SurvivingTheMountStHelensDisaster AD v1

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00:00:00:09 00:00:05:09 AD NARRATOR A mountain explodes. 'May 18, 1980 - Washington State, USA.'
2 00:00:09:09 00:00:11:12 AD NARRATOR Grey smoke plumes fill the horizon.
3 00:00:43:11 00:00:45:14 AD NARRATOR An entire forest uproots.
4 00:00:51:17 00:00:53:18 AD NARRATOR Mud buffets a bridge.
5 00:01:03:07 00:01:05:02 AD NARRATOR Ash shrouds traffic.
00:01:24:20 00:01:31:21 AD NARRATOR Over a moving photo of the explosion a title appears: 'Surviving
6 the Mount St. Helens Disaster'.
7 00:01:32:01 00:01:34:11 AD NARRATOR The mountain looms beyond a lake.
8 00:01:43:04 00:01:46:09 AD NARRATOR Children dive from a dock. Men camp.
00:02:00:11 00:02:09:03 AD NARRATOR Forested wilderness surrounds the snow-capped mountain.
9 'March 27, 1980 - 52 days to the May eruption.'
10 00:02:22:10 00:02:25:00 AD NARRATOR Ash rises from the mountain like chimney smoke. (brisk)
11 00:02:55:22 00:02:57:12 AD NARRATOR Don wears a bushy beard.
12 00:03:34:17 00:03:37:00 AD NARRATOR Traffic backs up a forest road.
13 00:04:19:15 00:04:22:03 AD NARRATOR Police blockades obstruct roads.
14 00:05:16:17 00:05:22:08 AD NARRATOR 'April 13, 1980 - 35 days to the May eruption.'
15 00:06:05:23 00:06:07:23 AD NARRATOR David boards a helicopter.
16 00:06:22:19 00:06:24:23 AD NARRATOR Smoke rises from the crater.
17 00:06:59:09 00:07:01:18 AD NARRATOR People use binoculars.
18 00:07:05:02 00:07:07:15 AD NARRATOR Sightseers snap photos.
19 00:07:11:08 00:07:13:23 AD NARRATOR People crowd the woods.
00:07:21:09 00:07:29:00 AD NARRATOR A propeller plane takes off. 'May 18, 1980 - 7:15 am. One hour
20 and 17 minutes to eruption.'
21 00:07:36:10 00:07:40:05 AD NARRATOR Wearing short blond hair, the aged Dorothy sits in the plane.
22 00:07:56:11 00:07:57:24 AD NARRATOR She grins.
23 00:08:11:00 00:08:13:03 AD NARRATOR Water flows down the mountain.
00:08:24:19 00:08:29:12 AD NARRATOR Dr. Catherine Hickson, a survivor, wears short blond hair and
24 glasses.
00:09:28:18 00:09:34:17 AD NARRATOR Geologists work in an office. '8:32am - ten seconds to
25 eruption.'
26 00:10:10:17 00:10:12:20 AD NARRATOR Dorothy's plane flies.
27 00:10:21:00 00:10:24:21 AD NARRATOR Melt water seeps from the mountain.
00:10:32:04 00:10:39:05 AD NARRATOR The ice melts rapidly and the rock face above the crater
28 appears to deteriorate inward.
29 00:10:49:15 00:10:53:22 AD NARRATOR The image freezes. '8:32 am - Eruption.'
30 00:10:54:04 00:10:58:19 AD NARRATOR Number One - Landslide. The mountain fractures.
31 00:11:11:24 00:11:14:12 AD NARRATOR The rock-face flows downward.
32 00:11:57:18 00:12:00:24 AD NARRATOR The face of the mountain crumbles.
33 00:12:20:00 00:12:21:21 AD NARRATOR Smoke bursts forth.
00:12:30:09 00:12:34:20 AD NARRATOR Mount St. Helens sits peacefully while Dorothy's plane flies
34 toward it.
00:12:35:16 00:12:40:14 AD NARRATOR Seismograph needles freak out and the mountainside crumbles
35 then explodes.
00:12:44:06 00:12:49:16 AD NARRATOR Number Two: Blast. Dorothy's photo captures a massive black
36 plume.
37 00:13:16:10 00:13:17:16 AD NARRATOR Catherine:
38 00:13:46:14 00:13:49:02 AD NARRATOR The blast shatters large trees.
39 00:13:58:10 00:14:02:10 AD NARRATOR Clouds of churning grey smoke fill the horizon.
40 00:14:14:04 00:14:18:09 AD NARRATOR A sky-high wall of ash gains on the diving propeller plane.
41 00:14:34:21 00:14:37:04 AD NARRATOR The mountain explodes in the distance.
42 00:14:42:02 00:14:43:20 AD NARRATOR A climber watches.
