Academic Words - Sublist 5.1

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academy (n.) an official organization which encourages  The state's goal is to train 10,000
the development of literature, art, science, people in an online academy.
challenge (v.) (n.) to refuse to accept that something is right,  Viewpoints such as these are strongly
fair, or legal challenged by environmentalists.
something that tests strength, skill, or ability,  The company is ready to meet the
especially in a way that is interesting challenges of the next few years.
decline (v.) (n.) If an industry or country declines, it becomes  This type of business is a declining
less profitable, productive, wealthy, etc. sector of the UK.

a decrease in the quality, quantity, or  There has been a decline in the size of
importance of something families.
entity (n.) something that exists as a single and  Good design brings a house and
complete unit garden together as a single entity.
facilitate (v.) to make it easier for a process or activity to  Computers can be used to facilitate
happen language learning.
logic (n.) a way of thinking about something that  The logic behind this statement is
seems correct and reasonable, or a set of faulty.
sensible reasons for doing something
network (n.) a system of lines, tubes, wires, roads, etc.  A network of veins and arteries carries
that cross each other and are connected to the blood around the body.
each other
prime (n.) most important  Our prime concern is providing jobs for
all young school leavers.
stable (adj.) steady and not likely to move or change  A wide base will make the structure
much more stable.
transit (n.) the process of moving goods or people from  The new administration promises to
one place to another improve public transit.

5a-A. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

entity declined logic facilitate academy

stable network transit prime challenge

1. Learning a second language is a/an _______________, but with continued effort you can make continual
2. You need to apply a proper system of _______________ to solve these problems.
3. A/An _______________ of volunteers is working to distribute food and blankets to the homeless on this
cold, winter night.
4. One of the poorest countries in the world, Yemen is struggling to build a/an _______________ government
and a strong economy.
5. His parents sent him to a military _______________, because they thought he was getting a little too wild.
6. The purpose of the trade deal is to _______________ the exchange of goods between the two nations.
7. In the last 30 years, the average family size in Ukraine has _______________ from 5 members to 3.
8. Gander, Newfoundland is an important _______________ point for international flights.
9. Rents for _______________ office space in Central Tokyo are the highest in the world.
10. The Soviet Union as a political _______________ ceased to exist in the late 1980s.

5a-B. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

network academy declined stable prime

challenges transit entity logical facilitate

1. The government of East Timor faces great _______________ in rebuilding the country after years of war and
2. Recent studies suggest that the use of physical action when reviewing new vocabulary can
_______________ second language learning.
3. The traditional viewpoint of the family _______________ typically describes it as consisting of two parents
of the opposite sex with one or more children.
4. The number of houses sold in our city has _______________ by almost 10% in the past year due to rising
interest rates.
5. Chemical compounds which are not _______________ can be very dangerous.
6. The _______________ way to reduce the number of cars on the road would be to make mass transit more
7. The Earth's surface fluids are of _______________ importance in the origin and development of our planet's
8. After taking classical ballet for years, Jennifer decided to try a jazz dance course at the _______________.
9. The University of Victoria has its own computer _______________ which extends to all the buildings on
10. If more people used public _______________, it would help to reduce air pollution in our cities.

5a-C. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

entities academic stabilized facilitate transit

challenging prime logically decline network

1. The local high school has an excellent counselling program in which students give advice to each other on
personal and _______________ issues.
2. The old man was seriously ill when he was first admitted to hospital, but his condition has since
3. Online communication can _______________ learning in many different ways.
4. The elderly face numerous challenges presented by both physical _______________ and the attitudes of
society in general.
5. There is a/an _______________ of scientists working throughout the world to find a cure for cancer.
6. The ferry takes about 2 hours to make the _______________ between the two islands.
7. I much prefer a/an _______________ job with lots of responsibility to an easy, boring job.
8. In the theory of relativity, space and time are not viewed as separate _______________.
9. If you approach the situation _______________, rather than emotionally, you can make a much fairer
10. The federal government has asked the major television networks to find a way to reduce the number of
scenes of sex and violence during the _______________ viewing hours.

