Midterm Exam

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Assessment of Student Learning 2

 Mr. Ravelas made an essay test for the objective "Identify the planets in the solar system".
Was the assessment method used the most appropriate for the given objective? Why? *
Yes, because essay test is easier to construct than objective test.
Yes, because essay test can measure any type of objective.
No, he should have conducted oral questioning.
No, he should have prepared an objective test.
Which of the following statements is the main reason why negative words should be avoided in
constructing a multiple-choice test?*
More difficult to construct options
Stems tend to be longer
Increase the difficulty of the test item
Might be overlooked
Who among the teachers described below is doing assessment?*
Ms. Asnailyn who is computing the final grade of the students after completing all their
 Mr. Falsario who is counting the scores obtained by the students in his test.
Ms. Omayra who is administering a test to her students.
Prof. Carlos who is planning for a remedial instruction after knowing that students perform poorly
in her test

 Rob obtained a NEAT percentile rank of 97. This means that:*

He answered 97 items correctly.
He surpassed in performance 97% of his fellow examinees.
 He got a score of 97.
He surpassed in performance 3% of his fellow examinees.

Nora is one standard deviation above the mean of his group in Science and one-half standard
deviation above the mean of his group in English. What does this mean?*
Nora is better in English than in Science
Nora does not excel in Science nor in English
Nora is better in Science than in English
 Nora excels both in Science and English
What type of measure of variation is easily affected by extreme scores?*
Quartile deviation
Standard deviation
 Inter-quartile range
Which statement CORRECTLY applies to a student who got a score of 70 in a given test? *
He answered only 70 items in the test.
He surpassed the scores of 70 students.
He obtained a raw score of 70.
 He correctly answered 70% of the items in the test.
What is the graphical representation of a class composed of highly competent students? *
normally distributed
skewed to the left
 skewed to the right
Which statement best describes normal distribution?*
Only few got average scores.
The mean, the median are equal.
 Negatively skewed distribution.
Most of the scores lie at one end of the distribution.

Measure of variability which is the sum  of absolute deviations of the arithmetic mean divided
by the number of cases.*
standard deviation
quartile deviation
average deviation
What type of recognition test consists of two columns which requires proper pairing
 Which is implied by a positively skewed score distribution?*
The mode is high
Most of the scores are high
Most of the scores are low
 The mean, the median and the mode are equal
Median is to 50th percentile as to Q3 is to ____*
20th percentile
25th percentile
50th percentile
75th percentile
 Which measure/s of central tendency is easily affected by extreme scores?*

Which does not belong to the group?*
completion test
 alternate response
multiple choice
matching type

Which statement is true about a bell-shaped curve?*
There are more low scores than high scores.
The scores are normally distributed.
 There are more high scores than low scores.
Most of the scores are high.

If a researcher wants to determine how close or far the scores of a set of respondents are, he is
likely to use ____.*
measure of central tendency
measure of difference
measure of variability
 measure of correlation
In a negatively skewed distribution, what kind of students does Teacher B have?*
Very poor
Very good

Here are completion test items: 1. The process by which plants manufacture their food is. 2.
Water from the roots rise to the tip of the leaf by way of the____ . What is faulty with the test

They are recall items.

The lengths of the blank suggest the answer.
They are extremely difficult questions for Grade
The second question suggests the answer to the first
Which does NOT belong to the group?*
The computed value of r for Math and Science is 0.90. What does this imply? *
Math and Science scores are inversely related.
The higher the scores in Math exam, the higher the scores in Science exam.
 The lower the scores in Science exam, the lower the scores in Math exam.
The higher the scores in Science exam, the lover the scores in Math exam.

Teacher Nhoraya gives an achievement test to her 30 students. The test consists of 25 items.
She wants to compare her students’ performance based on the test result. What is the
appropriate measure for the position?*

 percentile rank
standard nine

Teacher Fay is researching on family income distribution which is symmetrical. Which
measure/s of central tendency will be most informative and appropriate? *
Mean and Median

Jay R’s raw score in Mathematics class is 94 which is equal to 97 percentile. What does this

97% of Jay R’s classmates got a score lower than 94.

