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Compiler: ARDENT & CU NA MARA 8
Advertisement Manager: ALERT 13
Paul Dowling AJAX 15
Advertisement Production Manager: ENSELINI & PALMIET 17
Lisa-Marie Lewis BUNBURY 21
Marketing: ABEILLE FECAMP 23
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Website: VIGILANT 47



© 200 I. The Royal Institution of Naval

Architects. Front cover: Pilot vessel,
This pub Iication is copyright under the Chinook; tugs Bunbury and
Berne Convention. All rights reserved. No sister;fishing vessel Arctic
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Printed in England by Thanet Press Ltd,

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ISBN - 0 903055 47 3


Welcome to

A lthough the title and format may have changed slightly, this is the third
'small' ship annual review to follow in the footsteps of the highly successful
Significant Ships. The argument as to whether vessels of 100m can possibly be
called small may continue, but equally, can a 20m craft be called a ship.
Theoreticians can think what they like, Significant Small Ships adheres to the
same philosophy as Ship & Boat International, R1NA's leading magazine in the
field, by covering working vessels up to 100m in length. Above this figure, The
Naval Architect and Significant Ships take over.

S&B's coverage is so broad that it has been decided to select just five
categories of vessel and pick out some of the more interesting ones in each. The
fact that fast ferries, fishing, offshore, tugs and patrol/pilot boats were chosen
as this year's categories by the editorial team should come as no surprise.
Without doubt, the first four are the growth markets whilst the last shows more
innovation than of late, especially in the pilot boat sector. Of course, the
choices for next year may be entirely different.

Each of the sections starts with a preface indicating the trends and explaining
some of the selections (and exclusions). We particularly appreciate the
contribution by Ian Strutt, Editor of Fishing News lnternational. This is a
sector that is vital to a very high proportion of our readers and the industry as
a whole, from the designer through to the ship builder and equipment
manufacturer. The team welcomes his expert advice.

Friends and colleagues know of my undoubted bias towards tugs. However, in

stating that this traditionally conservative sector is demonstrating genuine
radical progress, it is hoped that objectivity prevails. There is more discussion
about tug hullforms, skegs and transom shapes these days than amongst
Admirals Cup design teams.

Whilst the categories may not be in dispute, for 2000 at least, the individual
selections may well be contentious. As always, it is necessary to explain that the
choice is entirely personal and subjective. After all, there have to be one or two
perks in the job of editor!

Finally, thanks are due to all the naval architects, builders and owners that
have furnished information. More than usual, however, a number of owners and
naval architects refused to allow GA drawings to be reproduced. This is not just
surprising, it is regrettable. I find it difficult to imagine what vital secrets can
be extracted from an A4 line drawing.

Andy Smith
February 2001


Efficiency gains help new fishing vessels pay
by Ian Strutt, editor, Fishing News International

Fishing vessel building slowed down last year after several years of healthy orders books. Owners hit by volatile
fish prices at a time of high fuel and operating costs set about either cutting the price of their newbuildings and/
or improving their catching and working efficiency. They needed to ensure that big investments in new tonnage
can be made to pay at a time when many fish quotas are being reduced.
Norway has been one of the leaders in improving hull of newbuildings from Chile and China. Chinese shipyards
and machinery efficiency to either reduce fuel consumption have built up a reputation for completing merchant ship
or give vessels a faster top speed to rush catches to market tonnage, but the country had never before been asked to
in the freshest condition. "You can save fuel by optimising build sophisticated fishing vessels for North Atlantic
the engine, propeller and shaft generator so that the engine operators. A total of l7 fishing vessels have been ordered
is running at an economic load consumption-wise. Also, by in China by Icelandic owners, the smallest being nine
ensuring that the propeller is on the optimal point of the series-built multi-role vessels of 21.5 x 6m up to a 71.3m
curve when you are trawling," says Borge Nakken, senior and nOOhp pelagic seiner-trawler.
engineer, project and supervision, at the Norwegian design Estimates of the savings on building costs by ordering in
consultancy Skipsteknisk A/S. "Fuel consumption is a hot China vary quite wildly, but even respected designers are
topic and diesel-electric propulsion is being focused on, saying that the figure can be around 40 per cent. However,
even for trawlers." as many vessels on order in China are having western-
Fishing vessels operating on grounds where fish are less made equipment to ensure easy servicing, some owners
prolific than in the recent past are now being equipped to appear sceptical of this claim. Smaller vessels built in
tow two trawls instead of one and this entails the use of China will be delivered by cargo ship, while the larger
three main trawl winches. Towing two trawls means that vessels will undertake delivery voyages of some Il,OOO
the gear spreads a lot wider and, therefore, catches more miles! Not all has gone according to plan in China,
fish. In the case of the 61 m long factory shrimp trawler however. Several trawler orders are reported to have been
Remoy Viking - completed last year for Norway's Remoy cancelled and there have been delays with the largest ship
Sea Group by Denmark's Orskov Christiansens on order. Refinancing and equipment changes have
Staalskibsvaerft A/S - she became the first large new contributed to the delays of the latter.
trawler to tow three trawls side-by-side. Triple trawling is The first ship to be completed in China for Iceland is the
seen as a big leap forward in stern trawling and it enables 38m long and $2.2 million Fossa, the country's largest
Remoy Viking to operate on fishing grounds that quahog dredger, which has emerged from the Huangpu
conventional shrimp trawlers cannot exploit, simply shipyard at Guangzhou. Meanwhile, it now appears that
because they could not catch enough shrimp to keep their Icelandic fishing vessel operators are awaiting the
on board processing factories working at realistic deliveries of the first vessels from China before placing
capacities. Her catching capacity with three trawls is 30 to any further orders.
40 per cent greater than that of twin-trawlers, it is It has been Chile's ASMAR shipyard which has been
estimated. successful in exporting fishing ships to Iceland, following
It has been the development of computerised automatic the completion of the country's new fisheries research ship
trawling systems designed to keep all the trawl mouths Arni Fredriksson. Heading home from Chile to Akranes,
open, even when the vessels are turning, that has enabled Iceland, and due to arrive as the year 2000 ended was
the fishing industry to take up complex multi-rig trawling. Ingunn, a 72.9m x 12.6m new-generation purse seiner-
Norway is generally recognised as the world's premier trawler built to a design by Skipataekni of Iceland. She is
builder offishing vessels. But owners have been recoiling powered by an MaK model 9M32 developing 4320 kW at
at higher building costs when placing an order in Norway 600 rev/min for a speed of 16 knots. Two more purser-
compared with, say, Spain. This problem has partly been trawlers are also building at ASMAR for Iceland.
solved by having the bare hull and wheelhouse built at High fuel costs in the beam trawling industry have
shipyards outside Norway, where construction costs are forced operators to build combination vessels also able to
much reduced. Yards in countries such as Russia, Romania tow twin-trawls. The combination beam trawler-twin-
and Latvia are specialisingin steel hull production. The rigger Soekin from Scheepswerft van der Werff & Visser
hulls are then towed to the orwegian shipyards so that of Holland is typical of this trend. Instead of just being
their workers' sophisticated skills in fitting complex able to tow one trawl each side of the vessel suspended
fishing vessel systems, such as for electronics, hydraulics from a beam, she is also able to tow two trawls in stern
and refrigeration, can be put to work. Latvia's Riga trawling style. "The costs with twin-rig trawling, especially
Shipyard, for instance, recently had an order book of nine fuel, are much lower and we expect gear costs to be less as
fishing vessel hulls for fitting out in Scandinavian well," says Willy Versluys, owner of Soekin. He reports
shipyards. that fuel prices tripled between the time he ordered his new
Icelandic fishermen have taken a different tack to cut vessel and her delivery late last year. The ship, which is
building costs. When the Cod Wars with Britain were at powered by a l200hp Belgian-made ABC diesel engine, is
their height, Icelandic operators ordered a fleet of stern to be followed by a number of others to a similar design.
trawlers from Japan. Now, they are waiting on deliveries


