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Much like crossing the finishing line of a grueling
marathon, the closing part of any sales activity is the
most fulfilling and thrilling aspect for a salesperson.
It’s the final moments when the sales rep strikes the
iron while it’s hot and finally watches their product
being sold!

Unfortunately, the percentage of salespersons

touching their quota has reduced from 63% to 53% in
the past six years. While closing has now become a
derivative of the entire sales experience and calls
for collaboration across all departments, there are
still a few techniques that you, as a salesperson, can
employ to close the deal. The primary skill involved
in closing a deal is Communication, Communication ,

In this case, choosing the right set of phrases could

be your savior and make or break the situation. Thus,
it is critical to have a few killer sales closing
techniques under your belt just in case you find your
lead sitting on the fence, waiting for a final nudge.
An effective sales closing technique can make the
prospect fall hook, line, and sinker for your product
or service.

So if you are still wondering how to close a deal, here

are 20 B2B sales techniques that will give you the
desired result!


If your product already

checks all the customer’s
Examples of
requirements, it is safe to
assume that the deal is
Assumptive Close
as good as done. Now all Which package/
you need to do is make bundle are you going
the client realize that with?
you are ready to close
What would be your
the deal. In this case,
preferred delivery
you can make use of an
assumptive close as it
So, would you like to
will gently push the
go with [feature 1] or
client towards making
[feature 2]?
the purchase without
When can we start
giving them the time to
with the
come up with reasons or
excuses to delay or put implementation?

off the deal.


This is one of the

most tried and tested
methods of closing a
sale. As the name
suggests, it involves
summarizing all the
features of your
product or service
and the benefits it
will offer to your
clients. Think of it as
your closing
arguments before the
judgment is passed.

It refreshes your
clients’ memory, Examples of
especially if the sales Summary Close
process has gone on So, in conclusion, if you
for a long period, and opt for our [package 1],
involves several you get [features 1, 2, 3…
products and n]. On the other hand,
features. Furthermore, [package 2] will fetch
through this method, you [feature a, b, c… z]
you can also Once you make use of
reengage the clients our product/service, you
will notice [desirable
if you sense that they
results 1, 2, 3… n]. Now
are hesitant to reach a
all you have to do is sign
decision or their
the contract!
attention is diverted
With our product, you
by your competitors. can enjoy [features] that
As it offers a holistic will help your business
overview of your overcome [pain points].
offerings, the client Additionally, we also
will have a stronger offer [add-ons] to make it
leaning towards your easy to implement the
product or service. product/service at your


Sometimes, to close more knocking off a few to

deals, you need to strip off accommodate the
the goodies. Does it sound customer’s requests, be it
confusing? time or money, etc.
Naturally, losing out
Allow us to explain. features may not seem like
an attractive option for
The Take Away Close them. Thus, they will be
makes use of reverse more eager, not only to
psychology. You start by make the sale happen but
listing all your best also to go for the better
features, then start alternative.

Consequently, if you
fail to receive a Examples of the Take
positive response, a Away Close
bolder step would be
We would suggest that
to call off the deal
you skip [feature 1],
entirely. While it may
you may lose out on
be a brazen move, it
[positive result], but
reflects your belief
you also get the item
and confidence in your
within your budget.
product. It may make
How about we go over
the client realize that
the product once again
they’re missing out on
and close the deal
within the next 30
phenomenal. Thus,
they would instantly minutes? However, if

get over their we fail to reach a

hesitation or stop decision, it would be
bargaining and get to wise for us to take a
closing the deal. It is step back and
ideal for leads that reconnect at a later
take up a lot of your date when you’re ready
time without to make a final
committing to decision.


Every salesperson has Further, it also allows you to

had its fair share of address any concerns or
objections. Normally, a issues that the client may
have about your product,
sales rep would want to
which could possibly be
avoid an objection like
delaying the sale.
the plague. However, a
seasoned salesperson is
Examples of
adept not only at
Objection Close
handling an objection
but also using it as an So, do you have any
doubts or queries
effective sales closing
regarding the
technique. The Objection
product? I’d love to
Close helps you gauge
help you with them!
whether the client has a
Is there any reason
clear understanding of
why we cannot start
what you offer and how it
deployment by the
fits in their business
end of this month?


This traditional sales

Examples of Now
closing technique helps
in closing sales deals
or Never Close
quickly by creating a We have a special X%
sense of urgency. It discount for those
follows a simple recipe, a who sign up within
this week. You
spontaneous offer paired
wouldn’t want to
with added benefits for a
miss out on this offer!
limited time period. This
If you make a
encourages the clients to purchase by this
respond quickly and take month, we offer three
immediate action. This months of servicing
pressure tactic is highly free of charge.
effective for clients who There is only one

are interested in the deal item left in stock.