 Jay R’s score is less than 97% of his classmates.
Jay R is higher than 97% of his classmates.
97% of Jay R’s classmates got a score higher than 94.

Which statement best describes a negatively skewed score distribution?*

Most examinees got high scores.

 The value of mode corresponds to a low score.
The value of median and mode are equal.
The value of median is higher than the value of mode.

In constructing True-False test items in History, Ms. V thought she would have tricky
statements, knowing her students are very bright. Was she correct in this regard? Why? *

No, because this will give undue difficulty on the students.

 Yes, because being bright, the students would know which ones are tricky anyway.
No, because true-false test items should not be very long.
Yes, because many students often take this type of test as a guessing game.

Which one best describes the percentile rank of a given score?*

percent of cases of a distribution below the given score

 percent of cases of a distribution below and above a given score
percent of cases of a distribution within the given score
percent of cases of a distribution above the given score

What is the type of test which includes three or more plausible options in each item? *


The computed value of r = -0.35 for English and Biology. What does this mean? *
The higher the scores in English test, the higher the scores in Biology test.
The higher the scores in English test, the lower the scores in Biology test.
 English and Biology test scores are directly related to each other.
The lower the scores in Biology test, the lower the scores in English test.

May’s scores in English quizzes are as follows: 96, 90, 85, 89, 65, 99, 84, 82. What is the mean
______ is a part of speech that describes a verb and an adjective. What is wrong with this
completion test item?*
It is pure recall.
The sentence is quite short.
The blank is at the beginning of the sentence.
 It is extremely easy.
To increase the difficulty of a multiple-choice test item, which of the following should be
Make the options equal in length.
Make the stem short and clear
Make it grammatically correct.
Make the options homogeneous
 Teacher Glen gave a 50-item test to his students, where the mean performance of the class is
40, with a standard deviation of 2.5. John got a score of 39. What description rating should
teacher Glen give to John?*
below average
 above average

Which type of test measures students' thinking, organizing and written communication skills? *
extemporaneous speech
 short answer
completion type

Which of the following statements BEST describes the essay type of test?*
It is difficult to construct.
It is amenable to quantitative data analysis.
It is effective in assessing complex learning.
 It develops the learners’ communication skills.

What is the main advantage of using a table of specifications when constructing a periodic
It makes test construction easier
It reduces the scoring time
It improves the sampling of contents/topics
 It increases the reliability of the test result
The score distribution of nine hundred (900) students in a certain college is skewed to the right.
Which of the following statements is TRUE about this distribution? *

There is no sufficient data to make a general statement about this distribution.

The majority of the students scored lower than the mean.
 The majority of the students scored higher than the mean.
There is equal number of students who scored high and those who scored low in the test.

Which is TRUE when standard deviation is small?*
Scores are dispersed.
Scores are concentrated around the mean.
 The bell-shaped curve is leptokurtic.
Most of the scores lie at both extremes.

What should a teacher do before constructing items for a particular test?*
announce to the students the scope of the test
review the previous lessons
determine the length of time for answering it
prepare a table of specifications
 Which of the following should be AVOIDED in constructing a true or false test?                      
                     I. verbal clues and specific determiner                                 II. terms
denoting definite degree or amount               III. statements that are directly taken from the
book.     IV. true or false statements presented in the same length*
I, II and IV
I, II and III
II and IV only
I and III only

If the class is composed of intelligent students, which of the following is the graphical
representation of their scores?*
positive correlation
skewed to the right
skewed to the left
 normally distributed
When the distribution is skewed to the right, what kind of test was administered? *
Partly easy- partly difficult
Average/moderately difficult
Which of the following is/are TRUE about matching type of test?                                              
                                 I. The descriptions and options must be homogeneous.                    
                                                       II. The options at the first column and the descriptions
at the second column.                                    III. The number of options must be greater than
the number of descriptions.                                                                                    IV. There
must be only one correct response in each item.*

I only
I and II
I, III and IV
 I, II and III
Miss Eugenio would like to cover a wide variety of objectives in the quarterly examination in
her English class lesson on subject-verb agreement. Which of the following types of test is the
most appropriate?*
Multiple Choice
 Matching Type

Mr. Cidro wants to test students' knowledge of the different places in the Philippines, their
capital and their products and so he gave his students an essay test. If you were the teacher,
will you do the same?*
No, such method of assessment is inappropriate because essay is difficult.
No, the giving of an objective test is more appropriate than the use of essay.
 Yes, essay test could measure more than what other tests could measure.
Yes, essay test is the best in measuring any type of knowledge.