43 00:14:49:18 00:14:53:12 AD NARRATOR Smoke grows to ten times the mountain's size.
44 00:14:56:23 00:14:59:20 AD NARRATOR The plane zips through a smoke-filled sky.
45 00:15:19:03 00:15:25:09 AD NARRATOR '8:34 am - Eruption plus two minutes and 21 seconds.'
46 00:15:52:16 00:15:54:19 AD NARRATOR Harry sits on his porch.
47 00:16:02:03 00:16:04:18 AD NARRATOR A plain of debris stretches.
48 00:16:11:04 00:16:13:14 AD NARRATOR 'Dr. Donald Swanson'
00:16:24:16 00:16:29:15 AD NARRATOR In a photo, the smiling young David lounges outside a camper
49 in the woods.
50 00:16:30:07 00:16:32:20 AD NARRATOR The explosion expands sideways.
51 00:16:38:24 00:16:42:19 AD NARRATOR Swelling smoke clouds consume one another.
52 00:16:51:21 00:16:56:14 AD NARRATOR Catherine races a modern SUV down a forest road.
53 00:17:33:10 00:17:36:22 AD NARRATOR A destroyed car lays among toppled trees.
54 00:17:39:05 00:17:40:12 AD NARRATOR Catherine drives.
55 00:17:46:17 00:17:49:00 AD NARRATOR Ash covers their car.
56 00:18:07:00 00:18:12:03 AD NARRATOR The explosion rewinds and sucks back into the mountain.
00:18:12:07 00:18:17:24 AD NARRATOR Text appears over a peaceful forest: '8:30 am - 2 minutes to
57 eruption.'
58 00:18:30:00 00:18:30:23 AD NARRATOR Jim:
59 00:18:44:09 00:18:46:18 AD NARRATOR He's as far away as the zone is wide.
00:18:53:14 00:19:00:19 AD NARRATOR '8:32 am - Eruption.' A seismograph needle jumps, the plane
60 speeds and grey plumes expand.
61 00:19:01:09 00:19:05:10 AD NARRATOR '8:36 am - Eruption plus four minutes and nine seconds.'
62 00:19:22:04 00:19:24:03 AD NARRATOR A man jumps in slow-mo.
63 00:20:26:12 00:20:28:13 AD NARRATOR Jim hangs his head.
00:20:31:04 00:20:36:02 AD NARRATOR A diagram depicts a blast radius the size of twenty Mount St.
64 Helens.
00:21:02:03 00:21:09:09 AD NARRATOR Sprawling devastated landscapes smoke. A photo of a young
65 man with a mustache juxtaposes footage of his older self.
00:21:28:10 00:21:33:24 AD NARRATOR A gentle forest stream burbles. '8:50 am - Eruption plus
66 eighteen minutes.'
00:21:34:02 00:21:39:01 AD NARRATOR Torrents of grey mud carry collapsed trees. Number Three:
67 Lahars.
68 00:21:39:15 00:21:43:05 AD NARRATOR David Crocket - Retired Photojournalist.
69 00:21:56:03 00:21:58:10 AD NARRATOR He grins and shakes his head.
70 00:23:40:07 00:23:44:18 AD NARRATOR '9:00 am - Eruption plus twenty-eight minutes.'
00:23:51:17 00:23:56:17 AD NARRATOR Number Four: Ash. 'Recordings from Sheriff's Office Cowlitz
71 County.'
72 00:24:37:02 00:24:39:15 AD NARRATOR George drives across a bridge.
00:24:57:17 00:25:01:19 AD NARRATOR Ash blocks out the sun, bathing the land in absolute darkness. (this image is more important than
73 the lower third)
74 00:26:00:24 00:26:04:10 AD NARRATOR '9:25 am - Eruption plus fifty-three minutes.'
75 00:26:16:07 00:26:17:22 AD NARRATOR A plane flies.
00:27:22:16 00:27:28:13 AD NARRATOR Don nods solemnly. The monumental grey-black column
76 towers like a mushroom cloud.
00:27:28:18 00:27:36:09 AD NARRATOR Streetlights illuminate a dark road. '9:45am - Eruption plus one
77 hour and thirteen minutes.'
78 00:27:52:08 00:27:54:22 AD NARRATOR Ash covers the atmosphere for miles.
00:28:11:05 00:28:17:18 AD NARRATOR 10am - Eruption plus hone hour and twenty-eight minutes.
79 Collapsed trees coat vast hills.
80 00:28:27:22 00:28:29:20 AD NARRATOR 'Jim Scymanky - Survivor'
00:28:42:02 00:28:44:13 AD NARRATOR A melted glove fuses with a hand. (FLAG - grotesque imagery,
81 relevant for severity of scene)
82 00:29:22:16 00:29:24:10 AD NARRATOR A selfie captures him.
