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Bill Thomson
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One thing is certain - 2001 will not go down in history as one of the best years for the smaller
tonnage shipbuilding industry. Even though, from the outset, we had decided to extend the
coverage of our traditional categories, the response we got from the shipbuilding industry
reflected the fact that there were just not that many significant deliveries during the year.

evertheless, during 2001 we wrote with a degree of caution, in view of actual events.

N about a good number of new vessels,

and new designs and contracts.
this guide we decided to go down as far as IOm-
Quite why this should be is open to various
viewpoints. The editor's own opinion is that the
industry has been gripped by fear of recession.
15m length overall - those who feel that at this Even prior to September II th, the date that,
length there is no way a vessel can be called a horrific as the events were, is seen as being the
ship are probably justified in their doubts, but turning point for so many negative aspects of
vessels of this length are important to Ship & 21st century life, our industry was being seen as
Boat International's coverage, and to the industry, having the brakes well and truly applied.
and we think that bringing down the limit has let Looking forward, a perceived recession is
some interesting vessels into the guide. probably worse than an actual recession. With
Similarly, we have not been too fussy about the the latter, at least the industry knows where it is,
IOOrnupper length limit. Designs which start off and there is a certain do-or-die spirit and a desire
at under 100m tend to grow; so what is to beat the recession and come out of it before
undoubtedly a small ship in concept and In one's competitors. With the former, the
technology should not, in our opinion, be uncertainty about when, or if, orders will come
excluded from this review by a somewhat causes companies to retrench and consolidate
arbitrary cut-off point. rather than expand. Talking to people at the
We also extended a couple of the categories. industry events through the year showed that,
We were very much aware that several vessel although everybody is still trying to talk things
types were excluded from recognition - maybe up, there has been an unwillingness to invest in
not types that are at the cutting edge of ship new products, new designs and expansion.
design or building technology, but types worthy Retrenchment and consolidation are two words
of recognition. We could have introduced new that, in my opinion, well and truly sum up the
categories, but fortunately decided against this. small craft industry.
Instead, we decided to ask for contributions for However, it is pleasing to report that I can
workboats along with tugs - as it happened we round up this summary on a truly optimistic note.
got little response. More fortuitously, we We have previously looked for the silver lining to
decided to look at ferries and passenger vessels the cloud cast by international terrorism, and
in general rather than just fast ferries. This was found it in a renewed vigour in the military and
fortuitous because even we were amazed at just paramilitary craft sector. But even in the
how few fast ferries had been delivered during commercial marketplace as I write this I find J
the year. am receiving encouraging news of new orders
Apart from the ever-raging discussion about throughout the world, and my own feeling is that
what is meant by a 'small ship' we also have to when we come to compile Significant Ships of
consider what is meant by 'significant'. We are 2002, it ought to be in a very different climate.
very much aware that to the designers, the Finally, I will repeat not only the customary,
builders, the owners (particularly whoever it is at and sincerely felt, thanks to the designers and
the owners who signs the very significant builders who have willingly furnished details of
cheque) and the operators, any new vessel is their vessels, but the surprise that many seem so
significant. Our selection here is purely arbitrary, unwilling to share information. A GA plan can
taken from vessels covered during the year that be so informative to our readers, but at the small
have, for whatever reason caught the editor's eye. scale we are able to reproduce such plans there is
Non-inclusion does not mean that any vessel is no way that confidential information can be
not significant or unworthy in any other respect. gleaned by competitors.
Last year's introduction suggested that almost Bill Thomson

all of our traditional categories were still being Editor

seen as growth sectors. We have to view this January 2002


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is not often that both of these are dealt witb by one author, let alone In February 2001, The Royallnstitution of Naval Architects will
handled with such authority. There is coverage of cargo ships and publish Significant Small Ships of2001, following the success of the
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A year of consolidation
The tug sector is still booming, in c0'rparison with other small tonnage vessel markets, but the pace of innovation has - some might say
thankfully - settled down. As former editor and tug aficionado Andy Smith put it in his feature in Ship & Boat International last October, it
has been a period of evolutionary refinement rather than revolutionary progress.

fter years of confusion about the form Mention of production lines brings to mind

A and function of various tug types, it

seems the industry has come to terms
with the fact that a good harbour tug is not
another trend exemplified
single sourcing.
by Lady Laura -
In the case of that vessel the
engines, propulsion units and clutches all came
necessarily the same as a good escort tug, and from Niigata, but another single source,
the latest designs and deliveries have reflected following the introduction in 200 I of the
that, in the main. Considerations like Bergen C-series engine for tug builders and
coursekeeping and heeling stability are more operators is Rolls-Royce.
important in escort mode than out-and-out However, back to the Dutch. Damen
bollard pull. Similarly, the distinction between Gorinchem's nearby sister yard at Hardinxveld
a true tractor tug and a 'reverse tractor', or ASD is another Dutch builder with an interesting tug-
(azimuthing stem drive) tug has become clearer, building heritage on which it drew for a 200 I
helped by the fact that the confusing 'reverse delivery - a traditional tug that was fitted out as,
tractor' term is falling out of favour. The true and is used as, a luxury yacht. We bent many of
tractor tug features forward-mounted our rules when compiling this review, but did
propulsion units, which can be either not feel we could justify a recreational vessel in
azimuthing units or cycloidal units (often called the tugs section but in its own way this too was
'Voith Schneider' after one such brand) with a a significant delivery - certainly an unusual
large skeg aft. example.
Tug building is truly international, with StiII with Dutch yards, and unusual tugs, one
recent deliveries from many countries, of the most distinctive tug designs of recent
sometimes designed by the builders but years was Kooren's Rotortug. Four of these
frequently to designs produced quite separately. boats, which feature a three-engine propulsion
The Canadian naval architectural practice of plant offering exceptional manoeuvring as well
Robert Allen has been particularly prolific in as high pull ahead, astern and .sideways, have
this respect. As in previous years, Spain has been operating as harbour tugs in Rotterdam.
proved a leading tug producer, but notable tugs One was put to the test during sea trials in 200 I
have been produced in the Asia Pacific region as an escort tug, with what the builder describes
(particularly Singapore), in the USA, in India, as encouraging results, resulting in the design
and - a first during 200 I - Poland. being adapted and optimised for such duties. At
Although Spain undoubtedly has the the same time a number of smaller harbour tug
dominant position among European tug- designs were produced to the Rotortug
building countries, the Dutch must not be principle, and at the end of the year Kooren
discounted, particularly in niche markets. offered the range of Rotortug designs to the
Damen is well known as a production-line general market. It will be interesting to see if
builder of small- to-medium sized tugs, of which the concept is taken up by other operators in
Lady Laura, featured here, is a typical example. 2002.


BHARATHIAR: large Voith Schneider tug
built in India for domestic port
Builder COChin Shipyard Limited. giving the required 45tonne maximum bollard Design draught 5.30m
COChin. India pull and a free-running speed of nearly Max speed 13.85knots @ 100% MCR
Vessel name: .Bharathiar 14knors. Max bollard pull: .45tonnes
Owner/Operator M/S Chennai Port Trust The rug may lack the sophistication in equipment Service speed 12knots @ 90% MCR
Designer: Cochin Shipyard Limited that is found in many other new tugs, but in Range: 1600nm
Flag India countries where labour is relatively inexpensive, Fuel consumption 18.7tonnes daily
Total number of sister ships already completed allowing high manning levels to be maintained, there Class notation IRS +SUL +1Y. tug
(including this ship): nil is far less need for complex automation and control Regulations Built to IMS Class XII standards
Total number of sister ships on order: nil systems. Main Engine
Contract date: October 1999 Bbaratbiar operates with a crew of up to 16, a very Manufacturer: Caterpillar
Delivery date: August 2001 high complement by European standards. Model: 3606TA
Nevertheless, high-specification basic equipment is Number: .2

T HE Chennai Port Trust has proved to be a good

customer for rhe Cochin Shipyard in India, wirh
fitted, including Furuno radar. The electrical needs
of the necessarily large accommodation are filled
1875kW @ l000rev/min

recent orders for dredgers as well as rhe 45tonne by rwo 100kW Cummins-powered diesel alternators, Number: 2 main + 1 harbour
bollard pull rug Bbaratbiar. Cochin shipyard is rhe plus a 40kW harbour genset. A telescopic mast Make/type:. . Cummins NTA495MG
largest and most advanced in India, and has built rype fire fighting unit is provided for Output 2 x lookW. 1 x 40kW
several tugs in recent years, as well as working on emergency use. Propulsion units
building and repair of large ships and offshore Manufacturer: Voith Schneider GmbH,
The new tug, handed over to the port trust in Number: 2
August, follows standard Voith Schneider tug design Length. oa 32.90m Diameter 2.8m
and build practices, but at 32.9m length overall, and Length. bp: . .. 31.67m Deck Machinery: .. .. Winch windlass
671 tonnes displacement, she is of substantial size, Breadth moulded:. . I'.0m Bridge Electronics
well able to handle the large vessels using the Depth moulded .4.5m Radar:. .. Furuno. Japan FR2115
port. Gross tonnage .419gt Communications: VHF radio telephone
A propulsion plant comprising twin Caterpillar Displacement: . .. 671.06tonnes Complement
6-cylinder medium-speed diesels driving Veith Light weight: .481.50tonnes Crew 16
Schneider 2.8m propulsors develops 3750kW, Design deadweight:. 189.56tonnes Other: .. Telescopic mast type fire fighting unit



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FACAL XVIII: tug debut from yard for
Spanish port
Builder: Pasaia Shipyards the port of Pasajes de San Pedro on the Spanish a dispersant dosing pump, salt water pump and
Vessel name:. . Faca/ XVIII Basque coast, a port of call for a wide variety of ships spraying booms for anti-pollution work.
Owner/Operator:. . Remolcadores Facal with a difficult entrance. The design called for a rug
Designer: Cintranaval able to carry out harbour and mooring assistance in MAIN PARTICULARS
Flag Spain safety but at the same time being simple to operate.
Total number of sister ships already completed The vessel would also be required to undertake high Length,oa:. .. 25m
(including this ship): nil sea towage, fire fighting and pollution control duties. Length, bp: . .. 21.5m
Total number of sister ships on order: . . nil Each of the two Caterpillar main engines drives an Breadth moulded:. ....9m
Delivery date:. . May 2001 Ulstein Aquamaster thruster via a hydraulic clutch, an Depth moulded:... .. .4.7m
intermediate shaftline and a cardan transmission. A Gross tonnage:. . 242gt
May 2001, Astilleros de Pasaia delivered its first highly elastic Vulkan coupling is installed between Displacement: . .. 507tonnes
I rug - though such vessels aIe not new to the yard each engine and thruster. Design deadweight:. .. 207tonnes
itself, which, in the 1980s, when the yard operated o side thrusters are fitted, but the design allows Max speed ...................................• 12.5knots @ t 00% MCR
under the name Astilleros Luzutiaga, several rugs for retrofitting should even greater manoevrability be Bollard pull: .. . .4Otonnes
and offshore vessels were delivered to Spanish required is> future. With two Itxas Guria winches, Fuel consumption: 6oolitreih
operators. Two larger rugs, of 28m and 30m, were mounted forward and aft, the rug is able to tow in any Class: Lloyd's Register of Shipping
subsequently ordered from Pasaia for an Algerian direction. Main Engine
owner. A Kvaerner Eureka firefighting system, with twO Manufacturer: ........................ Caterpillar
Focal Dieaocbo was designed by Cintranaval for high- water-foam monitors and two water jets installed on Model:. ....... 3512B
sea towage and harbour assistance, for operation in the top of the wheelhouse. The tug is also fitted with Number: .... 2
Output: . .. 1650bhp @ 18oorev/min
Number:. .. 2
Make/type: ..Letag
Output:.. 106kVA per set Z-drives
Manufacturer:.. .. Aquamaster US1401
Number: 2
Diameter 21oomm
Deck Machinery
Winches: Itxas Guria towing winch, one fwd, one aft
Towing hook: Fluidmecanica SWL 45T
Cranes: . . Palfinger PK-8080 MB
Windlass: Combined with fwd towing winch
Bridge Electronics
Radar: 2 x JRC JMA 2253
Autopilot: .. . Navitron NT925G
GMDSS: IC-M170, Skanti VHF 1000DSC
Communications: . . ..Weatherfax, Navtex
receiver NCR 300A
GPS: 203mm LCD GPS plotter
Chart plotter... .. GP-1810
Safety equipment Tridente, SL
~~ B

