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Activity 4

Look at the objects in your room (posters, books, CDs, clothes, etc.). Describe how society and
culture are connected to those objects in your room. After doing this, reflect on whether your
choice is pure agency or if society has anything to do with it.

The things I see in my room are culturally-bound objects—clothes that follow the majority trend,
traditionally designed furniture, and random things that I see popular on the internet. People are social
beings, it is in our nature that we, most of the time, unconsciously want to belong to the society. We tend
to follow the rules and norms as not to stand out and become a subject of prejudice, discrimination, and
even violence. That is why, most of the time, my choices were made to fit into the society. In an era when
one fears of becoming an outcast, most people would choose to establish appropriate behavior towards
the society rather than to challenge norms, traditions, and rules the society has.

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