00:29:54:09 00:30:01:16 AD NARRATOR Vast mud-rivers carry debris through the forest. '12:17 pm - (brisk)
83 Eruption plus three hours and forty-five minutes.'
84 00:30:18:01 00:30:20:18 AD NARRATOR A helicopter flies over a lahar.
85 00:30:43:03 00:30:46:01 AD NARRATOR The lahar rages through the forest.
86 00:30:51:17 00:30:53:17 AD NARRATOR It disintegrates a road. (brisk)
87 00:31:12:10 00:31:14:12 AD NARRATOR Debris buffets a river.
00:31:22:02 00:31:27:18 AD NARRATOR A house crashes into a bridge and rubble comes out the other
88 side.
89 00:31:57:03 00:31:58:19 AD NARRATOR The bridge is carried away. (brisk / alt the bridge breaks)
90 00:32:03:18 00:32:06:18 AD NARRATOR A diagram shows branching lahar paths.
00:32:16:22 00:32:24:08 AD NARRATOR 'Three pm - Eruption plus six hours and twenty-eight minutes.'
91 A debris-filled lahar flows.
92 00:32:33:04 00:32:35:20 AD NARRATOR Military choppers take off.
00:32:38:07 00:32:42:22 AD NARRATOR An old man's interview juxtaposes a photo of his younger self (brisk)
93 in a chopper.
94 00:32:45:20 00:32:48:03 AD NARRATOR Another old man sits for an interview.
95 00:32:51:19 00:32:55:03 AD NARRATOR The chopper flies over mud-flooded forest.
96 00:33:06:06 00:33:07:03 AD NARRATOR Jess:
97 00:34:07:05 00:34:09:11 AD NARRATOR Desolated plains smoke.
98 00:34:16:09 00:34:19:03 AD NARRATOR Logs blanket the hills.
99 00:34:33:20 00:34:36:10 AD NARRATOR A pilot references a map.
100 00:34:55:15 00:34:59:19 AD NARRATOR Deserts of ash submerge motor vehicles.
00:35:05:19 00:35:12:19 AD NARRATOR Downed trees surround a lake. 'Four-thirty pm - Eruption plus
101 seven hours and fifty-eight minutes.'
00:36:23:12 00:36:30:05 AD NARRATOR 'Four-forty-five -- Eruption plus eight hours and thirteen
102 minutes.' 'Jess Hagerman - Helicopter Pilot.'
103 00:37:19:14 00:37:21:16 AD NARRATOR A newscast:
104 00:38:08:14 00:38:11:14 AD NARRATOR A pilot tends to Jose in the chopper.
105 00:38:37:06 00:38:39:19 AD NARRATOR David tears up.
00:38:42:06 00:38:49:24 AD NARRATOR The monumental cloud of ash begins to settle. '7:58 pm -
106 Eruption plus eleven hours and twenty-six minutes.'
107 00:39:09:15 00:39:12:19 AD NARRATOR A snowplow clears ash from the road.
108 00:39:21:11 00:39:25:09 AD NARRATOR An SUV rear-ends a car on a smoke-shrouded highway.
109 00:39:28:19 00:39:30:15 AD NARRATOR People wear masks.
00:39:51:00 00:39:58:10 AD NARRATOR The towering Mount St. Helens transforms to a shorter
110 mountain with a gaping crater parting its interior.
111 00:40:03:08 00:40:05:12 AD NARRATOR The lake smokes.
112 00:40:10:13 00:40:12:16 AD NARRATOR Mud submerges homes.
113 00:40:20:17 00:40:22:14 AD NARRATOR Trains stick from the mud.
114 00:40:37:09 00:40:40:23 AD NARRATOR Collapsed trees coat a gray hillside.
115 00:40:49:10 00:40:53:02 AD NARRATOR In helicopter footage, survivors wave from the ground.
116 00:41:30:19 00:41:33:16 AD NARRATOR David approaches a riverside.
117 00:41:37:10 00:41:39:20 AD NARRATOR He looks out across the water.
118 00:42:05:13 00:42:07:13 AD NARRATOR Robert feeds a horse.
00:42:30:19 00:42:37:03 AD NARRATOR Beyond a vast lake of logs and debris the wreck of Mount St.
119 Helens towers.
120 00:42:44:22 00:42:47:24 AD NARRATOR Grey plumes expand over the eruption.
121 00:43:09:01 00:43:12:00 AD NARRATOR A vast column of smoke rises from the crater.
122 00:43:17:17 00:43:20:20 AD NARRATOR In fast motion, the mountain's peak reforms.
00:44:05:24 00:44:08:24 AD NARRATOR Audio description created by ZOO Digital, written by John Gray, (fast)
123 and narrated by _______________.

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