I. Objectives: Introduction To Indigenous Peoples Historical and Legal Framework

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Learning Area: Gen Ed 10

Quarter: First Sem

Grade level: Second Year
Week & Date: Week 1 – June 17 & 18, 2022
Section/Time: BSED 2h

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson should be able to:

1. Discuss the constitutional basis of the promotion of the welfare of Indigenous Peoples as well as
the basic rights embodied in IPRA Law

2. Determine the different laws concerning indigenous people

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Introduction to Indigenous Peoples Historical and Legal Framework


 August 8, 2011 DO 62, s. 2011 – Adopting the National Indigenous Peoples (IP) Education
Policy Framework. (n.d.). Retrieved September 07, 2020, from

 Republic Act No. 10908: GOVPH. (2016, July 21). Retrieved September 07, 2020, from

 Republic Act No. 8371: GOVPH. (1997, October 29). Retrieved September 07, 2020, from

b. Instructional materials
 Pictures
 Videos
 PowerPoint
c. Method: Discussion
d. Values: Respect
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities


Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!


Kyla, lead the prayer. The student will stand and pray.

Checking of attendance

Any absentees? None Ma’am!

That’s good!


Class, What was our last topic yesterday? Our topic yesterday was all about the
indigenous people Ma’am!

Very good!

So what are indigenous people or who are Indigenous people referred to as native
indigenous people again? people, they are culturally ethnic groups.
Very good Celine!

What about the different Ma’am we have 18 major Lumad groups

indigenous groups? Yes Mark! namely: Subanen, B‟laan, T‟boli, Mandaya,
Mansaka, Tiruray, Higaonon, Manobo,
Bagobo, Bukidnon, Tagkaolo, Ubo, Banwaon,
Kalagan, Dibabawon, Talaandig, Mamanwa
and Manguangan.

Exactly! Today before we proceed to our

Discussion, I’ll show you videos and pictures
to fully understand our topic for today.

B. Motivation

What do you see in the pictures ?

Indigenous people/groups here in the Philippines


Very good! What about the video?

The video is all the rights of indigenous people.

Very good ! so today we will study and discuss the

constitutional basis of the promotion of the welfare
of Indigenous Peoples as well as the basic rights
embodied in IPRA Law.

Who can give the acronym for IPRA law anyone?

Yes Mira!

Very Good Mira!

IPRA stands for Indigenous People’s Rights Act
The Indigenous People's Rights Act of 1997,
officially designated as Republic Act No. 8371, is a
Philippine law that recognizes and promotes the
rights of indigenous cultural communities and
indigenous peoples in the Philippines.

Who can explain to me the 1987 Philippine

Constitution concerning indigenous people?

Ma’am the framers of the 1987 Constitution

Very good ! in 1987 PH constitution there are five deemed it fit to articulate the rights of indigenous
article that is about indigenous people. communities in a more elaborate set of provisions
signaling an unprecedented recognition of
indigenous rights to their ancestral domain.

So the 5 articles are:

What about today when they say terrorism
Today Ma’am terrorism they just kill innocent
what they usually refer ?
people to create a scene in social media.
Very good !

Right now show you some terrorist attack

during 1990s.

So as you can see in the pictures what do you think is

the effect of terrorism to the nations of the world ? Many civilians were affected.

What else ?

Exactly !

As we all know terrorist also have their different

strategies like bombing, threats, assassination,
kidnapping and hostage taking.

Can give me an example ?

Very good!
What else ? what about assassination ?

Very good!

C. Generalization

What are the two type of terrorism again ?

Very good !

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