01 Supplications For Children

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In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate

CLTR103 - Raising Muslim Children - Basira Education

Week 01. Allah First — Post-Lesson Resource

Supplications for One‘s Children

Excerpted from Mukhkh al-`Ibada by Maha AlBahar

ْ‫اللهُمﱠ بارِك لِى فِى أَوالدِى وَال تَضُرﱠهُمْ وَوَفّقْهُم لِطاعَتِكَ وَارْزُقنِْى بِرﱠهُم‬
O Allah! Bless me in my children, don’t harm them, give them the tawfiq to obey you, and grant me
their kindness and respect.

ْ‫ ويا مُؤْتِى لُقمَانَ احلِكْمَةَ وَفَصْلَ اخلِطابِ آَتِهِم‬،ْ‫ ويا مُفَهّمَ سُليمَانَ فَهمَهُم‬،ْ‫اللهم يا مُعَلّمَ مُوسى وَآدَمَ عِلْمَهُم‬
‫احلِكمَةَ وفَصلَ اخلِطاب‬
O Allah! O You who taught Musa and Adam their knowledge! And O You who gave Sulayman their
understanding! And O You who gave Luqman wisdom and eloquent speech! Give them wisdom and
eloquent speech!

ِ‫ وَذَكّرْهُمْ ما نَسُوا وَافْتَحْ عَلَيْهِمْ مِن بَرَكاتِ السﱠماءِ وَاألَرْضِ إِنﱠكَ سَمِيعٌ مُجِيبُ الدﱠعَوَات‬،‫اللهم عَلّمْهُمْ ما جَهِلُوا‬
O Allah! Teach them what they don’t know, remind them of what they forget, and open up for them
the blessings of the heaven and earth! Surely you hear everything and answer all prayers.

‫ وصفاء الذّهن‬،ِ‫ وسُرعةَ الفَهم‬،ِ‫اللهم إنى أسألك لهم قُوﱠةَ احلِفظ‬

O Allah! I beg you to give them strong memories, quick understandings, and clear minds.

‫اللّهم اجعلهم هُداةً مهتدين غيرَ ضالّي وال مُضِلّي‬

O Allah! Make them guides for others who are themselves guided, neither going astray themselves,
not leading others astray.

‫ واجعلهم من الراشدين‬،َ‫ وكَرّهْ إليهم الكُفرَ والفُسوقَ والعِصيان‬،‫اللهم حبّب إليهم اإلميان وزَيّنه فى قلوبهم‬
O Allah! Make them love belief (iman) and attract them to it; make them dislike disbelief,
wrongdoing, and disobedience; and make them among those who are guided.
ً‫ربنا هب لنا من أزواجنا وذرياتنا قرة أعي واجعلنا للمتقي أماما‬
O Allah! Give us spouses and offspring who are a comfort to our eyes and make us models for the

‫اللهم اجعلهم أوفر عبادك حظاً فى الدنيا واآلخرة‬

O Allah! Make them the most fortunate of your servants in this world and in the afterlife.

‫اللهم اجعلهم من أواليائك وخاصتك الذين يسعى نورهم بي أيديهم وال خوف عليهم وال هم يحزنون‬
O Allah! Make them from among those who are close to you and your elect whose light will rush out
in front of them and will neither have any fear nor sorrow.

‫ واجعلهم من أوجه من توجه إليك وأحبك ورغب إليك‬،‫اللهم علق قلوبهم باملساجد وطاعتك‬
O Allah! Make their hearts incline to mosques and to your obedience and make them the most eager
of those who turn towards You, love You, and desire You.

‫ ومبلغي عن‬،‫ وأئمة للمساجد ومجاهدين فى سبيلك‬،‫اللهم اجعلهم حفظة لكتابك ودعاة فى سبيلك‬
‫رسولك صلى ال عليه وسلم‬
O Allah! Make them people who memorize the Quran, call others to Your way, lead prayers in
mosques, struggle to make Your religion prevail, and convey the guidance of Your Messenger (Allah
bless him and give him peace).

‫ وجالء همومهم وأحزانهم‬، ‫ وشفاء صدورهم‬،‫اللهم اجعل القرآن العظيم ربيع قلوبهم‬
‫اللهم افتح عليهم فتوح العارفي‬
O Allah! Make the tremendous Quran the spring of their hearts, a cure for what lies in their breasts,
a removal of their worries and sorrows.
O Allah! Give them the spiritual openings of those who have experiential knowledge of You.

