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Education is one of the great joys and solaces of life. It gives us a

framework for understanding the world around us and a way to reach across time
and a space to touch the thoughts and feelings of others. Education is the right of
every Filipino citizen. National educators would always say “Education is everybody
business.” Education also is the chief vehicle for the promotion of international peace
and of the common welfare of the mankind.

Filipinos have a deep regard for education, which they view as a

primary avenue for upward social and economic mobility. Middle-class parents make
tremendous sacrifices in order to provide secondary and higher education for their
children. Based on partial hearsays and anecdotal evidence, the overall educational
system in the Philippines is currently described as dismal, decadent, elitist and
deplorable. Public education is said to receive the worst government funding, mostly
leftovers from pork barrel allocations. On the other hand, private education (many
owned and operated by religious groups with a vow of poverty) is alleged to cater
only to students belonging to affluent families. There might be exemptions to this
general observation, but tuition fees in those centers of education are
unquestionably and prohibitively unaffordable.

Because of these realizations Alternative Learning System had been

institutionalized by the Department of Education. This was based on the reason that
many Filipinos cannot avail Formal Education due to increase in tuition fees and
poverty. The Department of Education cannot ignore this situation without doing
something to solve the problems. Aside from that literate citizens are a great factor
in the development of a community.

Alternative Learning System (ALS) is a means of providing learning to

the sector of the population who cannot avail of the facilities of formal education.

Through Executive Order No. 356: The Bureau of Non formal Education
(BNFE) was renamed to Bureau of Alternative Learning System (BALS).

That is why Alternative Learning System (ALS) was implemented by the

Department of Education (DepEd) under the Bureau of Alternative Learning System
which benefits those who cannot afford formal schooling and follows whatever is
their available schedule.

The program provides a viable alternative to the existing formal

education instruction, encompassing both the non-formal and informal sources of
knowledge and skills.

September 13, 2014, the office of the President of the Republic of the
Philippines renamed the DepEd’s BNFE to BALS through the said Executive Order
signed by Former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Not only does this Order
reiterate the Bureau’s mandate to address the learning needs of marginalized
learners but also directs BALS to provide a systematic and flexible approach to reach
all types of learners outside the school system.

Alternative Learning System is not only focused on literacy but also

other forms of skills that is useful in the future. This is only the first step in raising
the economic levels of the community individuals. This is called continuing education
where in young and adults undergo training in livelihood program and project.

The Bureau of Alternative Learning System is a very important

component in the Philippine Education to achieve quality and access to education as
envisioned in the Education for All (EFA) 2015 Philippine Plan of Action and
specifically on the reduction of illiteracy rate.
The Bureau of Alternative Learning System (BALS) is mandated to
address the needs of basic education of the out-of –school youth and adults in the
country particularly in far-flung and isolated communities, to raise the level of
literacy in the

target areas and improve the quality of life of individuals and families in remote and
underserved communities.

  Section 12,1 Rules XII of R.A 9155 stipulates that the Alternative
Learning System is a parallel learning system to provide a viable alternative to the
existing formal education instruction, encompassing both the non-formal and
informal sources of knowledge and skills.
BALS outlines its functions as:

1. serving the needs of those unable to avail of formal education;

2. expanding access to educational opportunities; and

3. providing opportunities for the acquisition of skills to ensure employability,

efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness in the labor market.

There are three major programs of BALS (1)BASIC LITERACY PROGRAM

(BLP)it refers to a community-based program for illiterate out-of-school youth and
adults to develop basic literacy skills: reading, writing and numeracy.(2)
ACCREDITATION and EQUIVALENCY (A&E) PROGRAM it is for literates who have not
completed ten years of basic education (for elementary and secondary level drop-
outs).  (3)INDIGENOUS PEOPLES EDUCATION PROGRAM (IPEP) it is a program that
aims to develop an IP culture-sensitive core curriculum, learning materials and
assessment tools/instruments.

The ALS accreditation and equivalency test formerly known as the

Non-formal Education A&E Test is a multiple choice paper and pencil test. The test is
designed to measure the competencies of those who have not finished either the
formal elementary or secondary education. Passers of this test are given a
certificate/diploma (which bears the seal and the signature of the Department
Secretary certifying their competencies as comparable to graduates of the formal
school system. Hence, they are qualified to enroll in high school (for elementary
level passers) and to enroll in college (for secondary level passers).
ALS A&E classes take a minimum of 800 hours to complete (8-10
Months). The process of integration starts with the students attending a 10 month
learning and review session conducted by the Mobile Teacher. After completion,
performances are assessed in preparation for the Accreditation and Equivalency Test
(or A&E) that will be given to these students.

