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Lesson 2
The Self from the Siocological Perspective

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

● identify the sociological perspectives about the self;

● demonstrate critical and reflective thinking in showing different aspects of the self;
● examine yourself using Charles Horton Cooley’s Looking-glass Self Theory.


Direction: Identify 20 traits which you believe you possess. Write your answer on the space provided

Activity 1

1. 11.
2. 12.
3. 13.
4. 14.
5. 15.
6. 16.
7. 17.
8. 18.
9. 19.
10. 20.
Read, Think, and Learn:
Sociology, or the study of how human society is established, its structure and how it works,
the people’s interaction with each other and the effects they have to one another is an aspect in which we
have to consider with regards to the development of a person.
It is also important to understand that the establishment of the “Self” based on social
structures could give us a better understanding of who we are and provide reasons how our interactions
can affect us as a person.
George Mead’s Social Self
George Herbert Mead is an American Sociologist, he is considered as the Father of American
pragmatism. He argued that the self is not biological but social. Self is something that is developed
through social interaction.
The “I” and the “Me”
Mead proposes two components of the self which the person have, these are the “I” and the
“Me”- is the self that results from progressive stages of role playing or role-taking and the perspective
one assumes to view and analyze one’s own behavior.
“I”- is the phase of the self that is unsocialized and spontaneous. It is the acting part of the self, an
immediate response to other people.
Mead’s Three Role-plying Stages of Self Development
The Preparatory Stage (Birth – 2 years old) – this stage the infant simply imitates the
actions and behaviors of the people that the infant interacts with.
The Play Stage (2 – 6 years old) – it is the time where children begins to interact with
other with which certain apply, these rules often time does not adhere to any set or standards
but rather are rules that are set by the children themselves.
The Game Stage (6 – 9 years old) – the final stage. The child comes to see
himself/herself from the perspective of other people.

Social Identity Theory

The social identity theory was conceived by Henri Tajfel. It is defined as the person’s sense of
who he or she is according to his or her membership to a certain group.
Tajfel and Turner (1986) identified 3 Mental Processes:
Social Categorization
Social Identification
Social Comparison
Erving Goffman’s Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
In this theory, Goffman posited the idea that as people interact with one another they are
constantly engaged in impression management – a process in which people regulate and control
information in social interaction. This model of social life assumes that personalities are not static
because they change to suit the situation.

Charles Horton Cooley’s Looking-glass Self

The looking-glass self is a social psychological concept. In this view, the self is developed as a
result of one’s perceptions of other people’s opinions. For Cooley, this social self is the central element
of society.

Private Self, Public Self, and Collective Self

Private Self – or individual self, is the cognition that involves traits, states, and behaviors. It is an
assessment of the self by the self.
Public Self – is the cognition concerning the generalized other’s view of the self. (Generalized Others
is an organized community or social group which gives to the individual his\her unity of self – Mead)
Collective Self – is the cognition concerning a view of the self that is found in memberships in social

Activity 2
Direction: At home, conduct a short survey and ask the social influences or behavior that they adopted
and its implications: use the guide questions provided below, then make a summary report on the result of
your survey.

1. Can you think of a behavior/belief that you have right now which you acquired from others?
2. Why do you think you were able to adopt said behavior/belief?
3. Do you think that there will come a time that you will not anymore use the behavior/belief that
you acquired? Why?

Summary Report
Activity 3
A. Direction: Reflect on what makes up your private, public, and collective self. Write
your answers in the table below.

Private Self Public Self Collective Self

B. Based on the lesson, make an essay on the theories and concept of the social self. Consider the
following guide questions in writing your essay.
1. What are the three things you have discovered about your social self?
2. How are you going to apply your insights in understanding your social self?

My Reflection

Note: Additional readings will be discussed by the next meeting.

Detailed of submission:

Once done, all activities will be passed on the following platforms:

● Google Classroom, and
● FB Messenger Account

you are now done in Lesson 2!

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