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Journey to the West 24

The Great King Yellow Wind The Great King
Yellow Wind

Copyright © 2015 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved.
W ukong and Bajie looked all around. But
the Tang Monk was gone.
he works for a demon, the great king Yellow
Wind. The king’s cave must be nearby.”
“That tiger ate our master,” said Bajie. He * * *
shrugged. “I guess we don’t have to protect
him anymore. Good-bye, Wukong!” The tiger entered his master’s cave. The
The pig started to walk away. But Tang Monk was slumped over the tiger’s
Wukong grabbed him. shoulder.
“You’re not leaving!” said the monkey. The great king Yellow Wind was sitting
“We have to save our master. That tiger said on his throne.

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“Great king!” cried the tiger. “I found the said. “He must be Sun Wukong—the monkey
Tang Monk!” who caused all that trouble in Heaven!”
The demon king looked surprised and “Maybe,” said the tiger. “But don’t worry.
happy. “I have heard that anyone who eats I distracted them with a fake tiger skin.
the Tang Monk will live forever. Was the They’ll never find us.”
monk alone?” The tiger patted his stomach and looked
“He had two companions,” said the tiger. at the Tang Monk. “I’ll tell the other demons
“One is a pig. The other is a monkey.” to start a fire and prepare some spices.”
Yellow Wind trembled. “A monkey?” he Yellow Wind held up his hand. “Sun

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Wukong is powerful. He and that pig might Monk. If we don’t, they’ll destroy our entire
come looking for the monk. They’ll be angry mountain!”
if they find out we ate him. Let’s wait until “Oh no,” moaned Yellow Wind. “This is
they leave the area. Then we’ll be able to bad!”
enjoy our meal.” “Don’t worry, King,” said the tiger. “I
A small demon ran into the throne will get rid of them.”
room. “Great king!” cried the demon. The tiger walked out of the throne room.
“There are two strangers outside—a monkey The small demon followed him.
and a pig. They said to hand over the Tang Outside the cave there was some yelling

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and then a crashing sound. “So you’re the monkey who caused all
A moment later the small demon ran back the trouble in Heaven,” said Yellow Wind.
in. “Great king, disaster!” he cried. “The “Hand over the Tang Monk!” demanded
tiger is dead! The pig killed him with his Wukong.
rake!” “I didn’t know you were so small,” said
“What?” cried Yellow Wind. He stood Yellow Wind.
up and grabbed a trident. He puffed out his “Hit me on the head,” said the monkey.
chest and stomped out of the cave. He saw “I’ll grow bigger.”
Wukong. The demon king hesitated.

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“Go ahead!” said Wukong. monkey.
Yellow Wind knocked the monkey on the He grabbed a handful of hair and blew on
head. Instantly Wukong grew tall. it. Dozens of little Wukongs ran toward the
“Now I’ll hit you!” cried Wukong. He demon king.
swung his iron bar. Yellow Wind laughed. “I know a magic
Crash! The demon king blocked the bar trick too!” He looked down and blew three
with his trident. Clang! The two fought up times.
and down the side of the mountain. The sky grew dark. A powerful yellow
“I’ll use some magic,” thought the wind whipped across the mountain. Trees

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snapped and rocks tumbled.
Wukong, Bajie, and all the little Wukongs
tumbled down the mountain. They landed at
the bottom in a cloud of dust.
The demon king went back into his cave
and slammed the door shut.


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