Options and Opportunities for ALS Passers:

 Can enroll for college

 Enter TESDA/Meralco Foundation/Technical Schools

 Enter other non-formal training programs

 Enter Formal training programs

 Look for work opportunities

 Enroll or re-enroll in formal elementary or secondary education

Because of the above observation the researchers took interest in

conducting a study on what are the determinants in passing the accreditation and
equivalency test in Alternative Learning System in Carmen District 2, Carmen,
Agusan Del Norte.

To substantiate and to add in-depth to the study, the researchers reviewed

literature that has some relations to the study at hand. Literatures included in the
study were either directly or indirectly related.

There are determinants that contribute in passing accreditation and

equivalency test namely; Review, Attendance, Study Habits and Expectations coming
from the learners.

The study of Osa-Edoh and Alutu(2012), which examined the usefulness of

imbibing in the students study habits, as a means of enhancing the academic
performance. This suggests that it is only when students cultivate proper study
habits that their academic performance can be improved upon.

According to Demir et al. (2012), found that students can acquire efficient
studying skills by means of curriculum for developing efficient study skills. The
students were able to organize the study environment and use specific methods
effectively, such as efficient reading, listening lectures, and note-taking and doing

Mutsotso and Abenga(2010), the model will address the study space needs
and the effectiveness of study methods.

According to (Rothman, 2001) students must be present in school in order to

benefit from the academic program in its entirety. The No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
Act of 2001 proposes to close the achievement gap using accountability measures.
One of the requirements of the NCLB legislation is school attendance. Each sub-
group must maintain at least a 94 percent attendance rate as a part of the
requirements of Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). The NCLB Act is relying on states
to develop dropout prevention strategies to increase student attendance and
academic achievement by implementing strategies at all school levels that will help
the school achieve the intent of the NCLB Act of 2001, which states that all students
will be proficient in reading and math by 2014 (Dynarski& Gleason, 1998; NCLB,
2001; Popham, 2004; Reid, 2004).
Students who are tardy to school, those that do not attend or skip classes
give up their opportunity for an education. They also interfere with other students’
opportunity to learn by being late, absent or disruptive (Flanagan, & Murray, 2002).
These negative practices of being consistently late or absent will not benefit students
well with their potential future employment responsibilities (KDE Dropout Prevention
Resource Guide, 2003).

Success in any meaningful endeavor is marked by a history of high

expectations that provide the challenge and inspiration necessary to press the
individual to his/her highest level of performance. Though there are supportive
components of success - environment, general and special abilities, personal work
habits and attitudes, and even chance the central factor is high expectations. One’s
own expectations of oneself are important in the sense that people usually set their
goals first and then develop their action plans accordingly. Others’ expectations of
individuals are also critical, since people tend to strive to accomplish what is
expected of them. In both cases, without high expectations, individuals invariably
drift toward mediocrity or even failure. The case is no less true in education1. The
strong relationship between expectations and academic achievement has been well
established both theoretically and empirically (Johnson, Livingston, Schwartz, and
Slate, 2000; Marzano, 2003).

The passing rate in the accreditation and equivalency (A&E) test shows that
Alternative Learning System is comparable to the promotion rate of formal basic
education. From 2000-2010, a total of 1,682,326learners were enrolled in ALS, of
which 77% completed the programs. In the same timeframe, a total of 635,987
(65,196 elementary and 570,881 in secondary) took the Accreditation and
Equivalency Exam. The number of passers for elementary was 15,190(22%) and
134,380 for secondary (26%).

The above competency may lead the ALS teachers’ and learners’ the guide on
what are the factors that they are going to improve in order to pass the
Accreditation and Equivalency Test in the ensuing years.

This study attempted to analyze the determinants in the accreditation and

equivalency achievement to the improvement of the quality of human life of the
participants in Carmen District 2, Carmen, Agusan Del Norte.

More specifically it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of learner in terms of:

1.1 grade/year finished;
1.2 age;
1.3 parents monthly income; and
1.4 parents educational attainment?
2. What is the profile of teacher in terms of:
2.1 educational attainment;
2.2 teachers’ training;
2.3 frequency of teaching; and
2.4 number of years in teaching; and
2.5 position title?

3. What is the level of influence on the determinants in passing the accreditation

and equivalency test as to:
3.1 review;
3.2 attendance;
3.3 study habits; and
3.4 expectations?
4. Is there a significant effect on the determinants in passing the Accreditation and
Equivalency test when grouped according to the variables found in problem number 3?

This study is limited to analyze the determinants that contributed in passing

the Accreditation and Equivalency Test in Carmen District 2, Carmen, Agusan del
Norte. It is further delimited to the factors related in passing Alternative Leaning
System Accreditation and Equivalency Test that will help to improve the quality of
human life in the said District.