5a-D. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

challenge facilitate academic network logically

decline prime instability entities transit

1. The ability to think __________ is an important skill that you will use in any profession you choose, as well as
in daily life.
2. The human heart is surrounded by a/an __________ of veins and arteries.
3. She got sick and missed most of the __________ year, so there was no way she could pass.
4. Modernization has been associated with a/an __________ in the status of the elderly.
5. Ana has cancer but she is ready to face this __________ and fight for her life.
6. The economy is recovering now after a long period of __________.
7. The man at the embassy told me he would do everything he could to __________ approval of my application
for a visa.
8. Some universities believe that academic and athletic __________ are of equal importance.
9. The __________ suspect in the murder of a local woman has been freed due to a lack of evidence.
10. Our luggage was lost in __________ from Montreal.

5a-E. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

logical decline stability facilitate network

prime academically challenge transit entity

1. A mediator has been called in to __________ negotiations between the administration and the union.
2. Red was considered the __________ choice to mean stop for traffic signals because it has long been
associated with danger.
3. Our planet can be viewed as a living __________ that we are slowly poisoning through pollution.
4. The ancient Romans built a/an __________ of roads totaling 80,000 kilometres.
5. Foreign investors are attracted by Costa Rica's political __________ and high education levels.
6. Asian high school students tend to outperform North American students __________ in a number of
different subjects.
7. In Vancouver, there is a sea bus which shuttles between Vancouver and North Vancouver as part of the
__________ system.
8. The illegal animal trade has been a significant factor in the __________ of the wild orangutan population.
9. John Naisbitt once remarked that education is the __________ tool for growing people and profits.
10. Scott wanted to __________ a course, so he wrote the exam for it, but unfortunately he failed.


5a-A 1.challenge 2.logic 4.stable 6.faciltate 7.declined 8.transit 10.entity

5a-B 1.challenges 2.facilitate 3.entity 4.declined 5.stable 6.logical 10.transit

5a-C 1.academic 2.stabilized 3.facilitate 4.decline 6.transit 7.challenging 8.entities 9.logically

5a-D 1.logically 3.academic 4.decline 5.challenge 6.instability 7.facilitate 8.entities

5a-E 1.facilitate 2.logical 3.entity 5.stability 6.academically 7.transit 8.decline 10.challenge



adjust (v.) to gradually become familiar with a new situation  It took a few seconds for her eyes
to adjust to the darkness.
clause (n.) a part of a written law or legal document covering  A confidentiality clause was added
a particular subject of the whole law or document to the contract.
discrete (adj.) clearly separate  The change happens in a series of
discrete steps.
equivalent (adj.) having the same value, purpose, job, etc. as a  The volcanic eruption on Krakatoa
person or thing of a different kind had an explosive power equivalent
to 20,000 tons of TNT.
fundamental (adj.) relating to the most basic and important parts of  We have to tackle the
something fundamental cause of the
generation (n.) all people of about the same age  Like most of my generation, I had
never known a war.
margin (n.) the difference between two amounts, especially  The bill was approved by a margin
the difference in the number of votes or points of 55 votes.
between the winner and the loser in an election
or another contest
notion (n.) an idea, belief, or opinion  The traditional notion of marriage
goes back thousands of years.
psychology (n.) the mental processes involved in believing in  Eckman's research has focused on
something or doing a certain activity the psychology of lying.
style (n.) a particular way of doing, designing, or producing  The new library is a blend of
something, especially one that is typical of a various architectural styles.
particular place, period of time, or group of
5b-A. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

style margin discrete generations psychology

fundamental adjust notions equivalent clauses

1. Make sure you read all the different _______________ in the contract before signing it.
2. At the present time, one American dollar is _______________ to approximately $1.35 Canadian.
3. The _______________ sound difference between the vowels /ou/ and /u/ in French can be difficult for
English speakers to hear.
4. The students voted by a large _______________ to do an essay as homework rather than have a writing
5. Jerome studied _______________ at the University of Toronto because he is interested in working with
people who have emotional problems.
6. Previous _______________ regarding the nature of intelligence have changed considerably over the years.
7. Culture has been described as social tradition that is passed on to future _______________.
8. It has taken me a long time to _______________ to life in North America.

