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ISSN 0040-6015, Thermal Engineering, 2017, Vol. 64, No. 7, pp. 490–495. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2017.

Original Russian Text © A.V. Morozov, A.P. Sorokin, S.V. Ragulin, A.V. Pityk, A.R. Sahipgareev, A.S. Soshkina, A.S. Shlepkin, 2017, published in Teploenergetika.


Effect of Boric Acid Mass Transfer on the Accumulation

Thereof in a Fuel Core under Emergency Modes at NPPs with WMR
A. V. Morozov*, A. P. Sorokin, S. V. Ragulin, A. V. Pityk, A. R. Sahipgareev,
A. S. Soshkina, and A. S. Shlepkin
State Scientific Research Center, Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering,
Obninsk, Kaluga oblast, 249033 Russia
Received July 18, 2016; in final form, November 23, 2016

Abstract⎯Boric acid mass transfer processes in the reactor facilities with WMR are considered for the case
of an emergency with breaking of the main circulation pipeline (MCP) and the operation of the passive safety
systems, such as first-, second-, and third-stage accumulator tank systems, and a passive heat removal system
(PHRS). Calculation results are presented for a change in the boric acid concentration in the fuel core (FC)
of a water-moderated reactor (WMR) in the case of an emergency process. The calculations have been per-
formed for different values of drop entrainment of boric acid from the reactor (0, 0.2, 2%). A substantial
excess of the maximum concentration of boric acid has been found to occur 24 hours after an emergency event
with a break of MCP. It is shown that increasing the droplet entrainment of boric acid causes the crystalliza-
tion and accumulation thereof in the FC to become slower. The mass of boric acid deposits on the elements
of internals is determined depending on the values of drop entrainment. These results allow one to draw a
conclusion concerning the possibility of accumulation and crystallization of boric acid in the FC, because the
latter event could lead to a blocking of the flow cross section and disturbance in the heat removal from fuel
elements. A review of available literature data concerning the thermal properties of boric acid solution (den-
sity, viscosity, thermal conductivity) is presented. It is found that the available data are of quite a general char-
acter, but it does not cover the entire range of parameters (temperature, pressure, acid concentrations) inher-
ent in a possible emergency situation at nuclear power plants with WMR. It is demonstrated that experimental
study of boric acid drop entrainment at the parameters inherent in the emergency mode of WMR operation,
as well as the studies of boric acid thermal properties in a wide range of concentrations, are required.

Keywords: WMR, emergency mode, fuel core cooling, boric acid, droplet entrainment, accumulation
DOI: 10.1134/S0040601517070047

INTRODUCTION agent and a low content of boric acid in the vapor phase,
In the case of an emergency with a break of MCP, one can talk about the possibility of accumulation and
the operation of passive safety systems provides the subsequent crystallization of boric acid on the elements
cooling of the reactor’s FC by feeding thereto a solution of reactor internals. Such a phenomenon can lead to a
of boric acid at a concentration of 16 g/kg from the significant deterioration of heat removal, which could
accumulator tank of the system of passive FC flood. As result in a decrease in feeding the heat-carrier flow
a part of the NPP-2006 project, the heat removal from into the FC, and there could occur even a complete
the FC should be carried out within 24 hours as a result cessation of heat-carrier supply to the FC in the case
of the operation of the first-stage accumulator tank of blocked flow passage section. The removal of boric
(AT-1) and the second-stage one (AT-2) [1–3]. acid from the FC with steam or due to a droplet
According to the concept for power-generating unit entrainment can significantly reduce the risk of crys-
safeguarding adopted in the WMR-TOI project, using tallization. Consequently, studying the processes of
accumulator tanks at the third stage (AT-3) should pro- boric acid carryover from the FC has a great practical
mote the maintenance of the heat-carrier level in the significance for the calculation of emergency opera-
reactor FC during an emergency beyond design (with tion at nuclear power plants with a new generation of
leaking first circuit and a failure of active safety systems) water-cooled reactors equipped with passive safety
after the exhaustion of the stock solution of boric acid in systems. Furthermore, it should be noted that the
the AT-2 within an additional 48 hours from the begin- results of the calculations are influenced by such ther-
ning of an emergency event. Taking into account the mophysical properties of boric acid as density, viscos-
duration of the process, the boiling of a heat-transfer ity and thermal conductivity.



