank you for your interest in the sales position at Topfield
Electronics. We enjoyed speaking with you in the interview
last Thursday. The executives have reviewed your résumé and
were very impressed. We have decided to hire you for the
position. As you will notice, I have sent the contract along
with this fax. Please read it thoroughly, sign it, and fax it back
to our office by Friday at 6:00 P.M. If possible, we would like
you to begin working for us as early as May 23rd,
approximately two weeks from now. If you have any
questions about the contract or the position, please call me at
895-368-6457. Congratulations.
We look forward to working with you.
Samuel Stone
Hotline tư vấn khóa học: 0965.969.828 – 0961.601.688 Page
Hotline văn phòng: 0966.966.483 – 0971.623.885 1
TOEIC FIGHTER TRẦN MINH HƯNG fb.com/toeicfighter

1. Thank you for your -------- in the 7. In the -------- they asked me about
sales position at Topfield Electronics. my future plans.
A. Enjoy A. Enjoy
B. Interview B. Interview
C. Interest C. Interest
D. Review D. Review
2. We enjoyed speaking with you in the 8. Why did you -------- to look for a
-------- last Thursday. new job?
A. interview A. Interview
B. review B. Review
C. decide C. Decide
D. executive D. Executive
3. The executives have -------- your 9. The government is encouraging
résumé and were very impressed. employers to -------- new students.
A. Interviewed A. Interviewed
B. Decided B. Decided
C. Hired C. Hired
D. Reviewed D. Reviewed
4. We have decided to hire you for the 10. Under the policy of the -------- the
--------. job should have been finished
A. Position yesterday.
B. Interview A. Position
C. Contract B. Interview
D. Notice C. Contract
5. I have sent the -------- along with this D. Notice
fax. 11. The -------- impressed his plan.
A. Position A. Position
B. Contract B. Contract
C. Decision C. Decision
D. Executive D. Executive
6. If possible, we would like you to 12. I 'd like the money back by next
begin working for us as early as May week if --------.
23rd, -------- two weeks from now. A. Approximately
A. Approximately B. Contract
B. Contract C. Executive
C. Executive D. Congratulation
D. Congratulation

Hotline tư vấn khóa học: 0965.969.828 – 0961.601.688 Page

Hotline văn phòng: 0966.966.483 – 0971.623.885 2

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