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There is simply no excuse.

In the past 20 years we have witnessed radical advances in technology -

in materials, smart sensing, power electronics, data processing and communications. Within a span
of two decades, these technologies have been conceived, matured, perfected, and made widely
available. In theory, it would seem that a new application at this point would tend more towards
being a scrapbooking project with these bright technological widgets than a comprehensive scientific
undertaking. Yet we are too far from this reality, without excuse or alibi.

Through my graduate studies and industry experience, I have had the opportunity to observe,
appreciate and advance the breadth of these diverse and powerful technologies as well as the
challenges that prevent their large scale deployment and adoption for the benefit of society. My
goals as a researcher are two-fold: (1) to characterize this gap and contribute ‘articulating interfaces’
to materials, smart sensing, power electronics, data processing and communications, that (2) Allow
the seamless integration of the above in a variety of novel applications in human health and

This feat would necessitate a deep understanding of the technical aspects of each module. I started
my journey as an engineer at BITS Pilani-Goa, sincerely devouring the staples of mechanical
engineering, while unearthing my special interest in the mechanics of materials. I pursued advanced
coursework in composite materials and design, which culminated in an undergraduate thesis in
hybrid materials at TU Braunschweig, Germany. Here I worked on the development of a novel
structural locking joint between fibre reinforced plastics (FRPs) and high-strength steels. This
experience allowed me to developed in me an intimate understanding of materials and their
behavior, and seeded the idea of ‘coding with materials’ - leveraging the inherent properties of
materials and tuning their configurations and combinations to achieve specialized behavior and

Though I enjoyed and gained immensely from my thesis experience, motivating me to I felt the need
to want to study more and move closer to the front-line of application by pursuing , and I decided to
pursue graduate studies in Bioengineering at UC Berkeley. I took courses in advanced orthopedic
biomechanics, surgical materials and implant design while working along-side on my Capstone
project - Million Hands (3D printed prosthetic hands for children). The project was in its early stages
and I had the opportunity to work not only on the technical development but also on envisioning
and defining the scope and pivotal role of our product in the prosthetics market. I got some great
hands-on experience with CAD modeling and 3D printing, and developed the EMG
(electromyography) module to achieve actuation of a prosthetic gripper through muscle signals. The
project also gave me a keen birds-eye view of the development process, teaching me to zoom out
constantly to link and evaluate my design in the context of user needs and experience.

I wanted to carry forward this happy momentum of designing wearable products, and joined the
MIT Design Lab post-graduation to work on a motion-actuated basketball shoe for PUMA. The goal
was to allow the user to ‘jump in a running shoe, land in a basketball shoe’. Within the course of
three months, I worked with a small but diverse team to take a schematic drawing to a fully
functional prototype with a self-tightening ankle strap that actuated based on IMU data collected off
the user’s foot. Another particularly beautiful aspect of the project was collaborating with PUMA’s
shoe design team in Germany to iterate on our bulky electromechanical prototype and witness the
gradual melding of the form and function of the device.

In September 2018, I broke out of academia to join Ximedica, a fast-paced medtech consultancy to
gain experience with designing regulated medical devices. I had the chance to work on a thrilling
and novel project - an artificial womb. I worked mainly on the design and validation of the
extracorporeal blood circuit for the neonate - closely studying the physiology of the fetoplacental
circulation to replicate similar pressure, temperature and flow regimes in our system. This involved
the whole gamut of R&D activities - theoretical/mathematical models for pressure and temperature
drop using Matlab/Excel, simulations to characterize loss coefficients in critical bends in the tubing
using FEA software like Solidworks FlowSim, innovative benchtop setups with automated data
acquisition and processing, and critical analysis of data to condense insights and inform device re-
design. For me, this experience truly dissolved the boundaries between disciplines and effected a
critical change in my approach - from being a mechanical engineer contributing to the project, I
started seeing myself as the owner of my sub-system, responsible for all aspects of its function and
execution. This change in mentality pushed me to accept new challenges outside of my existing
expertise - and I found myself leading efforts on the EE team for the vitals monitoring system for the
fetus, or optimizing electrosurgical parameters for a radio-frequency ablation device, or being the
Minitab wizard for statistical analyses on large sample-size design verification tests.

Though my experience at Ximedica taught me to better navigate the design process within the maze
of the (very necessary!) red-tape set-up by regulating institutions, I have recognized that some of my
professional and research goals might be better pursued outside of industry. My work on the vitals
monitoring system for the fetus has left me in deep awe of the wealth of information encoded into
our vital signs. Our body is continuously talking to us, and I believe a ubiquitous system that could
subtly and meaningfully engage in this conversation would empower us to diagnose and avert a
majority of health complications.

However, as previously stated, we may have a multitude of tools to address this goal, but too few
instances of their successful realization. I want to dedicate myself to bridging this gap.
My academic background in mechanics of materials, rapid prototyping and electromechanical
systems coupled my industry experience on first-of-their-kind devices has equipped me with a keen
grasp on the trident of R&D (theory, simulation and experiment). I have authored multiple protocols
and reports for the subsequent engineering and design verification activities on these devices, and
the pedantic nature of these tests has taught me to cross the line from ingenious prototype to
regulated medical device. Further, as someone who has always stood with one foot planted firmly in
my extracurriculars (Hindustani classical music, scuba diving, literary musings, etc.) and a daily
enjoyment of the world, I have been an enthralled observer of what I like to call ‘the gentler victories
and failings of things’ - or ‘what makes a product tick.’ I believe I am uniquely positioned to take on
the challenge of developing systems that will be relevant and successful under a variety of
environments, economic constraints, use-cases, cultures.

The Conformable Decoders have already pioneered work towards this very goal in the form of
wearable microsensors, and I would deeply value an opportunity to learn from and contribute to
their research. Over the summer, I have had the chance to closely study and interpret their key
publications (e.g. ETeCS) and engage personally with the PI to scope future research and
applications in fetal health monitoring. Besides being fiercely motivated about the project itself, I
resonate deeply with the lab’s values and PI’s mentorship style - which is of keeping me comfortably
at the edge of my seat.

While I am seeking to expand my knowledge base and expertise through time spent with the
subject, I aspire to firmly ground my work with a view to the feasibility and relevance of its
application in the real world. As a cartoonist has so simply put it below, the mutual relationship
between knowledge and experience rewards us in far greater measure than one or the other. I
believe the application-oriented work and mission at the Media Labs will allow me to dwell in this
sweet spot, in an environment that both challenges and inspires - in the hope of pushing the
boundary of possibilities afforded by today’s healthcare.

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