Supplier Evaluation Sheet

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Supplier Information

Area Points of Evaluation Measure / unit

Make/ year of purchase/New or

Die Spotting Press
Preowned /Tonnage / Bed size
Make/ year of purchase/New or
Die Trial Press
Preowned /Tonnage / Bed size
Cushion in Die trial press Tonnage
Make/year of purchase/ New or
CMM & other Check instruments
Facilities Preowned / Bed size
Die Designing Facilities/Simulation Softwares Make / No of stations

CNC machines & capacity Make / Size

Pattern making Inhouse / Outsource

Castng material & Types No. of variants

Total Annual Capacity of plant

Average Weight & size of Die

List of major Customers Name

Maximum die size handled in Mtrs

Maximum die weight handled in Tons

Projects Die Category specialisation A / B / C (Skin Panels / HSS Parts /
Simple parts)
Lead time of above maximum size of die

Customer of above maximum size of die Name

In house Machining Work %

Die Casting Supplier Name

Strength in Nos
Avg experience in years
Supplier Information


Machine 1
Machine 2
Machine 3
Machine 2
Machine 3

Machine 1
Machine 2
Machine 3

Machine 1
Machine 2
Machine 3

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