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Study is based on the effect of marketing mix elements of green durable products with the emergence of sustainable development,

consumer behaviour related to sustainable green durable-products, and differentiation on consumer purchasing behavior. For we
collected data through structured questionnaire was collected through a structured questionnaire. Green sustainable product is getting
popular these days among consumers due to its effectiveness and no harm to nature. In a Capitalist big economy, more and more
consumers are switching towards green products due to their energy efficiencies and less harming environmentally friendly nature.
With the emergence of the fastest engineering in today's world, products build to rebuilt for sustainable development, we tried taking
all the remarks related to green products' key points which are generally considered while making the purchase decision. Most of the
Brands that make the consumer durable are switching to green products for which they are differentiating the products for the
consumer who buys the data were analyzed in SPSS. Hypothesis has been prepared by applying regression analysis. Findings
showed that perception of marketing mix of green sustainable durables, attitude towards green durable products, and differentiation
perception are significantly positively related with consumer behavior. The limitations and scope for future studies are discussed in
the study.
Environment has become a serious concern for human being, but also a scope of subject in academic study during the
last few decades. In the United States and Western Europe, there has been a significant increase in environmental
consciousness. Because of the growing degree of environmental awareness since the 1970s, there has been a beneficial
shift in consumer behaviour toward environmentally friendly items[1]. This sustainable development provided to the
beginnings of the go green revolution, in order to avert additional environmental harm. This green revolution in almost
every country now, ultimately making consumers aware about environmental impact of their buying. Environment
friendly product are differed in their manufacturing, disposal /reuse and distribution stages, or product operation (Like
its energy efficiency). Brands are more aggressive towards making the big display with attractive digital appeal in it
with multiple smart option, like artificial intelligence (AI), to upgrade with environment friendly feature. Its referrers
autonomous features which is learning from learned, taking decision based on past learning or users uses, accordance
it operates and communicates. Problem solving related to environmental issues is the key feature by autonomous. Like
factories are heading towards to implant the more robotic sense of operation to take maximum output with minimum
waste. Artificial intelligence got the life easy like house cleaning ( Grills, Floor, garden watering, cleaning carpets
areas, air purification, kitchen auto clean up technology, magnetron sense heating, garbage bins to auto clean-up, sense
to operate showers to avoid waste of water, toilet pot to auto clean, windows to auto operate and so on.[2]
Thus, consumer across the world is making informed buying decision particularly considering the adverse impact of
their buying on the environment. As a result, green marketing has come up as an environment and social friendly. This
has now become a new slogan for marketers in order to meet the requirements of customers while increasing
Across the globe there is a race to minimise the harmful impact on the industry as well as their business since it is a
future threat. Due to this industry are on the way of sustainable development to avoid any harmful impact further on the
society and environment. It is not necessary that the customers which is showing more interest towards green products
will turn into action. Now one thing which is more considering factor here that is, what is there as a cause of this much
big gap between the estimate vs actual buying of green product, is that the impact of price, availability in market, or
poor reference which leads to the gap between consumer attitude vs actual purchase of the product.[4]
Green marketers might benefit from researching the factors that powers consumer’s green purchasing determination.
Though in past numerous studies have been performed on green marketing sources applying on consumer conduct.
However, it conducted in prosperous nation, and results were varied. Finding was different due to its different
consumer demeanor.

Although, effect of research tools applying on buying behaviour has been brought up immensely ahead in Asian
countries. Furthermore, this type of study may give green marketers with insights on how they might develop their
operations throughout Asia, particularly in India. The idea to conduct this research is to recognize the reaction of green
marketing on consumer behaviour with special reference to consumer durables in Delhi city of India.