What is the stanine equivalent of a T-score = 60?*

In which subject(s) did Kaleev perform best in relation to the performance of the group? *

Both Math and English

Teacher Gab computed the mean score of his students and he wants to get more information
about the dispersion of scores. Which measure of variability is the most appropriate? *
Mean deviation
Quartile deviation
Standard deviation
 Which assessment task is aligned to this outcome? Analyze the socio-cultural factors that
affect learning.*

Matching type of test

Completion test
Multiple choice test
Essay test
 Which statement about standard deviation is CORRECT?*

The larger the standard deviation the less spread the scores are.
It is a measure of central tendency.
The smaller the standard deviation the more spread the scores are.
The larger the standard deviation the more spread the score are.
Here are computed means of a one hundred-item test: Physical Science =38; Mathematics =
52; and English = 33.  Based on the data, which of the following statements is TRUE?*

The Mathematics test appears to be the easiest among the three.

 The examinees seem to excel in English.
The examinees seem to be very good in Physical Science.
The English test appears to be the easiest among the three.

Ally obtained a NEAT percentile rank of 99. This means that:*

They have scales of equal units.
They indicate an individual's relative standing in a group.
 They have a zero reference point.
They indicate specific points in the normal curve.

In a positively skewed distribution, the following statement are true except: *
Mean is lower than the Mode.
 Mean is not lower than the Mode.
Mean is higher than the Media.
Median is higher than the mode.

The scattergram of two variables is evenly spread in all directions. This means that ____. *

there is a high positive correlation between the two variables.

there is a low negative correlation between the two variables.
there is no correlation between the two variables.
 there is a high negative correlation between the two variables.
Given are two sets of score distribution below:               Which statement best describes both
sets of data?        *

The range of Set A is 20.

The scores in Set A are more dispersed than the scores in Set B.
 The scores in Set B are more dispersed than the scores in Set A.
The range of Set B is 19.

 Most of the students who took the National Achievement Test got scores below the mean.
What is the graphical representation of their scores?*

positively skewed
 negatively skewed
normal curve

What is the correct sequence of these given items, and difficulty level of the test?                      
                         1. Prepare a table of specifications                                    2. Determine the
purpose of the test                                3. Specify the instructional objective                          
                                           4. Determine the item format, number of the test items, and
difficulty level of the test*

Ana’s z-score in Makabayan and Filipino is -2 and 1 respectively. What statement could best
describe on Jenny’s performance?*
Jenny is not good in Makabayan as well as in Filipino.
Jenny performed better in Makabayan than in Filipino.
Jenny performed better in Filipino than in Makabayan.
 Jenny performed better both in Makabayan and Filipino.
Based on the figure, which is true about the distribution?*

Mean=55, median=48, mode=34

Mean=46, median=40, mode=37
Mean=63, median=63, mode=63
 The distribution is mesokrutic
Which of the following indicates how compressed or expanded the distribution of scores is? *

Measures of variability
 Measures of position
Measures of correlation
Measures of central tendency

Teacher Jonalyn found that there is a negative correlation between the scores in English and
scores in Mathematics. What does it imply?*
Students who are good at Mathematics are not necessarily good at English.
Students who are good at English are not necessarily good at Mathematics.
Students’ scores in English are inversely related to their scores in Mathematics.
 Students’ scores in English are directly related to their scores in Mathematics.
Teacher Joy considers the multiple-choice type of test the best among the written type of test,
so for assessment of learning she uses only multiple choice type of test. Is this in accordance
with the principle of assessment?*

No, she has only one source of data.

Yes, well-formulated multiple choice tests measure HOTS.
 No, she should make use of varied tools for assessment data-gathering.
Yes, for as long as the multiple choice tests measure low and high level thinking skills.