Total number of sister ships still on
REMOV VIKING: unique order: 0
Length oa: 61.00m
Length bp: 54.BOm
Breadth, moulded: 14.65m
triple-rig shrimp trawler Depth, shelter deck: B.95m
Depth, main deck: 6.15m
Service speed: 17 knots
Norwegian operator Jack Remoy took delivery of the world's first large triple-rig Classification: DNV +1A1 Ice 1C with
shrimp trawler, Remoy Viking, in the latter months of 2000. The vessel, whose fishing notation 1A' for the hull and Ice 1B for
gear system has been described as unique, was built in Denmark at Orskov Christensens the rudder
Skibsvaerft to a Norwegian design from The winch arrangement for Remoy Viking
Main Engine
Ulstein Nordvestconsult. is largely from Rolls-Royce Ulstein Brattvaag
Manufacturer: Wiirtsilii
Measuring 61.00m x 14.65m, the vessel with 'helper' winches supplied by Kinde & Number: 1
is powered by a Wartsila 5,520kW main Toft. Nets were provided by Cosmos Trawl. Output: 5,520kW
engine, which is coupled to a 3,800mm The main deck has four trawl lanes extending
diameter CP Ulstein propeller. Ulstein also the full length of the vessel, with eight 17- Generator
supplied the rudder, steering gear and a tonne sweepline winches, allowing four Number: 1
Make/type: Cummins
400kW bowthruster. The vessel has a top trawls to be ready for use at any time. Output: 1,360kW
speed of 17 knots. Four 45-tonne trawl winches with 47ml
The shrimp processing plant, supplied by min handling capacity are positioned on the Propeller
Danish company Carnitech, would be upper deck and controlled by means of a Manufacturer: Ulstein Propeller
deemed advanced on a much bigger ship but Synchro system from Rolls-Royce Brattvaag. Number: 1
Two hydraulic deck cranes - one of 6tll2m Fixed pitch/controllable pitch: CP
for a vessel of this size definitely sets the
Diameter: 3,BOOmm
trawler apart from the norm. Highlights reach and another of 2t/8m reach - supplied
include a new style separator which sorts the by Dreggen Crane, are mounted to starboard Bow Thruster
catch as it comes from the pounds and delivers and at the stern. Make: Ulstein
clean shrimp straight into the processing line. Wheelhouse electronics are fairly Number: 1
After passing through a receiving tank, the comprehensive and include a full GMDSS Output: 400kW
shrimp go through three graders where they Satcom C installation, Navtex and extensive
Deck Machinery
are automatically sorted by seven sizes in VHFs. Rolls-Royce Ulstein Brattvaag: 4 x trawl
preparation for different processing modes. winches; 8 x sweepline winches; 2 x
Two grades of shrimp can then be cooked gilson winches; 2 x codend winches; 2 x
simultaneously in a double batch cooker Main Particulars outhaul winches. 2 x Aukra hydraulic deck
before storage in holding tanks. All shrimp cranes
Builder: Orskov Christensens Skibsvaerft
then pass on to an inspection belt before being Vessel name: Remoy Viking Capacities
packed. Owner/Operator: Jack Remoy, Norway Fuel: 940m3
The 800m3 capacity fishroom is positioned Designer: Ulstein Nordvestconsult Potable water: 50 tonnes
in the centre of the vessel adjacent to the Total number of sister ships already Fishroom: BOOm3
completed (excluding this ship): 0 Packaging: 200m3
200m3 packing hold.



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Main Particulars
Builder: Kleven Verlt, Norway
Vessel name: Viihelm Thorsteinsson
Owner/Operator: Samherji hf, Iceland
Designer: Vik Sandvik, Norway
Total number of sister ships already
completed (excluding this ship): 0
Total number of sister ships still on
order: 0
Delivery date: September 2000
Length oa: 79.00m
Length bp:
Breadth, moulded: 16.00m
Depth to 1,I deck: 9.5m
Depth to 2nd deck: 6.6m
Gross tonnage: 3,214 tonnes
Service speed: 18.3 knots
Bollard pull: 90 tonnes
Classification: DNV +1A1, Fishing Vessel,
Stern Trawler, S, Ice C, EO
Main Engines
Model: 12V32
Manufacturer: Wartsila
Number: 1
Output: 5,520kW
Number: 2
Make/type: 1 x ABB AMG 560 L6, 1 x
MAS 95 (844kW . emergency use)