9. The _______________ elements of our planet's environment are water and air.
10. Teenagers put a lot of importance on wearing clothes that are in _______________.

5b-B. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

generation discrete fundamentals notions stylishly

margin equivalent psychological clause adjusting

1. The hockey star had a/an _______________ inserted in his contract guaranteeing him 50% of his salary in
the event that an injury ended his career.
2. Jack had difficulty _______________ to life on his own after his wife passed away.
3. In 1791, the U.S. Bill of Rights incorporated _______________ of freedom of speech, press, and fair trial into
the new U.S. Constitution.
4. The instruction manual for the software breaks down the installation process into a series of
______________ steps.
5. Studies show that regular exercise promotes _______________ well-being.
6. One of the _______________ values of democracy is that all people should be treated as equals.
7. A 1995 vote in Ireland resulted in a/an _______________ of less than 1% in favour of removing the country's
ban on divorce.
8. Americans today use four times as much energy as their grandparents' _______________ did.
9. Women will not be satisfied until their wages are _______________ to those of men doing the same kind of
10. It seems to me that the women in Montreal dress more _______________ than women here on the West

5b-C. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

notion discrete generation styled fundamentally
clause marginal adjustments psychologically equivalence

1. The church is _______________ after ancient Greek temples of the Ionic period.
2. I heard that when Jennifer Lopez married Ben Affleck, there was a/an _______________ in their marriage
contract which said that he would have to pay her 3 million dollars if he ever cheated on her.
3. It is not always possible to find a/an _______________ in one language for an idea expressed in another.
4. Jean Piaget is famous for identifying and describing the _______________ steps in the development of
intelligence in infants.
5. Some people seem to have this _______________ in their heads that there is some shortcut you can take to
learn a language quickly, and it simply isn't true.
6. The first _______________ of this software had a lot of bugs that have been eliminated in the newest
7. Farming has always been _______________ to the economy of Kuwait, due to its hot, dry desert climate.
8. Dealing with the death of a family pet is often _______________ difficult, especially for children.
9. In 1905, Albert Einstein published five scientific papers that _______________ changed our understanding of
space, time, light, and matter.
10. After a few simple _______________ to the engine, the car was ready to go.

5b-D. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

generations fundamental style discrete psychologically

adjust notion marginally clause equivalent

1. Long hair was in __________ when I was young, but nowadays most teenage boys like to have their hair
fairly short.

2. I was still quite young when I lost the romantic __________ that my country was a just and non-racist
3. Some people believe that one year in the life of a human is __________ to seven years in a cat's life.
4. Future __________ will have to live with the results of our wasteful lifestyle.
5. Each of my old school friends occupies an important and __________ place in my memory.
6. It took her a long time to __________ to the time change after she moved out west.
7. They were only __________ successful in their first few years, but nowadays business is really booming.
8. One of the __________ values of democracy is that all people should be treated as equals.
9. The membership voted to insert a/an __________ which stated that a simple majority of 51% will be
sufficient in the future.
10. H. A. Overstreet once said that to hate and to fear is to be __________ ill.

5b-E. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

style notion equivalent generations discrete

adjust marginally fundamental clause psychologically

1. One glass of beer is __________ to a glass of wine, in terms of alcohol content.

2. __________ pollutants, such as DDT, are easier to deal with than the pollution caused by general,
technological progress, which results in global warming.
3. In many developing countries, girls are __________ and disadvantaged, and are denied access to a quality
4. Open communication is __________ to success in the management of personnel.
5. Where did you get the __________ in your head that you should be taken care of? This is the real world, and
no one is going to do that except yourself.
6. Many genetic traits are passed along from one __________ to the next.
7. Xi is studying __________ in order to better understand the dynamics of family life.
8. Yves St-Laurent once remarked that fashions fade, but __________ is eternal.
9. The first stage of __________ to life in a new culture begins before the travellers even leave home.
10. The most-favoured-nation __________ governs rates for import duties between partner countries.