Suzzette obtained a NEAT percentile rank of 95. This means that _________.*
she got a score of 95.
she surpassed in performance of 95% of her fellow examinees.
 she surpassed in performance of 5% of her fellow examinees.
she answered 95 items correctly.

About how many percent of the cases fall between -2SD and +2SD in the normal curve? *
What is the first step in constructing a periodic test?*
decide on the type of the test to construct
decide on the number of items for the test
study the content
go back to your instructional objectives
 Jeff's raw score in the Science class is 63 which is equal to 95th percentile. What does this
Jeff's score is less than 63% of his classmates.
95% of Jeff's classmates got a score lower than 63.
Jeff's score is higher than 95% of his classmates.
 95% of Jeff's classmates got a score higher than 63.

Which group of scores is the most homogeneous?*

sd = 1.25
 sd = 2.00
sd = 1.75
sd = 1.50

Ms. K gave a 50-item test in Science where the mean performance of the group is 40 and the
standard deviation is 3. Mark obtained a score of 45. Which of the following best describes his
below average
above average
 The stem of a multiple-choice item was stated as “How do you call the breathing organ of
plants in the leaf?” the choices were: a. lenticels, b. stomata, c. nose. If you are going to retain
the same item, which of the choices should you modify and why?*
None of the choices should be revised
Choice A because it is not part of the plant
Choice C because it is not homogeneous with A and B
 Choice B because it is obviously correct
What measure of position is appropriate when the distribution is symmetrical? *
mean and median

Skewed score distribution means _____.*
the scores are normally distributed
it consists of academically poor students
the mean and the median are equal
the scores are more concentrated in either side of the distribution.
 Teacher C wants to know if her literature students have gained mastery of authors and their
corresponding literary work, their nationalities, and the type of the literacy work. Which test
can best assess this?*
True-False type
Completion type
Multi-matching type
In  a negatively skewed distribution, the following statements are true EXCEPT? *
Median is lower than the mode.
Mean is not higher than the median
Mode is less than the median.
 Mean is lower than the mode.
Which of the following statement/s is/are TRUE about a positively skewed distribution?          
                                                     I. There are relatively many low scores in the distribution.    
                                                                           II. There are relatively many high scores in the
distribution.                                                                                 III. The median is higher
than the mean.                               IV. The mean is higher than the median.*
I only
II only
I and IV
 II and III
What is the z-value in a normal distribution with a T-score of 80?*
 Measure of variability which is the difference between the highest score and lowest score. *
average deviation
standard deviation
 quartile deviation
Measure of variability which has the widest spread or dispersion.*
quartile deviation
mean deviation
average deviation
standard deviation
Teacher Dada wants to test students' acquisition of declarative knowledge. Which test is
short answer test
 performance test
submission of a report

Which of the following test item can best effectively measure higher order of cognitive
learning objectives?*
Completion test
Achievement test
Objective test
Extended essay test
This measure of central tendency has 50% of the scores falling above the midpoint of the
distribution of scores and 50% falling below it. Which measure is this?*
Which is not appropriate about median?*
It is a measure of central tendency.
It is appropriate when scores are symmetrical.
 It is appropriate when there are extreme scores.
It is equal to the 2nd quartile.

What principle of test construction is violated when one places very difficult items at the
beginning; thus creating frustration among students particularly those of average ability and
below average?*
All the items of particular type should be placed together in the test.
The items of any particular type should be arranged in an ascending order of difficulty.
 All items should be approximately 50 percent difficulty.
The items should be phrased so that the content rather than the form of the statements will
determine the answer.