VILHELMTHORSTEINSSON: Output (main generator): 2,500kW

Number: 3
Make/type: 1 x Mitsubishi MAS 1330
Iceland's 'biggest'fishes for (1,091kW),1 x MAS 580 (544kW)
Make: Wartsila
varied species Model: SCV 95-P58
Number: 1
Manufacturer: Wartsila
An advanced 79m x 16m stern trawler/purse seiner, Vi/helm Thorsteinsson, became the Number: 1
largest vessel in the Icelandic fleet when delivered in September 2000. Designed by Vik Diameter: 3,800mm
Sandvik and built at Kleven Verft in Norway on a hull completed at Northern Shipyard, Open or nozzled: nozzled
Poland, the vessel is fitted out with the most up to date trawl gear to enable it to fish for Bow Thruster
a wide variety of species. Make: Brunvoll
Able to take advantage of fish quotas that FU-63-LTC-1750 unit of735kW. Top speed Number: 1
Output: 650kW
have not as yet been restricted in Icelandic is an impressive 18.3 knots and bollard pull,
waters, Vilhelm Thorsteinsson is equipped 90 tonnes. Deck Machinery
Triplex 850/500/2S net hauler; Triplex NK·
to catch shrimp, pelagic and bottom fish. Its Electrical power is generated by an ABB
7500 net stacker crane; Triplex KN-50
Icelandic owners, Samherji hf, have installed AMG 560 L6 shaft generator of 2,500kW, deck crane; Triplex KN-30 fish pump
an extensive onboard processing factory, two Mitsubishi auxiliary engines (an MAS crane; 3 x Rapp TWS-22060 trawl
largely aimed at increasing turn-around time 1330 of 1,091kW and an MAS 580 of winches; 4 x Rapp SW-2500 sweepline
for its blue whiting catches. 544kW) and a Mitsubishi MAS 95 winches; 2 x Rapp GW-2500 gilson
Hampidjan of Reykjavik, Iceland, emergency generator of 84kW. winches; 2 x Rapp GW-2000 outhaul
winches; 1 x GW-2500 codend winch
supplied the ship with its patented Gloria Most of the purse-trawler's navigation and
2,048m circumference self-spreading trawl, fish-finding equipment is from Furuno Capacities
Freezing hold: 1,180m3
which is claimed to lower fuel costs and boost although Simrad supplied an FS-925/903 Fish bins: 86m3
fishing performance. This is complemented trawl sonar system. Furuno kit includes: an Fuel oil: 870m3
by a set of Poly-Ice Super Foil mid-water FAR-2835S S-band radar; FR-2115 X-band Potable water: 75m3
trawl doors of FLS 13 type, manufactured radar; FSV-24 sonar; FCV-lO, FCD-1500 Ballast water: 320m3
from exceptionally strong steel but of special and FCV-1200 echo sounders; a CI -60G Bridge Electronics
light construction for shallow water fishing. Doppler log; and A-3 GMDSS. Radar: 1 x Furuno FAR-2835S S·band, 1
Careful thought was given to the fish The owners opted for deck machinery x Furuno FR-2115 x-bano
handling system which consists of Tendos from two manufacturers - Triplex and Rapp. Echosounders: 1 x Furuno FCV-10, 1 x
Furuno FCD-1500, 1 x Furuno FCV-1200
processing lines and vacuum system; a 74 The Triplex outfit includes: an 850/50012S GMDSS: A-3 GMDSS
tonne/24-hour slurry ice system from Frost 30-tonne net hauler; NK-7500 six-tonne net Doppler log: CI-60G
of Iceland and an MMC Fodema freezing stacker crane; KN-50 four-tonne deck crane; Sonar: FSV-24
arrangement. The latter includes seven MMC and KN-30 2.5-tonne fish pump crane. Trawl sonar: Simrad FS-925/903
plate freezers with a total capacity of 100 Rapp provided an extensive set of Complement
tonnes per 24 hours. winches including: three TWS-22060 58- Crew: 28 max.
Vi/helm Thorsteinsson is powered by a tonne trawl winches; four SW-2S00 18- Number of cabins: 17
Wartsila 12V32 main diesel of 5,520kW. tonne sweepline winches; two GW-2500 Additional Equipment
This drives a Wartsila CPlOO propeller of 18-tonne gilson winches; two GW-2000 Eltec ANX 95 fire alarm system; UMAS
alarm, sounding and tank handling
3,800mm diameter via a Wartsila SCV 95- IO-tonne outhaul winches; and a GW-2500
systems; Deif power management system;
P58 reduction gear. The propeller turns in an codend winch. DSB liferafts; DSB·Kopas MOB boat; ABB
FN 3800/50 nozzle, also from Wartsila. It The vessel has six single berth cabins and main switchboard; Allweiler engine room
also has two Brunvoll thrusters - a 650kW eleven double berth cabins to accommodate pumps; Bombas Azcue bilge pumps;
FU-63-LTC-1550 unit fitted forward and an a crew of up to 28. Norselight searchlights


winches; two 2.2 ECH AC 35.48 double net
drums; TCG 1980 six-tonne pull gilson winch
; TAC 2P 3500 3.5 tonne pull capstan;
Scantrol 2000 symmetry autotrawl system; a
nine-tonne Hydro Armor hydraulic crane; and
Thistle Marine type MFB 14hydraulic crane
operating at 14 tlm.
A well laid out wheelhouse is packed with
the latest in navigation and communication
equipment from Furuno, Skipper and
Built to Bureau Veritas + I 3/3 (E) Deep
Sea Fishing Vessel class, both trawlers
operate with a crew of eight.

Main Particulars
Builder: Chantiers Pirioux, France
Vessel name: Ardent
Owner/Operator: Michael and John Orpen
Total number of sister ships already
completed (excluding this ship): 1
Total number of sister ships still on
order: 0
Length oa: 24.90m
Breadth, moulded: 8.00m
Depth, moulded: 3.9m
Classification: BV +1 3/3 (E) Deep Sea
Fishing Vessel

ARDENT & CU NA MARA: Main Engine

Model: 3512 EUI
Manufacturer: Caterpillar
Number: 1

twins launched in Irish fleet Output: 615kW at 1,600 rev/min

Number: 1
renewal programme Make/type: Leroy Somer LSAM461S2
Output: 115kVA at 1,500 rev/min

The first two 25m vessels to be launched as part of the EU-supported Irish groundfish Generators
fleet renew I programme, Ardent and Cu Na Mara are identical vessels built for two Number: 2
independent Irish owners. Construction took place at Chantiers Piriou in Concarneau, Make/type: 1 x Caterpillar 3304 DIT, 1 x
Perkins D3-152-4
Measuring 24.9m x 8.0m with a 3.9m draft 6.054 ZF Masson ESD 701 gearboxes with Gearbox
and weighing 233grt, each is powered by a triple power take-off. Auxiliary power comes Make: ZF
Caterpillar 3512 EUI diesel engine delivering from Leroy SomerLSAM461S2 alternators
615kW at 1,600 rev/min. The engines drive developing I I 5kVA at 1,500 rev/min. Model: Masson ESD 701
Renou Dardel 2,200mm diameter CP Deck gear is extensive and comprises: three Number: 1
propellers with fixed nozzles through type 1/ TS 2050.221 B 15 tonne-pull split trawl Propeller
Manufacturer: Renou Dardel
Number: 1
Fixed pitch/controllable pitch: CP
Diameter: 2,200mm
Open or nozzled: Nozzled

Bow Thruster
Make: Hydro Armor type 900
Number: 1
Output: 90hp
~.• , ..
.. ~ Deck Machinery
3 x TS 2050.221 B 15 tonne-pull split trawl
winches; 2 x 2.2 ECH AC 35.48 double
net drums; TCG 1980 six-tonne pull gilson
winch; TAC 2P 3500 3.5 tonne pull
capstan; Scantrol 2000 symmetry
autotrawl system; 9-tonne Hydro Armor
hydraulic crane; Thistle Marine type
MFB14 hydraulic crane

Bridge Electronics
Radar: Furuno FR-2115 daylight viewing
with ARP-26 ARPA; 1932 daylight
Sonars: Furuno CH-37 colour; FCV-292
and Skipper ES-5300 15in dual
frequency colour
GPS: GP-80
Trawl sounder: Scan mar


Model: 12 V32
Manufacturer: Wartsila
Number: 1
downsized ship calls for Output of each engine: 5,520kW