From next week
but have been sitting on
onwards, the price
the decision for far too
will be going up for
the new shipment.


What can better seal a deal To pull off a Needs Close,

than a product that meets you first need to
the customer’s needs? You recapitulate the things
can comfortably close that the prospect needs
more deals by detailing from your product. Then
what your product or present the features
service offers and how it against these needs.
satisfies the prospect’s

The more needs that
Examples of
get met, the better
Need Close
the product is for the
So basically, you are
prospect. It allows looking for [features
the client to 1, 2, 3… n]. Have I got
understand how your that correctly? Great.
product will benefit Well, let me tell you
that our
them. By comparing
product/service not
their needs with your
only meets these
product’s offerings, needs but also offers
you help them more!
understand how your If you need [desired
intervention can result], you should

benefit their really give the

business. product/service a try

as it can meet all your
requirements for
[requirement 1, 2, 3…]


The Scale Close starts you can always ask the

with asking the reason for it and offer a
prospect to rate your clarification for the
product on a 1 to 10 objection. On the other
scale. Depending on hand, if you score an
their score, you can impressive digit, you can
decide the subsequent work towards closing the
course of action. For
instance, if you find the
rating to be too low,

To counter this objection, you can always scale up
or scale down the investment by either breaking
down the total cost into smaller per day or per week
expenses or calculate the cumulative effect of the
service on the investment and revenue. As a result,
the product will now appear to be a reasonable
investment for the company.

Examples of Scale Close

On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate

our product? Interesting. May I ask why
[rating]? I see, and could you also explain
why not a ten?
I can see that price is a major concern for
you. However, if you consider that when you
divide the total investment, you are only
paying X per week, which seems completely
reasonable, right?


The Something for Nothing Additionally, offer something

Close relies on the principle that is of less value to you
and more value to the client.
of reciprocity, which
dictates that positive
Examples of
actions will trigger a
Something for
positive response. Thus, to
Nothing Close
close a deal through this
If you make the
sales closing technique,
purchase today, we
you offer the client a freebie
will grant you
or an extra feature. In membership access
return, the client will feel to [service] worth
obligated to purchase your XYZ at absolutely no
product out of charge!
goodwill.However, practice We normally charge
caution since as much as XYZ for this [service],
people like free things, this but since we are
eager to work with
situation could potentially
you, how about we
get out of hand as your
throw it in for free?
client gets greedy.


While gaining leverage and applying some amount of

pressure may be effective B2B sales techniques,
nothing can beat the language of empathy. You could
close more deals through empathy than cold-blooded

Empathy helps in developing a strong interpersonal
bond with your client, which will allow them to lay
more trust in you. Simply replace the “you”
statements with an “I” and express genuine
emotions to let them know that you understand.

Examples of Empathy Close

I can understand that reaching this decision

right now could be tough. How about you
take some time to deliberate on what we’ve
Looking at the market conditions, I feel that
choosing [package 1] could be a better
choice for you as it is better suited for your
business. If I were you, I’d choose that.


This method of closing a

sale involves narrating the
Examples of
story that covers the work, Artisan Close
time, and skill invested in
the product, which makes it Our team of experts
what it is today. Rather than invested XYZ number
focusing on the product or of hours in bringing
service, it highlights the this product to you!
people who work tirelessly Our product is a
behind the scenes to help result of the hard
and benefit the clients. It is work, toil, and sweat
a highly effective sales invested by our
closing technique to try on founders. To honor
prospects who can the sanctity of the
appreciate the hard work same, we offer a:b
and effort that goes into the customer to support
product. It not only garners ratio to ensure top-
their appreciation but also notch support from
earns their trust that their our end.
business will also be
treated in the same spirit.


Benjamin Franklin was a Listing out the pros and

businessman ahead of cons of your product
his time. At any point, if offers the client the
he were ever confused insight into how it will
about making a decision benefit their business.
regarding something, Clearly, a list where the
he would list out the pros outweigh the cons
pros and cons to gain is desirous. At the same
more clarity of his time, you can also
decision’s capitalize on the
consequence. opportunity to highlight
As a salesperson, you measures that can be
could use the same trick taken to overcome your
to close a deal. product’s drawbacks!