This chapter presents the design of research which will be used in the study.
Included are the following: research design, research locale, population and
respondents of the study, research instrument, sampling procedure, scoring and
quantification of data and statistical treatment.


The researchers used the Descriptive Research Design. The choice is based
on the fact that this research undertaking is fact finding. It is an organize attempt to
analyze interpret and report on what are the determinants in passing accreditation
and equivalency test.


This study was conducted in Carmen 2 Districts with 6 barangays and 8 public
schools, 6 Elementary Schools and 2 High Schools namely;

Barangay Rojales has only 1 school which is the Rojales Elementary School.

Barangay Tagcatong has 3 schools the Tagcatong Central Elementary School,

San Isidro Elementary School and Dona Josefa Antillo Elementary School.

Barangay Cahayagan has 1 Elementary School which is the Cahayagan

Elementary School and 1 High School the Cahayagan National High School.

Barangay San Agustin has 1 school the San Agustin Elementary School.

Barangay Gosoon has 1 school the Gosoon Elementary School.

Lastly, Barangay Vinapor has 1 Elementary School which is the Cervantina

Elementary School and 1 High School the Vinapor Nationa High.

The respondents of the study are the Alternative Learning System Passers last
school year 2020-2021 of Carmen 2 District.
Population and Respondents of the Study
Table 1.
Pupils’/Students’ Respondents
BARANGAY Male Female Total
F % f % F %
ROJALES 3 4.48 1 1.49 4 5.97
TAGCATONG 4 5.97 7 10.45 11 16.42
CAHAYAGAN 8 11.94 9 13.43 17 25.37
SAN AGUSTIN 10 14.93 5 7.46 15 22.39
GOSOON 4 5.97 0 0 4 5.97
VINAPOR 9 13.43 7 10.45 16 23.88
TOTAL 38 56.72 29 43.28 67 100

The main instrument is a standardized questionnaire. There were two sets of
questionnaires. It is the questionnaires for the learners and teachers. The profile
questionnaire for the pupils and teachers was found from the thesis paper of Janeth
S. Cagas 2005 “The implementation of Alternative Learning System in Nasipit
Agusan del Norte: An Analysis” which is already been approved by the panelist. For
the questionnaire in the contributory factors in passing the accreditation and
equivalency (A&E) test it was came from the internet which was already validated.

Data Gathering Procedure

This study used the universal purposive sampling for Alternative Learning
System since the respondents were limited to a number of 67 learners and 3

In gathering the respondent data, first we distributed letters on the

supervisor after we get their approval to gathered data we then distributed again
letters for the ALS teachers to answer the survey questionnaires followed by the
distribution of survey questionnaires for the learners.

Statistical Treatment

The researcher used the following statistical tools in order to make the
analysis and interpretation more valid and reliable.

1. Simple percentage: This test was used to determine the percentage of

particularly aspects.

The formula is:

%=f/Nx 100


% = refers to percentage

f = to frequencies

N = to number of cases involved in the study

100 = to constant multiplier

2. Weighted Mean: This was used to establish quantitative analysis. It was

employed with the formula as follows.

WX =
∑ fx

WX – is the weighted mean

f - is the frequency
Σ – is the summation notation
N – is the total number of respondents
X – is the midpoint
3. One-Way ANOVA: This is used to test if there is a significant effect on the
determinants in passing the Accreditation and Equivalency test when
grouped according to the variables found in problem number 3.

Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean Square Computed ƒ

Variation Squares Freedom
Column means SSC k-1 2 SSC 2
k−1 2
Error SSE k(n-1)
k (n−1)
Total SST nk-1

Scoring and Quantification of Data

The focus of the study is to know the determinants in passing Accreditation and
Equivalency Test in Carmen District II, Carmen Agusan del Norte.

A. Profile of ALS Learners

1. Grade/year finished Level

For Elementary:

Grade 6 6

Grade 5 5

Grade 4 4

Grade 3 3

Grade 2 2

Grade 1 1
For Secondary:

Fourth Year/ Grade 10 4

Third Year/ Grade 9 3

Second Year/ Grade 8 2

First Year/Grade 7 1

2. Age

The age is grouped into categories as follows:

Age Bracket Description Level

21 years old and above old age 4

16-20 middle age 3

13-15 settling age 2

12 years old and below under age 1

3. Parents Monthly Income Level

10,000 and above 5

8,000 – 9,000 4

6,000 – 7,000 3

4,000 – 5,000 2

3,000 and below 1

4. Parents Educational Attainment Level

College Graduate 6

College Level 5

High School Graduate 4

High School Level 3


Elementary Graduate

Elementary Level

B. Profile of Alternative Learning System Teacher

1. Educational Attainment

Full Pledge Ph. D

Ph. D. Unit Earner

MAED Graduate


MAED Unit Earner 2

BEED Graduate 1

2. Training of Teacher Level

National 5

Regional 4

Division Level 3

School Level 2

None at All 1

3. Frequency of Teaching Level

Everyday 5

Thrice a week 4

Twice a week 3

Once a week 2

Once a month 1
4. Number in Years of Teaching Level

10 years and above 5

7 – 9 years 4

5 – 6 years 3

3 – 4 years 2

0 – 2 years 1

5. Position Title Level

Master Teacher II 5
Master Teacher I 4
Teacher III 3
Teacher II 2
Teacher I 1

II. Determinants in passing the accreditation and equivalency (A&E) test:

Scale Points Verbal Description

1.00-1.54 1 I usually don’t do this at all
1.55-2.54 2 I usually do this a little bit
2.55-3.54 3 I usually do this a medium amount
3.55-4.54 4 I usually do this a lot

This chapter deals on the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data

gathered that led to the rejection or acceptance of the hypothesis. The topics
discussed were in the order of the specific problems or areas of investigation in the
study as follows:

Problem 1. What is the profile of learner in terms of age, grade/year

finished, parents income and parents educational attainment?

1.1 Age

Table 2
Age Profile of Learners

Age Bracket Carmen District II Total % Category Rank

21 and
12 below

Age was grouped into 4 categories: the under age 12 years old and
below; settling age from 13-15 years old; middle age ranging from 16-20 years old;
old age ranging from 21 years old and above.

Among the passers in Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Test, 0 or

0% percent belonged to underage; 3 or 2.44 percent settling age; 40 or 32.52%
middle age; 80 or 65.05% old age.

Therefore majority of the passers in Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Test

are belonged to old age which is 21 years old and above.
1.2 Grade/Year Finished

Table 3
Grade/Year Finished


1st Yr.
2nd Yr.
4th Yr.

Grade/Year Finished is divided into two; Elementary and Secondary

Level. Elementary was grouped into 6 categories: Grade 1 level 1; Grade 2 level 2;
Grade 3 level 3; Grade 4 level 4; Grade 5 level 5 and Grade 6 level 6. Secondary was
grouped into 4 categories: First Year level 1; Second Year level2; Third Year level 3
and Fourth Year level 4.

Among the passers in Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Test in

Elementary Level there were 3 respondents 2 or 66.67 percent belonged to the
grade 5; 1 or 33.33 percent belonged to the grade 6; For the secondary level there
were 120 respondents presented 48 or 39.02% belonged to the 3 rd year; 40 or
32.52% belonged to the 2nd year; 20 or 16.26 % belonged to the 4th year; and 12
or 9.76 % belonged to the 1st year.
The table reveals that majority of the learners’ belonged to grade 5 for
elementary level and third year for the secondary level which is in terms of their
grade or year finished in the formal school system.

1.3 Parents Income

Table 5
3T and below

10T and above

Parents Income

Parents monthly income was grouped into 5 categories: 3,000 and below level
1; 4,000 – 5,000 level 2; 6,000 – 7,000 level 3; 8,000 – 9,000 level 4; and 10,000
and above level 5.

Among the respondents of Accreditation and Equivalency Test passers 61 or

49.59 percent are having a parents’ monthly income of 3,000 and below that rank
number 1; 34 or 27.64 percent has a monthly income of 4,000-5,000 rank as
number 2; 14 or 11.38 percent has a monthly income of 6,000-7,000 rank as
number 3; 9 or 7.32 percent has a monthly income of 8,000-9,000 rank as number
4; and 5 or 4.07 % has a monthly income of 10,000 and above that rank as number

Therefore majority of the passers in accreditation and equivalency test are

having the parents’ monthly income of Php 3,000 and below. It correlates on the
study of Checchi (2000). The reason may be the students with weak financial
background have to strive hard for their studies as well as their living expenses.

1.4 Parents’ educational attainment

Table 6
Parents’ Educational Attainment
Carmen RANK
Parents’ Educational TOTAL
TOTl %
Attainment District II

College Level
High school
High school Level
Elementary Graduate

Parents’ educational attainment was grouped as follows: College Graduate;

College Level; High School Graduate; High School Level; Elementary Graduate and
Elementary Level.

Data on table 6 showed the parents educational attainment of passers in

Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Test in Buenavista, Nasipit and Carmen, Agusan
Del Norte. Among the parents’ of the passers in Accreditation and Equivalency Test
35 or 28.46 percent are High School Graduate which leads to rank number 1; 30 or
24.39 percent are Elementary Graduate which leads to rank number 2; 28 or 22.76
percent are High School Level which leads to rank number 3; 25 or 20.33 percent
are Elementary Level which leads to rank number 4; 5 or 5.06 percent are College
Level which leads to rank number 5; and 0 or 0 % are College Graduate which leads
to rank number 5.