innovative thinking Number: 2

Make/type: Caterpillar 3412 TA
Output: 620kW at 1,800 rev/min
The 60.00m x 14.5m mid-water pelagic trawler Atlantic Challenge boasts a wealth of
innovative concepts and improved traditional systems. Owned by Martin Howley and Number: 2
partners of Killybegs, Ireland, the vessel was built in Norway at AS Eidsvik on a hull Make/type: Caterpillar SR4-596
completed in December 1998 at Northern Shipyard, Gdansk, Poland. The ship is of Side Thruster(s)
Vik Sandvik design and fishes primarily for n ackerel and blue whiting. , Make: Brunvoll
Much of the innovation lies in the onboard Hydema, as is a wide selection of other Number: 1
pumping and refrigeration systems devised winching equipment. Deck cranes were Output: 558kW
to protect both crew and fish when pelagic supplied by Triplex. Deck Machinery
bags are hauled alongside in rough seas. The The wheelhouse is dominated by Furuno Rapp Hydema: (TWS 22040 trawl
vessel is believed to be the first of its size to electronics but also includes Kaijo Denki winches; TWS-11 031 top line winch; ND-
20000B net drum; 2 x SW-7500B tail and
be specifically designed for a stern pumping sonars, JRC and Simrad echo sounders and mid line winches; SOW-500 net sounding
operation and has winches and cranes six catch sensors from Marport ofIceland. winch; AMW-34/20-8.5 anchor winch; CF-
arranged aft for the purpose. Atlantic Challenge replaces a 70m vessel 601 capstan; GW-200B auxiliary winch;
In order to adopt a stern pumping system, of the same name, which was also built in CP-2005-RH fish pump; HHR hose reel;
the yard modified a 16inch Rapp fish pump Norway. The owners sold their original ship GW-680 mooring winch); S M Triplex deck
by extending the hydraulic pipe and fish hose when fishing quotas were cut and its large
forward. In this way the pump can be lifted refrigerated tank capacity exceeded their Bridge Electronics
Radar: 1 x Furuno FAR-2825 ARPA, 1 x
into the trawl as opposed to being connected needs. The shallower draft of the replacement
Furuno FR-2130 S-Band, 1 x Furuno M-
to the codend. Fish are pumped over the stern vessel also facilitates sailing in and out ofthe 1832 daylight viewing
and immediately transferred to refrigerated base port. Autopilot: 2 x Robertson AP9 Mk3
sea water tanks. _----------------, Sonars: Kaijo Denki
A total of ten such tanks - each containing Main Particulars Echo sounders: JRC and Simrad
fast-chilling slurry ice - are positioned close to GPS: 2 x Furuno GP-80
Builder: AS Eidsvik, Norway
Radar plotter: Furuno ARP-26
the ship's sides, an innovation which is claimed Vessel name: Atlantic Challenge
Gyro: Furuno AD-100
to aid vessel stability. The tanks, fitted with Owner/Operator: Martin Howley and
partners, Ireland Trawl monitoring system: Scan mar
modem ozone technology for cleanliness, range Catch sensors: Marport
Designer: Vik Sandvik, Norway
from a central corridor. All piping is hidden Total number of sister ships already VHF radio: Sailor
underfoot and branches off to each tank. completed (excluding this ship): 0
The traditional method of manually Complement
Total number of sister ships still on order:
Crew: 16
regulating tank water flow via valves has been o
replaced by a PC-based system remotely Length oa: 60.00m
Length bp: 51.60m Additional Equipment
operated from the wheelhouse. Swan Net mid-water trawls; Spectra
Beam: 14.5m
Power is by means of a Wartsila Propac Depth to 1st deck: 8.85m bridles; Hampidjan backstraps; Thyboron
installation driving Wichmatic propeller and trawl doors; Ulstein Tenfjord steering gear;
Depth to 2nd deck: 5.85m
Becker rudder; 2 x MMC Vectura vacuum
sterngear and Brunvoll side thrusters. Service speed: 17.5 knots
Classification: DNV +1A 1 Fishing Vessel, pumps
Both trawl winches, each of which pulls a
maximum of 67.5 tons, are from Rapp Ice C


Main Particulars
Builder: Soviknes Verft,
Vessel name: Arctic Endur-
Owner/Operator: Clearwater
Fine Foods, Canada
Designer: Skipsteknisk,
Total number of sister ships
already completed (excluding
this ship): 0
Total number of sister ships
still on order: 0
Length oa: 69.9m
Length bp: 61.8m
Beam: 14.6m
Depth, main deck: 6.0m
Depth, shelter deck: 8.8m
Service speed: 16 knots
Classification: DNV + 1At-lce
1B - Stern Trawler - EO; hull
according to Class Notation
Ice A1*

Main Engines
Model: 12V31
Manufacturer: Wartsilii.
Number: 1
Output: 6,800hp

Number: 2
Make/type: Caterpillar 3508B,
each of 910kW

Deck Machinery
3 x trawl winches, 2 x gilson

ARCTIC ENDURANCE: winches, 6 x sweepline

winches, 2 x codend winches,
1 x outhaul winch - all from
Rolls-Royce Ulstein Brattvaag;
Larger than average shrimper Hydralift aft, midship and
forward cranes

built for Canada Capacities

Frozen products: 1500m3
Packaging materials: 300m3
Fuel oil: 770m3
Larger than is the norm in the Arctic shrimp fleet, Arctic Endurance - a 69.9m x 14.6m trawler Ballast water: 50m3
built in Norway by Soviknes Verft for Clearwater Fine Foods of Canada - entered service in the Potable water: 50m3
final quarter of 2000.
Bridge Electronics
Expected to catch more than Deck equipment is extensive is palletised in a specially chilled Radar: 1 x Furuno FAR
6,000 tonnes of shrimp plus up to and mostly supplied by Rolls- room, an unusual feature for the 2835S, 1 x Furuno FR2115
700 tonnes of halibut a year in Royce Ulstein Brattvaag. The modern shrimp trawler. GMDSS: Fur'uno
waters that stretch from the coast hydraulic winch package includes Cargo hold capacity is 1,500m3, GPS: 2 x Furuno differential, 1
of Newfoundland to Greenland, three type DMC41.047 47-tonne which is equivalent to around 550 x Furuno standard
Arctic Endurance has an extensive tonnes of palletised product. Plotters: Furuno and Ocean
trawl winches and six
Vision video plotters/track
array of deck machinery, a large DSM63.017 17.5 tonne Other capacities include a 300m3 plotters
onboard processing factory and sweepline winches. Other hold for packaging materials, Echo sounders: 1 x Furuno
is capable of twin trawling. The winches include a 17.5 tonne 770m3 of fuel oil and 50m3 each FCV-10, 1 x FCV1500
vessel operates with two skippers anchor windlass, 5.5 tonne for ballast water and potable VHF radios: Furuno
and crew who normally work for capstan, two 17.5 tonne gilson water. Accommodation is for 30 PA system: Vingtor
two consecutive trips before winches, a 12-tonne outhaul in a mix of single and double Complement
change-over. winch and two 12-tonne codend cabins with separate washrooms. Crew: 30
For a speed of around 16 knots, winches. Hydralift supplied three Furuno equipment dominates
Additional Equipment
the vessel has a Wartsila 12V32 cranes of 2t/Sm, 2t/lOm and 5tl in the wheelhouse and includes Carnitech shrimp grading,
main engine of 6,SOOhp driving a 12m. radar, echo sounders and videol processing and freezing
3,SOOmm diameter CP propeller. The vessel is fitted with a track plotters. Scan mar provided system; York Refrigeration
Two Caterpillar 350SB auxiliary comprehensive shrimp grading, a hydroacoustic catch control refrigeration system with
diesel-driven generators, each of system of SRU05-400TE type Sabroe compressors;
processing and freezing system
Halvorsen steam boiler; Leroy
910kW are installed, along with a supplied by Carnitech of with Furuno CN24 and CN22 Somer shaft alternator; Ulstein
Leroy Somer shaft alternator Denmark. This includes three IQF trawl eyes. Furuno was also flap rudder; Tenfjord steering
developing 2,500kW at 1200 revl tunnels (two of IS tonnes and one sourced for an Inmarsat Band C gear; Cosmos shrimp gear with
min. An electrically driven of 15 tonnes capacity), five DSI satellite communication system, Scan mar sensors; Bridon trawl
transverse thruster of 370kW is 17-station horizontal plate three VHF radios and a warps; Vonin halibut trawls;
communication system that fully Scanmar hydroacoustic catch
fitted, as is an Ulstein flap rudder freezers, three shrimp cookers,
control system; Viking 6-
with Tenfjord electro-hydraulic four shrimp graders and six complies with GMDSS person and 4-person liferafts
steering gear. Japanese packing stations. Cargo requirements.