8 SIG'IFlCA'\T S'1.\LL SHIPS or 2001

LADY LAURA: standard tug built for strength
Builder: Damen Shipyards side and bottom plating of 12mm and decks of 8mm Depth moulded: 5.0m
Vessel name: Lady Laura thickness. In the aft ship the bottom plating has a Gross tonnage:. . 353gt
Owner/Operator: Howard Smith Towage thickness of 16mm. The aft deck is suitable for a Displacement: .... 664tonnes (100% con sum abies)
(now Adsteam) specific weight of 3tonnes/ rn'. Light weight: . .. 533tonnes
Designer: . . Damen Shipyards At the sides a rubber D-fender size 300mm x 300mm Design deadweight .. 131 tonnes
Flag UK is fitted. At the bow a cylindrical top fender of 900mm Design draught:. .. .... 5.0m
Total number of sister ships already completed eliameter is combined with a large W-rype fender of Max speed:. . 13.3knots @ 100% MCR
(including this ship): 8 ASD3111 type ships 480mm thickness. A t the transom corners, the Bollard pull:. .. 66tonnes
have been delivered fendering consists of a cylindrical fender of 600mm Class notation:. .. L1oyd's Register of
to Smit International diameter. The tug is capable of a free heeling angle of Shipping + 100 A 1 Tug Limited European area
Total number of sister ships on order nil 38deg to reduce risk of damage when handling ships. + LMC UMS Built to UK MCA regulations for
(one hull on stock) The total power of 4908bhp is sufficient to give a Class IX vessels
Contract date January 2000 bollard pull of 66tonnes and a free running speed of Main Engine
Delivery date February 2001 13.3knots. The design of the hull, which incorporates Manufacturer: Niigata
a large skeg, allows an astern speed of 12.3knots to be Model: 6L28HX
T ady Laura was delivered by Damen Shipyards of The achieved, at which full steering control is still possible. Number: . .. 2
L-.'1etherlands to Howard Smith Towage in February Niigata slipping clutches, model CL 202 APY, are fitted Output: 1830kW @ 750rev/min
2001. The ship is to Damen's ASD 3111 design, between the main engines and the thruster, which Generators
featuring a tound bilge hull with transom stern and enable the propeller speed to be controlled very Number: 2
rounded bow. The transom corners are well rounded and accurately when the main engines are running at idle. Make/type: Cummins 6BT 5.9G2
the forecastle gives sufficient bow height for severe The azimuth thruster can be removed without docking Output: 112kVA @ 1500rev/min per set
working conelitions. The hull is elivided into six the vessel. Azimuthing thrusters
compartments and is of very strong construction) with Both fore and aft winches have a brake holding Manufacturer: ... Niigata
power of 125tonnes. The fore winch, of the double Number: ..... 1
drum rype, is fitted with one warping head and one Pitch: .......... Fixed, nozzled
cable lifter. The aft winch has one warping head. Both Diameter: .............. 2600mm
winches can be controlled either locally or remotely, Deck Machinery
from the wheelhouse. The fore winch drums have Double drum anchor/towing winch: ... 111onnes at
separate brakes and clutches for independent control. 22m/min or 2.9tonnes at 62m/min.
Bilge/ballast pumps, fuel pumps and lube oil pumps Aft winch:. ................... 30tonnes at 8m/min or
are all supplied by Desmi. A Facet bilge water 2.9tonnes at 62m/min, both winches
separator and Hamworthy sewage treatment plant are made by Ridderinkhof
fitted. Bridge Electronics
All accommodation is sited above the waterline, with Radar: Furuno FR-1505 Mk3
captain and chief engineer cabins in the deckhouse and Autopilot: Plath Navipilot V
two double crew cabins below the forecastle deck. An GMDSS: .VHF: 2 x Sailor RT 4822, SSB: Sailor 4500
office is provided below deck. GPS:. .. Furuno GP-1650
Engine alarm system: .. Praxis
MAIN PARTICULARS Fire detection system: Thorn Security
Length, oa:. .. 30.6m Crew: .......... 6
Breadth, moulded: 10.6m Cabins:. ......... 4


SERTOSA TREINTA: azimuthing tug for
heavy Bay of Biscay seas
Builder:. . Astilleros Balenciaga downward ramp in line with the forward towing Bollard pull:. . 52tonnes
Vessel name: . . Sertosa Treinta winch, effectively taking the pulling point down to Class notation BV +13/3. Tug boat,
Owner/Operator Sertosa Norte deck level. Deep sea, -Mach, +Alt-MS Built to
Designer: Cintranaval Power is provided by two Deutz medium-speed Spanish Ship Inspectorate requlations
Flag:. . . Spain diesels, each driving a Rolls-Royce 1350H azimuthing Main Engines
Total number of sister ships already drive with fixed pitch propellers. Twin Disc MCD Manufacturer: .. . .Deutz
completed (including this ship) 1 clutches are used, to modulate the speed of the vessel Model: ... SBV6 M628
Total number of sister ships on order 1 between idle and full engine speed. Each clutch Number: .......................................... 2
Delivery date:.. . September 2001 incorporates a PTO for driving the hydraulic deck Output:. ..2000bhp @ 1000rev/min
gear, with a crossover arrangement between pumps to Generators
provide full redundancy. Number: ................. 3
ERTOSA Treinta, delivered by the Balenciaga Other equipment includes Kvaerner fire fighting Make/type: . . 2 x Guascor
S shipyard in September, is the first ASD tug in
Bilbao's Sertosa fleet - the company's previous tugs
pumps and monitors, operated from a joystick control
in the wheelhouse. The rowing hook, supplied by Output:
H6GT-SG + 1 x Diter F4L912
2 x 12OkVA.1x 43kVA@15OOfev/min
have been of the Voith Schneider rype. Azinnuthing Ferri, is provided with a hydraulic motion dampening Slipping clutches
propulsion was chosen for this tug, based in Coruna, brake for use in rough seas, and is fined with a heeling Make: .. .......... Twin Disc
as its tows tend to commence in the often-rough open sel f release arrangement. A C yteema deck crane is Model:. ..................... MCD3000-6HD
seas of the Bay of Biscay. provided. Fendering is by Gesrubber, while the Number: . . 2
The hull design, lines plans and fabrication drawings liferafts and rescue boat are from DBS, launched with Propellers
for the Sertosa Treinta, first of a class of two, were Servoship Salas davits. Manufacturer: . ....Ulstein - Rolls-Royce
provided by Cintranaval. Steel is used throughout the Fully air conditioned accommodation is provided for Number: ............................ 2
double chine hull, superstructure, and wheelhouse. seven crew, with three single cabins in me deck house Pitch:. . Fixed. nozzled
The hull shape is rypical of a stern drive rug, having a and two twin cabins below the foredeck. The Stern thrusters
deep forefoot with a slightly angled stem, and a clean wheelhouse sits on top of a void space containing the Make:. ....Rolls Royce 1350H
run aft to give the propellers a good flow of water. air conditioning machinery; for optimum visibility Number: ....... 2
The transom is angled forward at waterline level to there are no chimney stacks, with the main engine and Deck Machinery: . ..Fore and aft towing winches
improve water flow in astern towage operations. generator exhaust pipes running to the rop of the manufactured by Itxas Guria
The hull structure employs material up ro 25mm wheelhouse, along with the fire fighting piping. Bridge Electronics
thick in the bow fender area to cope with large forces Radar:. . JRC JHA-2254
resulting from pushing operations. Around the MAIN PARTICULARS Autopilot: . . Navitron NT921
propulsion units, 20mm thick plating with additional GMDSS:. . Sailor A2
radial stiffening is used to transfer the forces evenly to Length,oa:. . 30.0m GPS: JRC J-NAV 500
the surrounding hull. Length, bp: .26.7m Engine Monitoring: Efansa
The bow Panama chock is sited in the lowest Breadth moulded: . 1O.0m Fire Detection System: Minerva Marine
possible position in order to reduce the dynamic Depth moulded:. . 5.1m Complement
heeling moment when undertaking escorting Design draught: . .4.4m Crew:. ..7
operations. To achieve this, the foredeck has a small Max speed 12.9knots @ 100% MCR Cabins:. ...................5








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SIG:\IFICA:\T SM,\LL SllIPS OF 2001 13

TAURUS: first tractor tug to be built In
Builder: Northern Shipyard Gdansk repair yard. As a consequence, a tug of Max speed 11.4knots @ 100% MeR
Vessel name: Taurus considerable strength, with a suitable, precisely Bollard Pull:. . .42.13tonnes
Owner/Operator: Port & Sea Services Company WUZ defined pulling power combined with good Class notation:. . PRS "KM Tug III L3
Designer: Northern Shipyard Design manoeuvring characteristics and stability was Built to Solas-74, Colreg-72, Marpol-73, Load line
Office/Midcon Szczecin required. Northern Shipyard believes that its design convention 96 regulations
Flag:. . Poland meets these needs. Main Engines
Total number of sister ships already completed Although the general tasks for the tug comprise Manufacturer: Caterpillar
(including this ship): nil servicing and assisrance through the harbour Model:. ..3512B
Total number of sister ships on order: . . nil entrance and exit, plus independent towing and Number: 2
Delivery date May 2001 assistance at sea up to the third sailing area, its Output 1230kW @ 1600rev/min
pulling configuration makes it suitable mainly for Generators
1 ~Iay, a new tug, Taurus, was named in the Port work with the fore area of the serviced vessel, in Number: ............... .2
I of Gdansk. It was built by I orthern Shipyard, conjunction with a traditional aft-driven tug [0 Make/type: . . Caterpillar 3304 DIT
Gdansk, for the Polish company WUZ, to a design handle the stern. Output:. . 106kVA per set
prepared by Northern Shipyard's design offices in The wheelhouse, located midships, has been Propulsion units
conjunction with Midcon of Szczecin, under the designed for maximum visibility. It also Manufacturer: Rolls-Royce Aquamaster US205
supervision of chief designer Ilia Georgiew. incorporates crew room, for up to six persons at sea Number: 2
The builders say that the main distinguishing or five when working in harbour. Diameter:. . 2150mm four-bladed propellers
feature of Taurus is the location of the azimuth Taurus is claimed to be the first tractor-type tug Deck Machinery: Hydraulically driven single-drum
thruster. 'The majority of tugs constructed built by a Polish shipyard, and the first for several tugger winch on aft deck, with drum divided into
nowadays have thrusters located in the aft part of years for a Polish owner. store and work sides for 200m of 42mm rope,
the hull. Tugs of tractor type have thrusters located pull 150kN, tugging on pulled brake 1000kN, left
in front of the midship. Tn Taurns, the thrusters are MAIN PARTICULARS deck machinery, 2 x Rapp hydraulic mooring capstans
installed behind the bottom cover, on one third of for and aft, anchor winch, 630kg deck crane
the ship's length, looking from the bow.' Length, oa 30.0m Bridge Electronics
The owner opted for this solution after Length, bp: 28.8m Radar:. ....................... 2 x Koden
considering the operational requirements of the Breadth moulded:. . 10.5m Depth sounder, DGPS receiver wind instruments,
port of Gdansk, claimed to be the largest bulk and Breadth max: 10.8m ElseMagnetic periscope compass battery-less telephones,
fuel port on the Eastern Baltic coast. The tug needs Depth moulded:. . 3.95m to main deck manoeuvring and control communication system
to service large tankers visiting Northern Port as Register tonnage: 3321onnes Complement
well as all types of vessels entering the Gdansk ship Design draught:. 2.70m Crew:. . 6

