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assure (v.) to tell someone that something will  Her doctor has assured us that she’ll
definitely happen or is definitely true so that be fine.
they are less worried
coincide (v.) to happen at the same time as something  I had to cancel our lunch date, as it
else, especially by chance coincided with my hospital
converse (v.) (adj.) to have a conversation with someone  She enjoyed the chance to converse
with another French speaker.
 If depression is related to heart
disease, then high levels of self-esteem
might well have the converse effect.
erode (v.) to gradually reduce or destroy something  Repeated exam failure had eroded her
integral (adj.) forming a necessary part of something  Cooperation is integral to the success
of the program.
military (adj.) used by, involving, or relating to the army,  German military power was restricted
navy, or air force after World War II.

portion (n.) a part of something larger, especially a part  A major portion of the budget is spent
that is different from the other parts on defense.
restrain (v.) to control or limit someone or something  Price rises should restrain consumer
subordinate (adj.) in a less important position than someone  These aims were subordinate to the
else main aims of the mission.

unify (v.) If someone unifies different things or parts,  His music unifies traditional and
or if the things or parts unify, they are modern themes.
brought together to form one thing.

9d-A. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

unified erode coincide integral military

restrain converse assure subordinate portion

1. Airline seat sales rarely _______________ with peak travel times.

2. Heavy rainfall in mountainous areas can _______________ large zones in a short time.
3. The children _______________ with their mother in Japanese, and with their father in French.
4. The Internet has become a/an _______________ part of many companies' advertising campaigns nowadays.
5. China was _______________ under the Qing dynasty in 221 B.C.
6. I'm sorry I'm late with my homework. I _______________ you, it won't happen again.
7. Feminism seeks to change the traditionally _______________ position of women.
8. I put a/an _______________ of my salary into a savings account each month to use for our summer
9. In some countries, young men have to do 1 or 2 years _______________ service beginning around the age of
10. Grace grabbed her friend by the arm to _______________ him after someone tried to start a fight with him
in the bar.
9d-B. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

portion erode subordinated unified assured

restrained militarily coincided converse integral

1. In both Athens and Rome, dramatic developments in the arts and sciences _______________ with the rise of
the city and its empire.
2. Because there is no wind or water on the Moon, the footprints left by the Apollo astronauts will not
_______________ and should last at least 10 million years.
3. Canada is quite weak _______________; most of our warships are quite old, and we have very few planes or
helicopters for use in a conflict.
4. Tourists in Finland are _______________ of seeing the midnight sun if they visit the country sometime
between the middle of May and the third week of June.
5. Napoleon took 14,000 French decrees and simplified them into a/an _______________ set of seven laws,
the first time in modern history that a nation's laws applied equally to all citizens.
6. Our corporate philosophy holds that profits must sometimes be _______________ to employee satisfaction
in order to create a positive working environment.
7. Learning to _______________ fluently in another language is an exciting process.
8. Local festivals, fairs, and markets remain a/an _______________ part of life on the Caribbean Island of
9. Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, is a divided city, with the northern _______________ occupied by Turks, and
the southern section by Greeks.
10. Attempts by the Samoan government to develop a larger and broader economy are _______________ by
the island nation's remote location.

9d-C. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

coincidence integral converse militarized unification

insubordination unrestrained portion erosion assurances

1. It was quite a/an _______________ that my neighbor and I both went to Disneyland on the same day.
2. The economic _______________ of Europe has brought about a higher level of overall prosperity.
3. The opposition has been _______________ in its criticism of the government's economic policy.
4. The private was called before the general and severely reprimanded for _______________ after questioning
an officer's command.
5. The old woman claims to _______________ regularly with beings on another planet.
6. Despite repeated _______________ that they would never raise taxes, the government increased personal
income taxes within a year of being elected.
7. Certain parts of the city are _______________ zones which only authorized personnel can enter.
8. Scientists tell us that due to _______________, Niagara Falls will disappear in 22,800 years.
9. Many women and children in the north of Sudan spend a large _______________ of their day finding
enough water to keep themselves and their animals alive.
10. Making mistakes is a/an _______________ and essential part of the learning process.