Does size matter?
One could be excused for thinking that not much has changed in tug design since the introduction of azimuthing
thrusters and cycIoidal propulsors. Nothing could be further from the truth. ot only is tug building one of the
few boom sectors of the small ship industry, changes in operational procedure have generated developments.
Much of the research and development work, and there is to facilitate close-quarter manoeuvring and an ocean-going
considerable activity on this front as the papers presented at navigational/communications package of electronics.
the most recent International Tug & Salvage Convention Identical winches fore and aft offer operational versatility
would indicate, relate to the growing need for dedicated escort without adding complexity. Thoroughly good tugs.
tugs. Ajax, designed by RobertAllan in Vancouver and built In Europe, the prize for securing the largest single
in Spain for oil terminal operation in Norway is probably the contact goes to Alstorn Leroux Naval with a 14-tug mixed
foremost example. Furthermore, it illustrates the point that order from major French operator, Les Abei lies, although
tugs are no longer the product of a harbour master's ideas governmental interference was almost certainly a factor as
expressed to the local yard on the back of the proverbial to where the order was placed. Whilst of varying lengths,
envelope. For any designer needing to produce a safe tug powers and both tractor and reverse tractor configurations,
with sufficient steering force and stability when operating in all the types are remarkably standardised equipment-wise.
indirect mode escorting tankers, the papers presented by Allan The vessels featured here are the largest and most
and others at ITS 2000 must be compulsory reading. powerful. The operator canvassed the opinions of the
Allan also had a hand in another tug class, but where crews in all its ports before deciding what types to order
escort operations are an important, although not exclusive, and this explains the variety within the series.
duty. North Atlantic Petrel and her sister are the ninth and Although the UK's McTay Marine has not built a tug in
tenth in a line of similar, and highly successful, tugs built the last few years, its reputation for good Voith Schneider
in the Maritime Provinces of Canada but differ by having a true tractors lives on with Enselini and Palmiet, the first
'bolt-on' keel to improve course stability in following seas tugs to be built in South Africa for many years. Whilst
whilst carrying out over-the-bow towing operations. local political considerations may have determined where
Meanwhile, the German Fairplay organisation was the construction took place, operator Portnet must take
having similar thoughts when deciding what was needed credit for insisting on McTay's tried and tested design,
for two new tugs to be built, again in Spain, for northern amongst the best of its type, and using the same equipment
European operations. Extensive tank testing proved that a technology. Modifications have been made to suit local
bulbous bow would have the right effect. Designed by conditions and practices. For example the void space under
Cintranaval, Fairplay 25 and 26 have shared a hullfonn, the wheelhouse was extended to house the air-conditioning
which is likely to be extensively copied. equipment and the wheelhouse layout has been redesigned
Designed and built in Seattle, USA, Alert and her two for easier 'both way' operation. Importantly, the temptation
sisters ar of similar power and proportions to Ajax and, in to increase the size of the wheelhouse has been resisted
a similar manner, share escort and conventional tug duties despite the fact that the vessels can each carry an eight-man
with a high profile oil pollution control role - these vessels crew. Small wheelhouses offer vastly better visibility and
are described as PRTs (prevention and response tugs). For the tendency to turn them into secondary mess rooms has
operations in the environmentally and politically sensitive to be fought from the drawing board stage.
Prince William Sound in Alaska (post Exxon Valdez), So what, if anything, can be learnt from this small
these are big and powerful beasts fitted out for an selection about the art of tug design. Increasingly, size does
incredibly wide variety of tasks. In the past, some multi- matter. Large aft decks (often to take containers packed
role vessels have failed to live up to expectations and one with specialist equipment), higher power, escort speed and
worries that the old adage: 'Jack of all trades, but master of indirect mode stability are all tending to take lengths above
none' could apply. Only time will tell. the 30m norm of a few years ago. The desire to keep all
Singapore is a tug-building phenomenon. Not only does accommodation areas above the waterline produces a large
it have its own efficient yards, such as Jaya, President and deckhouse capped by a minimal wheelhouse. It is also
ASL Shipyard, producing tugs from the designs of the becoming a smaller world. Operators can, with the
country's several eminently competent naval architectural advantages of modern electronic communications, seek
practices, Singapore's entrepreneurial marine industry has expertise in the field from wherever it may be found.
sought cheaper basic construction around the region, For the future, the equipment manufacturers may hold
particularly in Indonesia and China. Jaya and Yantai the key. The forcible joining together of former fierce
Raffles have led the way but Labroy Marine has been antagonists Ulstein and Aquamaster by the Rolls-Royce
successful in picking up the largest single order. take-over is, it is pledged, set to bring some new thruster
Singapore-based but operating a major facility on the designs to the market. Lips has already announced its
nearby Indonesian island of Batarn, the company secured advanced concept and Steerprop, the new kid on the block,
the completion contract from Adstearn in Australia for six is promising good things. Schottel is working hard at
tugs barely started by an Australian yard that got into propeller and nozzle efficiency and unsurpassed ballard
financial difficulties. - pull figures are already being achieved in actual operations.
The tugs, the Bunbury class, are not especially Voith Schneider tractor devotees will be pleased to learn
remarkable except that they represent the current state-of- that neither is this company resting on its undoubted
the-art harbour tug incorporating refinements to the laurels.
hullforrn in the light of past experience, the best of modern
practice and a top-of-the-range equipment specification. 2001 looks set to be an equally interesting year.
This is illustrated by the inclusion of marine control drives