‫ وعافهم‬،‫ وجَمّلهم بالعافية‬،‫ وأكرمهم بالتقوى‬،‫ وزيّن أخالقهم باحللم‬،‫اللهم ارزقهم احلكمة والعلم النافع‬
‫واعف عنهم‬
O Allah! Give them wisdom and beneficial knowledge! Adorn their character with forbearance!
Honor them with godfearingness! Beautify them with well-being! Give them well-being and forgive
‫اللهم ارزقهم القناعة والرضى‬
‫اللهم نزه قلوبهم عن التعلق مبا دونك واجعلهم ممن حتبهم ويحبونك‬
‫ وحب كل عمل يقربهم‬،‫ وحب كل من يحبك‬،‫اللهم أرزقهم حبك وحب نبيك محمد صلى ال عليه وسلم‬
‫إلى حبك‬
O Allah! Give them contentment with what they have and make them pleased with You.
O Allah! Purify their hearts from being attached to anything besides You and make them from
among those who You love and who love You.
O Allah! Give them to love you, to love your Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him
peace), to love everyone who loves you, and to love every action that leads to Your love.

‫ وسألك فأجبته‬،‫ وتقرب إليك فقربته‬،‫ واستكان لهيبتك فأحببته‬،‫اللهم اجعلهم ممن تواضع لك فرفعته‬
O Allah! Make them of those who humbled themselves to you and so You raised them, who were
submissive to Your majesty and so You loved them, who drew close to You and so you brought them
close to You, and who asked You and so You answered them.

‫ وأهدهم ملا حتبه يا غفار‬،‫ واعلِ بهم املنار‬،‫اللهم فرّح بهم نبيك اخملتار صلى ال عليه وسلم‬
O Allah! Make your chosen prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) happy because of them,
make the light of Islam shine higher because of them, and guide them to what You love, O Most

‫ وأغنِهم بفضلك عمن‬،‫اللهم افتح عليهم أبواب رزقك احلالل من واسع فضلك واكفهم بحاللك عن حرامك‬
‫ وال تولهم وليا سواك‬،‫سواك‬
O Allah! By your tremendous generosity open for them the doors of your lawful livelihood, give them
sufficiency in what You have permitted from what You have forbidden, enrich them through Your
generosity from everything besides You, and don’t consign them to a protector apart from You.

‫اللهم جنبهم الفواحش واحملن والزالزل والفت ما ظهر منها وما بطن‬
O Allah! Distance them from sins, tests, earthquakes, and trials, both those that are apparent and
those that are hidden.
‫اللهم جنبهم رفقاء السوء‬
‫اللهم جنبهم الزنى واللواط‬
‫اللهم جنبهم اخلمر واخملدرات‬
‫اللهم سلمهم من العلل واألوبئة واآلفات‬
O Allah! Distance them from harmful friends!
O Allah! Distance them from adultery and homosexuality!
O Allah! Distance them from wine and drugs!
O Allah! Keep them safe from handicaps, diseases, and calamities!

‫ واهدهم ملا حتبه منهم واغفر لهم‬،‫اللهم سلمهم من شر األشرار آناء الليل وأطراف النهار فى اإلعالن واإلسرار‬
O Allah! Keep them safe from the harm of harmful people throughout the night and throughout the
day in public and in private! Guide them to what You love from them and forgive them, O Most

‫اللهم ال تزغ قلوبهم بعد إذ هديتهم وهب لهم من لدنك رحمة وهيّء لهم من أمرهم رشدا‬
O Allah! Don’t turn their hearts away after you have guided them, give them a special mercy that
comes from you, and facilitate guidance for them.

‫اللهم مُنّ علىَ ببقاء أوالدى وبإصالحهم لى وبإمتاعى بهم‬

‫اللهم امدد فى أعمارهم مع الصحة والعافية فى طاعتك ورضاك‬
O Allah! Give me the favor of making children live, of setting them right for me, and of my enjoying
O Allah! Give them long lives with health and well-being coupled with Your obedience and good

‫ وقوّ لي ضعيفهم‬،‫اللهم ربّ لى صغيرهم‬

‫اللهم عافهم فى أبدانهم وأسماعهم وأبصارهم وأنفسهم وجوارحهم‬
O Allah! Raise on my behalf those of them who are young and give strength on my behalf to those of
them that are weak!
O Allah! Give them well-being in their bodies, their hearing, their sight, their souls, and their limbs!
‫ واكفنى‬،‫ واحيي بهم ذكرى‬،‫ وزين بهم محضرى‬،‫ وكثّر عددى‬،‫ وأقِم بهم أوَدى‬،‫اللهم اشدد بهم عضدى‬
‫ واجعلهم عوناً لى‬،‫ وأعنّى بهم على حاجتى‬،‫بهم فى غيبتى‬
O Allah! Strengthen me through them, rectify my problems through them, increase my numbers,
beautify my gatherings with them, bring my mention to life with them, make them take my place
when I am absent, help me fulfill my needs through them, and make them my helpers!

