Article Review-Kant's Deontological Ethics

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Name: Janette Deluao Course/Year: BSMA-2 Date: March 18, 2022

1. “Readings in Political Ethics and Philippine Democracy” pp. 47-60

The central theme of the article deals with the birth of radical democracy in the Philippines.
It talks about the weakness of the political culture in the country brought about by our conquerors.
Also, the article scrutinizes Rodrigo Duterte’s rugged style of governance using the concept of radical
democracy and how affective sentimentality contributed to the rise of Duterte into power. The goal of
the article is to explain to the readers the root cause of the inefficient and inept bureaucracy of the
country and make reader’s understand the reason behind the need, or more of the want, for radical
democracy in the Philippines. Presented in the second part of the article, the general question of the
article is regarding how a timid provincial politician seized power from the ruling class of traditional
families. In addition, the article also discussed how Duterte may have inaugurated radical democracy
in the Philippines and why the rise of Duterte is often attributed to the failure of Ilustrado politics in
the country.

To answer the article’s general and specific questions, the author considered the views of
different authors and historians to support his arguments throughout the article. First, the author
gave a general overview of the article about how Philippine democracy is just a “Myth”. He then on
discussed the subtopics regarding Ilustrado politics, moral divide and political hegemony, affective
sentimentality, and the disarticulation and consolidation of power. In conclusion, Filipinos should face
the most important dilemma, which is the political and moral divide in society caused by the
systematic weakness of Philippines institutions. The author also explained that we Filipino’s have not
fully achieved that unified vision as a nation, because the nation is torn between the idea of liberal
democracy and the felt need for discipline and radicalism. But the author argued that the right thing
to do is to transform Philippine society by reforming its democratic processes and that people should
play a part in the formulation of policies that are to affect their life-situations.

2. “Good Governance as Power-over and Power-in Common” pp. 78-82

Specifically, the article discussed good governance as power-over and power-in common. In
the article’s introduction the author mentioned Pericles’ definition of democracy which was a form of
government whose administration favors not the few but the many. The author talked about
democracy as an ideal political system and that it is the only government that can assure its people to
enjoy liberty and equality peacefully. Throughout the article, the author discussed different
definitions of democracy said by different people from different times in history, which enables the
reader to compare and understand different concepts of democracy. The author also aims to instill in
the minds of the readers that not only the government has responsibilities, but their cooperation is
also needed to achieve enjoyment of good life. The general question asked in the article is what is the
root cause of the failure of democracy in the Philippines. In addition, the article also discussed
included topics such as what are the features that constitute the elements of democracy and how
Filipinos entrust politics unto the hands of politicians which weakens public institutions and breeds
venalities on one hand (people) and high corruption on the other (politicians).

To answer the general and specific questions, the author considered the works of various
authors and the two faces of politics which are power-over and power-in-common. The author gave a
general overview of the article first in the first topic discussed before tackling subtopics regarding
politics as a paradox and a vision of an ethics in politics. According to Paul Ricoeur, political paradox
presents the two faces of politics as horizontal and vertical axes. The horizontal axis pertains to the
wish of people to live together or exercise power-in common, while the vertical axis refers to the
hierarchical side of politics. But in the Philippines there is an obvious disymmetry between the power-
over that the government wields and the sparse power-in-common of the citizen. In conclusion, both
the dominating power and the people need to play their part for the horizontal bond that is
constitutive of the will to live together. The article helped understand ethics and morality through one
of the subtopics discussed by the author on a vision on ethics in politics. The author emphasized how
solicitude is the key to ethics in politics, in which the governing authority is accountable to the people
and emphasizes that collaboration and cooperation between classes is essential for a healthy,
functioning democracy.

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