The scheme of mass-and-energy flow movement
under emergency conditions at an NPP with WMR is QPHRS QPHRS
shown in Fig. 1. In the case of MCP breaking, a
sequential operation of AT-1, AT-2, and AT-3 systems Qr Qr 2
occurs, which provide the supply of boric acid with an
initial temperature of approximately 50°C into the Qr Qr
reactor FC. Alongside with the solution of boric acid,
entering the reactor from the accumulator tanks of pas-
steam 3
sive safety systems, in approximately 1.5 hours (5400 s)
after an emergency, the steam generators of three condensate
nonemergency loops, as a result of PHRS operation,
start to supply a condensate into the FC, with a satu- boric acid
ration temperature corresponding to the pressure in solution
the first loop. If the flow rate of “cold” boric acid 4
solution coming from the AT-2 and AT-3 is not suffi-
cient to provide natural convection in the downtake
channel of the reactor, the mixing of the condensate
with the flows of boric acid solution is absent. Then, Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the movement of mass and
because of a higher density, the boric acid solution heat flows in WMR in the course of emergency events with
MCP breaking: (1) perforation of the reactor cavity;
lowers to the bottom part of the FC. Above this layer, (2) separation collar; (3) pipe of the emergency cooling
there occurs an accumulation of condensate with a system of the fuel core; (4) FC. Qr is the energy released in
low concentration of acid. Subsequently, the excess the reactor; QCB is the energy coming through a leak to the
condensate further flows in a leak. Thus, the concen- containment building; QAT is the fraction of energy
removed from the FC with the liquid of accumulator tanks;
tration of boric acid in the bottom part of the FC QPHRS is a part of energy removed with the steam for the
would increase and, hence, conditions for its crystalli- condensation in the steam generator as a result of heat
zation should occur. exchange in the PHRS.
Taking into account the evaporation caused by the
boiling of the heat-carrier in the reactor’s FC, it is
expected that the concentration of boric acid solution in (3) the level of boric acid solution coincides with
the bottom part of the FC will increase until reaching the height of the location of a broken MCP pipe;
the values corresponding to the solubility limit. The fur- (4) The density of boric acid solution does not
ther decrease in the water content in the liquid phase of depend on the concentration;
the acid would lead to the crystallization of the latter on
the surface of reactor internals, which, in turn, could (5) In the reactor, a pure water vapor is formed with
cause FC melting owing to the blocking of the flow pas- no admixture of boric acid;
sage section and heat-exchange deterioration.
To evaluate the possibility of such a scenario in the (6) By means of the droplet entrainment, the solu-
WMR fuel core, we calculated the boric acid accumu- tion of boric acid is carried from the FC to the RPC
lation dynamics in the reactor under emergency con- and does not enter the steam generators that operate in
ditions. a condensation mode;
(7) The whole amount of water flowing into the FC
CALCULATION OF BORIC ACID and RPC has a saturation temperature;
ACCUMULATION IN WMR (8) The system pressure is kept constant mounting to
UNDER EMERGENCY CONDITIONS 0.3 MPa in the course of the entire emergency process;
In calculations, we made a number of assumptions
connected either with the complexity of the processes (9) The whole amount of boric acid that was orig-
occurring in the loop or with an insufficiency of infor- inally located in the first circuit and the boric acid
mation about the properties of the aqueous solutions that entered the reactor from the accumulator tank
of boric acid: system AT-1 during the first minutes after the emer-
gency beginning is carried into the containment
(1) Under calculations, the volume of the FC and building (CB).
the volume of the reactor pressure chamber (RPC)
were separated in the system; In the calculation, we took that the nominal power
(2) The properties of boric acid solution in the FC of the reactor to be 3.2 × 103 MW. Depending on the
and RPC are the same throughout the entire volume; time, τ, elapsed after the reactor shutdown, the reac-


