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Name: John Christoper U.

Ocampo                              Date: 29/09/22

Section: CRIM 1K

Criminological Classifications of Crimes

1. Rational Crime
Rafael is drinking pretty heavily even though he knows he needs to go home, but
many of his friends tell him that Rafael should stay the night, but Rafael still goes,
and in the middle of the trip, Rafael gets into an accident when he hits someone
crossing the road and does not even dare to stop.

Rafael awoke late in his bed, knowing that he would be late for his promotion
interview, so he hurried up and dressed. On his way to the interview, he noticed that
the stop light was red, but he continued driving, causing an accident on the freeway.

2. Irrational Crime
Ricky is a person with a mental problem who always dresses up as a killer clown
whenever he has an opportunity to go outside. During this time, he will scare anyone
he sees by hiding first and then chasing his victim with a machete and even try to cut
them when he sees an opportunity.

Ricky has an intermittent explosive disorder, and he frequently attracts or swears on
people in public when he is outside, especially when he does not get what he wants or
obey what he wants.
3. Occupational Crime
Mike works for an apparel design company, where he is the one who checks the
designs before they are approved. One day, a mysterious man offers him a large sum
of money in exchange for the design that his company produces. He agrees and takes
the money exchange to the company intel.

Mike works in a car manufacturing plant, where he is in charge of recycling scrap
metal and cleaning at the end of each shift. One day, Mike desperately needs money
to buy medicine, but no one wants to lend him money because he is a bad borrower,
so he devises a plan to steal car parts after the shift and sell them in the market for a
fair price.

4. Seasonal Crime
Josh is always dressing as a killer clown in the last week of October and the first week
of November. During this time, he will scare or rob people he sees, first hiding in a
dark alley and then striking when he sees an opportunity with his victim.

Josh is a thief. During the summer, when most of the family is away, he always
breaks into the house. It's the best time for him because he can steal whatever he
wants, and Josh can plan his break-in for a long time.

5. White Collar Crime

Ella is a legitimate employee who fabricates false expense receipts and then secretly
transfers funds into her personal accounts.

Ella is a company director who may have insider knowledge that their product is
about to fail in the market due to a flaw. She may inform his friends who have
invested in the company to withdraw and avoid large losses. While this may appear to
be a courtesy, it can have a significant impact on market integrity, but it can
discourage other investors from participating. It's what you called inside trading.

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