5b-A 1.clauses 2.equivalent 3.discrete 4.margin 5.psychology 6.notions 7.generations 8.adjust 9.fundamental

5b-B 1.clause 2.adjusting 3.notions 4.discrete 5.psychological 6.fundamental 7.margin 8.generation

9.equivalent 10.stylishly
5b-C 1.styled 2.clause 3.equivalence 4.discrete 5.notion 6.generation 7.marginal 8.psychologically
9.fundamentally 10.adjustments
5b-D 2.notion 3.equivalent 4.generations 5.discrete 6.adjust 7.marginally 8.fundamental 9.clause

5b-E 1.equivalent 2.discrete 3.marginalized 4.fundamental 5.notion 6.generation 7.psychology

9.adjustment 10.clause



alter (v.) to change, or to make someone or something  The city centre has altered
change beyond recognition.

compound (n.) a combination of two or more parts, substances, or  Teaching is a compound of several
qualities different skills.
draft (v.) to write a plan, letter, report, etc. that will need to  Eva’s busy drafting her speech for
be changed before it is in its finished form the conference.
evolve (v.) to develop and change gradually over a long  The group gradually evolved into
period of time a political party.

generate (v.) to produce or cause something  The project generated enormous

medical (adj.) relating to medicine and the treatment of disease  Most companies offer medical
or injury and dental benefits to their
objective (n.) something that you are trying hard to achieve,  The main objective was to
especially in business or politics improve children’s knowledge of
pursue (v.) If you pursue an activity, interest, or plan, you  She plans to pursue a career in
carry it out or follow it. politics.
substitute (v.) to use something new or different instead of  The recipe says you can substitute
something else yoghurt for the sour cream.

trend (n.) a general tendency in the way a situation is  Lately there has been a trend
changing or developing towards hiring younger, cheaper

5c-A. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

evolved pursued generate medical trends

objective drafting substitute altered compound

1. In this recipe, you can use honey as a/an _______________ for sugar.
2. There are more than 4,000 different chemical _______________, including heavy metals and pesticides,
found in tobacco smoke.
3. The city is _______________ a plan to expand the network of bike lanes in the region.
4. He enjoys reading journals which discuss new _______________ in language teaching.
5. Most scientists believe that birds actually _______________ from dinosaurs.

6. My daughter had an infection in her mouth, so we looked it up in a/an _______________ dictionary to find
out how to treat it.
7. We haven't _______________ our plans despite the poor weather.
8. It is hoped that the new program will help _______________ jobs for young people.
9. We have to base our students' marks on _______________ measures, such as test results.
10. Princess Diana died in a car crash while being _______________ by paparazzi through a tunnel in France.

5c-B. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

trend pursuing compound draft substitute

evolves medical generates alter objective

1. Unless this corporation _______________ with changing tastes, we will slowly see our clientele disappear.
2. Lying about what happened will only _______________ your problems.
3. The current _______________ in the workforce is towards more part-time employment.
4. Each of us _______________ about 3.5 pounds of garbage a day, most of which is paper.
5. If our sun's energy output varies beyond a certain point, it will _______________ the Earth's climate.
6. In 1968, all 10 of Canada's provincial premiers agreed to _______________ a new constitution giving the
French language equal status with English throughout Canada.
7. I know you are my friend, but I would like you to give me your _______________ opinion of the work I have
done on this project so far.
8. There is no _______________ for hard work when trying to achieve a high standard in any sport.
9. Jung-Hoon failed his _______________ examination so he didn't have to do military service.
10. His wife is _______________ a psychology degree at university.