9d-D. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

restraint subordinate portion unified assuredly

militarization coinciding conversing integral erode

1. The students were quietly __________ among themselves as they waited for the exam to begin.
2. A new treatment for the disease is meeting with great success in its testing on animal subjects and
__________ will soon enter human testing.
3. I want you to use some __________ when you talk to your boss about your concerns.
4. William Wordsworth wrote that the best __________ of a good man's life are his little, nameless, un-
remembered acts of kindness and of love.
5. An aging population and the low birth rate may __________ American competitiveness in industry over the
next 20 years.
6. A/An __________ Thai kingdom was established in 1350.
7. David Suzuki notes that water is __________ to supporting and maintaining all life on this planet.
8. The university is having trouble setting its exam schedule, with a number of the proposed dates __________
with religious holidays.
9. The __________ of space would create a new and potentially devastating dimension to global conflicts.
10. Bud Wilkinson once noted that for a team to reach its potential, each player must be willing to __________
his personal goals to the good of the team.

9d-E. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

converse portion assurances restraints integral

demilitarized coincides unification insubordinate eroded

1. Reggae star Bob Marley sang, "How good and how pleasant it would be before God and man, to see the
__________ of all Africans."
2. Recent scandals have seriously __________ public support for the prime minister.
3. Use of the Internet for research has become a/an __________ part of the life of today's university student.
4. The premier wants to put __________ on public service workers' right to strike.
5. She believes that she is able to __________ with God and that he guides her in all her decisions.
6. The U.S. has said that it will increase aid to North Korea in exchange for __________ that the country will
abandon its nuclear program.
7. Research shows that the increase in crime clearly __________ with the government cuts to social services.
8. He gives a small __________ of his earnings to charity every payday.
9. Any __________ behaviour will be dealt with harshly.
10. On August 18, 1976 two American soldiers were hacked to death with axes by North Korean soldiers in the
__________ zone between the two Koreas.


9d-A 1.coincide 2.erode 3.converse 4.integral 5.unified 6.assure 7.subordinate 8.portion 9.military 10.restrain

9d-B 1.coincided 2.erode 3.militarily 4.assured 5.unified 6.subordinated 7.converse 8.integral 9.portion

9d-C. 1.coincidence 2.unification 3.unrestrained 4.insubordination 5.converse 6.assurances 7.militarized

8.erosion 9.portion 10.integral

9d-D. 1.conversing 2.assuredly 3.restraint 4.portion 5.erode 6.unified 7.integral 8.coinciding 9.militarization

9d-E. 1.unification 2.eroded 3.integral 4.restraints 5.converse 6.assurances 7.coincides 8.portion

9.insubordinate 10.demilitarized


attain (v.) to succeed in achieving something after  Jim is halfway to attaining his pilot's
trying for a long time license.
commence (v.) to begin or to start something  Work will commence on the new
building immediately.
device (n.) a machine or tool that does a special job  The company makes devices to detect
carbon monoxide.
ethic (n.) a general idea or belief that influences  The old ethic of hard work has given
people’s behavior and attitudes way to a new ethic of instant
intermediate (adj.) between the basic level and the advanced  You should consider breaking the
level journey with intermediate stopovers at
airport hotels.
minimal (adj.) very small in degree or amount, especially  The storm caused only minimal
the smallest degree or amount possible damage.
preliminary (adj.) happening before something that is more  Preliminary market research has
important, often in order to prepare for it shown that most Americans prefer
environmentally-friendly products.
revolution (n.) a complete change in ways of thinking,  In the last ten years there has been a
methods of working, etc. revolution in education.
supplement (n.) something that you add to something else to  He sometimes eats fish as a
improve it or make it complete supplement to his vegetarian diet.

violate (v.) to disobey or do something against an  The media regularly violates people’s
official agreement, law, principle, etc. privacy.

