Storytelling Score Sheet

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Storytelling Score Sheet

Judge Name: Date:

Participant’s Name: Final Score:

CRITERIA 99-95% 94-90% 89-85% 84-80% 79-75% INITIAL


Very Shows Shows Shows Less Shows NO

unique in enough some uniqueness uniqueness
his/her uniqueness uniqueness in his/her just a copy
Originality performanc in his/her in his/her performanc of
20% e and performanc performanc e and did performanc
created an e and e and NOT create e from
original created an revised an an original others and
story. original original story. did NOT
story. story. create an

Uses Uses Uses some Shows less Shows NO

imaginative enough imaginative imaginative imaginative
creation imaginative creation creation with creation
Creativity very well creation with background with NO
20% with with background design and background
background background design and less props. design and
design and design and with some NO props.
complete complete props.
props. props.

The The The The The

storytelling storytelling storytelling storytelling storytelling
is purely shows shows some shows less is
Content educational enough educational educational uneducatio
20% concepts educational concepts concepts nal and did
and concepts and and NOT
promoting and promoting promoting promote
good moral promoting good moral less good any good
values. good moral values. moral moral
values. values. values at
-Outstanding - Facial and - Shows - Shows less - Shows NO
facial and emotional some facial facial and facial and
emotional expressions and emotional emotional
expressions. are emotional expressions. expressions.
-Voice is very impressive. expressions. -Voice is not -Voice is so
Performanc clear. -Voice is -Voice is OK. so clear. unclear.
e 30% -Perfect clear. -Performed -Performed -Performed
pronunciation -Performed well in enough in poor in
of words. very well in pronunciation pronunciation pronunciation
-The pronunciation of words. of words. of words.
storyteller is of words. -The -The -The
in well -The storyteller is storyteller is storyteller is
character. storyteller is somehow in trying to be NOT in
in character. character. in character. character

1st placer with 2nd place in -3rd place in -4th place in 6th place in an
the highest an online vote an online vote an online vote online vote
online vote will get will get will get will get
Online will get automatically automatically automatically automatically
Voting automatically 94% 89% 84% 74%
10% 99%
-5th place in an
online vote
will get



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