ALERT Class: PRT trio Builder: Dakota Creek Industries, WA,
protect Alaskan waters Vessel name: Alert
Owner: Crowley Marine Services, USA
Operator: Alyeska Pipeline Service
Three large, powerful PRTs (prevention and response tugs) - Alert, Attentive and
Company, USA
Aware - are now working in Prince William Sound, Alaska, under contract to the Designer: Guido Perla & Associates,
Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. Built by Dakota Creek Industries of Washington Seattle, USA
for owners Crowley Marine Services, each vessel is on station to help prevent or Total number of sister ships already
speedily respond to any oil spill threat in the Sound. completed (excluding this ship): 2
Measuring 42.67m x 12.80m, the tugs are Other items of deck machinery include Total number of sister ships still on
order: 0
ice strengthened for year-round operation, Western Machine Works tow pins with
Length oa: 42.67m
fitted with emergency spill response integral hold down and a North American Breadth, moulded: 12.BOm
equipment and have a FiFi I fire-fighting marine crane. Design draft: 4.BBm
system. The vessels were designed by Guido In order to accommodate specialist oil spill Service speed: 16 knots
Perla & Associates of Seattle and constructed response teams when necessary, two single, Bollard pull: 136 tonnes
to ABS Maltese Cross A 1 Towing Service five double and one four-berth cabin are Classification: ABS Maltese Cross A1
Towing Service
standard. provided. A galley, pantry, mess room,
Powered by two Caterpillar 3612B laundry, ship's office and decontamination Main Engines
Model: 3612B
engines, each developing 5,096hp at 900 rev/ station make up the living quarters. Manufacturer: Caterpillar
min, the vessels feature stern-mounted The wheelhouse is well equipped with Number: 2
Aquamaster type US CP5001 azimuthing GMDSS, electronic chart display and a Output of each engine: 5,096hp at 900
thrusters. These have 3,500mm diameter Simrad Robertson autopilot/gyrocompass rev/min
stainless steel controllable pitch propellers combination. Two radar, a depth sounder and Generators
inside stainless steel lined nozzles. Each weather fax were supplied by Furuno, a GPS Number: 2
thruster measures about 7.8m in height and from North Star and three YHF radios from Make/type: Caterpillar 3306DITA
weighs around 76 tons. Bollard pull exceeds SEA. Output: 190kW
136 tonnes and free running speed is The ability to respond swiftly and Propulsion
approximately 16 knots. efficiently to any oi I tanker incident is Stern-mounted Aquamaster US CP5001
azimuthing thrusters with 3,500mm
In order to fulfil a varied and demanding paramount and is reflected in the extensive diameter stainless steel controllable pitch
role, the Crowley tugs have a powerful winch complement of pollution control equipment. propellers
arrangement supplied by the Markey Items include two Desmi skimmer units, a Deck Machinery
Machinery Company of Seattle. Central to pair of boom reels (each capable of holding Markey TDS-40 tow winch; Markey
the set-up is a type TDS-40 tow winch, driven over 600m of Kepner Sea Curtain) and two WYWD-20-BOwinch/anchor windlass;
by a GM 8Y-71 diesel engine via an Allison 6m long fast aluminium recovery skiffs. Up Western Machine Works tow pins; North
CRT-5633 transmission. The unit can be to 164m3 of recovered oil can be held in American crane
controlled locally and remotely via the onboard tanks. Bridge Electronics
wheelhouse and has capacity for 170m of Two wheelhouse-mounted Skum Radar: 2 x Furuno
60mm wire and a brake load of 270 tonnes. monitors, fed by a pair of I,500m3/h pumps, Autopilot/gyrocompass: Simrad Robertson
A pneumatic or manually operated brake and provide fire-fighting cover. Two foam tanks GMDSS: Simrad Robertson
GPS: North Star
clutch are fitted, a 45mm gypsy installed to with a total volume in excess of 38m3 are
Electronic Chart Display: Simrad
starboard and an auxiliary wire drum to port. installed alongside tanks for fuel (550m3) and Robertson
A combination winch and anchor windlass fresh water (35m3). VHF radios: 2 x SEA
of WYWD-20-80 type is positioned at the Additional protective measures include a Additional equipment
bow with a drum capacity of 150m x 230mm Step Warmfloor heating system for the Arctic Step Warmfloor heating system;
circumference softline. The unit has a line external deck and Schuyler Rubber heavy Kepner Sea Curtain; Skum fire monitors;
monitoring system and gypsies on both sides. fendering. Schuyler fendering


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spacious single cabins, and a crew exercise
room, all situated around a central service
and storage core. The upper level includes
the master's cabin, galley, galley store and
roomy crew lounge and mess areas. At the
boat deck level there is a large office/command
centre from which any emergency response
operations would be conducted. The entire
accommodation lining and outfitting system,
including a floating floor system was supplied
and installed by Maritime Montering AS of
Bygstad, Norway. Noise levels in all
accommodation areas were measured on trials
at between 59 and 65 dBA under full power.
The wheelhouse is fully appointed with
the latest in electronic control and navigation
systems for operation of a tug with a fully
automated machinery space, and includes two
separate Yoith steering and control consoles,
one forward and one aft for maximum
operational visibility and control when
operating in either direction.

Main Particulars
Builder: Astilleros Zamakona, Spain
Vessel name: Ajax
Owner/Operator: Ostesjo Rederi AS,
Designer: Robert Allan Ltd, Canada
Total number of sister ships already
completed (excluding this ship): 0

AJAX: powerful escort tug Total number of sister ships still on

order: 0
Length oa: 41.60m

at work off Norway Beam: 15.90m

Depth, moulded: 6.25m
Service speed: 15 knots
Bollard pull: 95 tonnes
The most powerful dedicated tanker escort tug in Europe and one of the most powerful Classification: DNV Escort Tug, FiFi1 & Oil
vessels of its type in the world, entered service off the west coast of Norway towards Recovery Certification
Other important international/national
the end of 2000. Named Ajax, the newest tug in the Ostesjo Rederi fleet, measures regulations complied with: National
41.60m x 15.90m x 6.80m, has a bollard pull of 95 tonnes and supports a sustained Regulations of the Norwegian Maritime
escort steering force of 160 tonnes at 10 knots. Directorate
Ajax was built by Astilleros Zamakona of the model tests indicated that the lines at both
Bilbao, Spain, in accordance with DNY ends offer a very dry working deck Main Engines
regulations as an escort tug with FiFi I and environment in up to 6m significant seas. Model: 3612
Manufacturer: Caterpillar
Oil Recovery certification and fully complies Power is derived from a pair of Caterpillar Number: 2
with the regulations of the orwegian 3612 diesel engines, each delivering 3,800kW Output of each engine: 3,800kW at 900
Maritime Directorate. at 900 rev/min to a Yoith cycloidal propeller, rev/min
Designed by Robert Allan Ltd, naval model 36Gll-270 via a Yoith Turbo coupling.
architects ofYancouver, Canada, in extensive Both main engines also drive a fire-fighting Generators
Number: 2
consultation with the owner, and in particular pump and a hydraulic pump via a PTO and
Make/type: Caterpillar 3306B
with Carl Johan Amundsen, of C J Amundsen step-up gear at the forward end. Electrical Output: 165kW at 1,500 rev/min
AS, the tug incorporates a number of unique power is supplied by a pair of Caterpillar
hullform developments - the result of a 3306B diesel generator sets, each rated Propulsion
comprehensive series of model tests and 165kW atl ,500 rev/min. Voith cycloidal propeller, model 36GII·
research carried out by Robert Allan over the The tug has a split-level accommodation 270, driving through a Voith Turbo
past several years into the performance of and service space, orientated about the major
escort tugs. Model tests were conducted at forward working deck. The main deck area Deck Machinery
the Institute of Marine Dynamics in St. features a fully enclosed winch room, with a Karmoy double-drum winch with Superiine
John's, ewfoundland and at Yoith double-drum Karmoy winch, containing a Steelite Xtra HMPE escort towing hawser;
Schiffstechnik's laboratories in Heidenheim, 250m x 90mm Superline Steelite Xtra HMPE Effer 80-000-3SL knuckle-boom crane
Germany to verify the predicted performance, escort towing hawser and a 1,200m x 64 mm
and to refine the design of the hull and steel towline. Adjacent to the winch room is Fuel: 242 tonnes
appendages. a large 'garage', containing an oil spill Reserve fuel: 350 tonnes
The tug is configured to operate in the 'skeg recovery skimmer and oil containment boom Potable water: 72 tonnes
first' direction for all escort operations, but on a common bed frame. A large Effer model Recovered oil: 430m3
the hullform has been refined for best 80-000-3SL knuckle-boom crane serves to Fire-fighting foam: 28m3
Oil dispersant: 17m3
possible sea-keeping capabilities in both launch and recover this equipment as well as
directions. The 'aft' end includes a raised handle deck equipment and stores. Complement
forecastle and is the direction used for running There is a wet lobby that accesses the crew Crew: 8
free at sea in more severe sea states, and for accommodation from the main deck. The Number of cabins: 8
any rescue or long distance towing. However, lower deck has seven well-appointed,


ENSELINI & PALMIET: on Bollard pull: 58 tonnes
Classification: Lloyds +100A1 +LMC FiFi1
with Occasional Coastal Passage