492 MOROZOV et al.

Parameters of passive-flood accumulator tank systems in the fuel core of WMR

Parameter AT-2 AT-3
Boric acid concentration, g/dm3; 16 16
Total volume of water, ; m3 960 720
Mass of boric acid that entered the reactor, t 15.35 11.52
Operation duration at a preset flow rate, s 100–5430 5431–10860 10861–29 000 29 001–86 400 86 401–259200
Mass flow rate of boric acid solution for one 10.0 5.0 3.3 1.6 1.6
channel, kg/s

tor’s residual heat release in the FC (NFC) changes as The FC steam-and-water mixture that contains
it follows: steam and the drops of boric acid solution exits and is
replaced with boric acid solution coming from the RPC:
τ, 103 s 0.1 1.0 10.0 28.8 37.8 50.0
NBC, 10–3 a.u. 33.1 20.6 10.5 7.7 7.2 6.7 G12 = G N + G re. (2)
τ, 103 s 100.0 129.6 500 1469 2160
Based on this, we can calculate a change in the mass
NBC, 10–3 a.u. 5.5 5.3 3.3 2.2 1.8
of boric acid (ΔmFBC ) in the FC for a time interval Δτ:
As the initial data for the calculation, we used the
parameters of passive-flood systems accumulator tank B
Δ mFC = (G12C RPC − G reC FC )Δτ,
systems AT-2 and AT-3 (see table).
The values that characterize changing in the con- where СRPC, СFC is the concentration of boric acid
densing power of steam generators, NPHRS kW, were solution in RPC and FC, respectively.
obtained based on the results of experimental studies As mentioned above, the boric acid solution should
on a large-scale stand at IPPE [4]: flow from the RPC to the FC as to a communicating
vessel, with a flow rate G12, and the excess solution in
⎧ 144.8 − 5.885 × 10 τ the reactor FC should spill over through the broken
⎪ MCP into the heat-shielding shell. Based on this, we

=⎨ + 3.499 × 10 −9 τ 2   at  τ ≤ 86 400; can determine the mass flow rate GCB, and the excess
⎪ 7.619 × 10  
4 solution in the reactor FC should spill over through the
⎪⎩− 131.25 + τ
at τ > 86 400, broken MCP into heat-shielding shell. Based on this,
we can determine the mass flow rate Δ mRPC
for time Δτ:
where τ is time, s.
G CB = G AT + G PHRS + G re − G N ;
As the water heated in the FC to the saturation
temperature, the energy of residual heat release is to be
spent for the evaporation and heating of the solution Δ mRPC
= (G ATC AT + G reC FC
entering the FC from RPC − G12C RPC − G CBC RPC )Δτ,
N FC = G N r + G12 ( r + h ' − hRPC ) ,
where GAT, GHPRS is the flow rate of boric acid solution
where G N is the vented steam flow rate, G12 is the flow coming from the accumulator tanks and steam gener-
rate for the overflow of boric acid solution from the ators, respectively, and СAT is the concentration of
RPC into the FC, r is the specific heat of vaporization, boric acid solution in the accumulator tanks.
h ' is the enthalpy of water at the saturation temperature, The f low rate of vented steam, taking into
and hRPC is the enthalpy of boric acid solution in RPC. account (1) and (2), is determined from the expres-
The mass flow rate of boric acid solution leaving the sion for calculating the residual energy release:
FC and the RPC as a result of the droplet entrainment
is in direct proportion to the mass flow rate of steam: N FC = G N [( h " − hRPC ) + k re ( h ' − hRPC )] ,

G re = k reG N , (1) where h" is the enthalpy dry steam at a saturation tem-
perature. Hence, the flow rate of vented steam is
where k re is the fraction of water carried away with the
steam (a ratio of the mass of drops to the mass of dry GN = .
steam). ( h " − hRPC ) + k re ( h ' − hRPC )