Therefore majority of the Education of parents’ passers in accreditation and

Equivalency test in Carmen Agusandel Norte were Elementary Graduate. It can be
said that the data above correlates that study of Marzano (2003) home environment
also affects the performance of learners in school. Educated parents can provide
such an environment that suits best for academic success of their children.

Problem 2. What is the profile of teacher in terms of teachers’ training,

teachers’ experienced and frequency of teaching?

2.1 Teachers’ training

Table 6

Carmen District II TTotal RANK


Teachers’ Training

Training of teachers was grouped into 5 categories: None at All as level 1;

School Level as level 2; Division Level as level 3; Regional as level 4 and National as
level 5.

There were 13 teacher respondents of Alternative Learning System in

Buenavista, Nasipit and Carmen, Agusan Del Norte.Data on table 7 showed the
training of teachers attended in Buenavista, Nasipit and Carmen, Agusan Del
Norte.The teachers training in years presented 8 or 61.54% who had (rank 1)
belonged to Division Level;3 or 23.08% who had (rank 2) belonged to National; 2 or
15.38% who had (rank 3) belonged to Regional; 1 or 7.69% who had (rank 4)
belonged to School Level; and 0 or 0% who had (rank 5) belonged to none at all.
Therefore majority of the trainings attended by the teachers belongs to
division level.

2.2 Teachers’ experience

Table 7

Carmen District TOTAL

0-2 years
3-4 years
5-6 years
7-9 years
10 years and above
Teachers’ Experience
The work experience in year of Alternative Learning System Teacher was
grouped into 5 categories: 0 – 2 years level 1; 3 – 4 years level 2; 5 – 6 years level
3; 7 – 9 years level 4; and 10 years and above level 5.

Among the 13 teachers 6 or 46.15 percent has an experience in teaching of at

least 7-9 years in service who had rank 1; 4 or 30.77 percent has an experience in
teaching of at least 10 years and above who had rank 2; 2 or 15.38 percent has an
experience in teaching of at least 5-6 years who had rank 3; 1 0r 7.7 percent has an
experience in teaching of at least 0-2 years who had rank 4; and 0 or 0 percent has
an experience of at least 3-4 years.

Therefore majority of the teachers’ respondents in terms of years of

experience in service is 7-9 years.

2.3 Frequency of Teaching

Table 8
Frequency of Teaching

Frequency of Carmen
Teaching District II

Twice a Week
Thrice a Week
Once a Week
Once a Month

The frequency of teaching of Alternative Learning System Teacher was

grouped into 5 categories: Everyday level 5; Thrice a week level 4; Twice a week
level 3; Once a week level 2; and Once a month level 1.

Among the 13 teachers their frequency of teaching in Alternative Learning

System classes 7 or 53.85 percent which is thrice a week rank as number 1; 3 or
23.08 percent which is twice a week which is rank as number 2; 2 or 15.38 percent
which is once a week rank as number 3; 1 0r 7.7 percent which is everyday rank as
number 4; and 0 or 0 percent rank as number 5.

Problem 3. What is the level of influence among the determinants in passing the
accreditation and equivalency test as to review, attendance, study habits and
Table 9
INDICATORS Weighted Verbal Description
1. I make special preparations for tests. 3.85 I usually do this a lot
2. I spread my time over at least two sessions in 3.65 I usually do this a lot
3. I combine important notes on my textbook and 3.61 I usually do this a lot
from class into a new master outline in studying for
the test.
4. In preparing for a test, I review the important facts 3.57 I usually do this a lot
and principles.
5. In preparing for a test or exam, I try to predict the 2.44 I usually do this a little
questions. bit
TOTAL 3.42 I usually do this a
medium amount
Determinants in passing the Accreditation and Equivalency Test in
Alternative Learning System (Review)

In the area of review, the accreditation and equivalency test passers usually do review
during their leisure time. The learners make special preparations for tests. They also spread
their time over at least two sessions in studying. They combine important notes on their
textbook and from class into a new master outline in studying for the test. In preparing for a
test, they review the important facts and principles. Some also try to predict the questions. It
means to say that the learners when reviewing for test did not just predict the questions
rather they read it and understand. The overall result showed that under this area the total
weighted mean of the Review is 2.44 with the verbal description of I usually do this a
medium amount as shown in table 9.