Examples of Ben Franklin Close

So, it becomes apparent that the advantages

of having the product could be [advantages
1, 2, 3… n]. On the other hand, we have the
cons as [disadvantage 1, 2, 3… n]. On closer
inspection, it becomes clear that you bag
more advantages through this product.
Going over the pros and cons, you may be
concerned about [problem]. However, our
[solution] can take care of it, which
effectively means that you can reap greater


When you know that

closing the sales deal is a
Examples of Sharp
strong possibility, but the Angle Close
prospect is struggling with
an objection, you can better I understand that
your chances by pulling off you’re concerned
a sharp angle close. Once about whether we
they state their inhibition, can deliver within a
you can counter it with month. What if we
another question that give a one-month
solves their objection or delivery guarantee,
fulfills their requirement.
would you be ready
Naturally, if their need is
to close the deal?
being met and the prospect
If I offer you an X%
is genuinely interested,
discount to alleviate
they would then proceed to
your budgetary
close the deal. However, if
they continue to dilly-dally, restraints, are you
there is a strong possibility willing to jump on
that there may be another board?
issue or the prospect is
simply not serious.


They say that a

picture is worth a
thousand words. But
in reality, a picture is
worth 60,000 words!
Due to this property,
visual cues like
infographics, charts,
tables, or even
videos that leave a
lasting impact on an
individual, can be an
innovative and
attractive fashion to
close a deal.

So rather than
Examples of
bombarding your
Visual Close
clients with numbers
Here’s a table that I
and calculations or
have made illustrating
walls of text, try the
the pros and cons of
visual approach. our product. I would
Similarly, translate encourage you to go
the big impact of through it to get an in-
your product in a depth understanding.
visual format and To save us time, I have
illustrate how it will prepared a quick

solve the client’s presentation rich with

problem. informational graphics,

which I would like to
share with you. It will
offer you an in-depth
understanding of what
we have to offer.


The Alternative Close is The question should be

a close relative of the formulated in such a way
Assumptive Close and is that regardless of the
ideal for the prospects choice that the prospect
who have no queries makes, the deal moves
whatsoever related to forward. By offering two
your product. alternatives, you cut
down the confusion and
The maneuver starts simplify the decision-
with the assumption making process to get
that the prospect is the client on board.
ready to make the However, be wary,
purchase. Then, the offering more options
salesperson offers them may dilute the sales
two alternatives as closing technique’s
options to close the performance and, in fact,
deal. add to the client’s

Examples of Alternative Close

So, we could begin with the first installment

in the last week of this month or in the first
week of the next month. Which of these
would work best for you?
You could choose between the Basic package
or the Elite package. Now the ball’s in your


No business wants to Through this technique,

miss out on a great you can stress on what
opportunity. Hence, the client will miss out
highlighting a concern on if they do not opt for
that the company will your solution. As a
incur some losses by salesperson, you have to
not taking proactive sell the idea that your
measures is the crux of
product is not an
the Opportunity Cost
expenditure but is a
worthy investment.

Talk about the ROI in terms of improved productivity,
efficiency, quality, and time-management, etc. as
quite often, these are the qualities that a business
wishes to get a hold of, especially in the long run.

You basically have to convince the client that they

should have purchased your product yesterday and
that every day lost is a loss in revenue.

Examples of Opportunity Cost Close

I understand your concerns about the initial

investment involved. However, put this in
perspective: not purchasing the product
would result in you missing out on X number
of potential clients!
Our product streamlines your processes,
thereby enhancing the productivity of your
employees and boosting customer
satisfaction. And you know, a happy client
means more business. So you’re essentially
missing out on that!


The Ownership sales Narrate testimonials

closing technique regarding how similar
revolves around firmly businesses were capable
planting the idea that of achieving their goals,
your client already owns overcoming their
the product. You can competitors, and
draw facts and figures to outperforming the key
paint a holistic picture metrics. Start referring to
regarding how their the product or service as
business will be “your” product/service.
positively impacted upon
the purchase of your

Draw parallels and talk about the stellar performance
of your client’s business once the product steps into
the picture. Doing so will create and fortify the
mental belief that the product will definitely add
value to their business, which will make it easier for
you to close the deal.

Examples of Ownership Close

As you start offering quick, efficient, and

accurate responses to customer queries, your
product will definitely enhance customer
satisfaction. Not to mention, once a load of
repetitive tasks is taken off the employees’
shoulders, they will also appreciate your
insight in introducing this product.
How do you plan on spending/investing the
excess revenue that you will generate after
using the product?


