Naskah Ujian: Universitas Satya Negara Indonesia (Kampus A)

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Naskah Ujian


□UTS □UAS □Susulan UTS/UAS □Semester Antara Ganjil/Genap TA. 2020/2021
Program Studi MKU-MKB / Fakultas Gabungan

KMK – Mata Kuliah : ……… / Bahasa Inggris NIM :200400082

Nama Dosen : Team
Kelas : Pagi Nama Mahasiswa :Muhammad arif romadhon
Hari / Tanggal : Selasa, 03 November 2020
Waktu Ujian : 90 menit Validasi Kaprodi/
Sifat Ujian : Buka Buka / Tutup Buku Koord.
Lembar Jawaban : Ya / Tidak Matakuliah (MKU/MKB)
Read the Instruction and Answer the Questions Correctly!
1. Write your own story in the past habit (2 paragraphs, minimum 100 words). Do not forget the
story or experience using USED TO! (SCORE: 50)
my past story
I used to love to ride my bike with my father from home to my grandmother's house in
the mountains
the air is very cool, many birds sing
tap [i now can no longer ride with dad
because dad is calm in the realm there in

2. Imagine you are as a travel agency in your city, please write a paragraph (minimum 50 words)
describing your city to make tourists/visitors interest and want to visit your city. Don’t forget
I would like to promote my city, Jakarta. It is very interesting city because it provides us
many wonderful tourism places. ___________________________________________________
_______ There are many tourist attractions for example Monas, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah,
Taman Mimpi Jaya Ancol, Ancol Fantasy World, Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta History Museum.
tourist attractions in Jakarta are suitable for your beloved family to spend long holidays

3. What is your favorite food? Please list the ingredients, and explain me how to make that food.
Don’t forget to use SEQUENCE ADVERBS. (SCORE: 30)
___My favorite food is chicken soup

ingredients :

3 carrots

1/2 medium cabbage / cabbage

1 cauliflower flower

1 broccoli florets

8 green beans

1 leek

1 celery stick

enough cooking oil (for sauteing)

water to boil to taste

Ground spices how to make vegetable soup:

5 cloves of garlic

4 spring onions

pepper to taste

salt to taste

How to make clear vegetable soup:

1. Wash all vegetables that will be used. Peel the carrots, then slice them thinly. Shred the
cabbage, slice the cauliflower and broccoli into small florets, then cut the cleaned green beans
from the fiber along one segment of the index finger. Slice the leek and finely chop the celery.
After that set everything aside.

2. Heat a little oil, then saute the garlic, onion, salt, and pepper which have been mashed
together until fragrant.

3. Heat a pot of water, add the sauteed spices. Add the vegetables from the ones that have
ripened the longest. First carrots, then chickpeas, cauliflower and broccoli, then finally cabbage.
Use high heat to cook it.

4. Taste correction once the vegetables are cooked. If it's still not quite right, add salt.

5. Add the leeks and celery just before the soup is


Good luck

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