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Students’ Perception on MBKM Program towards

Their Teaching Future Carrier

Suci Ramadhana Syamsuddin

Universitas Negeri Makassar/Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris/Bahasa Inggris

Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka program aim to emcourage students to use
various sciences to enter the workforce. This research is due to the question “Whether with a
student’s MBKM program and leaving learning process at campus will be totally effective
for their future teaching carrier in English especially. The current research also set against
the background by observation data that shows the views of 2020 student’ of English
Education department on the effectiveness of advanced MBKM program especially ‘Kampus
Mengajar’ and ‘Asisten Mengajar Mandiri’ toward their future English teaching careers.

The current research conducted in each class in the 2020 class of UNM English
Education, with a total of 42 samples. The research garnered the student’s perception on the
effectiveness of the MBKM program conducted by the ministry of foreign policy. Research
shows how much interest students are in the MBKM program and how it affects students
teaching skill and English ability. From data it is recommended to students, when following
the MBKM Program and leave the learning process in campus, if free time is available then
try to keep up with the learning process.

Keywords: MBKM Program, Student’s Teaching Skill, Student’s English Ability


Education is part the most important part of life, and must be in line with the times.
education that will be a provision for humans in facing the challenges of a changing era.
therefore in this case as the concept in Islamic teachings that the pursuit of knowledge is
lifelong. and as a Muslim apart from being commanded to seek knowledge, we are also
commanded to practice and teach knowledge.
If you look at the current situation, where times have increasingly changed with the
flow of globalization, and technological advances are increasingly rising. Therefore, in this
case, education must not be out of date. Education must go hand in hand with every phase of
life that continues to change, namely one of them is the education system which is changing
for the better, to meet human needs in facing the challenges of a changing era.

In this case we may be familiar to us when we hear about the era of the industrial
revolution 4.0, therefore in this case, the author will conclude briefly related to the industrial
revolution 4.0. In a journal it was stated that Prof. Schawab explained, the industrial
revolution 4.0 has fundamentally changed human life and work. In this era, change occurs
widely, including in the economic field, where in this case the internet is not only used as a
communication tool, additional information, but is also used as a business platform, such as
online shops, online transportation, and so on, which will certainly make it easier for some
people but it will also have an impact on others, namely those who have not been able to
adapt to digital technology, so it is feared that unemployment will occur. (Harahap, 2019)

Then especially in this case the next generation who come from universities. Seeing
the needs of the community that continues to grow, students in higher education must be
prepared to be able to adapt to the situation and become human beings who are useful not
only for themselves but also for those around them. Therefore, in this case, when referring to
the policy on an independent campus that was initiated by the minister of education, namely
Mr. Nadiem Makarim, the author quoted from one news source on the internet that "this
independent campus policy is a continuation of the concept of independent learning. (Lubis,
2018). The implementation is most likely to be carried out immediately, only changing
ministerial regulations, not changing government regulations or laws, said Nadiem in Jakarta.
Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), Jakarta, Friday (24/1/2020).(Makdori,

Therefore in this matter the topic is raised with the intention of getting to know more
and providing little analysis of how the concept of free college in the industrial revolution 4.0
was a condition that students would face, as well as the reason why students needed an
independent college concept asa change in a better direction. How do we plan to implement
the concept of a free college, in an effort to improve a system of higher education that is
ready to face the challenges of the age. Then the writer hopes that this journal can be of deep
benefit giving insight into how the concept of a free college is for readers, Especially for
student candidates for educators, So that it can realize how the challenge ahead, so it can be
prepare to be human better and more worthwhile.

The Kampus Merdeka is an extension of the education free learning program, only the
free college gives students the freedom to spend three semesters in search of learning
experience outside its major. Not without this statement this statement is a step towards
creating an improvement in the quality of education given by minister Nadiem Makarim.
(Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2020)

Education always seeks to create learners who constantly renew and renew
themselves at all times. Not only being able to be highly educated but being able to be an
agent of change in small or large spheres. The most influential education force in the change
of college admissions. Why is that so? For this is where maturity in education is expected to
change in thought and action. That is why college is expected to be able to undertake
innovations in each process of its learning, study-centered learning in order to support the
achieving of qualified graduates who are ready to deal with the changing times.

The government also took a function in educational renewal, and this is where the
government created the concept of a free college of learning. Where one of these concepts is
to allow three semesters of freedom to perform actions that require both study and social
experience, by not sidling technology and this third semester are done outside the study
program. This was done to bring forth the best graduates from college who would plunge into
the greatest agents of change in the progress of civilization.

Students not only become the best graduates who are good at theorizing but are able
to realize the theory. Diving into the field with a deep scientific application for relevant
breakthroughs. For the advancement of education that has never been interminable. To be
involved in this policy the student must come from accredited, active study programs listed
on PDDikti

Research Question

The current research poses questions as follows;

1. Is MBKM Program interesting for English Education Students ?

2. How are the impacts of MBKM Program toward teaching skill for English Education
students ?
3. How are the impacts of MBKM Program toward English ability for English Education
Students ?
4. Is it worth to leave learning process in campus to go out for MBKM program ?

Research Method

The current research used quantitative method woth online questioner to explore student’s
percepteion on how MBKM Program impact to their-selfes. The participant of the research
were 42, including students from each class of 2020 generation English Education,
Universitas Negeri Makassar. Data from online questioner was analyzed using SPSS 21.


This quantitative research findings reveal that most of Students in English Education are
interested to following the MBKM Program, but it’s undeniable, there is a lack of practice
that we cannot follow the lessons on campus. Based on question 1, we can conclude that most
people think that MBKM program have positive effect to future teaching carrier. This current
research addresses five questions as follows :

1. “MKBM Programs have a good impact on teaching future carrier for students in
English Education department ?”
Teaching future carrier of course

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