The Puppy Dog Close Eventually, they would

follows a ‘try before you have formed such a strong
buy’ approach. It is based bond with the furry friend
on the concept of how that they cannot imagine
dog shelters allow functioning without it!
prospective adopters to
take a puppy home for a Similarly, sales reps can
couple of days and see identify well-qualified
how it works out for prospects and offer them
them. If the trial period the chance to try out your
goes well for them, there product for free. Upon
is no possible excuse for realizing the true value of
them to refuse to keep the product, they would be
the puppy. more open to purchasing it.

Once they have
developed an affinity Examples of Puppy
for your high-value Dog Close
product, they would
If you wish to give our
not be willing to let it
product a try, we could
ship it to you for a
month without any
A word of caution:
pressure or obligation
Before trying out the
to purchase it. If you are
Puppy Dog Close, you
not satisfied with it, you
have to be extremely
can simply ship it back
sure that your product
to us, and we’d take
can prove its
that, no questions
usefulness and
asked. Would you like to
efficacy within the
give that a try?
short timeframe for
I can sense that you are
which you allow the
still hesitant to make the
client to try it at no
purchase. How about I
cost. Think of this as
offer you a 5-day no-
an elevator pitch of
cost trial and you can
test drives. Offering
see how the product
something for ten
works for your business.
days, with the
If you don’t like it, you
knowledge that it
don’t have to buy it. But
takes at least fifteen
at least give it a fair
days to implement, is
simply a waste of time!


Having a client who

simply refuses to make
up their mind can be
frustrating, simply
because they are too
close to the finishing
line for you to abandon
them, but they also
keep you waiting
forever! Given that you
have your own
personal timelines and
targets, implementing
the calendar close for
closing sales deals
with a non-committal
client can come to your

For a Calendar Close, you suggest a date for finalizing
the deal in the near future. This initiative allows you to
fix a concrete timeframe by when the prospect should
make their decision. Further, the response generated by
a Calendar Close can also act as an indicator of the
prospect’s level of commitment.

Examples of Calendar Close

I think we have discussed everything that

there is to our offer, so shall I set up a
meeting this Wednesday to get the ball
Now that we have ironed out the details, how
about we meet on the 21st and finalize the


The Columbo Close is “Just one more thing.”

named after a late 1960s
TV character, Columbo, a Similarly, just when you
homicide detective. Apart have completed your sales
from his smart and witty pitch, and you can
one-liners, he was also perceive that you are
well-known for his losing the client’s
dramatic reveal of who the attention and they are
killer might be. In a classic walking away from you,
Columbo close, he would reel them back in with a,
complete his monologue “Just one more thing,”
or interrogation and start and offer the juiciest part
walking away from the of your offering. This
suspect. Just when the reveal could also address
suspect believes that he’s any objection that the
being let go and breathes prospect may be
a sigh of relief, Columbo
struggling with, which is
would turn around with his
delaying the sale.

Examples of Columbo Close

So in conclusion, the [product] is going to

revolutionize how your business operates…
Just one more thing, though, it is also
available at a shocking X% off!
That’s a wrap on the presentation. Thank you
for your time. Just one more thing, if I may
ask, why didn’t you buy from us today?


Does your prospect have You could cite any of

any trigger event in the these trigger events to
near future? If yes, then persuade the client why
it is the best time to use it is an ideal time for
the ‘Best Time to’ Close! them to purchase your
Some common trigger product.
events include a change For the ‘Best Time to’
in business strategies or Close, you need to have
location, growth or an in-depth
expansion of the understanding of the
business, transfer of target company and
ownership, hiring/firing monitor and track their
of employees, activities.
dissatisfaction with the
current vendor, mergers
or acquisitions, new
legislations, change in
brand perception, etc.

Examples of ‘Best Time to’ Close
We’ve heard that your business is venturing into
the XYZ avenue, which is pretty exciting. Now is
the best time to try out the [product] as it will
help you gain traction on these new territories.
Since you are hiring a new workforce this month,
it is the best time to implement the product as it
gives them ample time to complete training and
get acquainted with the product as they face new
challenges every day!

While these sales closing techniques are highly
effective, they are not a magic spell to close more deals.
These are not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ situation, as different
closing techniques will have varying results for different
prospects. To truly grasp the art of closing sales deals,
you need to have a clear and thorough understanding of
your prospect, their needs, opportunities, deal size, etc.
Thus, these techniques can simply aid your skills, and it
all eventually boils down to how you, as a salesperson,
can gauge the situation and the prospect to pick the
best way to close.Finally, with these tricks up your
sleeve, you are all set and ready to ABC – Always Be

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