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ASSURE Model Lesson Plan

Topic of Study: Techniques in Arnis (Dual Sports)

Grade Level: 7
Subject: Physical Education
Length of Lesson: 5 Sessions

Analyze Learners
General Characteristics:
-30 7th grade students
-Ranging in age from 12-13 years old.
-12 girls, 18 boys

Learning Styles:
-Visual, auditory, kinesthetic

Entry Competencies:
-Students have been participating in a unit about skill-related Physical Fitness (SRPF) consists of
components that have a relationship with learning motor skills quickly and the ability to achieve a high
level of performance in sports especially in Arnis.
State Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
 Perform at least (5) Arnis techniques
 Developed skill-related physical fitness using Arnis sticks
Select Methods, Media, , and Materials
•All the methods, media, and materials needed in the lesson are listed below.
• The teacher will begin the lesson with a brief introduction and overview explaining the tasks
about Arnis which includes: Performing warm-up and dynamic stretching exercises, and
Learning the fundamental skills in Arnis: This is showing holding the stick with the proper
grip, and also familiarizing oneself with the basic stance and salutations.
• Projector
• Laptop
• Speaker (Auditory)
• Video Presentation (Visual)
• List of Stances Module
• Arnis (Dual Sports) Textbook
Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods
Preview the Materials:
- The module and textbooks will help students in theorizing the topics.
- Laptop, projector and speaker will help students in application.
Prepare the materials:
- A laptop will be brought into the classroom and a laptop placed at the teacher’s desk
as well as the projector and the speaker which is connected in the laptop and
- Modules and textbooks are already given to them before the classes starts.
Prepare the Environment:
- The student’s chairs will be arranged on the wall, left, right and to the back sides
having a vacant space at the center of the classroom.
- Wall fans, and ceiling fans will be turned-on to maintain the temperature of the room.
Prepare the Learners:
- Students will be briefed that they should pay attention in the presentation, staying in
their proper seats and minimizing their noise.
Provide the Learner’s Experiences:
- Discussion participation through performing a stance and enumerating it.
- Taking-notes
Require Learner Participation
- Learner participation will be monitored by the teacher throughout the lesson and
students, will be graded based on their performance at the end of the lesson.
- Students write down the different stance and salutations in Arnis
- Each student performs 1 stance that they learned during the session.
- Enumerating all the stances and salutations.
Evaluate & Revise
Student Performance
Rubrics for the Individual Performance in Arnis through a Video Presentation
- Proper Execution- 20pts.
(The student must be executing the proper techniques and skills of Arnis.)
- Video Quality- 10pts.
(Since the performance is through self-recording video, it must have a clear output quality.)
- Energy-10pts.
(Student must perform different techniques with energy that is captivating to watch.)
- Proper Attire-10pts.
(Proper attire must be observed in performing such activity.)
Total: 50 points
Media Effectiveness
- Projector
It makes the presentation more visible.
- Laptop
Students get interested through watching clips from the laptop which is
connected to a projector.
- Speaker
The topic is more intense and understandable because of the speaker used in
- Video Presentation
It is easier to show some examples using a video and the teacher just need to
follow-up for an explanation regarding the video.
Instructor Performance
It will be assessed through a survey by the students using Google forms.

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