CCNA - Lesson3

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We are starting with Initial Configuration of Cisco router

Pls open your Cisco app and drop two routers or bring up your last lab.
Let's work on it.
Remember where we stopped last time after clicking on the CLI...???
Let's continue
Router> enable
Router# Configure terminal
Router(config)# hostname Kogi
Kogi(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0
Kogi(config)# IP address
Kogi(config-if)# no shutdown
Kogi(config-if)# exit
Kogi(config)# interface serial 0/0
Kogi(config-if)# IP address
Kogi(config-if)# no shutdown
Kogi(config-if)# encapsulation hdlc
Kogi(confi-if)# clock rate 64000
Kogi(config-if)# exit
Kogi(config)# line console 0
Kogi(config-line)# password 12345
Kogi(config-line)# login
Kogi(config-line)# exit
Kogi(config)# line vty 0 3
Kogi(config-line)# password 54321
Kogi(config-line)# login
Kogi (config-line)# exit
Kogi(config)# end
Kogi# write

Don’t get confuse with the jargons.

It will make sense soon. Just keep typing 😃
All this will be done on first router. When u get to second router do the same but let the IP
address be changing accordingly
All this are what we call commands.
If you do not read the fundamentals of Networking Manual completely, you won't understand
what we are doing. The voice notes on Fundamentals of Networking is also a good resources for
If not you will just be connecting cables and you won't even understand reason behind what u
are doing.
It will just seems like playing game on phone.

The GTB bank in Kogi invited me to setup a network for them to connect to the GTB in Abuja.
Am assuming no existing network in the two offices.
What I will do is to first do d feasibility studies, then asked how many computers needed to be
installed in each branch. Then setup d computers and do all necessary configurations as
explained on the Fundamentals of Networking Manual, next I will bring in a router.
The router is a new router. What will I do on the router?
The configuration above is what I will do on the router at Kogi and the engineer at Abuja will do
the same on Abuja router.

Let me explain d commands....

From the commands, I started with enable. Meaning I hv informed the router to start work.
And I also informed d router to get ready that I want to configure all the terminals.
Then named the router as Kogi for easy identification.
Now, I started with one of d terminals. Which is d point connecting to the LAN. That's where we
have fast ethernet 0/0, pls refer back to the white board scenario.
Next I assigned an IP address to that interface.
How do you know which IP address to choose. How do u get the correct numbers? Pls refer to
the manual on fundamentals of Networking.

Then I added no shutdown, meaning I am informing my router to activate the interface and
keep it working and never shut it down without my authorization.

Am done with d first interface and now need to exit backward a bit to start d second interface.
Do u noticed that after I typed exit command d router returned back to another mode.
Do u understand what I called mode?
Mode means stages in this content.
There are various stages of Configuration in Cisco routers.
Mode is what u see in black bold color. I am not the one typing those mode. It appears each
time I hit the enter key.
Pls be informed that after each line, u need to hit the enter key on ur keyboard to take u to next

See the modes below:


Ok, next I started with the serial interface Configuration. The serial interface of d router is the
interface that will connect u to the outside network. By outside network I mean, the Abuja
router. Don't forget we are at kogi state now.
We also need to add IP address to the serial interface. In this case the IP address will be a
purchased one.
Let's go to ISP companies to secure our Public IP address.
NIRA in Nigeria should be able to sell IP address to us.
The IP address is going to be a unique address that no any other company in the world will have
the same IP address.
This IP is what we use to communicate over the internet. More on that later.
Can u see the command I called encapsulation hdlc? It's a security command and is used to
secure the WAN(serial) interface.
The serial interface require security because that's where packets follow to outside network
and is where packet penetrate into our Network. Is the gateman. If u don't secure it well u are
Encapsulation means , the packet should be kept in a capsule and not made open.😂
We have 3 main types of encapsulation commands.
2. PPP
HDLC is what Cisco recommends for Cisco devices. We will talk about other ones under security
The clock rate is to inform your router to keep accurate timing and GPS information at all time.
Those things are needed for proper record keeping of packets.
Packet is anything we can send across the network. Packet is same as video file, text file, voice
message etc.
Next we decided to lock down our router with password. Yeah password is needed so that
anyone don't have access to our device.
If u study the Configuration with one mind, u will noticed I have two different password.
The first one is on the console port of the router. Remember if u want to gain a physical access
to a router, that's when u should be much concern about console port.
For every router u are configuring physically, there should be a console cable connected to ur
The entry point of d cable to ur router is where u add d console password to.
Another command there is login command. It must accompany the password, to tell d router to
start using d password.
The password of the console port here is 12345, take note.
The next password is the VTY password. The VTY is used to represent the Telnet port.
VTY is an acronym which stands for Virtual Tele Type.
A telnet port is used to access a remote router. A remote router is a router not within your
reach. For example , Abuja router is a remote router to Kogi State. And Kogi State router is a
remote router to Abuja.
Now it means I can sit down in Kogi State and configure a router in Abuja, what a good thing to
All I needed to do that, is to ensure that Abuja router hv it's telnet port activated with password
and also i will be needing the IP address of Abuja router.
From my Configuration above I already shown how to setup telnet password.
But something new there is the number *0 3.*
The number is called session number. I hv just setup my router not to accept more than 4
people at the same time. Session start from 0 inclusive. 0 3 means 4 ppl. 0 9 means 10 people.
In my case, it means if 4 of our engineers already login to the router remotely, no other person
can login.
The command is to avoid overworking the router, leading to overload.
Lastly I issue the end command to tell my router that I am done with the Configuration.
After the end command, I then issue the write command. The write command is to save our
Configurations and go home gently to rest.

This is the initial Configuration of Cisco routers.

By this I am done with two topics.

1. Fundamentals of Networking
2. Initial Configuration of Cisco Router.
After your configurations, all the connecting points Should change from red to green.

We end the class here.

Make sure you have a place you are storing those lectures. If you are calling me later to forward
them to you. I will not answer you ooo. Tor
By Gods Grace we continue from Routing Tomorrow

Computers in Kogi State can not yet ping computers in Abuja.

Although devices are aware of each other. But files can’t be sent yet.
Until after doing ROUTING.

ROUTING is tomorrow’s topic, by Gods Grace.

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