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If I can
I can t ''
t have
have it
it ,, neither
neither can
can you !"

What is Crab Mentality?

Crab Mentality is one one of the
Filipino negative values. This is an
attitude wherein people are trying to
pull down those who get ahead of
them. This refers to the behavior of
preventing someone from achieving
something because of jealousy and
envy that you are feeling.

Why it is considered as a
negative Filipino value?
It is considered as negative Filipino value
since it don't want others to succeed. Also,
because you don't want other people to
be on the top and you doesn't want to be
left behind that's why you are trying to
pull down those who are in top of you.
With this kind of attitude, you are capable
of finding ways just to ruin the success
that other people have.

Why should we stop practicing

this value?
We should stop practicing this value
because it can strongly influence people's
life, thoughts, statement and action in
variety of situations. It can also harm the
performance of the people being directed
against, it can hinder the ability of an
individuals within groups to work together, it
can amplify negative emotions such as
jealousy, greed and envy among the people
who have it. Lastly, it can cause mental
problems to those who are being victim of

Bear in Mind!
Did you know?
"If people are trying to bring The phrase 'crab mentality' is
you down, it only means that used to describe the "if I can't
you are above them." have it, neither can you" mindset.
- unknown The metaphor refers to a pot of

crabs that could easily get out,
but they ensure their own demise
"The ones who say 'you can't'
by competitively clawing at each
and 'you won't' are probably
other like spiteful humans trying
the ones scared that 'you to bring down those who are
will'." more successful by diminishing
-unknown their importance.

"Blowing out other people's

candle doesn't make yours
glow brighter."

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