Rahbar and Wahid (2011) investigated the outcome of Green Marketing tools around on consumer behaviour at
Penang, Malaysia. Environmental promotion, eco-green & Brand labeling are the tools considered in the study as green
marketing tools[5]. Authors applied the multiple regression analysis to find outcome the effect of these tools on actual
buying demeanor. The data analysis suggested that environmental advertisement help in information consumers about
environment friendly products and their usage. Regression analysis suggested that eco-brand and trust on eco-brand
and eco-label effect actual purchase behaviour significantly in positive way.
Consumers are ready to own the green products, but it does not turn to the reality. Here majorly brands try to in
cash the opportunity by charging the premium price to being it green. As a result, it overprices harms to the customer
buying. It finally it becomes a niche product, and product serve only to the selective mass in society rather going into
mass. Organization must update their thinking as a think green, not on the overprice or making the product niche in the
market. Also trade partner should be emphasized to keep the proper display of green product so that consumer could be
influenced. It is encouraging to all consumers as well as to the society to push ‘go green’.[4]
[6] conducted a research with intention to evolve the consequence of marketing mix constructs like satisfaction, spell
out, purchase determination. The study focused Fast moving consumer goods. The study also made an attempt to reveal
if Swedish and non-Swedish people have different viewpoints about green products. Primary database was obtained by
structured set questionnaire. The outcome of research addressed that consumer who bought green products previously
and the one who were very much positive towards their purchase, were ready to switch to rebuy green product.
Experiencing positive about green product pushed them to pay little premium. Male and Female belongs to Sweden and
around to other countries were significantly differing in their conduct and purchase determination of nature friendly
This study conducted [7] looks at how Chinese consumers follow and react to company-offered environmental
promotion promises. The study drew several noteworthy conclusions from a survey of 914 Chinese participants at
Beijing and Guangzhou. For starters, it verified the unintentional discovery that green promotion was broadly
employed in nationality. Secondly, it suggested in general, Chinese customers were most likely to see the print
advertisement (Green) over broadcast ones. It was most likely due to Chinese customers' pragmatic mindset, which
continually seeks tangible and proven product awareness from commercials towards purchase influence. Regression
intake from the received record suggested, which is "perceived credibility of the claim," "relevance of the promoted
product to everyday lives," "education level”, “media type" were entirely important constructs that will favorably
impact Chinese consumers' green buying intention. Obtained results guide advertisers with important input to shape up
green advertising in vivid ways in China, adding further it added value to academics with updated awareness of
Chinese end users' perception and predictive reactions to green promotion.
Most of the brands are turning to producing the green product since the sudden demand of customers who are moving
towards the green product due to the awareness of green product all around. Major brands have shifted their focus due
to the govt. policies who have done necessity while manufacturing the product. Thus, if brands have to compete the
Compition then will have to make the green products. Therefore, sustainable development of green product is the
future key of success.[8]
According to [9] people today are concerned more in regards to preserve green environment and are intended to use of
products, which is more natural, and offers safe environmental benefits undoubtedly. The study's submission
corroborates the researcher' belief that green promotion may be set as a revolutionary strategy for long-term sustainable
success path.

The findings of [10] revealed both traditional and digital green advertisement which should be considered as following
order: Green product, Targeted place, planned pricing, and green promotion. Firstly, it must be classified subject to
company store and the company supplier. This solves to preserve future conflicts with merchandise bearing the
supermarket. This classification is also used in determining at experienced location, pricing, and advertising for items
along with a short shelf life (SSL). Furthermore, the price of SSL-enabled goods should be dynamic. Finally, paying
close peer view, where it offers are well positioned within retail outlet which might assist to opportunity sales, resulting
in less food waste.

! RE !
O !

01 Awareness


03 Decision

04 Purchase


As the nature of marketing, 4 P’s are the most practiced marketing mix in consumer durable industry.

a. Product
Making product green is the main objective to all the brands to reduce the wastage and conserve the environment.

b. Price
Most difficult factor which affects the customer buying, price are always kept little premium due to scare green resource
while sustainable development to keep value preposition like design, operation, appealing.

c. Promotion
Green product promotion is basically held through the platform like digital marketing, below the line marketing and the
above the line marketing.

d. Place
Due to the lack of much awareness about the green product it is necessary to keep in mind the proper channel and area
segmentation, also population needs to be taken care seriously to avoid the product failure.

Above given, 4 P’s is the main construct for any business, thus doing the marketing to make the business more popular is
the focus of any brand, so far making green products and charging a premium to the customers is a traditional approach
so far. Now the government is more aggressive to promote green products. Thus, most brands are promoting green
marketing. Also, customers are switching toward green products due to being green in nature. Products are less harmful
to the environment.



Upgrade your home by using eco-friendly

Reason-2 More and more saving in terms Energy cost

Reason-2 Long life Green homes add value to your life,

because of its green nature
Green environment slowdown the sudden change in climate to
Reason-2 balance the nature & human’s life


Government has been evenly focusing on green marketing manifesting. In regard of sustainable development in this field
government has come up with many innovative plans for industrialist, in which government is being providing benefits
to the company. Consumer durable industries are more focused to make the green products since it is linked with energy
conservation for which there is mandate star level guideline formed by the government. Innovation of artificial
intelligence in past years has brought up a revolution all around, as a result range of consumer durables are coming up
with this features, most of the artificial intelligence driven products are green products since it saves energy when it is
not in use, like microwave adjust the temperature as per the temperature of the food which result its less consumption of
energy, auto cut function of air condition and water heater ,which conserve a lot of energy. Packaging of entire products
are recycled indeed; this entire focus is towards to go green concepts by governments.


Green product revolution is the key focus around industries, industries are working a day and night to implement the
same in the entire product range with the eco-friendly product to serve better to the end user. Green Marketing has been
categorized further into following:

Ecological basically talks about the Oil Spills, Air pollution and Dichlorobiphenyl trichloroethane, here the focus is to
preserve the environment from above. These are the main pollutant which is hazardous enough to harm entire human
being as well as the nature.