24-hour shifts in Durban certification

Other important international/national
regulations complied with: International
The two Voith tractor tugs Enselini and Palmiet, delivered in the second quarter of Safety Requirements as set out by SA
2000, were significant in two ways. Firstly, they added highly efficient modern tonnage Maritime Safety Association Class 8
to the fleet of customer and operator Portnet and also they marked a return to regulations
commercial vessel building for South African yards after 15 years of virtual inactivity.
Main Engines
Built by SAFReight Shipbuilding (Pty) Ltd insulation, for example, were major Model: 6RK270
(SAFBuild), a joint venture of SAFreight considerations. The deckhouse was specially Manufacturer: Ruston
Ltd and Southern African Shipyards (Pty) panelled and insulation of the engine room Number: 2
Ltd, the 30.80m x 11.00m Voith Schneider deckhead and accommodation floor have kept Output of each engine: 1,900kW at 1,000
tractor tugs entered service in Durban within the high frequency sound levels to within rev/min
three weeks of each other. internationally acceptable norms.
Utilising the Trafalgar class design drawn Both the master and chief engineer have Number: 2
up by McTay Marine of Liverpool, UK, spacious separate cabins and a shared toilet/ Make/type: Cummins 6BT 5.90 (M)
SAFBuild made a series of layout shower room. Each of the two crew cabins Output: 91kW
modifications to customise the vessels for can sleep up to three (although two is the
dual12-hour shift operations in often harsh norm) and a large well-planned mess room Step-up Gearboxes
Make: Kumera Norgear
sea conditions. Crew comfort and sound has good seating arrangements. A dual
Number: 2
shower/toilet facility is also provided for the
The aft deck is dominated by a Rolls-Royce
crew and is accessed from the cross-alleyway. Propulsion
Ulstein Brattvaag winch.
Unlike other tugs in the Portnet fleet, which 2 x Voith 29 GII/210 propulsors
have Schottel propulsion systems, Enselini
Deck Machinery
and Palmiet are propelled by powerful Voith
Rolls-Royce Ulstein Brattvaag towing
28 GIII210 units. These are powered by winch; Palfinger deck crane; Petrel
Ruston 6RK270 Mk I diesels, each delivering Engineering anchor windlass/warping
1,900kWat 1,000 rev/min. The engines are drum
mounted amidships, with a Kumera Norgear
gearbox on the free ends. Each has a PTO Complement
Crew: 6
Number of cabins: 4
Main Particulars
Additional Equipment
Builder: SAFBuild, South Africa Ingersol Dresser fire-fighting pump;
Vessel name: Enselini Hamworthy general service pumps and
Owner/Operator: Portnet, South Africa Super Trident sewage treatment plant;
Designer: McTay Marine, UK Land and Marine air-conditioning system;
Total number of sister ships already Vokes fuel coalescers; Facet CPS 5B Mk
completed (excluding this Ship): 1 3 oil-water separator; Siemens main
Total number of sister ships still on order: switchboard; Atlas Copco LT75-30KE air
o compressors; FW Hydrophore system;
Length oa: 30.80m Bauer Breathing-Air bottle recharge
Beam: 11.00m compressor; Electrowave 98-channel
Design draft: 5.20m engine room data logger; Counterfire fire
Service speed: 12 knots monitors


shaft for both a 1,200m3/hr Ingersol crew fatigue.
Dresser fire-fighting pump and a low Layout of the working decks is
pressure hydraulic pump for the Rolls- functional and clean. The boat deck
Royce Ulstein Brattvaag towing (above the accommodation) houses
winch. The arrangement produces a a boat tender davit, the fire-fighting
maximum speed in excess of 12 knots manifolds and Palfinger deck crane
and a bollard pull of around 58 tonnes. as well as a single 850kg stockless
Two 45m3/hr Harnworthy general anchor with eleven cables of chain
service pumps, a Harnworthy Super in an anchor pocket located on the
Trident sewage treatment plant, Land starboard side. A Petrel
& Marine air-conditioning system and Engineering anchor windlass/
Petrel windlass hydraulic plant warping drum is positioned
complete the starboard side of the forward of the forward emergency
engine room. escape hatch.
Aft of the engine room are two The aft deck is dominated by the
watertight compartments. The port towing winch, which has a 210
compartment houses two Atlas Copco tonne brake capacity on the bottom
LT75-30KE air compressors, FW Good visibility from a modern compact layer and good retrieval speeds under 39
hydrophore system, domestic hot water wheelhouse. tonnes load.
geyser and two Cummins 6BT 5.9-0 (M) of Durban. Visibility from the booth is good For fire-fighting duties, each tug is fitted
91kW diesel generator sets, as well as bridge and keeps the noise levels to below 77dBA with two monitors, one for foam and the other
control hydraulics for the winch. in the manned compartments whilst the vessel for water. Fitted with flapper nozzles, they
The starboard compartment holds the is at normal operating power. provide a 120m x 45m reach when both fire
ropes and also gives access to the aft deck The wheelhouse is dominated by the Voith pumps are operating at 1,000 rev/min. Foam
via a hatch. It also' houses a shore supply operating console although the steering and is stored in a I O-tonne tank.
transformer, Bauer breathing-air bottle pitch control stands have been redesigned to Now providing a continuous 24-hour
recharge compressor and hydraulic pump for allow the Master to move his seat between service in Durban and reportedly
the Palfinger deck crane. the consoles so as to face either forward or specifically requested by visiting ships,
Forward of the Voith units, the watertight aft during operations. The port stand is for each tug is well able to handle vessels that
bulkhead separates a spacious workshop and steering and engine control whilst the hitherto required a two-tug team. They are
control room from the engine room. Although starboard stand is for pitch and towing winch not, however, restricted to harbour duties.
not included in the original design, Portnet control. Fire monitor operation is via a With sufficient fuel, lube oil, fresh water
requested the inclusion of a Motor portable control box that enables the watch and cold room storage for ten days at sea,
Watchkeepers' Control Booth. This position keeper to observe the fire from any position the tugs can be detached for coastal towing
houses a locally supplied 98-channel engine on the bridge deck. The new layout has or Search and Rescue duties, if necessary,
room data logger, developed by Electrowave greatly improved operability and reduced at short notice.

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BUNBURY Class: first of six Main Particulars
Builder: Oceanfast, Australia and Labroy