•.• SU;:\IFIC.\:\T S~I \1.1. SIIII'S OF 20tll






SIG"IFICA;>;T S~IALL SUII'S or 2001 15

WYNEMA SPIRIT: novel building method
adopted for two-man tug
Builder Diversified Marine Inc deckhouse is designed for one-man operation of all Max speed: 13knots @ 100% MCR
Vessel name: . . 11Ynema Spirit machinery and winch controls. With such an operating engine output
Owner/Operator Brusco Tug & Barge Inc pattern, good visibility is vital and the designers worked Max bollard pull:. .................. , 45,360kg
Designer Robert Allen Ud to ensure optimum all-round visibility, particularly to all Classification society: .. .................... ABS
Rag: USA areas of the working deck. With increased visibility in Main Engine
Totalnumber of sister ships already mind, adhesive bonded windows were employed, Manufacturer: 'Oetroit Diesel/MTU
completed (including this ship): nil thought to be the first time that this technology, Model:. .. 12V 4000
Totalnumber of sister ships on order: . . nil common in passenger and recreational vessel markets, Number .Two
Contract date 1999 has been applied to commercial working boats. The Output: 18oobhp @ 1800rev/min
Delivery date April2001 frameless windows ensure the maximum size of viewing Generators
apertuIe. Number Two
A NEW Z-drive tug was commissioned in May 2001 by Extensive fendering is applied, comprising an array of Make/type: .. . John Deere 4045 TFM
fiBrusco Tug & Barge Inc for service in Port Hueneme, Schuyler soft-loop fender on the bow, 305mm square Output SkW AC
California, USA. !lYnema Spirit is the latest ASD 24/25 extruded fender on the main sheer and stern, and an Propulsion
class high-performance tug designed by Robert Allen Ltd 457mm cylindrical fender across the top of the soft-loop Make .Rolls-Royce Ulstein
of Vancouver, Canada, specifically for operation with a fender to preclude the hawser being chafed by the upper Model 1350H Z-drive
two-man crew The class has its origin with the 22.5m edges of the soft-loop fender. The fendering Number:. . ... Two
2400bhp tugs built in the early 1980s for Cates Tmving of arrangement is completed by an array of heavy-duty Propellers
Vancouver, and has steadily increased in length and beam aircra ft (yres. Manufacturer: Rolls-Royce Ulstein
to accommodate increased power and performance. The two gensets, provided by Curry larine, are fitted Material: NiAIBronze
IPynema Spirit is the first newbuilcling in Brusco's fleet. with clutched front PTOs driving hydraulic pumps for Number:.. .. Two
She is also significant in the method employed by builder the hawser winch, The electrical system, operated via a Pitch: Fixed
Diversified Marine of Portland, USA. As this was the Thompson Technology switchboard, is designed to Diameter: .2030mm
yard's first major tug building project, the designers allow docking operations to be carried out with AC Deck Machinery: Markey Machinery Model DYSF042
provided the yard with extensive engineering support, power. hawser winch, complete with constant tension
including complete part definitions in 'kit' form for NC render/recover feature complete with 137m
cutting. All construction and erection took place aboard a MAIN PARTICULARS of plasma rope, Burrard Iron Works Ltd Model eEL
barge floating in the Columbia River. When the tug was electric capstan rated at 1134kg at1Sm/min, one
virtually complete in mid-January, the barge was taken to length. oa: . .. 23.8m Darley fire pump to a single Skum MK150 fire monitor
Cascades General floating drydock, where it was flooded length, bp .22.3m Bridge Electronics
and the tug floated of£ Final outfitting was carried out Breadth moulded: . . 9.24m Radar:. . One Furuno Model 7112
afloat. Depth moulded: 3.40m Autopilot ComNav
The vessel is designed to give a large forward working Displacement: 236 tonnes full load Complement:. . Two (one Captain and one crew),
deck, the aft deck being essentially non-working. The Design draught: 3.8m single day room






An encouraging outlook for patrol
FOllowing a degree of controversy last year ('how can a pilot boat be considered large enough to be a small ship?'), inclusion of such vessels
this year is surely beyond doubt.

owever, controversy still rages over replaced another Nelson, with exceptionally

H what to include. Many patrol boats

are built as a series, and pilot boats
to standard designs or on standard hulls. Does
long service, prompting Halmatic to suggest
that on this record an operator could keep going
for a century with just four or five boats.
this lack of originality make them any less Halmatic's share of the patrol boat market
significant? We think not - quite the opposite should grow even further now that it includes
in fact. A design that can run to the tens, or RTK and Cougar in its portfolio.
even hundreds, of individual vessels cannot be The trend for larger, more comfortable boats
discounted. extends to pilot vessels too. In some places
There are some builders that specialise in pilots remain on station at sea, rather than
what amounts to production line boats. Two being ferried to and from a land-based station
that spring to mind are Damen in The in between tours of duty. The 'station' pilot
Netherlands and Halmatic in the UK. Since boat market further subdivides into what is
becoming part ofVosper Thornycroft Halmatic effectively a floating pilot station (as
has moved into Damen territory by launching exemplified by the Elbe Swath concept,
its steel boatbuilding division. Its first designed by Abeking & Rasmussen, which
significant steel delivery features in another uses small boats to transfer pilots to the ships)
section of this review (passenger vessels), but and the larger boat that serves as a pilot station
changing operational patterns for many types but is capable of undertaking transfer duties as
of patrol boats, which are staying out at sea for well - San Francisco and California are two
longer periods, and carrying a larger sister ships designed specifically for such a role
complement, put seakeeping, comfort and and delivered in 200 I.
robustness ahead of out-and-out speed, making There is still plenty of market demand for
steel a viable alternative as a construction the traditional type of small, fast patrol vessel
material. Of course, Damen has known this for use in military and paramilitary
for years .. applications, and the current emphasis on
Halmatic's traditional emphasis on security and anti-terrorism measures means
reinforced plastic construction shows few signs that the future of such vessels is assured.
of abating. The inclusion of a Nelson pilot boat Therefore we have included two similar, but in
as a significant delivery of 200 I might raise a their own ways quite different, vessels - the
few eyebrows, but we feel the basic design has CP265 from Italian fast ferry yard Rodriquez,
proved so successful, to the degree that it has and the class of smaller vessels for the
become almost synonymous with pilot craft, Portugese Coast Guard, built by Conafi to a
that it merits recognition. This view is design by UK small craft specialist Tony
reinforced by the fact that the boat in question Castro.


ALTAIR: Nelson replacement for long
range service pilot launch
Builder:. .. Halmatic LId Altair follows standard Nelson practice in being built on MAIN PARTICULARS
Vessel name: . . .Altair a hull moulded as one piece, using a combination of
Owner/Operator: Port of Shoreham, UK woven rovings and chopped strand glass fibre impregnated Length, oa: 10.6m
Designer:. with polyester resin. The bow area is strengthened to give Length, wi: 9.4m
Rag:. .. UK the boat a pushing capability. The plywood bulkheads, Breadth moulded: 3.5111
Totalnumber of sister ships already completed deck joint knees, and engine beds are all bonded into the Displacement: 10.9tonnes
(including this ship):. . nil hull moulding, and the transom corners rarliused to Design draught: 1.1m
Totalnumber of sister ships on order: nil 2oomm. An intumescent gel coat is applied in the engine Max speed: 20 knots @ 100% MCR
Contract date:. .. December 1999 area for fire protection. The deck and superstructure for Service speed: 2Oknots
Delivery date:. .. 2001 Altairwas produced to the short coachroof version, and is Fuel capacity: 14oolitre
moulded from the same materials as the hull. A flush- Class: Lloyd's Register
fitting hatch is provided for removal of the engines,
A ccording to builder Halmatic, one of its latest
deliveries has demonstrated the long life enjoyed by
its products. Halmatic says that on current performance a
complete with gearboxes.
The engines are flexibly mounted to minimise noise and
Built to MCA Code of
Practice for Workboats (Pilot Boats)
1998 for operation in sea area 5
'one boat' commercial operator using its boats may only vibration, and are cooled by a secondary circuit system (3 miles from safe haven)
have to buy four boats in anyone century. After 25 years through an engine-mounted heat exchanger. Main Engine
of service the Pan of Shoreham replaced one of its As with all pilot vessels, substantial fendering is Manufacturer: Perkins Sabre
Halmatic 34 Pilot launches with a new Halmatic Nelson provided, with a 125mm D-section upper fender and M4 Model: .M215C
35. D-section lower rubber fender. Adrlitional rubber Number: 2
Having given continuous service with one mid-life refit fendering is provided on the quarters, with four rliagonals Output: 215bhp@21oo rev/min
the Halmatic 34 Rigel left service following delivery of the fitted in the hull on each side. Securing points are included Alternators Engine driven, ou1put 24V 40A
new vessel Altair. for 14 tyre fenders. There is a continuous stainJess steel No separate gensets fitted
Based on the well proven Nelson hull form Altair is handrail at constant height along both sides and across the Gearboxes
configured in the same way as the older boat but with all front of the superstructure, all supports being cranked to Make: ....Twin Disc
the expected improvements in layout, noise levels, fuel allow free movement along the handrails without Model: ...5050
consumption, speed and electronic equipment. Operating imperlirnent. Handrails are also fitted above port and Number: ...2
up to three miles from the port entrance in the exposed starboard wheelhouse doors. Propellers
English channel is a challenge for any boat and particularly The interior is finished in grey fabric, with woodwork in Number: 2
one only 11m long The significant benefit of the Nelson American light oak, and forrnica panels to match the Pitch .Fixed, 3-bladed, open
35 is its agile performance and seakindly ways which give woodwork. A full complement of safety and fire fighting Bridge Electronics
the crew confidence in the vessel when wave heights can equipment was supplied with the boat. Radar: Raytheon R72
be greater than the wheelhouse roo£ It is also essential for Halmatic says that it is proud to have been able to offer Communications: Sailor RT2048 VHF
Shoreham to have a smaller boat as many of the vessels continuous suppOrt to the POrt of Shoreham over a Compass: Sestrel Speed Minor
operating into the port have low freeboards that can cause quarter of a century. Halmatic also built a small 8m steel Loudhailer: Raytheon 430
larger pilot vessels difficulties especially when the boat's workboat for the port that entered service in the summer Complement
freeboard exceeds that of the ship being boarded. of 2001. Crew: ...up to e


.--:.~---...,..------ 'OUTBOARD PROFILE'


