Uprising Sentinels Clan Rules

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The following rules apply to All members of this clan Uprising Sentinels (Admins and Members).
Clan Policies and Regulations must be followed. Anyone who violates the clan clan rules will
result in severe punishment by demotion, Kicked, or banned from the clan, always ask for


1st Rule Break - Verbal Warning.
2nd Rule Break - Suspension. Meaning, temporarily banned from this server within 24hrs.
3rd Rule Break - Uprising Sentinels Esports Admins Tribunal Sentencing. If found guilty of all 3
broken rules, you will be terminated and possibly kicked and banned depending on the severity
of the broken rules.

Redeeming Yourself:
If you were convicted falsely and can provide substantial proof while suspended you may bring
this to the Uprising Sentinels Admin who carried out your punishment.

If you were terminated and feel that you have changed. You can reapply to Uprising Sentinels
after 30 days of termination.

If you were banned from Uprising Sentinels, you must get the approval of every member and
Admins to remove the banning. Once removed you are on termination status and will have a
chance to reapply after 30 days.

If you are Blacklisted you cannot rejoin Uprising Sentinels and there is no way around it.
Blacklisting only happens in the most extreme cases and requires approval from all leaders.

Reason for rules: These rules may be harsh but they are very easy to follow. If you break
them, it simply states that you do not have Trust, Honor, or Respect.

Proceed to the 2nd page

UPSCR means Uprising Sentinels Clan Rules

UPSCR.01. Clan Tag - All members of Uprising Sentinels are REQUIRED to use our clan tag at
all times in game. For changing it, ask permission to the admins and wait to be approved. For
those who don't have a squad yet, you can use the "US" tag first and change it when you create
or join a team/squad.

UPSCR.02. Respect - All members of Uprising Sentinels must respect each other, no racism,
no sexism, no abusive languages. All must give respect to any genders and beliefs.
UPSCR.03. The 3 Tenants of Uprising Sentinels

1. Trust: To be honest to your fellow teammates. Never deceive and always believe in a
Vanguard member above all others. We are not just a clan, we are a family.
2. Honor: To always harbor good feelings and uplifting behavior towards each other. We
are here to bring you up, not take you down.
3. Respect: To accept your fellow members for who they are and abide by their personal
rules. If someone doesn't want to be treated a certain way then respect him/her and
don't do it.
UPSCR.04. Pornography - Any kind of topic about pornography even if it's a joke are strictly
not allowed inside the clan, there are other members who doesn't want this kind of topic.
UPSCR.05. Abusive Languages - Abusive Languages such as Trash talks, Bad mouthing, and
any kind of bad language are not allowed and needed to minimize the use of this kind of
languages, Other members are sensitive towards this so avoid it.
UPSCR.06. Be Active - Be active in messenger group chat and discord. Inactive within 7days
without valid reason will be automatically kicked, ask permission to the admins if you were going
to be inactive with your reasons of inactivity.
UPSCR.07. Clan Hopping - Clan hopping is strictly prohibited from this clan, to avoid clan
hopping in condition, you must stay within 7days inside the clan and participate in clan activities.
UPSCR.08. Harassment - If a member of Uprising Sentinels is feeling harassed by the
members of the clan itself whether private message or group conversations, it should be done
immediately, must apologize, and promise not repeating this again. Report to the admins
immediately with evidence.
UPSCR.09. Reporting - Report any kind of events or happenings inside the clan (Ex. Squad
Disband, Fight within clanmates, etc.), this might help the admins from being updated.
UPSCR.10. Spamming - any kind of spam that might cause trouble to our fellow members such
as flooding messages, emojis, etc. are not allowed in this clan.
UPSCR.11. Callout Everyone - Using the @everyone when not necessary or emergency are
not allowed to be used, avoid using it. Admins are the one who are allowed to use this.

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