 Ms. Em gave an achievement test to measure the performance of 15,000 students in the high
school level. If the average performance of the students and the degree to which the students
differ in their performance are the questions asked, what branch of statistics is concerned? *
 The Standard deviation is to Measure of Variation as _________ is to Measure of Central
Mean deviation
Quartile deviation
What is the mean of this score distribution: 35, 39, 42, 45, 48, 50, 52, 54, 68, 70? *
 Mr. Reyes, an elementary school teacher in Science found out that many of his pupils got very
high scores in the test. What measure of central tendency should he use to describe their
average performance in the subject?*

What is the stanine equivalent of a T-score = 60?*

In which subject(s) did Kaleev perform poorly in relation to the performance of the group? *

Both Science and English
The score distributions of Set A and Set B tests have equal means, but with different standard
deviations.  Set A has an SD of 1.7, while Set B has an SD of 3.2.  Which statement is TRUE
of the score distributions?*
The majority of the scores in Set B are more clustered around the mean than in Set A.
The majority of the scores in Set A are more clustered around the mean than in Set B.
 The scores of Set B have less variability than the scores in Set A.
The scores in Set A are widely scattered than the scores in Set B.

 Most of the students who took the examination got scores above the mean. What is the
graphical representation of their scores?*
negatively skewed
 skewed to the right
normal distribution

In a normal distribution, a T-score of 30 is _______.*
one SD below the mean
two SDs below the mean
 two SDs above the mean
one SD above the mean

Ms. Cruz is planning to give an essay test to her pupils. Which of the following questions
should she consider as a good essay item?*
Compare and contrast the leadership style of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and Former
President Joseph Ejercito Estrada.
 If you are the President, will you withdraw our Filipino Troop in Iraq for the sake of Angelo dela
Which is a better form of government, parliamentary or federal?
Name at least 10 historical places in the Philippines

Ms. Carrie supervises ten schools. At the end of the school year, she administered an
achievement test to all the ten schools in each grade level to find out the school that makes the
best record in the said achievement test. What measure should she use?*
measure of relationship
measure of dispersion
measure of central tendency
 measure of variability
In a normal distribution, a T-score of 30 is:*
two SDs below the mean
 one SD below the mean
two SDs above the mean
one SD above the mean

Which characteristics best describes the given score distribution? The scores are: 22, 23, 24,
24, 24, 25, 26, 26, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 39, 39, 40, 40, 45.*

below average
skewed to the left
normally distributed
 What is the other term for completion test?*
fill-in the blank
 simple recall

The result of the test given by teacher A showed a negatively skewed distribution. What kind
of test did Teacher A give?*
It is not too easy nor too difficult
It is easy
 It is moderately difficult
The test is difficult
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Assessment of Student Learning 2
Total points29/35

Read each item carefully then choose the correct answer from among the four options. Review
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submission of this form.

Which of the following statement/s is/are important in developing scoring rubrics?                    

                             I. Description of each criterion to serve as standard    II. Very clear
description of performance in each level                                                                                      
       III. Rating scale                                                                       IV. Mastery levels of


I only

I and II

II and III

I, II, III and IV

Is the test item "classify the given teaching methods" aligned to this intended learning outcome
"to select the appropriate teaching method"?*




A little because classify and select are related

Yes, if you change "select" in the learning outcome changed to classify.

Mrs. Robles wants to establish the reliability of her achievement test in English. Which of the
following activities will help achieve her purpose?*


Administer two parallel tests to different groups of students.

Administer two different tests but to the same group of students.

Administer a single test but two different groups of students.

Administer two equivalent tests to the same group of students

Mr. Gringo tried to correlate the scores of his pupils in the Social studies test with their grades
in the same subject last 3rd quarter. What test validity is he trying to establish? *


Concurrent validity

Construct validity

Content validity

Criterion related validity

Mr. Cartilla developed an Achievement Test in Math for her grade three pupils. Before she
finalized the test she examined carefully if the test items were constructed based on the
competencies that have to be tested. What test of validity was she trying to establish? *



Concurrent validity

Predictive validity
Construct validity

To maximize the amount of time spent for performance-based assessment, which one should
be done?*


Limit the task to one meeting only.

Assess one objective for one performance task.

Plan a task that can be used for instruction and assessment at the same time.

Set objectives only for cognitive domains.