Change in the concentration of boric acid in the 2.0

FC (ΔС FC ) and RPC (ΔС RPC) over a time interval,

in the FC, kg/kg Н2О

respectively, is

Н3ВО3 concentration
Δ С FC = , Δ С RPC = , 2
mF C mR PC 1.0
where mFC, mRPC is the mass of water in the FC 3
and RPC. I
The enthalpy change of the solution in RPC 4
(ΔhRPC ) amounts to a ratio of the enthalpy multiplied
by flow rates for flows entering the RPC, to the sum of
0 50 100 150 200 250
the mass of boric acid solution, already staying in the τ, 103 s
RPC, and the mass of flow entering the chamber over
the time interval Δτ. As noted above, the boric acid
solution enters the RPC from the accumulator tank Fig. 2. Changing in the concentration of boric acid in the
reactor FC depending on the droplet entrainment (I is the
system and from the FC via droplet entrainment. operation time of AT-1). Droplet entrainment, %: (1) 0,
Besides, one should consider the condensate flow (2) 0.2, (3) 2, (4) 2 (at the boric acid concentration in AT-3
having a saturation temperature entering from the system amounting to 8 g/kg).
steam generators of the three nonemergency loops:
(G AT hAT + G PHRSh ' + G re hFC ) Δτ role in the accumulation of boric acid. Thus, in 72 h
Δ hRPC = ,
mRPC + (G AT + G PHRS + G re ) Δτ (259.2 × 103 s) in the absence of droplet entrainment,
the maximum concentration of boric acid in the
where hAT, hFC is the enthalpy of boric acid solution in FC CFC ≈1.82 kg/kg; at a droplet entrainment amount-
the accumulator tanks and in the FC, respectively. ing to 0.2%, CFC ≈1.70 kg/kg, and CFC ≈ 1.06 kg/kg at a
2% droplet entrainment. A possible solution to the
RESULTS OF CALCULATION ANALYSIS problem of boric acid crystallization may consist in
decreasing its concentration in the AT-3 to 8 g/kg. This
There are two possible ways of substance transfer variant was also considered in the calculation: taking
from water to steam: via water droplet entrainment into account a 2% droplet entrainment, the value of CFC
with steam together with a solute as well as due to the in the FC amounted to 0.54 kg/kg.
dissolving ability of steam. In carrying out the calcula-
tion, only the droplet entrainment of boric acid was At the assumed value of water saturation tempera-
taken into account. ture, the limiting concentration of boric acid (Cmax) is
As is known, the droplet entrainment of a solute 415 g/kg, and all the boric acid that entered the system
depends on the humidity of steam. In the event of an should precipitate after achieving this concentration
emergency with breaking MCP, the reactor goes to value. As noted above, the deposits of boric acid in the
work in an emergency evaporation mode, and the FC significantly affect the heat removal in the course
humidity of steam at the outlet of the FC can be quite of an emergency process; thus, it was also a task in the
great in this case. In the calculations, we examined the calculation to determine the mass of deposit depend-
processes of boric acid accumulation considered for ing on the value of droplet entrainment. The deposit
the steam humidity at the outlet of the reactor mass was calculated according to formula
amounting to 0, 0.2, and 2%. The absence of droplet msolid = mFC (C FC −C
  max ) .
entrainment (0%) indicated a conservative version of
the emergency process. The value of droplet entrain- The calculation results are presented in Fig. 3.
ment amounting to 0.2% was chosen based on the
As is seen from the plot, in the case of the most
standard value of steam humidity at the outlet of the
conservative variant (droplet entrainment is absent),
steam generator (in the absence of special separating
the mass of boric acid deposits in the fuel core msolid ≈
devices within the reactor vessel). In addition, it has
been suggested that the steam humidity at the outlet of 10580 kg. In case the droplet entrainment is 0.2 and
the FC can be an order of magnitude greater than the 2%, msolid = 10 120 and 6630 kg, respectively. In the
steam humidity at the outlet of the steam generator; case of lowering boric acid concentration in the AT-3
thus, a 2% droplet entrainment was taken as the max- system to 8 g/kg and a 2% droplet entrainment msolid ≈
imum value. 1790 kg.
The calculated results for changing in the concentra- It should be noted that, for all the variants of calcu-
tion of boric acid in the reactor FC depending on drop- lation, the deposition of boric acid in the FC starts
let entrainment are shown in Fig. 2. As one can see from 24 hours (86.4 × 103 s) after the beginning of an emer-
the plot, the droplet entrainment can play a significant gency situation.


