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Digital Tools for learners and teachers


This digital tool has three main purposes

Classroom Management

 Easily divide the class into groups of whatever number you wish
 Display a timer, morning message, step by step instructions, noise
 Behaviour modification - reward the behaviour you want to see and
punish the behaviour you want to discourage
o Combine this with a classroom economy where you can have the
student spend their points on prizes

Class Portfolio

 Give your students digital assignments

 Provide feedback to individual students

Class Story

 Here you can share resources (pdfs, docs, videos, text etc) and the whole
class can see them
 Students can also post here
 Students can also share social items such as certificate photos


This digital tool is completely free and can be used for 3 purposes

1. A digital portfolio where students can collate all they have learned into
one place
2. A shared collaborative notice board where students can share
resources, photos and the teacher can upload links and pdfs etc (there is
no limit to the number that you can have)
3. A presentation tool to use instead of slides

Here is a video about its features
Storyjumper is a digital storytelling tool that makes it really easy for

students to create a digital book using text, props, scenes, photos, narration,
music and sound effects. Students can also collaborate with each other on the
same book. 

Example : Ernest Shackleton


It adds audio and mouth movements to the images.

How? Download ChatterpixApp, take pictures using the app and you can add
voice and mouth movements to the image.
You can combine it with stop-motion to create a movie.

Chatterpix only works on a phone

Short video on how to use it

German alternative to Jamboard (interactive whiteboard)
Useful for German teachers as some German regions do not allow Microsoft or
Google products in the classroom.

Online resources for primary and secondary teachers (interactive worksheets) (lots of topics
in alphabetical order )
TED Talks are influential videos from expert speakers on education,
business, science, tech and creativity, with subtitles in 100+
Apps for Flipped Classrooms

Flipgrid / FLIP

It is an asynchronous video discussion platform where the students respond to a
topic posted by the teacher. Students can have online discussions using videos,
allowing them to quickly engage in a recorded conversation with other members
of the class

20 engaging flipped learning apps

Alternative ways -

This site is essentially about alternative ways to teach a second language. The real
thing you need is the 'stepping stones'.
Click on the stepping stones tab and you will see a toolkit e.g. Team Building, Art &
Culture and Body Movement and Senses.
Acronym to remember the 6 stepping stones - AmBest , BeatsMe, MeBeast

Window Swap

Pick a window any where in the world and describe it to your partner

Rediscover the power of stories and their messages. 
Story Format:

1. Hero
2. Problem
3. Guide 
4. Plan
5. Call to action. That action helps them avoid
6. Failure. And leads to 
7. Success


The easiest-to-use 3D modelling software is called tinkercad. To get familiar with

tinkercad I encourage you to go through their tutorial via this link.
BBC Micro:Bit
Microbit is a piece of hardware (processor) that has a number of inputs
and outputs that can be programmed using a coding language. This
mimics what happens with a computer and allows learners to appreciate
the reality of computer operation. The inputs (sensors) that can be
programmed include temperature (create a thermometer), movement
(create a dice by shaking the processor or make a step counter), light
(create a night light that turns on when light levels lower), sound (create a
monitor to measure how noisy your environment is), touch (create a timer
when the microbit is touched) and magnetic fields (create a compass).
The outputs are LED lights and sound and again their operation can be
programmed, the LED lights can show shapes, numbers and letters.
Sounds(music) can be created eg Kraftwork's or Depeche Mode's greatest
hits and played and the sound output can be linked to speakers.

Here is the makecode link, the section designed for teachers, this is the
coding language used to design apps.

The following link is to the website which explains what microbit is and has lots of
Introduction | micro:bit (

Academy of Ideas

This website is full of provocative and controversial topics, ideal for discussion and
debate in classes with upper intermediate English and above.

1. Canva - Many of you will be aware of the functionality of Canva for producing
posters, for many activities we ask participants to produce posters on paper
to demonstrate their learning, where teachers have no laptops, this is
standard, however, if some teachers have laptops, enough for groups of 3 in
the classroom then Canva can be used. The advantages are that it produces a
digital poster that looks professional and can be printed (for a cost) and used
when they return to their schools. In addition, Canva can be used to design
info graphics to summarise course topics or critical learning from the
previous day. See example below:

White and Yellow Minimalist Healthy Tips Infographic - Infographic (

Amazingly Simple Graphic
Design Software – Canva
Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software
– Canva

Canva is free and intuitive to use.

2. Mentimeter - Scales question type, as an alternative to using cloud and

ranking question types, scales can be an interesting way of getting participant
feedback, see example below:

Vote on a Mentimeter question

3. Rewordify - This tool may prove very useful not only for English teachers but
all courses where you need the participants to read a complicated text. The
tool simplifies the English script to the level that suits your class. If you have
A2 or B1 students and you want them to do a jigsaw activity, this could be
invaluable. | Understand what you read | Understand what you read is powerful, free, online software that improves reading, learning, and teaching. This site
can: Intelligently simplify difficult English, for faster comprehension; Effectively teach words, for building
a better vocabulary; Help teachers save time and produce engaging lessons; Help improve learning
outcomes;'s amazing features have helped millions of people read ...

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