‫ لى مطيعي غير عاصي وال عاقي وال خاطئي‬،‫ وعلىَ مقبلي مستقيمي‬،‫اللهم إجعلهم لى محبي‬
O Allah! Make them love me, make them care for me, make them obedient to me, neither
disobedient nor disrespectful nor sinful!

‫ واجعل ذلك خيراً لى ولهم‬،‫اللهم أعنى على تربيتهم وتأديبهم وبرهم‬

O Allah! Help me to raise them, teach them good manners, and gain their kindness and respect!
Make that a means of good for me and for them!

،‫ واجملُارين من الظلم بِعدلِك‬،‫ املُعوﱠذين من الذل بك‬،‫اللهم إجعلنا وإياهم من املوسَع عليهم الرزق احلالل‬
‫ املوفﱠقي للخير والرشد والصواب‬،‫ املعصومي من الذنوب والزلل واخلطأ بتقواك‬،‫واملعافي من البالء برحمتك‬
‫ التاركي لكل معصية‬،‫ واحملال بينهم وبي الذنوب بقدرتك‬،‫بطاعتك‬
O Allah! Give expansive and permissible livelihood to me and to them! Protect us through you from
humiliation! Give us safety through Your justice from oppression! Give us well-being through your
mercy from trials! Protect us through your godfearingness from sins, slips, and mistakes! Give us the
tawfiq through Your obedience to do good works, to be guided, and to do what is right! Prevent us
through Your power from falling into sin! Make us leave every act of disobedience!

‫اللهم وأعذنا وأوالدنا وذرياتنا من فتنة القبر وعذاب القبر وفتنة املسيح الدجال‬
O Allah! Protect us, our children, and our descendants from the trial of the grave, the torment of the
grave, and the trial of the Dajjal (False Messiah)!

‫اللهم امن عليهم بكل ما يصلحهم فى الدنيا واآلخرة‬

O Allah! Give them the favor of everything that will set them aright in this world and the afterlife!
‫ وألبسهم من مالبس اجلمال والكمال واحللل الفاخرة‬،‫اللهم اجعل لهم الذكر اجلميل فى لدنيا واآلخرة‬
O Allah! Give them a good reputation in this life and the afterlife! And clothe them in garments of
beauty and perfection and lavish clothing!

‫ واسقهم من شراب الوالية‬،‫ وأيدهم بجيش احملبة‬،‫ واحرسهم مبلّتك‬،‫ وتولهم بعونك‬،‫اللهم انظرهم بعينك‬
‫أكرم شربة‬
O Allah! Take special care of them, bring them into Your special Help, protect them with Islam,
strengthen them with the army of love, and give them to drink the most honorable drink of closeness
to You.

‫اللهم إجعلهم فى حفظك وكنفك وأمانك وجوارك وعياذك وحزبك وحرزك ولطفك وسترك من كل شيطان‬
‫ إنك على كل شئ قدير‬،‫ ومن شر كل شئ أنت آخذ بناصيته‬،‫وإنس وجان وباغ وحاسد‬
O Allah! Place them in Your protection, Your care, Your safety, Your guardianship, Your refuge, Your
group, Your sanctuary, Your subtle kindness, and Your concealment, from every human-devil or
jinn-devil or aggressor or envier, and from the harm of everything that is in Your control! Surely,
You have power over everything!

‫ وأصلح لى فى‬،‫اللهم ربّ أوزعنى أن أشكر نعمتك التى انعمت علي وعلى والدي وأن اعمل صاحلاً ترضاه‬
‫ وأعذني وذريتى من الشيطان الرجيم‬،‫ إنى تبت إليك وإنى من املسلمي‬،‫ذريتى‬
O Allah! Help me to be grateful for Your blessings that You have given to me and my parents, to do
good deeds that please You, and set my offspring aright! Surely, I repent to You and I am from those
who submit to You. Protect me and my offspring from the accursed Satan!
‫اللهم أنك قلت وقولك احلق ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ‪..‬اللهم هذا الدعاء ومنك اإلجابة‪ ،‬وهذا اجلهد وعليك‬
‫االتكال‪ ...‬اللهم اعطنى جميع ذلك بتوفيقك ورحمتك‪ ،‬واعط جميع املسلمي واملسلمات واملؤمني‬
‫واملؤمنات مثل الذى سألتك لنفسى وألوالدى‪ ،‬عاجل الدنيا وآجل اآلخرة أنك قريب مجيب‪ ،‬سميع عليم‪،‬‬
‫عفو غفور رحيم‪...‬‬

‫اللهم ربنا آتنا فى الدنيا حسنة وفى اآلخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار‪ ،‬وأدخلنا اجلنة مع األبرار ياعزيز يا‬

‫واحلمد ل رب العاملي والصالة والسالم على أشرف األنبياء واملرسلي سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه‬

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