Table 10

B. Attendance Weighted Verbal

Mean Description
1. I am more likely to attend the scheduled class regularly
when I find activities that I enjoy. 3.76 I usually do this a
2. I usually think that I am safe and secure at school. 3.85 I usually do this a
3. In class, I am asked to do things that matter to me. 3.55 I usually do this a
4. I usually think that school is providing me with the 3.58 I usually do this a
knowledge and skills needed to be successful in life. lot

5. When I have trouble with my schoolwork, I asked the 3.46 I usually do this a
help of my family teacher and even myself too. medium amount
TOTAL 3.64 I usually do this a
Determinants in passing the Accreditation and Equivalency Test in
Alternative Learning System (Attendance)

The second area, attendance, the accreditation and equivalency test passers
usually attend every session that the mobile teacher set. However, they are more
likely to attend the scheduled class regularly when they find activities that they
enjoy. They usually think that they are safe and secure at school. In class, they
are asked to do things that matter to them. They usually think that school is
providing them with the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in life.
When they have trouble with their schoolwork, they asked the help of their
family, teacher and even their own self too. It means to say that they are
attending the scheduled class because they believe that it can help them a lot in
reaching their success. The overall result showed that under this area the total
weighted mean of the factor Attendance is 3.46 with the verbal description of I
usually do this a medium amount as shown in table 10.

Table 11

Determinants in passing the Accreditation and Equivalency Test in

Alternative Learning System (Expectation)

D. Expectation Weighted Verbal Description

1. I plan or organize my schoolwork. 3.63 I usually do this a lot
2. I arrange a place to study without 3.44 I usually do this a medium
distractions. amount
3. I prefer class work that is challenging so I 3.58 I usually do this a lot
can learn new things.
4. I am able to persistently work at my 3.61 I usually do this a lot
career goal even when I get frustrated.
5. Even when study materials are dull and 3.44 I usually do this a medium
uninteresting, I keep working until I finish. amount
TOTAL 3.54 I usually do this a medium
In the third area, expectation the total weight mean is 3.54, with the verbal
description of I usually do this a medium amount, the accreditation and
equivalency test passers usually do expect from their own self a medium amount.
Expectancy theory proposes that an individual will decide to behave or act in a
certain way because they are motivated to select a specific behavior over other
behaviors due to what they expect the result of that selected behavior will be.
The overall result showed that under this area the total weighted mean of factor
Expectation is 3.54 with the verbal description of I usually do this a medium
amount as shown in table 11.

Table 12

C. Study Habits Weighted Verbal Description

1. I spend hours cramming the night before our 3.70 I usually do this a lot
scheduled quiz every session.
2. I lose a lot of points on essays and papers due to 3.69 I usually do this a lot
grammar, punctuation, or spelling.
3. I read and understand the text at the same speed 3.41 I usually do this a
whether the selection is difficult or easy. medium amount
4. I overlook the important points in the text when I 3.59 I usually do this a lot
read it.
5. I don’t take another look at my class notes for days 3.56 I usually do this a lot
after they are taken.
6. I study enough for my test, but when I get there my 3.63 I usually do this a lot
mind goes blank.
7. I get tired or distracted while studying for a long 3.56 I usually do this a lot
period of time.
8. I study with the radio or TV on. 3.53 I usually do this a
medium amount
9. I try to improve my concentration when I am 3.25 I usually do this a
studying. medium amount
10. I study in a haphazard, disorganized way shortly I usually do this a
before the test. 2.49 medium amount
TOTAL 3.44 I usually do this a
medium amount
Determinants in passing the Accreditation and Equivalency Test in
Alternative Learning System (Study Habits)

The fourth area, study habits, the learners usually do a little bit of studying. It
also said that effective study habits are a very important part of the learning
process. Therefore, good study habits are important ingredients in the life of a
successful student in his course of study. It helps students to accomplish task
effectively and efficiently. Denga (2000) is of the opinion that such student
should choose his suitable study habits from the various study habits because of
individual differences, since according to him, each student has his own goal in
life and possesses his unique ways of pursuing these goals. The overall result
showed that under this area factor Study Habits is 3.44 with the verbal
description of I usually do this a medium amount as shown in table 12.

Problem 4. Is there a significant effect on the determinants in passing

the Accreditation and Equivalency test when grouped according to the
variables found in problem number 3?

Table 13

Summary of testing the hypothesis using One-way ANOVA

Computed Tab. Value Decision

0.63 6.39 Accept Null Hypothesis

We use the one-way ANOVA formula in testing the null hypothesis to get an
accurate and precise decision. Throughout the computation, we came up with the
computed f-value 0.63 and at 0.05 level of significance, gave us the tabular value
which is 6.39. Since the tabular value is greater than the computed f-value therefore
the null hypothesis was accepted.

The study revealed that there is no significant effect on the contributory

factors in passing the Accreditation and Equivalency test when grouped according to
the variables found in problem number 3.