This era studies the development of recycling the product which is basically built to build concept so when the product is
build from the old product waste then it is recycling basically, which causes a less harm to the environment. Goods
which are considered mainly in this category like fabric, Consumer durable, automobile and the paper item.

Sustainable marketing is not only to reduce the waste which causes the damage to the environment but also to the
continuous process to keep improving the process from the root of the product. Now trends is to have the bulk buying,
therefore reducing the wastage of packaging and transportation of the supplier, also adopt the culture of eco-friendly
movement in the entire process of supply chain.
Green marketing at top-notch markets: conservative and digitalis marketing is another source to sum up waste:
Based on literature review following hypothesis is formulated;

H1- Perception of Marketing Mix of Green durable products and its buying behaviour are significantly related
H2- Attitude toward Green Marketing durable products and its buying behaviour are significantly related
H3- Differentiation perception of green durable product and its buying behaviour are significantly related


Descriptive research design was followed while conducting this research. Five-measure Likert’s scale applied on
questionnaire to record the data. The questionnaire consisted of 4 constructs viz. ‘Perception of Marketing Mix of Green
product perception’, ‘Attitude towards green products’ both adopted from [6], ‘Differentiation perception of Green
Products’ adopted from (developed with the help of experts in Industry and academia) and ‘Consumer behaviour’
adopted from [6], [11].

Sampling and Data observation

Study has been conducted through primary and secondary. Primary input obtained by prefixed set of questionnaire.
Convenient sampling technique was utilized while selecting samples are marketplaces, organizations, Institutes. 225
responses were collected. However, 13 responses had to be takeoff due to be of their inconsistency. 22 responses had to
be discarded as they were incomplete.


After carrying reliability test Cronbach alpha values of 0.980, 0.986, 0.981, and 0.991 were obtained for Green Product
Perception, Attitude toward Green Products, Distinctiveness, and Consumer Behaviour. Thus questionnaire was
considered reliable since Cronbach alpha greater than .7 [12]
Descriptive analysis was conducted to understand the overall respondents’ perception of study variables. Descriptive
statistics are given in table I below.
Respondents have positive perception of marketing 4 Ps (Product mix, Price mix, Place mix and Promotion mix) of
Green durable products (mean 3.7). Respondents carry positive attitude toward green durable products (mean 3.7).
Respondents perceive that Green durable products are differentiated from other products in the same category because of
green products have less adverse impact on environment compared to conventional products (mean 3.8). Respondents’
buying behaviour towards green durable product is positive (mean 3.7).

Table 1able I Descriptive Statistics

 Construct Mean Std. Deviation

Perception of Marketing Mix of Green Durables 3.7000 1.404
Attitude toward Green Consumer Durables 3.7026 1.397
Differentiation of Green Durable products 3.8211 1.323
Consumer Behaviour toward Green Durable Products 3.7699 1.371

Multiple regression applied to find the outcome to examine the hypotheses and discover significant determinants of
customer buying behaviour. From table II it is observed that Perception of Green durable products (β=.110, p<.05),
Attitude toward Green Durable (β=.430, p<.01) and Differentiation of green durable products (β=.449, p<.01) are
significantly and positively related with the consumer behaviour.

Table 2 Outcome of Multiple Regression Analysis

Constructs Β Sig.
Perception of Marketing Mix of Green Durables .110 .048
Attitude toward Green Consumer Durables .430 .000
Differentiation of Green Durable products .449 .000

*p value - 0.05
*p value- 0.01
R square value- 0.892
Adjusted R square -.890
N is 190

Hence, Hypotheses H1, H2, H3 are accepted.


The aim of subject to explore the impression of perception of Marketing Mix of Green durable product, Attitude toward
green durable products and differentiation of green durable products on consumer behaviour. Regression analysis showed
that all the variables have significant effect on consumer behaviour. In fact, these variables are positively related with
behaviour. It indicated that as perception of marketing Mix elements, attitude and differentiation of green products
increases consumer buying behaviour is also affected positively. Therefore, marketers should enhance the perception of
marketing mix elements. Marketing program should try to make attitude more favorable toward green durable products.
This can be done by making appropriate use of eco-labels on the packaging. The result also supports attitude-behaviour
relationship[12] empirically. The effect of differentiation perception of Green Durables on consumer buying behaviour
has not been tested empirically before. This study found that differentiation perception leads to significant positive
consumer behaviour. Thus, marketers must also try to enhance the differentiation perception through distinctive pricing,
positioning, segmenting, performance etc.


The research is held in Delhi city and only for Consumer durable products. Sample size is also relatively small. Thus, the
generalizability of the findings is not possible. Future studies can conduct similar empirical studies for different product
category. Longitudinal work might be undertaken in order to make out the change in level of marketing mix perception,
attitude and Differentiation perception and their impact on buying behaviour.


I would like to thanks to my guide and my team members who helped to me to collect the data through which I could
able to complete the project.


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