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CP265: triple-engine coast guard patrol
class from fast ferry yard
Builder: . . Rodriquez Cantieri Navali high speed patrol and pursuit, while for normal patrol Depth moulded O.90m
Vessel name:. ...... CP265 the two outboard engines will give 27knots (or Displacement:. . 55.28tonnes
Owner/Operator: Italian Coast Guard 23.5knors at 80% engine power), with a corresponding Light weight: 44.48tonnes
Designer: . . Rodriquez Engineering increase in range. With two cp propellers mounted Design deadweight 10.8tonnes
Flag: Italy well outboard, manoeuvrability in congested areas is Design draught 0.942m
Total number of sister ships already completed very good - this is further enhanced by a Rodriquez- Max speed 34knots @ 100% MCR
(including this ship):. . .4 made bow thruster. Bollard pull:. ....... 5tonnes
Total number of sister ships on order 25 The boats are designed to be operated safely with a Service speed 32knots @ 90% MCR
crew of four, but for special missions berths are Range: 630nm at service speed
/1'265, delivered during 2001, is the fourth in the provided for a maximum of 12 people. The design of Fuel consumption: 596Iitre/h
GCP25 class of patrol vessels being built for the the boat permits a wide variety of interior Class: RINA
Italian Coast Guard by Rodriquez, a company best arrangements, depending on operational requirements. Main Engine
known for its hydrofoils and fast ferries. The CP25, The aft deck carries a 6m RIB, which Rodriquez says Manufacturer:. ..Isotta Fraschiru
designed by Rodriquez Engineering, the group's can be easily and safely launched by one person. A Model: ..V1312 T2 MSUMSL-WJ
design company, is built entirely from aluminium fully integrated wheelhouse control system is Number: . ..3
alloy, and is intended as a versa rile vessel capable of provided, which Rodriquez Engineering designed Output:. ..740kW @ 23OOrev/min
undertaking coastal patrol, drug enforcement, ergonomically with a simple and logical operaror Generators
customs, and similar duties. interface, allowing the crew to concentrate on their Number: 2
In order to achieve good performance in a variety of mission. Make/type: . .. Stamegna SM450
roles, the CP25 is equipped with a versa rile propulsion Output: 35kW @ 1500rev/min per set
system, using three Italian-made Isotta Fraschini MAIN PARTICULARS Gearboxes
735kW high speed diesels. The two outboard engines Make: ..ZF Marine
each drive a controllable pitch propeller, with the Length oa.. ..25m Model: ..BW 155V
central engine connected to a booster waterjet. On all Length bp:. ..22.07m Propellers
three engines a 34knot maximum speed is available for Breadth moulded:. ..5.76m Manufacturer: . . .. Detra
Number: 2
Material: . .. Bronze
Pitch Controllable
Diameter: 870mm, open
Make:. ...Rolls-Royce Kamewa Model A40
Number: .. 1
Bow thrusters
Make: Rodriquez Marine Systems
Number: 1
Output: 85kW
Bridge Electronics
Radar: GEM SC2025D/XN9
Autopilot Anshutz Nautopilot NP60
GMDSS: DSC call (VHF/UHF), EPIRB, Navtex
Gyro: GEM Mk 2D
Chart plotter: GEM ECDIS 500
Crew:. .. Max 12
Cabins 8
/ I \
I r \ \
I \
I \
I \
24 SU.'IFiC \'\1 S\I \1.1. SIIII'S m 200t
patrol vessels offered for general sale
Builder Wang Tak Engineering to POrt for specialised equipment, such as chemical Make/type: Cummins - Onan 1OOMXDEGA-6652A
& Shipbuilding Co Ltd analysis. Colour-matched decorative honeycomb Output: 1ookW @ 2000rev/min per set
Vessel name: ... .. Customs 8/Customs 9 panelling was used throughout tbe interior, for light- Gearboxes
Owner/Operator: . ..Customs & Excise Department weight, easy maintenance and a feeling of space. The Make: ..ZF
ofHKSAR accommodation is fully air-conditioned, using Cruisair Model:. ..BW755-1
Designer .wang Tak Engineering & Shipbuilding equipment, and includes a fully-outfitted galley. Number: ..2
Flag:. . HKSAR An Avon SR6M RIB is carried on deck, launched and Reduction ratio: ..2.76:1
Total number of sister ships already completed recovered using a specially-designed Caley davit system Propellers
(including this ship): . . 2 designed for use with tbe motber ship travelling at up to Manufacturer Teignbridge
Total number of sister ships on order: nil l Oknors, Number: 2
Contract date: . . April 1999 ormal service speed is 25knots, with a maximum of Material AB2 Cu-4
29knots. During sea trials tbe vessels exhibited, Pitch:. . Fixed
Note: the vessel pictured is Customs 9 according to tbe builders, good motion responses, dry Diameter:. .. 1420mm. 5-bladed open
decks, tight turning circles and stable heeling angle Deck Machinery
~o vessels have recently been delivered by Wang during fast turns. Noise and vibration levels are claimed Deck crane: .Pal finger PK5000MA
.1 Tak Engineering & Shipbulding to tbe Hong Kong to be particularly low. Boat Davit: Caley
Marine Department for customs patrol duties. The yard Windlass:... .. Muir SCG1
says tbat tbe design has proved very successful in tbe MAIN PARTICULARS Rescue boats: Avon SR6M offshore
first montbs of operation, and tbe vessels, known as tbe liferaft 2 x Viking DK20
Challenger class, are being offered to otber paramilitary Length. oa 32m Bridge Electronics
and civilian operators for patrol launch requirements. Length. bp: 29m Radar: Decca Bridgemaster E (main & slave)
For operation in Hong Kong territorial waters, good Breadth moulded 6.8m Communications: Sperry RT-2048 VHF; Seiki PCV-150
seakeeping and a stable operational platform were prime Depth moulded 3.65m radio transceiver base station; Vingtor VSP
considerations, and Wang Tak developed a 32m round Displacement: 165tonne batteryless automatic telephone system; VMP 16/2
bilge hull form, with narrow stem, full mid body and flat light weight: 140tonne intercom. E3G-24 external broadcasting system
stern, incorporating a raised bow, bulge keels and Design draught 1.95m GPS litton DGPS LMX-412
centreline skeg. The hull was built from steel, with a Max speed: 29knots @ 90% MCR Gyro:. .. litton SR-180 Mk 1
two-deck superstructure in aluminium alloy, in order ro Service speed 25 knots Chart plotter: litton ChartMaster
keep weight down, all construction being under Lloyd's Range: 6oonm Depth sounder Sperry ES-5000
Register class survey. Class notation: LR + 100A SSC Patrol mono HSC Electromagnetic speed log: . .. Navikator III/EM-2oo
Special attention was paid to tbe interior design and G3 + LMC Built to HKSAR class I and class II. Maritime surveillance imaging system
fitting out, witb an ergonomically-designed wheelhouse IMO. lEE and lACS regulations Engine monitoring Elop CoMPASS MTU RCS-5 FPP
laid out witb tbe help of a full-scale mock-up to simulate Main Engines Fire detection system:. .. Thorn
actual operating conditions. The coxswain position is Manufacturer: MTU Complement
mounted in tbe centre, witb a raised steering position for Model:. .. 16V 4000 M70 Crew: 15
all-round vision, with navigator station to starboard and Number: 2 Passengers: 12 (standing)
machinery controls and monitoting equipment to port. Output 2320kW @ 2000rev/min Cabins: .4
The chart table and surveillance equipment is sited Generators Other
behind tbe navigation station, witb anotber work station Number: 2 Steering system: .wills Ridley 2PKS650
---1: ~,~--
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26 SIC,'\III( \'\1 S\]\II Sill!''' 01 2(1111
authorites go to UK designer for fast
patrol craft
Builder Conafi SA without too many refuelling stops were required, with above-average manoeuvrabiliry. Of the twelve
Vessel name:. . Portuguese Coastal Patrol The oprimised hull form was developed, following an vessels in the class, eight were scheduled to be delivered by
Owner/Operator Portuguese Govemment extensive tank testing programme at DERA Haslar, the end of 200t.
Designer: .Tany Castro LId where radar signature tests and signal minimisation was
Flag: . . Portugal also carried out. The structural engineering was MAIN PARTICULARS
Total number of sister ships already completed oprimised to achieve the minimum weight by specialist
(including this ship): 7 marine structural engineers CETEC Consultancy in close Length, 00: 16.4m
Ictal number of sister ships on order: 12 cooperation with Tony Castro Ltd. Following the initial Lenglh, bp:.. . 12.73m
brief from Tony Castro Ltd, Martec of Southampton, Breadth moulded .4.0m
~NY Castro, naval architects based at Hamble, near working with DuPont Inc, developed the ideal Depth moulded:. . .2.2m
1. Southampton, UK, was commissioned to develop a combination of construction materials for the hull and Design draught O.B4m
design for a specialised 16m fast intervention and patrol deck, the resulting blend being a mixture of E-Glass and Max speed: . . 50knols @ 100% MCR
vessel for the Portuguese Law Enforcement brigade. Kevlar fibres. A great deal of theoretical modelling and Service speed:. . .45knots @ 85% MCR
The design and development Contract was carried out in live testing was performed to provide the boats with a Range .4oonm
collaboration with the builder Conafi SA of Vila Real de high level of ballistic protection. Class: . RINA
San Antonio in southern Portugal. The company had Five crew are normally carried, with sleeping Main Engines
previous experience of large GRP mouldings and was accommodation for four (assuming at leasr one is always Manufacturer: MTU
considered to be the best equipped in the country. on watch). A galley and WC are provided below decks, Model: 12V 183 TE93
The design brief was for a low profile interceptor with while outside, on the aft deck, a small RIB, launched with Number:... . .2
reasonable range, so thar surveillance any waiting could the aid of an A-frame gantry, is carried. Waterjets
be carried our at sea rather than in port. With Portugal's Sea trials on the prototype vessel proved thar the Make: Hamilton
comparatively long coastline, speeds of 25/30knots required speeds and handling had been achieved, along Number: 391
I 'OI:l~Vd 'V~SVO:» 3S3nOn~I:IOd
SAN FRANCISCO: first of pilot duo built
for comfort and safety
Builder:. ..Marco Shipyard, Seattle, USA vessels which was inevitable during pilar transfer. This Maximum speed:. ........... 14.Bknots@ 100% MCR
Vessel name San Francisco involved the use of 12.5mm steel plate around the Service speed: ........... 14.2knots @ B5% MCR
Owner/Operator: San Francisco Bar Pilots gunwales, ptotected by heavy rubber D-shape Range: . . 1100nm
Designer: Marco Seattle Inc fendering, and supported by extra knees every half Class notation: ........... ABS Loadline
Flag:. ..USA frame and additional longitudinal stiffening. Main Engines
Total number of sister ships already Although the original brief called for a 15knot speed, Manufacturer: . . Caterpillar
completed (including this ship):. . Two requiring 12-cylinder engines, Marco found that if the Model:. ....350BB
Total number of sister ships on order nil pilots were prepared to settle for 14knots, their design Number: . . .2
Contract date February 2000 could achieve this with smaller Caterpillar 3508 main Output: ....... 1100bhp @ 1600rev/min
Delivery date: . . January 2001 engines which would offer lower capital cost, lower fuel Generators
consumption, and more interior space for the Make/type: ............ ,Northern lights M445T
Particulars are given for San Francisco, see text for any accommodation. Despite the lower power, the first Output: ............. 65kW @ 1BOOrev/minper set
differences between sister ships ship made 14.8knots in sea trials. Gearboxes
Marco said the other major challenge was to keep Make: . . Twin Disc
D IGHT at the start of 2001 a new pilot boat, the down noise, which was achieved with the help of a Model:. ... MG5301
1..Van Francisco, entered service for San Francisco Bar noise consultant, who managed to limit noise to less Number: . . 2
Pilots, followed in March by a sister vessel, the than 65dBA in the lounge, pilots' quarters and crew Reduction ratio: . ....4.06:1
California. Whereas most US POrts use the more accommodation, all of which are close to the Propellers
normal system of small boats ferrying pilots to and machinery space. The engines and gearboxes were Manufacturer: Sound Propeller
from ships and share, two POrtS - ew York and San soft-mounted on springs, paying particular attention to Number:. . 2
Francisco - favour the use of larger station boats, shaft alignment. Floating decking was employed in the Material: . . .. Nickel - aluminium bronze
which remain at sea for extended periods, picking up pilots' lounge, while bonding vinyl pads, loaded with Pitch: .................................. Fixed
pilots horn outbound ships and transferring them to lead, in the middle of plating panels, damped out much Diameter: ........................ 1625mm open
inbound vessels. The San Francisco authority says it of the structure-borne vibration. This proved Bridge Electronics
uses this system because of the comparatively long particularly effective in the crew quarters aft, close to Radar: . . 2 x Furuno FR2115B
distance from harbour where pilotage starts - about the propellers. Communications: .4 x SEA 156 VHF radios
25km - and the difficulty of crossing the bar in small With the 14knot speed and robust construction, pilot GPS:. . 2 x Furuno GPBOD
boats in any form of rough weather. transfers are much easier than with the older, slower Autopilot: Litton LMP HSC/GM
So with pilots having to stay at sea fat long periods, boats. However, if things do go wrong, the boats are Gyro:. . Sperry MK37VT
and particularly during bad weather when the bar is equipped with ladders at the stern, a Jason's Cradle Chart plotter: Transas with Ocean
closed to all traffic and the station boat has to remain recovery system, and a 4.8m Ocean Tech RIB launched PC hardware Harris HelmAlert watch alarm
afloat outside the harbour - when San Francisco felt from a cradle in the stern ramp. AIS:. . .Transas
the need to upgrade its pilot fleet, comfort was a high VTS:. . . .................... Transview
priority, as well as durability, solidity and safety. MAIN PARTICULARS Depth sounder: . Furuno FCV-29
Several types of boat were considered, including a Complement
SWATH design, but doubts about severe weather Length, oa: . ................31.7m Crew: ................. .4
durability led to the decision to commission a pair of Length, bp:. ....30m Passengers: .................. B
displacement monohull boats, built conventionally in Breadth moulded: ..............B.5m Cabins: ................ 5
steel. The Marco yard, in Seattle, won the contract Depth moulded: ................... 3.Bm Other:. ..Ocean-Tech RIB 4.9m
after competitive tendering, and set to design a vessel Gross tonnage: ......................... .224gt diesei/waterjet rescue craft, Marco designed
that would not only cope with the operating conditions Displacement: ............. 225tonnes rescue/recovery cradle, Noise engineering by Noise
but also stand up to the physical contact with large Design draught: .... 2.7m Control Engineering

30 SIC"III( \'1 S\J,\I.I. SIIII'S 0/ 20tH

)lj30 NI'v'~
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Fall-off in fast ferry deliveries
How fortunate it was that we decided to extend this category to include general small ferries and passenger vessels. New designs of fast ferry
deliveries were thin on the ground indeed, and we have had to ignore our 100m length limit to find ships to cover. We are not too concerned
about breaking the rules; the longer ships are still very much high speed ships, using small ship technology, and although are to new designs,
those designs have their roots in already-delivered sub-100m designs.

hat is not to say that there have been no remembered as 200 I's most significant small

T other fast ferry deliveries.

vessels not covered here have been
significant in their own way. For example a
Some ship.
We should not let this development
overshadow the trials undertaken by the US
Tricat fast ferry was delivered, that, although to Marines using a fast ferry from another major
a standard design, was the first ship for the Australian builder, Austal Ships. These too
former FBM under its new Babcock ownership. proved that fast ferry technology can be
Similarly, the orth American fast ferry market successfully, and economically, applied to
has ignored the apparent retrenchment moving men and equipment - in this case for
elsewhere in the world, and seen new deliveries exercises, but the whole point of military
of Incat-designed ships from lncat's licensees. exercises is to prepare for combat.
By far the most significant development in However lean 200 I might have been for new
fast ferries has been their discovery by the US fast ferry deliveries, we can confidently predict
military. No doubt, having proved the success that 2002 will be a different story. Both Incat
of this commercial technology in a military and Austal have reported new orders as 200 I
environment, the trials will bear fruit in terms of comes to an end. Although mainly based on
firm orders, not only from the US forces but existing designs, these orders show that our fears
from other defence authorities. Although the of a slowdown or recession in the formerly so
trials in question were in place well before buoyant fast ferry sector are not yet justified. Of
September II th, the events of that fateful day these orders it is probably Austal's breakthrough
can only serve to strengthen the desire to deploy into the Hong Kong market that is most likely to
troops and equipment quickly and economically, be counted as significant at the end of this year.
the very qualities that the fast ferries chosen to This order covers three passenger catamarans,
prove the concept have managed to display. for October delivery, with an option for four
Those trials caused us to bend another of our more vessels.
rules, and include a vessel in our review of Ferry deliveries elsewhere, looking at small
significant ships that was not new. I refer of conventional craft rather than specialised high
course to Incat 050, now known as Joint speed vessels, have underlined the traditional
Venture. Although the ship may not be new, and role of small ferries as lifelines for coastal and
its adaptations, although significant, were island communities. The fact that countries like
quickly undertaken in lncat Tasmania's new India are designing and building new vessels,
drydock facility and amounted to rather less than rather than taking the established course of
a full rebuild, it is its new role that makes Joint putting into service time-expired ferries from
Venture so significant. We suspect that the elsewhere, points to a rosy future for the
impact made by this ferry may well cause it to be worldwide small ship industry.