9e-A. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

attain intermediate commence revolution preliminary

supplement device ethics violating minimal

1. The ceremony will _______________ in 15 minutes.

2. A professional code of _______________ prevents a teacher from discussing the performance of a colleague
with a student.
3. He struggled somewhat in the _______________ round of the tournament, but really started to come on in
the semi-finals.
4. Young children have small stomachs and high energy needs so they need frequent snacks to
_______________ meals.
5. When choosing reading materials in a second language, try to find something you can read with
_______________ use of a dictionary.
6. It will be difficult to _______________ your goal of fluency if you don't make an effort to speak more in class.
7. These books are for students at a/an _______________ level of English.
8. She has this really cool little electronic _______________ that measures her heartbeat and stuff while she's
doing any kind of physical activity.
9. The discoveries of Albert Einstein began a technological _______________ that has generated more change
in a century than in the previous two thousand years.
10. Each side in the conflict accused the other of _______________ the ceasefire.
9e-B. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

violates preliminary commencing minimal intermediate

device supplement ethics revolution attained

1. The winning car in the race _______________ speeds in excess of 200 kilometers per hour.
2. In geological terms, Mars represents a/an _______________ phase in planetary development which is
transitional between a body like our moon and a planet like Earth.
3. Forty percent of the world's population lack access to even the most _______________ of toilet facilities.
4. Based on the _______________ findings of the study, researchers now say that the disease is quite different
from what they had originally suspected.
5. Handicapped residents of the housing complex receive a/an_______________ to help with rent costs.
6. Sales tax in this province will be increased _______________ next month.
7. Hospitality is an important part of the Nigerian code of _______________.
8. Psychologists label behavior as abnormal if it _______________ accepted standards of society.
9. In 1876, a spokesman for Western Union suggested that the telephone was a/an _______________ of no
10. Since Neptune's discovery in 1846, it has made about three-quarters of one _______________ around the

9e-C. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

devices minimally commencement preliminaries revolutionizing

violations unattainable unethical intermediate supplementation

1. The computer is _______________ the world of work today with about the same impact the steam engine
had 200 years ago.
2. Immunization and vitamin A _______________ have been credited with saving the lives of millions of
children each year.
3. The dancers began to stretch and warm up in readiness for the _______________ of the dance program.
4. The vulnerability of children makes them frequent targets of human rights _______________.
5. The officials went through the required _______________ of explaining the rules before the match began.
6. Mice act as a/an _______________ host for the parasite, which actually reproduces in the stomach of a cat.
7. Many people consider it _______________ for the government to promote gambling, given the serious
social costs of addiction to the activity.
8. Our home business has only been _______________ successful, and it certainly doesn't bring in enough
money for us both to live on.
9. Global peace is at best a/an _______________ dream as long as a significant part of the world's population
lives in poverty.
10. You should have the pollution control _______________ in your car checked on a regular basis to ensure
they are working properly.

9e-D. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

preliminary supplement violated device commences

minimal ethically attaining revolutionist intermediate

1. He has consistently behaved __________ in all his business dealings, and that's why his clients have so much
trust in him.
2. As a language learner, you may sometimes need to __________ the work done in the classroom with
material you have gathered which is relevant to your specific language goals.
3. The game of hockey __________ when the puck, a round flat rubber disc, is dropped at center ice.
4. There are __________ numbers of non-Muslims living in Saudi Arabia.
5. On July 13, 1793, French __________ Jean-Paul Marat was murdered in his bathtub by Charlotte Corday.
6. Your test results have placed you in a/an __________ class.
7. Thomas Edison once developed a/an __________ to electrocute cockroaches.
8. __________ discussions suggest that there will be little trouble coming to an agreement.
9. At the beginning of World War Two, when Germany __________ Switzerland's neutrality by sending war
planes into Swiss airspace, the planes were immediately shot down.
10. The goal of __________ a vocabulary sufficient to post-secondary studies in an English-speaking institution
can be greatly assisted through the simple act of reading for pleasure.

9e-E. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

intermediate revolutionize violations attain ethical

recommences preliminary supplement minimal device

1. She did a number of __________ sketches before beginning the final painting.
2. Confucius developed his __________ and social philosophy in China between 551 and 479 B.C.
3. The world's largest snakes can __________ a length of more than 9 meters.
4. There is a special financial __________ to the newspaper every Friday.
5. It is incredible that the earthquake completely destroyed one house, but did only __________ damage to the
one next door.
6. She was in a/an __________ stage between sleeping and waking.
7. The English language program breaks for the Easter holiday on Good Friday and then __________ on the
Tuesday following Easter Sunday.
8. Competitors in a fencing tournament wear an electronic __________ which tells the judges when someone
has made a hit on his opponent.
9. A new design of houses made of cellulose and costing about $5,000 could soon __________ the look of
slums and shanty towns throughout the developing world.
10. The U.S. has suspended all foreign aid to the country because of its history of human rights __________.


