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Activity: Session on Angel Investment/VC Funding Opportunity for Early Stage Entrepreneurs

As a part of the initiative towards promoting creative & innovative mindsets in the business among
the students, PCBT’s Foundation for Innovtion, Incubation and Entrepreneurship had organized a
Session on Angel Investment Venture Capital Funding Opportunity For Early Stage Entrepreneurs.
This session was conducted on Saturday, 16th April 2022.The speaker for the event was Mr.
Devashish Sharma , Relationship Manager, UTI mutual funds. This session was attended by 101
participants including students and faculty members. The objective for organizing this event was to
understand Venture Capital Funding opportunities for early stage entrepreneurs.
The event started by welcoming the speaker for the event Ms. Pawandeep Kaur from MBA 3 rd year
welcomed the participants and introduced the speaker. Further the speaker spoke about the basics
of funding for start-ups. He initiated her speech with explaining the stages at which the funding is
actually required. He explained the concept by giving examples of best companies worldwide who
have become successful both with and without external funding. He also explained what investors
look into a venture before investing. He discussed about various ways of raising funds, starting from
bootstrapping, and application to Government Grants, Angel Investments, Venture Funding, Private
Equity and Public IPO. Mr. Devashish insisted upon the importance of having a team of diverse
backgrounds and different skill sets. He explained how Angel investors help in mentoring startup and
not remaining to the extent of only funds provider. He also explained how venture funding help in
scaling the business up from the existing one.
The objective for organizing this event was to promote students towards Startups, Innovation, and
Entrepreneurship, to expose students to the challenges that entrepreneurs face in the early stage of
their entrepreneurship, to expose students to various avenues for raising funding for start-ups.
Through this event, Students were able to know about the various aspects of establishing new
venture, how they should be mentally ready for undertaking a new venture, benefits of starting own
entrepreneurship venture.
The webinar ended with a question- and-answer session followed by a vote of thanks.

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