AMINDIVI: first domestic passenger ship
pair from India's biggest yard
Builder: Cochin Shipyard Ltd people, but carried all rypes of vital cargo. This pair Model: 3512 DITA
Vessel name: Amindivi has a capaciry for 150 passengers, as well as 20tonnes Number 2
Owner/Operator: Union Territory of of general dry cargo and an additional Sronnes of Output 876kW@ 1600rev/min
Lakshadweep Administration refrigerated freight capaciry. As well as catering Generators
Designer: Cochin Shipyard facilities, the passenger accommodation includes Number 2
Flag:. . India another important part of Indian life - a separate Make/type: Greaves limited
Total number of sister ships already completed room for prayer. Output:. .. 220kW per set
(including this ship): Two Although the ships may be traditional in role and Gearboxes
Total number of sister ships on order: nil appearance, in terms of equipment they rank with Make:. .. Twin Disc
Contract date: June 1999 other 21st-century deliveries. The propulsion plant Number 2
Delivery date: May 2001 centres around twin Caterpillar 12-cylinder diesels, Reduction ratio 3.48: 1
and the electronics provision includes up-to-date Propellers
Amindivi, see text for
Particulars are given for equipment from worldwide suppliers. Manufacturer: M/S Stone Marine. Singapore
differences between sister ships Material: Manganese Bronze
HE Cochin shipyard
T in India completed its first-
ever passenger vessels during 2001. It said that
the order, from the Union Territory of Lakshadweep,
Length. oa:.
Length. bp:. ..
.. 55.0m
. Open

was won in international tendering, and it proved that Breadth moulded:... .. 10.5m 'Deck Machinery Windlass-cum-mooring winches, aft
Indian shipbuilders are able to compete with Korean Depth moulded: 3.8m mooring capstan
and Chinese yards in terms of price and delivery - Gross tonnage: 931gt Bridge Electronics
construction of both vessels was completed to Displacement 854.2tonnes Radar:. .. Furuno Electric, Japan. FR2115
budget and within a 17-month period. Further light weight:. .. 670.3tonnes Autopilot: GEM Electronica. Italy
evidence of the fast delivery times Cochin can offer, Design deadweight 183.9tonnes GMDSS: Sabacom Co Ltd, Korea, RC20
according to the yard, comes from a large tanker Design draught: 2.2m GPS Furuno Electric. Japan
presently in build, which is scheduled for hand over Max speed: 13. 15knots @ 100% MCR Gyro:. .. GEM Electronic, Italy
in March 2002, when competing yards were quoting Service speed 13knots @ 90% MCR Thermal and smoke fire detection.
delivery dates six months to a year later. Range:. . .. 1150nm CO, systems, sprinkler system
The pair of passenger ships, .Amindns and Minicoy, Fuel consumption:. .. 7.25tonnes daily Complement
are the SOrt of versatile small passenger/ cargo vessels Class notation IRS, +SUL +1Y Passenger ship C~w ~
which used to be common as the lifeblood for small, Regulations:. .. Built to PMS Class V Passengers: 150
mainly island-based, communities, providing not only Main Engine Other: Fully air conditioned accommodation,
links with larger towns and other communities for Manufacturer: Caterpillar sandwich panelling system, toilet modules
o• III
AQUALINK: Australian aluminium ferry
for Californian convention center
Builder:. . Kvichak Marine Industries larger, vessel. drink dispenser, sink, and Corian bar top.
Vessel name: Aqualink The 19.8m x 7.3m all-aluminium Aqua/ink was According to LBT, the authority is rated as one of
Owner/Operator: . .Long Beach Transit designed by Crowther Multihulls of Australia and the USA's top ten performers for mass transit. It
Designer Crowther Multihulls built in the USA by Kvichak Marine Industries of serves over 28 million boarding customers per year.
Flag:. . USA Seattle. With a capacity for 75 passengers, the ferry Aqlla/ink is operated on behalf of Long Beach
Total number of sister ships already completed operates between the Long Beach downtown Transit by Catalina Express.
(including this ship): nil waterfront area and Alamitos Bay, where it connects
Total number of sister ships on order: . . nil with LBT's bus services. MAIN PARTICULARS
Delivery date: August 2001 Transit time is 20mins-30mins. This is achieved
through a machinery package comprising two Length, oa: 19.78m
W ITH the growth of Long Beach, California, as
a convention and visitor destination, the goal of
efficiently moving people while decreasing
Cummins NI4 diesel engines driving through
JRM350A marine reduction gears. The engines are
each rated at 525hp at 2100rev/min. Revenue is
Breadth, moulded:.
Design draught:. .

congestion is at the forefront of Long Beach maximised through the provision on board of a snack Max speed 26knots @ 100% MCR
Transit's development plans. With this in mind, the bar kiosk, serving food and beverages in the main Service speed:. . 24knots
authority decided to supplement its fleet of two passenger cabin. The kiosk is outfitted with Regulations: . . Built to USCG requirements
15.24m monohull passenger ferries with a third, refrigerator, coffee brewing system, icernaker, soft Main Engine
Manufacturer: . ..Cummins
Model: N14
Number: 2
Output: 525bhp @ 2100rev/min
Make: .IF
Model:. ....IRM350A
Number: ..... 2
Material: ..Stainless steel
Number: ... .2
Pitch: ..Fixed, open
Bridge Electronics
Radar Furuno 1622 25km range
Communications: .2 each SEA 156 VHF radios
Compass Ritchie 152mm Globemaster
D615B/D615P magnetic
Depth sounder Furuno LS6000
Passengers: 75
Other Snack bar kiosk, Beurteaux seating
36 SI(;'"I( ""I S~II\LLSIIII'S01 211111
EUROFERRYS PACIFICA: largest cat with
diesel propulsion
Ships Builder: . . . Austal Ships Previous Auto Express ferries have accommodated a wheelhouse. Panoramic windows, domes and skylights
Vessel name: . . .Euroferrys Pacifica 12tonne axle load suitable for loading buses, but the make the most of narural light and provide enhanced
Owner/Operator: . . Euroferrys, Spain Auto Express 101 has a lStonne axle load. Lane widths scenic vision. A forward lounge is designated for
Designer: Austal are 3.5m and the bow door allows full use of the business class passengers.
Flag: ... . Spain 3411ane metres available for heavy freight of the total Crew accommodation, change rooms, mess and
Total number of sister ships 1190lane metre length. The full-length hoisrable lounge areas are located between the bridge and upper
already completed (including this ship): nil vehicle deck has four hydraulically operated sections deck forward. The wheelhouse is comprehensively
Total number of sister ships on order: nil that can be operated together or independently and can outfitted with the latest navigation and communication
Delivery date May 2001 be raised or lowered in less than one minute. equipment including a Vistar night vision anti-collision
Fitted with four Caterpillar 3618 engines generating system. An Austal-developed Marine Link system
first .Aeto Express 101 ferry made its
debut in May 2001 for the Spanish operator
Euroferrys. The 101 III Euroftrrys Pacifica is not only the
28,800kW and the Seas tate Ti\!ax high-speed steering
system, Euroferrys Pacifica achieved 37knots during
trials with SOOronne load at 90% MCR. Given the
provides monitoring of machinery and systems, with a
powerful online documentation
marine evacuation systems are fitted.
system. Four RFD

largest Auto Express-built, but is also the largest short and relatively sheltered crossing, the motion
diesel-powered high-speed catamaran anywhere. The control system's forward foils were not installed but the MAIN PARTICULARS
ferry operates on a short 16nm route between system is designed to easily enable the full installation.
A1geciras and Ceuta in Spanish Morocco, completing Austal worked with Oliver Design of Spain ro create Length, oa 10 1.0m
six rerum crossings per day. It replaces a 78m fast an attractive and contemporary vessel styling, inside Breadth, moulded 26.65m
ferry and one conventional ferry on the Ceuta route, and out. The design brief rook into account Depth, moulded:... .. 9.4m
reducing operating costs while providing an improved characteristics of the operation such as the short Design deadweight: 75Otonne
service. duration and the potential passenger mix to creating an Design draught:. ...... .4.2m
Austal says it was able to satisfy Euroferrys environment which would be both pleasant and in Maximum speed: .40 knots
requirements for fast rurnaround times and the ability which onboard sales would maxi mise operational Service speed: (500dwt. 90% MCR) 37knots
to carry substantial commercial vehicle loads on the revenue. Fuel consumption 5.3tonne/h @ 90% MCR
short, high-frequency route, thanks to an innovative The passenger accommodation is located on one Class notation: Germanischer Lloyd
Austal-designed hoisrable vehicle deck which allows a main deck, with a central atrium and stairway leading to + 1OOA5,HSC-B OC3
mix of car and commercial freight carriage. an outside observation area immediately aft of the Main Engines
Manufacturer: ..Caterpillar
Model: ..3618
Number: ..4
Output:. ..7200kW @ 1050rev/min
Make:. ..Reintjes
Model: ..VLJ 6831
Number: . 4
Make: . ..Kamewa 125 SII
Number: ..4
Bridge Electronics
Radar: Kelvin Hughes
GMDSS: . . A2 area
Electronic chart Kelvin Hughes
Engine monitoring/fire detection: Austal Marine Link
Passengers 951 (+60 non-revenue outdoor)
Total lane length: 1190m
No of cars 251 or 96 cars + 16 trucks/trailers


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JOINT VENTURE: military fast ferry