494 MOROZOV et al.

12 cosity of boric acid solution in the temperature range

from 25 to 325 K and a pressure from 1 to 30 MPa are
Mass of deposits Н3ВО3, t
10 1
available from [7], but these studies were also carried
out at low concentrations of boric acid solutions and
8 under pressure values that are higher than the values in
6 the case of WMR emergency mode.
The results of the studies on the thermal conduc-
4 3 tivity of boric acid solutions are presented in [8]. The
thermal conductivity was measured using an absolute
2 4
stationary method of plane horizontal layer in the
temperature range from 290 to 430 K, and at pressure
0 50 100 150 200 250 values from 0.1 to 10 MPa, for the solutions of boric
τ, 103 s acid at a concentration of 1, 3, and 5%.
In addition, there is a number of works devoted to
Fig. 3. Mass of boric acid deposits in the reactor FC the thermophysical properties of buffered boric acid
depending on the droplet entrainment. Droplet entrain- solutions, wherein phosphate or sodium hydroxide [9,
ment, %: (1) 0, (2) 0.2, (3) 2, (4) 2 (at the boric acid con- 10] was used as the alkalizing reagent. However, the
centration in AT-3 system amounting to 8 g/kg).
parameters of the studied heat-carrier do not meet the
water-chemical conditions of Russian NPPs with
As noted above, the calculation did not take into WMR; moreover, as in all the previous works, the
account the carryover of boric acid from the FC due to studies were carried out for relatively low concentra-
the dissolving ability of steam. It is obvious that this tions of boric acid.
process can reduce the rate of accumulation of boric Despite the fact that the authors of all these studies
acid in the reactor FC under emergency. In addition, used boric acid solutions of low concentration, and
the calculation results could be influenced by taking conditions of experimental studies did not correspond
into account the thermophysical properties of boric to the parameters inherent in the emergency operation
acid solutions. of NPPs with WMR, the results obtained therein indi-
cate that the thermal properties of boric acid solutions
are different from the properties of water, and this dif-
THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES ference increases with increasing acid concentration.
Currently, in the calculation of emergency heat
removal, similar characteristics of water under appro- (1) In the course of a prolonged emergency process
priate conditions are used as the thermal characteris- in an NPP with WMR (more than 24 hours after the
tics of the heat-carrier. This is connected with an emergency situation) the concentration of boric acid
incompleteness of data concerning the density, viscos- could exceed the permissible value, which leads to its
ity, and thermal conductivity of boric acid solutions at crystallization in the lower part of the FC to cause the
high concentrations. The available data are of a rather deterioration of heat removal from the fuel rods and,
general character and do not cover the entire range of thus, can result in the melting of the FC.
parameters (temperature, pressure, acid concentra- (2) The droplet entrainment of boric acid slows the
tion) inherent in the emergency at NPPs with WMR. accumulation of the latter and, thus, reduces the risk
Nevertheless, in the literature, there is information of crystallization.
about experimental studies in this field. For example, (3) For an accurate calculation analysis of boric
the authors of [5] presented a considerable amount of acid accumulation and crystallization processes, it is
experimental data concerning the densities of the necessary to conduct additional studies aimed at the
aqueous solutions of boric acid in a fairly wide tem- determination of boric acid thermal properties in a
perature range (from 25 to 300°C) and pressure values wider range of concentrations.
(from 10 to 50 MPa). In this paper, we studied the
solutions of boric acid having a concentration from 3.1
to 43.4 g/kg, which is significantly lower than the pos- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
sible concentrations of boric acid in the reactor FC in The work was supported by the Russian Scientific
the case of emergency. Foundation (project no. 16-19-10649).
Experimental studies on the density and viscosity of
the aqueous solutions of boric acid were performed at
concentration values amounting to 2.52, 25 and 45 g/kg REFERENCES
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