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John Christoper U.

Ocampo BS CRIM - 1K 8/09/2022



This section stated that all public and private schools,

colleges, and universities must include courses on Jose
Rizal's life, works, and writings, particularly his novels
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. However, in
college schools here in our country, the original or
unexpurgated editions of Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo in English translation must be used as
Section 1

I support the use of Jose Rizal's life and works in

our curriculum since many young people in our
society are being influenced by foreign countries.
This concept will strengthen youths' education and
comprehension of what our national heroes have
gone through. It will also progressively improve the
youth's nationalism.

Section 2

The main point of this is to discuss that all schools,

colleges, and universities should maintain a sufficient
number of copies of the original, unedited editions of
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo and copies of
Section 2 Rizal's other writings and biographies in their libraries.


To accompany all users in the classroom, we need to

give a large number of original copies of Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo, as well as copies of
Rizal's other writings and biographies.


As stated here, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo,

Section 3 as well as other works by Dr. Jose Rizal, will be
translated into English, Tagalog, and the major
Philippine dialects by the Board of National Education.
They will also be printed in cheap, favored editions and
distributed free to anyone who wants to read them.

This is a brilliant concept because, for us to express

our nationalism more effectively, we must first
grasp or comprehend our language. Furthermore, if
the book is free, I believe many more people will
have access to it.


Nothing in this Act shall be construed as amending or

abolishing Section 927 of the Administrative Code,
which forbids public school teachers and other
individuals employed in any public school from
discussing religious teachings.
Section 4

I agree with this part because if we discuss religious

teaching with our students, some of the students
may not get it. After all, we all have various
religious beliefs. As a result, we should not include it
to have a harmonic boundary.


To carry out the purposes of this Act, the sum of three

hundred thousand pesos is authorized to be
appropriated from any fund not otherwise appropriated
Section 5 in our National Treasury.


This is a good decision. After all, the budget must be

processed to avoid errors during the processing
phase because the amount of money is not small.


This Act becomes effective upon approval.

Section 6 Approved: June 12, 1956


I believe that the result of this sector is that it will be

effective throughout our country.

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