conversion shows the way for military
Builder: Incat Tasmania impressive 12.7m length overall x 4.46m wide, the ramp Model: 3618
Vessel name: Joint Venture consists of two major units to enable it to fold in half Number: .4
Owner/Operator US Military using a combination of cable and hydraulic control Output: 7200kW @ 1050rev/min each engine
Designer: Incat mechanisms. This form of construction allows the Generators
Flag:. .. USA ramp to be lowered in either straight or semi-folded Number: ................ .4
Total number of sister ships already completed configuration. Make/type: . . Caterpillar 3406
(including this ship): 1 The ramp, which has been designed and certified in Output:. . 240kW per set
Total number of sister ships on order nil accordance with Dct Norske Veritas (DNV) rules, is Gearboxes
Delivery date October 2001 configured to allow direct stern to bulkhead on- Make: .. ...................... Reintjes
load/ off-load to a pier height of 3.0Sm above Mean Model: ....... VLJ 6831
.......... .4
I n a testament to the capability of lncat craft, the US
Navy has joined a consortium led by the US A rmy to
Low Low \XIater (MLL\XI) with a 1m to l.5m tidal range.
The ramp itself has a capacity of 33,112kg over the full
Reduction ratio: ... .. 1.781:1
operate Incat 050. Renamed Joint Venture HSV-X1 (High operating range from O.Sm above waterline to 3.0S m Waterjets
Speed Vessel - Experimental One) in recognition of the above the waterline. Make:. . Ups 150/3 D
partnership of component commands from the S The deployment of Joint Venture with the US military Number: . ...4
N3\)', Army, Marine Corps, US Special Operations forces is a significant step forward in the research and Deck Machinery. ....... Folding vehicle ramp fitted
Command and Coast Guard, the craft will serve to development of High Speed Craft for Fast Sealift to starboard aft quarter; RIB deployment
enhance mission capability in a broad range of operations. With its high operational speed, long-range gantry fitted underside of heli-deck
scenarios. Together the US military sectors will explore deployment capabilities combined with a high Bndge Electronics
the operational implications and opportunities of new deadweight capacity, the craft has set the benchmark for Radar: Captain - Bridgemaster X band With381mm
marine technologies that are bringing higher speeds, future Fast Sealift acquisitions, for both the military and true motion performance monitor inc auto track and
longer ranges and increased payload capacities to commercial sectors alike. geographies; Navigator: - Bndgemaster S band With
surface vessels. 381 mm ARPA performance rnorutor me auto track and
This is the first major project undertaken by the MAIN PARTICULARS geographics (radar interswitcrunq)
strategic alliance formed last year between Bollinger Autopilot: Lips
Shipyards of Louisiana, USA, and the Incat shipyard in Length,oa: 99.37m GMDSS: to comply With sea area 1 & 2, including
Tasmania, Australia. Length, bp: . .. 86.0m MF/HF radios, HF DSC inc 2187.5 kHz, simplex/semi-
Undergoing a major refit in September 2001, the craft Breadth moulded 26.58m duplex VHF transceivers, VHF DSC controller with Ch70
has been upgraded and fitted with military Depth moulded:. . 7.693m receive, hand held transceivers ine chargers, 406MHz
enhancements such as a helicopter deck, stern quarter Gross tonnage:. . 5029gt EPIRB, SART, Satcom C GPS:2 x Leica DGPS
ramp, RIB deployment gantry, troop facilities, crew Displacement 1700 tonne Gyro:. ..Anschutz
accommodation and more. The craft emerged from Light weight: 958 tonne Chart plotter:. ....... Transas
lncat's new Wilson's drydock, having been transformed Design deadweight: 741 tonne Complement
and capable of carrying the required 363 persons, Design draught:. . ....4.63m Passengers: ..363
military vehicles and equipment over 111 Onm at a speed Max speed:. . .44.55knots @ 100% MCR Number of vehicle decks:. .. 1
greater than 35knots. Service speed 36knots @ 85%MCR Total lane length:. .. .... 330 truck lane metres at
In her fresh role with the US military, Joint 'Venture no Range: 1000nm using day tanks (typical) 3.1 m wide x 4.0m/4.35m clear height plus 80
longer enjoys the luxury of having dedicated shore-side Fuel consumption: 5.95tonnes/h cars at 4.5m length x 2.3m width maximum
linkspans available to load and discharge her cargo. To Class notation: .DNV +lAl IISLC Rl Cargo EO HelDK Other: Extra water tank; helicopter deck; areas of
this end, an aluminium folding ramp has been fitted to Main Engines permanent crew accommodation; long range
the stern starboard quarter of the craft. Measuring an Manufacturer: Caterpillar fuel tanks; MDIride control system

~tI SI(;"\IFlC\"\1 S,I\lLSIIII>~oF20l11


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LAIG BAY: small ferry is lifeline for island
ShipBuilder.. . Corpach Boatbuilding Co Ltd to transfer goods and passengers to and from the owner's and MCA trials. Tom McNeill, technical
Vessel name: .. .... Laig Bay schedule supply steamer, in this case the new 4Sm director for Caledonian MacBrayne said 'Lzig Bay is
Owner/Operator Caledonian MacBrayne Ltd Small Isles ferry Loch Nevis. now in service and meets aU ou.r requirements. I must
Designer:. . Strathclyde Maritime Design Certification under Class VIA and \'(lark boat thank Corpach Boaryard for all the work they did and
Flag:. . UK Category IV dictated a fully decked hull design of all the speed in which they carried out the design and
Total number of sister ships welded steel transversely framed in SOxSO angle with construction of the vessel. Caledonian MacBrayne are
already completed (including this ship):. ..Nil Smm hull plating and one compartment flooded impressed with Corpach Boatbuilding Company and
Total number of sister ships on order: .. ..Nil stability required five transverse bulkheads. All hull we look forward to continuing business with them.'
Contract date: .. ..August 10, 2000 spaces thus created are voids except the midships
Delivery date: ..22 December, 2000 compartment, this being the engine room containing MAIN PARTICULARS
the Mermaid Mariner 6-cylinder Ford derivative engine
de-rated to 110hp at 2200rev / min. Driving a single
A LTHOUGH listed as a 2001 delivery, the Scottish
yard Corpach Boatbuilders
MV Loig Bay just before Christmas
in fact launched the
2000 for well-
three blade bronze propeller via a PRM gearbox, the
vessel can achieve 9knots on a 14tonne lightship and
Length. oa
Breadth. moulded:
Depth, moulded
known ferry operator Caledonian MacBrayne Ltd. At her passenger/cargo dead-weight is 3.48tonnes. Above Net tonnage:. .. 13.04gt
just 10.5m in length and with a passenger capaciry of deck she has a small open backed wheelhouse forward Displacement 17.11tonnes
28, the Lzig Bay replaced the traditional timber built COntaining the fairly minimal equipment required but Light weight: 13.63tonnes
MV Ulva as the 'Flit' boat serving the Isle of Eigg including GMDSS radio compass. \'(Iills Ridley Design deadweight 3.48tonnes
communiry on the \'(lest Coast of Scotland. The hydraulic steering, wiper, circuit breaker electric Design draught: 1.42m
traditional small island Flit boat ferry role has, distribution and engine controls and panel. Max speed: 8knots
according to Corpach, been all but superseded by The vessel was launched in a 100% finished Service speed:. . 8knots
modern piers and docking facilities but the Isle of condition and was on station at the Island of Eigg on Range: 200nm
Eigg, which has no pier, thus still relies on a Flit boat 21 December 2000 having successfully completed all Regulations Built to MCA Class VIA passenger
vessel code of practice Workboat code
category 3
Main Engine
Manufacturer Mermaid
Model: Mariner
Number: one
Output: 11 Obhp @ 24oorev/mln
; Gearboxes
Make PRM
Model: 500
Number: one
Reduction ratio: .. . 2: 1
Manufacturer Brimbelow Engineering
Material: Manganese bronze
Number:. . One
Pitch Fixed
Diameter: 55mm open
Bridge Electronics
Communications: ..VHF radio
Crew:. ..2
Passengers: ..28


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MAID OF THE HARBOUR: passenger ferry

is first steel delivery for UK yard
Builder: Halmaijc LId The twin screw ferry is constructed entirely in steel with The vessel was finished in a paint system supplied by Jorun
Vessel name: . . Maid at /he Harbour a double chine hull form and a raked, soft nosed stem and and was on service in eight months from contract signature.
Owner/Operator' . . Brownsea Island Ferries LId six watertight compartments; the fore peak, the auxiliary
Designer: . . Abels Shipbuilders LId machinery comparnnent, two void spaces, engine room, MAIN PARTICULARS
Flag:. . ... UK and the steering flat/aft peak. The majority of the steel
Total number of sister ships already used in construction is Iimm plate, bar and section with Length. oa 23.5m
completed (including this Ship): One (built by Abels) girders and engine beds increased to Bmm. In between Length. wi:. .
Total number of sister ships on order:. . Nil the machinery spaces are the fuel oil, fresh water, and soil Breadth. rooulded: 5.2111
Contract date.. . Nov 2000 tanks. The deckhouse, which is large enough to Gross tonnage 50.47gt
Delivery date:. . Aug 2001 accommodate the crew, is mounted on the upper deck. Displacement: . 9Otonnes
In the fully insulated main machinery space, two Volvo Design draught 1.2111

M "AlD of tbe Harbour was the first vessel to be

delivered by the newly-formed steel boat building
division of Halmatic, a Vesper Thornycroft company.
Penta TJ\·[D
198kW at 1800rev/min
102A engines with a rating
driving conventional propellers
through Twin Disc MGS091 gearboxes are fitted. In the
of Max speed: .
Service speed:
. 1Oknots
.Bui~to MCAClass V and VI(Category
She is operated by Brownsea Island Ferties Lrd within auxiliary machinery space is a 40k VA generator set C waters) regulations
Poole Harbour and the surrounding area, providing ferry supplied by Beta Marine and a Perkins B4GM diesel Main Engine
services from Poole Town Quay to Brownsea Island and driven hydraulic pump that powers the Celtic Propulsion Manufacturer: . . .volvoPenta
Sandbanks. The vessel is based on the design of an Systems series 300 bow thruster. Model .TMD102A
existing passenger vessel owned by Brownsea Island All controls are located in the deckhouse on the upper Number:.. . .Two
Ferries, but has seen many modifications by Halmatic's deck. The helm controls a Wills Ridley steering gear, a Output:.. . 198kW @ 1800rev/min
own design team, most notably to allow use for corporate Kobelt single station control head looks after the Generators
entertainment and specialist tours. operation of the gearbox and engine speed while a Number: . . One
The ship meets the MCA requirements for Class V and joystick lever provides directional control of the bow Make/type: . .Beta Marine
VJ (Category C waters) to carry 185 passengers with five thruster. Also positioned around the helmsman are the Output: .40kVA
crew; having seating for 110 on the upper deck and 66 navigational aids including a Furuno 1\1-841 radar, Gearboxes
seated at tables in the main saloon. In the main saloon Raytheon ST40 depth sounder, Sailor RT 4822 VHF Make: . . .TwinDisc
there is also a dance floor and bar which adjoins the galley radio with integral DSC and a Phon tech 4 way public Model:. . .MG5091SC
for use when the vessel is on corporate charter. address system. Number .Two
Material: . . .Aluminium Bronze
Number: .Two
Pitch: Fixed
Diameter:.. . 685mm
Bow thrusters
Make Celtic Marine
Number:.. . One
Bridge Electronics
Radar Furuno M-841
GMDSS Sailor RT4822 VHFwith integrated DSC
GPS: .Furuno
Crew 3
Passengers: 185

SIG:\IFlC"A"\"1 S~L\J.J. SIIII'S OF 2001 45



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Not all gloom in fishing
Previous years were no different to 2?Ol in that commercial fishermen suffered from, and worried about, quotas and decommissioning.
Nevertheless, new boats continued to be delivered and the sector showed few signs of imminent collapse - in fact there remains much to feel
encouraged about. That's not to say all is sweetness and light. Far from it, in fact, as regulatory pressures and economic conditions continue
to make a fisherman's life not at all a happy one.

owever, as the fishing fleets come time and fuel travelling to port to unload then

H under increasing pressure, there are

opportunities for those prepared to
increase efficiency and find ways to give them
back to the fishing grounds, the new vessels
can lie at the fishing ground with the main
engine shut down to process and freeze its
an edge over their competitors. In many cases catch.
this means new boats, capable of things of Quotas are being reduced all the time, and
which their predecessors could not do. new quotas introduced for individual species,
Although such vessels represent a considerable which means that unfortunately some
investment, and a gamble, for their owners, on fishermen will lose out, however efficiently
the other hand they are good news for designers they work. This is probably one of the reasons
and builders of fishing vessels, traditionally a why so many commercial fishermen have been
special ist market. turning towards charter angling, which keeps
Last year we heralded a new development in them at sea, allows them to make use of their
fishing vessel design and application - a triple- specialised knowledge, and produces a useful
rig trawler. The Remoy Viking continued to income from their clients. Such activities,
attract considerable interest in 200 I, the results being classed as recreational, are not subject to
proving particularly encouraging, with the the same regulation as commercial fishing,
result that other triple-riggers were ordered although it is undoubtedly a way of using boats
during the year from Norwegian builders, to earn revenue, and as such merits
including one destined for Canada. consideration by Ship & Boat International.
Another way of increasing efficiency and This increased business has gradually spawned
productivity is to carry out processing of fish at a new generation of high quality, fast, robust
sea. This in itself is far from new - factory and comfortable sports fishing vessels around
vessels are old news. However, rather than the former fishing harbours.
trawling with one vessel and transferring the Regulations and quotas demand other classes
catch to another for processing, there has been of vessel. They have to be enforced, so there is
a marked trend towards new, larger, pelagic a demand for fishery patrol and protection
trawlers that are capable of processing, filleting boats, but more to the point the quotas have to
and freezing onboard. Such vessels are made be set - not by guesswork but based on
possible by modem freezing technology, which scientific data. This too is good news for the
reduces the size and weight of the refrigeration boatbuilding industry as research vessels are
plant, as well as machinery that automates needed, often based on fishing vessel designs -
much of the processing. The major advantage of which the recently delivered Prince Madog
of processing at sea is that rather than using is a prime example.