1. Write letter consent to the District Supervisor thru District ALS

Coordinator who is assigned to the different barangays.
2. Ask permission to the barangay council that we will conduct a survey.
3. Inform the respondents regarding the intention of the study.
4. Conduct a survey.
VI. Timetable/ Gantt Chart

Time Frame
Research October
Activities November 2021
Day Day
28 29 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15
Formulation of Action
Research Title And
Seek Permission to
the Proper Authorities
Checking of Action
Research Proposal-
School Level
Revision of the
Initial Assessment of
the Proposal
Evaluation of the
Approved Proposal
Implementing And
Conducting of the
Action Research
 Distribution of
 Collecting of
 Processing
And Analyzing
of Data
Preparing the Final
Research Paper to
Submission And
Presentation of the
Result of the Action


1. Travel Expense 1,000.00
2. Printing Materials 500.00
3. Token 670.00
4. Snacks 1,340.00
TOTAL 3,510.00



This study aimed to analyze the determinants in passing Accreditation and

Equivalency Test in Alternative Learning System in Carmen, Agusan Del Norte.

The respondents of the study were 67 learners and 3 teachers in Carmen,

Agusan Del Norte.

The study used standardized questionnaire. There were two sets of

questionnaires. It is the questionnaires for the learners and teachers. The profile
questionnaire for the pupils and teachers was found from other research paper of
Saint Michael College Of Caraga which is already been approved by the panelist. For
the questionnaire in the contributory factors in passing the accreditation and
equivalency (A&E) test it was came from the internet which was already validated.

The study hypothesized that there is no significant effect on the contributory

factors in passing the Accreditation and Equivalency test when grouped according to
the variables found in problem number 3.

The main instrument is a standardized questionnaire. There were two sets of

questionnaires. It is the questionnaires for the learners and teachers. The profile
questionnaire for the pupils and teachers was found from the thesis paper of Janeth
S. Cagas 2005 “The implementation of Alternative Learning System in Nasipit
Agusan del Norte: An Anaysis” which is already been approved by the panelist. For
the questionnaire in the contributory factors in passing the accreditation and
equivalency (A&E) test it was came from the internet which was already validated.


The purpose of this study was to determine the determinants in passing

accreditation and equivalency test in Carmen Agusan del Norte. To accomplish that
purpose it is important to know the factors that make the learners passed the
accreditation and equivalency test. This information and knowledge will help learners
to trace the factors that they should have to improve in order for them to possibly
pass the test. Determining the schematic diagram we have 2 sets of profile the
students and teachers profile. The first variable is age and in our survey majority of
the learners in Carmen was 21 and above that could identify as old age ranging 21
years old and above. The next variables is the grade/year finished and from our
respondents majority of them are in grade five for elementary level and third year in
secondary level. Their monthly income are 3,000 and below per month. The
education of the Parents of the learners based on our survey is elementary
graduate. In the teachers profile the first variable is Teachers’ training we found out
that majority of the teachers respondents belongs to National level in terms of their
training. Next variable is the teachers experience spends by the teacher in service
are 7-9 years. Last is the frequency of teaching, majority of the teachers taught at
least thrice a week which. There are four contributory factors in passing
accreditation and equivalency test it is composed of 4 sets the review, attendance,
study habits and expectation. The learners will answer the questionnaires by
checking whether I usually do this a lot (4), I usually do this medium amount (3), I
usually do this a little bit (2), and I usually don’t do this at all (1). Based on our
survey gathered from our respondents as they answered the standardized
questionnaires the level of influence on the contributory factors in passing
accreditation and equivalency test as to review, attendance, study habits and
expectations, we found out that attendance is one of the influential factors in
passing accreditation and equivalency test. It is said that learners have greater
motive to attend session of Alternative Learning System when their need is higher
and they enjoyed it. It means to say also that if the learners really wanted to pass
the test he should always attend the scheduled class; he should always be present
so that he will understand and learned something beneficial to pass the test.

In the problem number 4 we found out that there is no significant effect in

the contributory factors as to review, attendance, study habits and expectation
regarding in passing accreditation and equivalency test. The computed f-value is
equivalent to=0.63 which means that the null hypothesis is be accepted.


The findings in this study indicate that:

1. Learners in terms of age in our survey majority of the learners in

Buenavista, Nasipit and Carmen are 21 and above that could identify as old age
ranging 21 years old and above. Next variables is the grade/year finished and from
our respondents majority of them are in grade five for elementary level and third
year in secondary level. In which it simply means that most of them did not surpass
the formal school system. Their monthly income are 3,000 and below per month
which cannot sustain them. The education of the Parents of the learners based on
our survey is elementary graduate only in which it signify that they don’t have the
opportunity to give their child quality education.