9e-A. 1.commence 2.ethics 3.preliminary 4.supplement 5.minimal 6.attain 7.intermediate 8.device 9.revolution

9e-B. 1.attained 2.intermediate 3.minimal 4.preliminary 5.supplement 6.commencing 7.ethics 8.violates

9.device 10.revolution

9e-C. 1.revolutionizing 2.supplementation 3.commencement 4.violations 5.preliminaries 6.intermediate

7.unethical 8.minimally 9.unattainable 10.devices

9e-D. 1.ethically 2.supplement 3.commences 4.minimal 5.revolutionist 6.intermediate 7.device 8.preliminary

9.violated 10.attaining

9e-E. 1.preliminary 2.ethical 3.attain 4.suplement 5.minimal 6.intermediate 7.recommences 8.device

9.revolutionize 10.violations



behalf (n.) support, interest, side, etc.  Amnesty International also intervened
on her behalf; she was given a
compatible (adj.) able to exist or be used together without  Unfortunately he bought a printer that
causing problems was not compatible with his computer.

devote (v.) to use all or most of your time, effort, etc. in  The meeting will be devoted to health
order to do something or help someone and safety issues.
format (n.) the way or order in which something is  The computer system is based on a
arranged and presented. really basic format of paper dolls.
manual (adj.) operated or done by hand or without the  The car has a five-speed manual
help of electricity, computers, etc. transmission.
mutual (adj.) Mutual feelings such as respect, trust, or  Successful partnerships must be based
hatred are feelings that two or more people upon a sense of security and mutual
have for each other. trust.

protocol (n.) a system of rules about the correct way to  There are also protocols on the testing
behave on an official occasion of nuclear weapons.

rigid (adj.) very strict and difficult to change  The rigid class distinctions which
characterized British society are
beginning to break down.
suspend (v.) to officially stop something from continuing,  Sales of the drug will be suspended
especially for a short time until more tests are completed.

to attach something to a high place so that it  A large light was suspended from the
hangs down ceiling.
vision (n.) the ability to see  She suffered temporary loss of vision
after being struck on the head.
an idea of what you think something should
be like  The president outlined his vision for
the future.

9f-A. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

mutual behalf format compatible rigid

suspended devotes protocol manual vision

1. In 1981, army officer Jerry Rawlings took over the government of Ghana, dissolved parliament, and
_______________ the constitution.
2. He _______________ too much time to his job; he should spend more time with his family.
3. I would like to thank you on _______________ of myself and my colleagues.
4. If you have any problems, the _______________ for the program can answer most of your questions.
5. Theresa and I went out for a couple of weeks, but we discovered pretty quickly that we aren't really
6. Research suggests that compared to most western European countries, there are less _______________
class barriers in Canada and the United States.

7. The _______________ of the quiz will be multiple choice questions.
8. In Burma, marriage requires only the _______________ consent of the two people involved, and no
ceremony is needed.
9. My grandfather isn't allowed to drive anymore because his _______________ is getting weaker and weaker.
10. According to royal _______________, you must never touch the Queen of England.

9f-B. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

protocols vision suspended formatted mutual

behalf rigid manual compatible Devoted

1. Unfortunately, the software I saw in the store is not _______________ with my Mac.
2. There is a shortage of skilled _______________ workers in this country.
3. The division of labor in rural Laos is almost as _______________ now as it was generations ago.
4. That disk is _______________ for a PC, not a Mac.
5. Naturalists say that wolves are very _______________ to their young, and all members of a pack share in the
care and upbringing of the pups.
6. Isaac Newton discovered the principle which holds that objects attract each other with a/an
_______________ force, which we call gravity.
7. The United States has accused the country's leader of violating international _______________ on the
testing of nuclear weapons.
8. In August of 1940, an American couple were married while _______________ from parachutes.
9. In May of 1917, three peasant children near Fatima, Portugal, reported seeing a/an _______________ of the
Virgin Mary.
10. James spoke on our _______________ at negotiations with management last week.