AALTJE POSTMA: a versatile trawler for
Builder:. . Barkmeijer Stroobos forerunner, the net pulled overboard, and shooting Output: .... 169.9kW@ 1500rev/min per set
Vessel name: Aa/lje Postma the other side rope is started, with the trawler saiLing Gearboxes
Owner/Operator: .Tamme BolVPartredereit back towards the buoy in a circle. Both rope are Make: MAN B&W Alpha
Aaltje Postma hauled at the same speed, controlled from the Model: AMG16 52KV13 with clutch
Designer: ..Barkmeijer Stroobos/Conoship International wheelhouse, so that the last part of the net is brought Number:. .. One
Flag: ..Denmark above the receiving bin hatch . Propellers
Total number of sister ships already completed The 8m' receiving bin leads to a 143m' fish Manufacturer: MAN B&WAlpha
(including this ship): ..nil processing room, equipped with ventilation system, Number One
Total number of sister ships on order: ..nil electric heaters and conveyors, rinsing and sorting Pitch:. . Controllable
Contract date: ..August 1998 machines able to deal with six fish species. The Diameter: 2750mm
sorted catch is rinsed and transported to six receiving Bow thrusters
ALTJE Postma L-757, a 31m stern trawler, was Make: Hundested SFT4 800mm
designed and built by Dutch yard Barkmeijer
for Danish owners. The design and
bins in the fish hold where it is weighed in 5kg boxes.
The fish hold has two freezing chambers, one for
freezing down the catch and the other for storage at -
.. One

equipment was intended to provide a particularly 20°(, Deck Machinery: Kynde & Toft hydraulic installation
versatile vessel, with winches for both (win-rigging Safety equipment includes two Viking 10-man comprising 3 x variable main pumps. 2 x stationary
and flyshooting. All winches are remotely controlled inflatable liferafrs, a Thorn fire detection system, an main pumps, 1 x main load sensing pump; 1 variable
from the wheelhouse. Ajax engine room CO, extinguishing system, and a and 1 stationary emergency pumps. 1 brake pump
The main engine, a single medium speed diesel Desmi fire fighting pump. and 1 auxiliary pump. 3 x 22tonne split winches, 2 x
supplied as a complete propulsion package with flyshooting rope winches. 2 x flyshooting booster
gearbox and CP propeller by MAN B&W Alpha of winches, 2 x twin net winches, 1 hoisting winch
Denmark, is resiliently mounted for minimal noise Bridge Electronics
and vibration in the accommodation, which was built Length. oa: 30.95m Radar: .. 1 x Furuno FR2115 X-band with ARPA,
according to Danish accommodation regulations, Length, bp: 26.75m 1 x Simrad CA40
with wheelhouse and crew quarters situated forward. Breadth moulded:.. . 8.60m Autopilot: Robertson AP45
The vessel was built to B V class. Depth moulded: .4.25m at maindeck. GMDSS: A2 area with Sailor MF/HF.
For twin-rigging, the nets are lowered through the 6.65m at shelterdeck VHF DSC. EPIRB releases. SART and battery
openings in the afrship bulwarks, with the centre trawl Gross tonnage: 24gt panel. JRC navtex and 2 x Navico portable VHF
wire connected via the centre sheave on deck to the Displacement: 535tonnes Communications: Sailor Satcom C and HF SSB
line length and pull measurement systems. While Light weight: .420tonnes receiver, Kenwood VHF/UHF transceiver.
lowering nets the drum is controlled locally, with rwo Design deadweight:. 115tonnes Sailor scrambler
crew looking after the drums and two crew bringing Design draught: 3.75m DGPS: Shipmate GN30 and Simrad CA40
the nets overboard. Once both nets are connected to Service speed: 10.5knots@625kWengine output Gyro: . .. Robertson RGC 10
the trawl wires, control passes to the wheelhouse. Class notation: . . ... BV I 3/3 E + fishing vessel Chart plotters Penta C, Simrad CA40 and
Hoisting and emptying nets is also carried out by four deep sea. Mach. Aut MS Built to Racal Decca Fishmaster II
crew, (\,'0 on the shelrerdeck and two on the aft deck. Danish Maritime Authority regulations Sonar: Simrad SD570
\,'hen flyshooting, the nets are prepared and Main Engine Echosounder: Simrad ES60 70kHz and
connected to the flyshooting ropes in advance while Manufacturer: MAN B&W Alpha Simrad CA40 38/200kHz
working on the aft deck. Arriving at the fishing Model 6L23/30A-DKV Complement
grounds, a buoy is put overboard from the Number:. .. One Crew: Captain + 4 crew, accommodation
shelterdeck, and the full length of the rope, between Output: 625kW @ 900rev/min provided for 7 persons
the forerunner connected to the buoy and the aft Generators Cabins:. ..4
storage drum on the fish processing deck, is deployed Number 2 + 1 Hatz harbour set Other: ..Refrigeration plant and ice machine
while sailing at about 10knots. When the end of the Make/type: Cummins NT855G4 / Newage by Buus Koleteknik. fish processing unit
rope is reached, the rope is disconnected from the Stanford HCM 434E by Van Rijn Katwijk
'- __ -'-'.L +
50 S"IALI.SJIIPSor 2001
PRINCE MADOG: research ship features
slow-speed electric drive
Builder:. .. Visser Den Helder, Holland MAIN PARTICULARS
Vessel name: . .. .RV Prince Madog Length, oa 34.9m Pitch:. .. Controllable, in wing nozzle
Owner/Operator: VT Ocean Sciences Length, bp: . .. 30.6m Diameter:. .. .... 2200mm
Designer: . .. .Visser Den Helder Breadth moulded:. .. S.Sm Bow thrusters
Flag:. .. UK Depth moulded .4.4/6.9m Make: Celtic (hydraulic)
Total number of sister ships already completed Gross tonnage: . .. .... 390gt Number: 1
(including this Ship): nil Displacement:. .. .400tonne Output:. .. 1SOkW
Total number of sister ships on order: . .. nil Design draught 3.Sm Deck Machinery: Hydrographic winch, Rapp GW200
Contract date: .. .. February 2000 Max speed:. ...12.Sknots @ 100% MCR Capstan, Rapp HC-2-C, Anchor winch, Rapp AWSSO/
Delivery date: . .. July 2001 Service speed: 12knots@ 100% MCR, HMB-S, CTD winch Rapp GW2oo, A-frame aft, 2 x Split
Sknots on PTI (silent drive) trawl winch, Rapp TWS-70S/B270, Side A frame
N July 2001, Visser Den Helder of Holland, Class notation: Lloyd's 100A1 Research Vessel LMC (side boom cylinder), Middle winch, Rapp HW-100
I delivered a newbuilding Research Vessel for VT
Ocean Sciences, a joint ventw:e of the University of
Main Engine
Built to MCAIMarpol EIAPP Bridge
Furuno 211S X-band and S-band
Wales and Vosper Thornycroft (UK) Ltd. The Manufacturer: . .wartsua Autopilot:. Plath Navipilot HSC
purpose built ship is designated the Visser Research Model: ..6L2Oc GMDSS: Inmarsat C station Trimble
Vessel 3485 type. Number: .. 1 Communications:. .. Inmarsat B AB-Nera
The vessel's mission is to support the research Output:. .. 10S0kW @ 1000rev/min GPS: Furuno GP-SO and Trimble DGPS units
program of the School of Ocean Sciences in all major Generators Gyro:. .. Plath Navigat X Mk-1
sub-disciplines of marine science (physical, chemical, Number: 3 Chart plotter: Furuno ECDIS
biological and geological oceanography) and to provide 1 x Cummins NTA 14-0 (M) kk with Newage Stamford ; Complement
training opportunities in methods of sea-going HCM434F13; 330 kVA ~w ~
research. The vessel is available for charter, during the 1 x Cummins 6CT-S.3-D (M) kk with Newage Stamford Passengers: 10 scientists
periods she is not in service for the University. CM274E13; 120 kVa Cabins:. .. 14
For the University of Wales the operational area of 1 x Cummins 4BT-3.9-D (M) kk with Newage Stamford Research equipment installed: .... Workhorse Mariner ADCP
the vessel includes the conrinental shelf waters, the UCM224F13; 63 kVA 300kHz, RD Instruments Remole Speed Log Display
vessel also has the capacity to work at long range from Gearboxes for ADCP, RD Instruments; HPR410 acoustic Positioning
her home port. Make: .. .. Finnoy Gear & Propeller, Norway Ref Kongsberg Simrad EK600 Dual Frequency Echo
The RV Prince Madog is unique amongst Model: GSO FK PlI, with power take in Sounder, Kongsberg Simrad MDM400 Data Aquisition
small/ medium sized research vessels in being fitted out for electric silent drive System, Kongsberg Simrad Ocean Research 3.SkHz
with a quiet slow speed drive option, which allows for Number: 1 Pinger Transcucer. Seatronics Ltd OTC Seabed
high resolution acoustic surveys of the seabed. Reduction ratio: 4.0S:1 Discriminating system Underway sampling and
Accommodation is provided for 20 persons (10 of Propellers meteorological package, WS Oceans Seabird SBE9
which are scientific personnel). Tanks capacities are: Manufacturer: Finnoy Gear & Propeller, Norway +/911 + CTD system EK600, Remote Display,
fuel oil 55tonnes; fresh water 25tonnes; and ballast Number: 1 Kongsberg Simrad, Walker Marine Aquaprobe MKS +
water 70tonnes. Material: Cunial EM-3oo retractable sensor Trimble DGPS receivers

SIC:\IFIC\:\T S\L\I.I, S",,'S OF 2001 51

Bolow moIn c!oc*

52 SIG"FI("'\' I' S\I \LL SIIII'S OF 2001

SAINT PIRAN: fishery patrol boat based
on customs/police launches
Ships Builder: .Damen Shipyards The main deck has an entrance from the aft deck in a Main Engines
Vessel name: Saint Piran partly covered and sheltered area. The deckhouse Manufacturer: ..Cummins
Owner/Operator: Cornwall County Sea Fisheries Comm contains a laboratory with stainless steel workrops, Model:. ..KTA38M1
Designer: .Damen Shipyards sanitary space with shower and toilet, mess and galley Number: ..2
Flag:. . UK and a heating and ventilation room forward. The Output; ....970kW @ 1800rev/min
Total number of sister ships accommodation is also equipped with air-conditioning. Generators
already completed (including this ship): ..nil Via a stairway from the mess one can reach the Number: ...2
Total number of sister ships on order: ..nil wheelhouse that provides a 360deg visibility. The Make: Cummins/Newage
Delivery date: ..May 2001 accommodation spaces are sound insulated resulting Output: . .. 52kW 230/4ooV50Hz per set
sound levels well below 70dB(A). Gearboxes
FTER a comprehensive European tender Control stations are fined in the wheelhouse, flying Make: Relntjes
A procedure by the Cornwall County Sea Fisheries
Committee, a contract was awarded to Darnen
bridge and via special wing stations at the wheelhouse
deck at the forward end. The extensive equipment of
. WVS 430/1
Shipyards for the design and construction of a 27m the craft includes a tender RlB in a slipway at the stern. Propellers
patrol craft. This resulted in the Saini Piran, designated This slipway has a hydraulically operated door and Manufacturer:. . Promarin
as a Darnen Stan Patrol 2707. The design closely hauling winch, A deck crane is fitted for handling smaU Number: 2
follows the successful series of 26m patrol vessels built objects at sea. At the stem a capstan of 1000kg is fined Material: . .. Nickel-aluminium-bronze alloy
for, among others, Hong Kong police, Hong Kong to assist when other small craft have [0 be towed in to Pitch: Fixed. open
customs, and Dutch customs. safe porrs. Saini Piran is also equipped with a fire Diameter:.. .. 950mm
Saint Piran is an all aluminium vessel with a multi fighting installation with water monitor at the fore deck. Bow thrusters
chined hull form. The vessel is equipped with two Make: .Promac
Cummins diesel engines, driving fixed pitch propellers. MAIN PARTICULARS Number: 1
The contract speed of 20knots was well exceeded to Output:. .. approx 60hp
nearly 22knots and engine power was reduced Length. oa:.. .. 21. 7m Deck Machinery: One Effer hydraulic deck crane
afterwards to maintain the speed at 20.0knots. This has Lenght, bp: 23.99m 2.6tonnes. one capstan/towing winch capacity
given significant margin for the engines to achieve a Breadth moulded: 6.55m 1000kg, one fire flghllng monitor 60m'lh.
long life without excessive wear. Besides that the Depth moulded:. ...3.40m one tender RIB with diesel inboard
engines are rated at a moderate, heavy duty output of Gross tonnage:. .. 130gt Bridge Electronics
970kWeach. The machinery space is ventilated by two Displacement:. .. 87tonnes Radar:. . Furuno FR2135 OS
axial flow fans of 15.000m'/h each. The generator sets light weight: 72tonnes Autopilot: . . Plath Navipilot
are keel cooled for long life and easy maintenance. Design deadweight:. .. 15tonnes GMDSS Area A1 VHF (2) + DSC. Navtex
Sound absorbing boxes are fitted around the generator Design draught: 1.75m (aft) Communicallons: Inmarsat, GSM, Fax
sets. Maximum speed: 20knots @ 100% MCR GPS: . . .DPS Furuno GP80
The vessel has three accommodation decks. The Service speed: 20knots@ 100% MCR Gyro:. .. litton SR140
lower deck accommodates the crew quarters with three Range:. . .450nm Complement
cabins, laundry with washing machine and dryer, Class notation LRS+ 1OOA1 SSC Crew:. ..8
shower and toilet. Ample storage is also provided here. Patrol mono HSC-LMC G3 Cabins: . ..4