2. Mobile Teachers in terms of trainings attended mostly are belonged to

division level, majority of the teachers experience in the field are ranging from 7-9
years. Most of the Mobile Teachers have served more than a year and they need
more training and exposure to the field so that they can share what they have to
their learners.

3. Contributory factors such as review, attendance, study habits and

expectation are factors that contribute in passing the Accreditation and Equivalency
test but the most influential factors is the attendance.

4. There is no significant effect in passing the Accreditation and Equivalency

test when grouped according to the variables found in problem number 3.


Based on the foregoing findings of the study, the following are recommended
for the contributory factors in passing accreditation and equivalency test in
Buenavista, Nasipit, Carmen Agusan del Notre.

When there are many numbers of old age learners in the classroom setting of
Alternative Learning System classes, the following recommendations can be made:
1. For the teachers – they should give the learners learning that is more on
experience because it is best for them to understand the topic when it is suit
them the most.
2. For the learners – they should keep on learning the best thing in their class
because passing the accreditation and equivalency test is the best opportunity
they could possibly receive in their whole life.

When the education of learners parents are in the Elementary graduate, the
following recommendations can be made:

 Encourage all the barangays of the municipality to open livelihood

courses for economic improvement because it can bring positive effect
to the life of the parents if they attain at least course that will
somehow improve the quality of their life.
 Trainings in valuing quality education should be conducted to the
parents so that they can show positive effect on the life of their child.

When the learners’ monthly income of parents belongs to 3,000 and below,
the following recommendations can be made:

 Modern ways or technologies in food preparation and other livelihood

shall be introduced to the parents so that they can provide the daily
needs of the learners.
 They should be open-minded in terms of thinking how do they can
help in another way with their child to pass the test.

When the teacher’s trainings are in division level, the following

recommendations can be made:

 Teachers should be encouraged to attend national trainings so that

they can offer high level of opportunities to pass the test.
 Teachers should have the long exposures in the community so that it
could be easy for them to teach learners learning that best suit them.

When the teacher’s years of experience are in 7-9 years, the following
recommendations can be made:
 Teachers should already have a long year of experience in the service
of teaching.
 Teachers that will conduct the classes in Alternative Learning System
should be properly equipped with ideas to let the old age learn.
 Teachers should have the lecturers’ ability to engage or to entertain.
 Teachers should use relevant of examples that the adult learner can
easily learn and understand.

When the frequency of teaching of teachers is in thrice a week, the following

recommendation can be made:

 It should be twice a week a teacher of Alternative Learning System

conduct his/her class because times of teaching matters a lot for the
 A class monitoring and supervision of the organized classes of the
Alternative Learning System be done by the Division and Regional
supervisors so that there could be an expected higher rate of passers.
 Teaching load of Alternative Learning System should be taken into
consideration. There should be different teachers for elementary and
secondary level.
 Teachers should also be monitored and evaluated to ensure that they
are really teaching and providing service to their clienteles especially
those in the far flung areas.

For the learners who are the level of influence among the contributory factors
in passing the accreditation and equivalency test is the Attendance, the following are

 Learners should be able to attend the class because presence always

is the most necessary in a classroom setting.

Based on the present research study, there are also recommendations in

addition to above recommendations, which may enrich the teachers’ competence
and learners’ performance and can help the learners to pass the test these are as
1. Seminar-workshops maybe conducted about the tools and technique on
media that will enhance creativity and innovativeness to the learners.
2. Administrators should initiate training seminars on Continuing Education
Program and short term program to the district and mobile teacher to enrich
teachers’ competence. By that they can give the learners possible outcome
resulting in passing the accreditation and equivalency test.

3. For learners, seminars on responsible parenthood for parent learners; group

counseling; and peer tutorials. So that learners do have the self-esteem to
pass the test because there is parents support.

4. For future researchers, it is recommended that they conduct similar studies

regarding the contributory factors in passing Alternative Learning System
Accreditation and Equivalency Test to discover new techniques that can help
the learners to pass the test.


Facilitating Human Learning by: Avelina M. Aquino ,Ed.D.
Laws on Education Published exclusively distributed by Neo Asia publishing, Inc
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Prisciliano T. Buazon “Handbook in Legal Bases of Education (second
The teaching Profession (2012) authored by: Purita P. Bilbao ,Ed.D.

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Janeth S. Cagas “The Implementation of Alternative Learning System

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Importance of Alternative Learning System underscored - Yahoo News

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Vol.22 No.1 © 2012- 2014 JITBM & ARF. All rights reserved ISSN 2304-0777 41 Development of Self and Sense of Community as well as
Expanding One’s World View.

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