for operation down under Marine, Australia/Singapore

Vessel name: Bunbury
Owner/Operator: Adsteam Marine,
Although subjected to a troubled build programme, the first of a series of six reverse Australia
tractor tugs entered service in 2000 with Australian operator, Adsteam Marine. First of Designer: Barnes & Fleck, Australia
Total number of sister ships already
class, Bunbury, was loosely based on an old proven Adsteam tug design from Barnes
completed (excluding this Ship): 5
& Fleck, an Australian firm which was asked to update and enhance its concept for the Total number of sister ships still on
new series. order: 0
Various modifications were made. In order double cabins at the forward end of the Length oa: 31.88m
to improve directional stability and water flow deckhouse, ahead of the mess, and three twin- Beam: 11.24m
to the propulsion units, the beam was berth crew cabins are positioned forward Depth, moulded: 4.72m
Service speed: 12.5 knots
increased and the skeg profile altered to run below main deck. The mess area includes a Bollard pull: 60 tonnes
almost the full length of the keel, at a height separate galley, two washrooms and a Classification: ABS Maltese Cross ACCU
of 0.5m. The changes shifted the centre of laundry. Main Engines
pressure forward to give improved static The wheelhouse is accessed via two sets of Model: 6DKM-28
bollard pull and enhance indirect pull above internal stairs. Compact and efficiently laid out, Manufacturer: Daihatsu
eight knots. A thickened flat sheer strake it has a horseshoe shaped control console Number: 2
without the traditional sponson was also forward. Individual throttles and steering Output per engine: 2,400hp (1,800kW) at
controls are complemented by Aquamaster's 750 rev/min
incorporated and fitted with a 1,000mm
Shibata fender forward and Trelleborg block recently developed Aquaduo single joystick Generators
fenders aft. Particular attention was paid at control system. Electronics include a Sirnrad Number: 2
Make/type: Caterpillar 3304DIT
design stage to reducing noise and vibration Robertson autopilot, Sirnrad combined GPS/ Output: 170kW total
levels to between 64 and 75 dB(A). echosounder, Koden radar and GMDSS pack.
A speed of 12.5 knots and bollard pull of Rolls-Royce Ulstein Brattvaag single split Make: Twin Disc
60 tonnes is derived from a Daihatsu/ drum winches are fitted fore and aft with a Model: 3000-6-LD MCD
Aquamaster power/propulsion package. certified 200 tonne proof load on the brakes Number: 2
Twin Daihatsu 6DKM-2S diesels, each and slack line speed of 0-IISm/min. Both Propulsion
developing 2,400hp (l,SOOkW) at 750 rev/ winches hold SOmm Marlow Optiline. A Stern-mounted Aquamaster US 2001
min, turn stern-mounted Aquamaster US single stockless Bower anchor with 155m of thrusters with 2,400mm diameter
2001 thrusters with 2,400mm diameter 20.5mm galvanised studlink anchor cable is propellers
propellers via Twin Disc 3000-6-LD marine located forward. Deck Machinery
control drives. Auxiliary power is provided Construction of Bunbury started at the ROils-Royce Ulstein Brattvaag drum
winches; Bower anchor
by two Caterpillar 3304DlT diesel powered Oceanfast yard but, following its closure,
gen sets, delivering a total of 170kW at 1,500 was completed in Fremantle, Australia by the Bridge Electronics
Radar: Koden MD3641
rev/min. The main machinery is cooled by Singapore-based company Labroy Marine.
Autopilot: Simrad Robertson AP9 Mk3
four NRF type U1425 box coolers. The other five in the series (Tingari, Bullara, GMDSS: Koden
Featuring good all-round visibility thanks Beltana, Clontarf and Burra) were GPS: Simrad CE30 combined GPS/
to a high rise wheelhouse with raked transported as part-builds to Labroy's facility echosounder
windows and low squat funnels, Bunbury on Batam Island, Indonesia for completion. Complement
has been carefully designed for a small crew. They are now in service at various Australian Crew: 8
The captain and chief engineer both have ports. Number of cabins: 5



ABEILLE FECAMP: reverse Main Particulars

Builder: Alstom Leroux Naval, St Malo,
tractor packs plenty of punch Vessel name: Abeille Fecamp
Owner/Operator: Les Abeilles, France
The decision to upgrade its fleet of Dunkerque Clairvoyant class tugs for reverse Total number of sister ships already
tractors prompted French operator Les Abeilles to order 14 vesselsof different types in completed (eXCludingthis ship): 3
99/00 from the Alstom Leroux aval yard in St Malo, France. The largest models are Total number of sister ships still on
order: 0
a quartet for the port of Le Havre - Abeille Fecamp and its sisters have large stern- Length oa: 36.BOm
mounted thrusters and achieve an impressive bollard pull of 60 tonnes. Three of the Beam: 10.60m
tugs are identical, the fourth - the second in the series - being larger and equipped Displacement: 845 tons at full load
differently for ocean-going capability. Design draft: 5.25m
Design aspects were influenced by the climate additionally serve the towing winch system, Service speed: 12.5 knots
in which the tugs operate and also by the driven off the port main engines. Bollard pull: 60 tonnes
builder's need for a flexible layout, which could The starboard engine drives the fire pump, Main Engines
be adapted for vessels of different lengths. which in the case of Abeille Fecamp and Abeille Model: BDZC
Length at 36.80m and displacement (845 Gascogne comprises a 450m3/hr system Manufacturer: ABC
tons at full load) were determined by the supplying a 300m3/hr single Fishcon monitor Number: 2
Output per engine: 1,840kW at 1000 rev/
variable winter sea state conditions and a self-drenching system. Vessels three and min
encountered between Le Havre and the four, however, have been fitted with a Kvaemer
Antifer oil terminal, two hours north. The fire-fighting system consisting of two 1,200m3/
hull comprises a cylindrical mid-section that hr monitors and a drenching system fed by a Make: Twin Disc
Model: MCD 3000
enables the builder to offer any length pair of I,400m3/hr main engine driven pumps. Number: 2
between 33m and 40m and, hence, also The raised forecastle deck is dominated
customise the interior. This option was put to by a double drum 135 tonnes brake AMGC 2 X Aquamaster US 3001 thrusters with
the test for the second Les Abeilles tug, anchor/towing winch. The port drum is fitted 2,600mm propellers
Abeille Gascogne, which has two additional with 100m of 52mm rope combined with 15m Bow Thruster
three-berth cabins forward of the engine room of 88mm nylon Sigmaflex and 20m of 44mm Make: Scholle I
to accommodate extra crew on deep sea wire. The starboard line combines 300m of Number: 1
operations. 52mm rope with a similar end arrangement. Output: 200kW
As standard, the tugs have a full width Aft of the deckhouse on three of the tugs is a Deck Machinery
galley/mess and two single crew cabins at single drum winch of similar characteristics, AMGC single drum and double drum
main deck level and three single berth cabins which houses an identical rope/wire anchor/towing winches
on the 'Captain Deck'. Each has a separate arrangement to the forward starboard drum. Bridge Electronics
toilet compartment. Abeille Gascogne has a double drum AMGC Radar: 1 x Atlas 1000
Autopilot: Navitron
All four vessels have identical propulsion winch aft capable of holding an extra 500m
GMDSS: Area 1
systems. Power is derived from twin ABC of 52mm wire. VHF radio: Sailor
8DZC diesels with a total output of3,680kW All winches are controlled from two
at 1,000 rev/min. These turn Aquamaster US consoles in the wheelhouse. These also Crew: 5
300 I thrusters with 2,600mm propellers via incorporate controls for the main engine and Number of cabins: 5
Twin Disc MCD 3000 slipping clutches. Free thruster and house all navigation equipment Additional Equipment
running speed is approximately 12.5 knots. such as the Sailor VHFs, Atlas 1000 colour Fishcon fire monitor and self drenching
A Schottel bow thruster of 200kW is also radar and Navitron autopilot. The tugs are system or Kvaemer fire-fighting and
fitted, powered by hydraulic pumps that equipped to GMDSS Area 1. drenching system





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o FRAME 53







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V 'mOtT punore JO MOlq~ B pUB UlW/SllBIi ST PSS<lA <lq~ 'w6'T 1 X w9'Zt IiUpnSB<lUT
d4000' ~ :jndino
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~ :JaqwnN
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JelSnJ41. MOS 'l<lPW qidop pUB SdD Ul-l]mq ql!M -nrouidmbo
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leels SSaIU!BjS:IB!JaIBlfIJ ourung lS[lqM SdHA OM~ 10J ojqtsuodsai <lql 'OOIX<lW JO ISBOO UJ<lISB<l<l4~no 'SPI<lIJ
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