9f-C. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

rigidity manually format behalf devoted

protocol mutually incompatible vision suspension

1. Mahatma Gandhi once said that honesty is _______________ with the making of a large fortune.
2. More than 10% of Kenya's total land area is _______________ to national parks and wildlife reserves.
3. We'll need to change the _______________ of our presentation, because they don't have the software to
support a presentation of this kind in the meeting room.
4. George Orwell wrote that people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready
to do violence on their _______________.
5. She was punished by the _______________ of her driver’s license.
6. There are numerous dialects spoken in Madagascar, but they are all _______________ understandable.
7. The _______________ of these structures makes them vulnerable to cracks in the event of an earthquake.
8. The accepted _______________ that one is expected to follow when there is an ambulance approaching is
to pull over to the side of the road and stop.
9. We need someone who has a/an _______________ of where this company should be headed for the future.
10. They _______________ moved over a ton of rock from their back yard to make a garden.

9f-D. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

rigidities format protocol vision manual

suspension devotions behalf incompatible Mutual

1. Our Muslim students are permitted to leave class early on Fridays to practise their __________.
2. Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson received a lengthy __________ from international competition after testing
positive for steroids at the Seoul Olympics.

3. Many game shows in countries around the world follow the same __________ as popular American game
4. Because of the church's treatment of Galileo, many people suggest that religion is __________ with science.
5. What exactly is the proper __________ for making a complaint against a professor at this university?
6. The environmental award was accepted by a grade 12 student on __________ of the school.
7. __________ dependencies develop through the process of social interaction.
8. Some analysts suggest that __________ in the labor and goods markets are to blame for Europe's poor
economic performance.
9. After he fell while skating, he found that he was dizzy, and his __________ was blurred.
10. I learned how to drive on a/an __________ transmission, so driving an automatic is easy for me.

9f-E. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

suspends rigidly mutual protocol format

devoted compatible vision behalf Manual

1. The majority of the meeting was __________ to discussing our plans for the upcoming conference.
2. The child's __________ coordination was very good for someone her age.
3. He and his wife met through a/an __________ friend at university.
4. We have to write our essays using a very formal university-style __________.
5. In Internet website addresses, "http" stands for "hypertext transfer __________."
6. On __________ of the people of the city of Victoria, I welcome you.
7. The young boy stood __________ against the building wall as the large dog ran by.
8. The U.S. has said it is ready to talk with Iran only if the country __________ its nuclear activities.
9. His strong religious beliefs don't really seem __________ with the lifestyle of a rock musician.
10. His __________ was blocked by the trees.


9f-A. 1.suspended 2.devotes 3.behalf 4.manual 5.compatible 6.rigid 7.format 10.protocol

9f-B. 1. Compatible 2.manual 3.rigid 4.formatted 5.devoted 7.protocols 8.suspended

9f-C. 1.incompatible 2.devoted 3.format 4.behalf 5.suspension 6.mutually 7.rigidity 8.protocol

9f-D. 1.devotions 2.suspension 3.format 4.incompatible 5.protocol 6.behalf 8.rigidities

9f-E. 1.devoted 2.manual 4.format 5.protocol 6.behalf 7.rigidly 8.suspends 9.compatible

assurance, reassurance assure, reassure assured, reassuring assuredly, reassuringly
attainment attain attainable, unattainable
coincidence coincide coincidental coincidentally
commencement commence,
compatibility, compatible, compatibly
incompatibility incompatible
conversation, converse, converse converse conversely
devotion devote devoted devotedly
erosion erode
ethic ethical, unethical ethically, unethically
format format
integration integrate integral integrally
intermediate intermediate
manual manual manually
militarization, militarize, demilitarize military militarily
demilitarization, military
minimization, minimalize minimum, minimal, minimally
minimalism, minimalist minimalistic
mutuality mutual mutually
portion portion
preliminary preliminary
restraint restrain restrained, unrestrained
revolution, revolutionize revolutionary
rigidity rigid rigidly
subordinate, subordinate subordinate,
subordination, insubordinate
supplement supplement supplementary
suspension, suspense suspend suspenseful
unification unify
violation, violator violate
vision, visionary visionary


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