SIG,\IFlCA:q S\lALL SHIPS OF 2001 53

•.... L_=-_-,


hklw Maladosk

54 SIG,\IFIC,\ ,\T S\I\LL SUII'S OF 2001

STANDSURE: small fishing catarmaran
with large carrying capacity
Builder:. . Gemini Workboats includes two Jabsco pumps for deck washing and the Desiqn draught:. ..... 1.5m
Vessel name:. . Standsure viviers. Ballast tanks are situated in the aft quarters Max speed: 9knots @ 100% MCR
Owner/Operator: Mr Marius Anderson and under the cabin floor, which allow the boat to be Bollard pull: 3tonnes
Designer: . ..... Andrew Craig balanced when static gear fishing. Service speed: 8.5knots @ 80% MCR
Flag: .. UK Gemini says it is prepared to deliver boats in various Range: . . 1000nm
Total number of sister ships already completed stages of completion, with StalldsJlre being built minus Fuel consumption:. . .40gallons daily
(including this ship): ..nil electronics, hydraulics and prawn sorting table, which Main Engine
Delivery date: February 2001 were ro be fitted by the owner after delivery. A basic Manufacturer: . . ..Mermaid Marine
sailaway vessel is available for JUSt under 07,000. Model: Melody II
EMINI \\'orkboats,
G Coast, delivered
located on the UK East
only its second newbuilding
early in 2001, following delivery of a small catamaran
Either forward or aft wheelhouse versions
available, and a number of different engine types can
be fitted.
are Number:
70bhp @ 2200rev/min

trawler late in 2000. StalldsJlre, a Gemini Gl0 model, A lighter, faster version of the G 10, the Fastcat, with Make:. .................... PRM
designed to operate as a prawn ereeler for a customer lower freeboard and semi-displacement hull form, has Model: ... 750
in Ullapool, Scotland, is a 9.83m catamaran built for been introduced, which the yard sars offers much Number: ............ 2
strength and a large carrying capacity. The latter is higher speeds while maintaining a good carrying Reduction ratio:. .. 3:1
achieved through a large aft working deck area, capacity and sea keeping qualities. Propellers
incorporating vivier tanks aft in each of the hulls and Manufacturer:. ..Willman Universal
engine spaces amidships with access from the deck. MAIN PARTICULARS Number: 2
The engines, Mermaid Melody II Ford-based diesels, Material: Bronze
are derated to 72.5bhp and despite this relatively low Length, oa: 9.83m Pitch: Fixed. open
power Standsllre can easily achieve its Sknor service Breadth, moulded:. . 5.2m Diameter 762mm
speed with a 6ronne payload and managed 9.2knots Gross tonnage 19gt Bridge Electronics:. .. .. Fitted by owner after delivery
light ship on its delivery voyage. Displacement: . .. 19tonnes Complement
Two sets of batteries are fitted, one for engine Light weight: 15tonnes Crew 2
starting and the other for the equipment, which Design deadweight:. .. 19tonnes Cabins:. .. 1





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Optimism delayed by events
Our review of Significant Ships of2000:suggested, when discussing offshore vessels, that 2001 and 2002 would be more productive than 2000.
For whatever reason - possibly connected with fears of recession and events in the traditional oil-producing Arab region - it seems that we
will have to look to 2002 for the predicted surge.

rders were placed, but these have particular challenge for the yard as well as a

O been for established designs rather

than new innovations. Some of
those orders involved considerable adaptation
significant addition to the owner's fleet.
Our other selection recognises the often-
overlooked crew boat sector. Like so many
of the established designs . and just as we offshore vessels the crew boat has become a far
reported an end-of-year rush of orders, in more specialised ship than a mere means of
particular for the UT-series designs, last year, passenger transport. The present-day
we can do likewise this time. Rolls-Royce crewboat, a format developed mainly in the
Marine reports that it currently has 71 UT- USA but taken up in other offshore markets,
series offshore vessels either on order or under borrows much from fast ferry technology in its
construction, the latest orders being six UT712 aluminium construction and multi-engined
and UT722 AHTS ships and three UT755 waterjet propulsion system, but beyond the
supply ships. The company says that although concept it bears little resemblance to its fast
the UT700 designs were originally developed ferry cousin. Most are capable of carrying
for the North Sea, as the then-current designs considerable supplies as well as personnel,
had been produced for the shallow, relatively who are accommodated - and entertained - in
calm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, its current considerable comfort.
orderbook includes ships for Brazil, France, For 2002, sights are directed towards the
and the USA as well as their customary area of Caspian Sea, which is expected to become an
operation. This latest batch is due for even more significant oil producer in the
2003/2004 delivery, but there are several in coming years. The particular conditions -
build at the moment which will be handed over shallow water and extreme temperatures - are
in 2002. expected to provide a challenge naval
There was little new to report in terms of architects and shipbuilders alike, and result in
ship designs delivered in 200 I - or at least that another family of specialised offshore vessels.
is the impression given by the response of the One is under way at present - a multi-purpose
industry to our call for information. We have vessel designed by BMT and built by Ulstein
selected two designs for inclusion in this (that is to say the Ulsteinvik yard, which
review. The Bordelon trio reflects Bollinger's remained in the Ulstein family ownership
success in this competitive market sector in the rather than being transferred to Vickers,
USA, which for many reasons is so different subsequently Rolls-Royce, ownership, like the
from the rest of the world. Although there is other parts of the original Ulstein empire).
little revolutionary about the design of these This ship, if the tight production schedule
three ships they are representative of the US necessitated by the September completion date
offshore ship building and design sector and, imposed by local conditions can be
with three ships delivered within a timeframe maintained, will be a prime contender for
of as many months, they represented a Significant Small Ships of 2002.


KHULOOD: crewboat is the first
aluminium boat for Arabian yard
Builder: .Dubai Orydocks seakeeping in a vessel of modest size. The boat features a Gross tonnage:. .. 127gt
Vessel name: . .. Khu/ood spacious forward wheelhouse with good all-round and Displacement:. 79 .8tonnes
Owner/Operator Mutawa Marine, UAE overhead visibility, and a large passenger area with Light weight: 75.9tonnes
Designer: . .. Robert Allan Ltd, Canada comfortable seating for 31 persons. Below decks are crew Design draught.. ... 2.0m
Flag: United Arab Emirates quarters for six, galley, and lavatory facilities. The engine Max speed 25knots @ 100% MCR
Total number of sister ships already completed room is accessible via large hatches in the aft deck, Service speed 23 knots @ 92% MCR
(including this ship): nil permitting access for servicing, repair and replacement of Range: 150nm
Total number of sister ships on order: . .. nil engines or other major components. The aft deck is Class notation:. . LRS +100 A1 SSC
Contract date: February 2000 strengthened for carrying cargo, with a design capacity of Passenger Mono HSC G3
Delivery date:. .. January 2001 20toooes. Main Engines
The machinery package includes twin high-speed diesel Manufacturer:.. . Cummins
N January 2001, Dubai Drydocks delivered a new engines, each driving a five-bladed propeller through a Model KTA 38M2
I aluminium crewboat to Mutawa Marine of Abu Dhabi,
for service in the Arabian Gulf offshore oil industry. The
reverse-reduction gearbox. Two diesel generators are also Number: 2
fitted. Output: 1350bhp @ 1900rev/min
boat is the first newbuilding in welded aluminium for the On sea trails, the Kbidood demonstrated good Generators
yard, and was the first in a proposed new line of 25m-Sam performance good manoeuvrability at high and low speeds, Number: 2
crewboars, capable of up to 30knots service speeds, to be and a stable and comfortable ride. Make/type: Perkins/Stamford
offered to clients worldwide. Output 75kVA, 380V per set
Canadian designer Robert Allan Ltd provided the yard MAIN PARTICULARS Gearboxes
with a complete contract design package and production Length, oa 27 Am Make Reintjes
working drawings, based on the end-user's specific Length. bp: 23.5m Model: WVS 430-1
operating requirements. The design brief was for a good Breadth moulded 6.7m Number: 2
combination of speed, capacity, manoeuvrability and Depth moulded 3.2m Reduction ratio.. .. 2.037: 1
Manufacturer Teignbridge
Number: 2
Material: Aluminium bronze m3
Pitch Fixed
Diameter: 1066mm open
Deck Machinery
Electric anchor windlass Muir Winches VRC 4500
Bridge Electronics
Radar JRC JMA2253 & JMA3254
GPS:.. .. Garmin GPS 128
Gyro TKC GM-21
Engine monitoring/
Fire detection system:. .. Autronica BX 10
Crew:. ...6
Passengers: 31
Cabins: 04
Other: Fire monitor mounted on stern of deckhouse
deckhead, driven by a diesel engine
rated 90m'/h at 60m head




WES BORDELON: first of three-boat
offshore supply utility family
Builder:. . Bollinger Shipyards Inc vessels are operated by two officers and four crew, and can Number: .2
Vessel name:. . Wes Bordelon accommodate a maximum of ten guests. Output: . 750bhp @ 1600rev/min
Owner/Operator: . . Bordelon Marine Four liquid mud tanks can hold nearly 226,800litres, with Generators
Designer:. . Bollinger Shipyards other tanks holding 130,OOOlitres of fuel, 1134litres of oil, Number: 2
Flag:. . USA 1134litres of hydraulic fluids and 62,442litres of fresh Make/type: Cummins 6CTA8.3G
Total number of sister ships already completed water, The aft deck measures 29m x 9.75m and can take up Output: 99kW @ 1800rev/min per set
(including this ship):. . 3 to 390tonnes of cargo. Gearboxes
Total number of sister ships on order: . ...nil The boats will be used for general support duries serving Make: .Twin Disc
Delivery date June 2001 offshore oil and gas platforms as well as oceanographic Model: 5301
surveying for the US offshore industry. Number: 2
Particularsare given for Wes Bordelon, see text for Reduction ratio .4.96: 1
differences between sister ships MAIN PARTICULARS Propellers
Manufacturer:. . Bollinger
S yard Bollinger Shipyards of Louisiana, delivered a Length, oa .44.35m Number: 2
U batch of three supply/utility boats to Bordelon
Marine, Lockport, between June and August 2001. All are
Length, bp: .
Breadth moulded:
. .41.53m
Stainless steel
1448mm Fixed
named after members of the owning family - 117" Bordekm, Depth moulded:. . 3.51m Diameter 1828mm Open
the first vessel off the production line being followed by Gross tonnage: .454.86 ITC/86 Bow thrusters
T my Bordelon, and BflllI!} Bordelon. US Regulatory Make SchoUel ST·110
The 44m vessels are built with an 11m beam and Displacement 934.5tonnes Number:. . 1
maximum draught of 3.5m, with normal operating draught Light weight: 396tonnes Output: . ...... 270bhp
of 2.5m. Propulsion is by two Cummins 38litre diesels, Design deadweight:.. 538.5tonnes Deck Machinery
driving four-blade propellers. Hydraulic Steering is installed Design draught 2.98m Anchor winch: Gator Marine
at two pilothouse stations, with a Schorrel thruster forward Max speed:. . 11.5knots @ 100% MCR Bridge Electronics
to assist manoeuvring. The main engines also directly drive Service speed 11knots @ 95% MCR Radar: 2 x JRC JMA2254
mud pumps, and are designed to meet latest ThIO emission Range: 374 7nm Autopilot Comnav 1001
standards. Further environmental friendly equipment Fuel consumption:. . 5.36tonnes daily GPS:. . Furuno GP-31
includes oil-free bilge systems and dirty oil collection tanks. Class notation: ABS Load line Engine monitoring/fire detection system: EMI
The ships are provided with comfortable Regulations Built to USCG subchapter L Complement
accommodation, with comprehensively equipped galleys Main Engine ~~ .4
catering for up to 25 people, large staterooms, air Manufacturer Cummins Passengers: 14
conditioning and higW)' effective soundproofing. The Model: .KTA38 MD Cabins:. . 5

SI(;\II'I(',\\T S~L\I.L SIIII'S OF 2001 61


62 SI(;:\IFIC.\:\T S" \LL SIIII'S OF 2001

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