5c-C. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

unalterable redraft evolution pursuit trend
medically compounds generates objectively substitution

1. The contract has already been signed, and the conditions are _______________.
2. Now that we have more information, I think we should _______________ our original plan.
3. The _______________ of the thumb allowed human beings to become tool-makers.
4. The soldiers ran down the street in _______________ of the enemy.
5. Scientists say that since 1970 there has been a marked _______________ in the rise of global temperatures,
due to global warming.
6. A nurse is not _______________ qualified to prescribe drugs.
7. Chemical analysis of chromosomes show that they consist of four basic _______________.
8. Our sun _______________ nuclear energy in its deep interior.
9. _______________ speaking, I would have to say that my son is not the best player on the team.
10. The _______________ of cream instead of milk in the recipe makes for a richer dessert.

5c-D. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

compounds medicinal generated trends drafting

substitute pursued alterations objective evolving

1. Chemicals entering the water system from industries located along the river are forming thousands of
different __________, many of which are highly toxic.
2. After independence, Tanzania __________ a policy of socialism.
3. The blueprints for the Eiffel Tower covered more than 14,000 square feet of __________ paper.
4. Nothing can __________ for the feeling you get when you are in love; not money, not power, not anything.
5. Most of the power __________ by the dam will be sold to the northern American states.
6. The first __________ of our marketing campaign has to be to make our product known to the public.
7. Pulsating stars confirm that stars are continuously __________.
8. She uses a variety of __________ herbs to treat her illnesses.
9. Economic __________ have an especially severe impact on adolescents who are trying to become
10. I bought some new pants at Sears, and they're going to do the __________ for free.

5c-E. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

altered trendy medical drafted generate

objective pursued compound substitute evolved

1. The chemical balance of the brain which controls awareness can be radically __________ by the introduction
of external agents.
2. When mixed, the chemicals form a highly volatile __________.
3. We have __________ a proposal for the development of a new marketing campaign.
4. Plants and animals __________ from single-cell organisms over millions and millions of years.
5. My __________ in producing this material is to provide teachers and students with a resource which can be
used to review vocabulary in a variety of ways.
6. My aunt went to Europe to get __________ treatment she couldn't get here in Australia.
7. Yorkville in Toronto used to be a working class neighbourhood, but nowadays it is a __________ shopping
8. The human rights organization Amnesty International warns that in many countries, development is being
__________ at the expense of human rights.
9. Over 500 varieties of fish are able to __________ appreciable amounts of electricity.
10. Andrew Brown once said that the Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some people it is a
complete __________ for life.


5c-A 1.substitute 2.compounds 3.drafting 4.trends 5.evolved 6.medical 7.altered 8.generate 9.objective

5c-B 1.evolves 2.compound 3.trend 4.generates 5.alter 6.draft 7.objective 8.substitute 9.medical 10.pursuing

5c-C 1.unalterable 2.redraft 3.evolution 4.pursuit 5.trend 6.medically 7.compounds 8.generates 9.objectively
5c-D. 1.compounds 2.pursued 3.drafting 4.substitute 5.generated 6.objective 7.evolving 8.medicinal 9.trends
5c-E. 1.altered 2.compound 3.drafted 4.evolved 5.objective 6.medical 7.trendy 8.pursued 9.generate

academy, academia, academic academically
adjustment, adjust, readjust adjustable
alteration alter, alternate altered, unaltered,
alterable, unalterable
challenge, challenger challenge challenged,
compound compound compound
decline decline
discretion, indiscretion, discrete, indiscrete discretely
draft, redraft draft, redraft draft
equivalence, equivalent
equivalency, equivalent
evolution, evolutionist evolve evolved, unevolved,
facility, facilitation, facilitate
fundamental fundamentally
generation generate generational
logic, logician logical, illogical logically, illogically
margin, marginal marginal marginally
medicine, medical medical medically
network, networking network
objectivity objective objectively
primacy, prime prime prime primarily
psychology psychological psychologically
pursuit, pursuer pursue
stability, instability, stabilize, destabilize stable, unstable
style style stylish stylishly
substitute, substitution substitute
transit, transition transit transitionary
trend trend trending trendily


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