What is the main advantage of using a table of specifications when constructing a periodic


It makes test construction easier

It reduces the scoring time

It improves the sampling of contents/topics

It increases the reliability of the test result

Which statement about performance-based assessment is FALSE?*


it stresses on process as well as product

it emphasizes merely on process

essay tests is an example of performance-based assessment

it stresses on doing, not only knowing

Teacher Brian conducted an item analysis and he found that significantly greater number from
the upper group of the class got test item number 10 correctly. This means that the test item has


a negative discriminating power

high validity

a positive discriminating power

low reliability

What type of validity does the Pre-board examination possess if its results can explain how the
students will likely perform in their licensure examination?*






What should be done first when planning for a performance-based assessment?*


Set the criteria in scoring the task.

Prepare a scoring rubric.

Set the competency to be assessed.

Determine the "table of specifications" of the tasks

Which of the following is an example of an OBSERVABLE learning outcome? *


To value a poem written by a friend.

To recite a poem with feelings.

To appreciate the poem “The Tree”.

To understand the meaning of a poem.

What is the first step in constructing a periodic test?*


go back to your instructional objectives

decide on the type of the test to construct

decide on the number of items for the test

study the content

Which is not true of an analytic rubric?*


It is easier to construct than the holistic rubric

It gives one's level of performance per criterion

It is time consuming

It allows one to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of one's work.

Which of the following is NOT a feature of performance-based assessment?*


greater realism of the tasks

greater use of judgment in scoring

greater complexity of the tasks

greater progress of the tasks

In his second item analysis, Mr. Gonzales found out that more from the lower group got the
test item 15 correctly. What does this mean?*


The item has become more reliable

The item has a positive discriminating power

The item has become more valid

The item has a negative discriminating power

Which of the following is NOT an observable learning outcome?*


understand the process of photosynthesis

copy a computer file from one folder to another

recite the national anthem from memory

illustrate the food chain

What should a teacher do before constructing items for a particular test?*


review the previous lessons

determine the length of time for answering it

announce to the students the scope of the test

prepare a table of specifications

Which is the least authentic assessment?*


experiments in Science to assess skill in the use of scientific method

oral performance to assess student’s spoken communication skills

paper-and-pencil test

artistic production for music or art subject

If a test item has a difficulty index of 0.06, how would you describe the test item? *


It is very easy.

It is difficult

It is moderately difficulty.

It is very difficult
Teacher A discovered that his pupils are very good at dramatizing. Which tool must have
helped him discover his pupil’s strength?*


paper-and-pencil test

performance test/task

journal entry

portfolio assessment

Which of the following statements is the main reason why negative words should be avoided in
constructing a multiple-choice test?*


Stems tend to be longer

More difficult to construct options

Might be overlooked

Increase the difficulty of the test item

Mr. Gringo tried to correlate the scores of his pupils in the Social studies test with their grades
in the same subject last 3rd quarter. What test validity is he trying to establish? *


Content validity

Construct validity

Criterion related validity

Concurrent validity
Mrs. Bacani prepared a rubric with 5 levels of performance described in 5-excellent, 4-very
satisfactory, 3-satisfactory, 2 needs improvement, 1-poor. After using this rubric with these
descriptions, she found out that most of her students had a rating of 3. Even those who are
evidently poor in their performance had a rating of satisfactory. Cold there be a possible error
in the use of the rubric?*


No, such result is acceptable as long as it has a positive consequence to the students.

Yes, the teacher could have committed the central tendency source of error.

No, it is just common to see more of the students having grade of 3 in a 5-point scale.

Yes, the teacher could have committed the generosity error.

Which of the following is an alternative form of assessing the performance of students that
represents a set of strategies for the application of knowledge, skills, and work habits? *


performance-based assessment

formative assessment

summative assessment

placement assessment

Which kind of rubric is best to use in rating students' projects done for several days? *



Both holistic and analytic

Either holistic or analytic

The discriminating index of item number 15 is 0.44. This means that ______.*


more students from the upper group got the item correctly

the test item is very easy

equal number of students got the correct answer from the upper and lower group

more students from the lower group got the item correctly

Which of the following is NOT example of performance tasks?*


solving Math problems

drawing the map of the Philippines

building a house using popsicle sticks

answering objective type of test

Which of the following statements describes performance-based assessment?                            

             I. evaluates complex learning outcomes and skills               II. encourages the
application of learning to “real life” situation                                                                              
      III. measures broad range of contents*


III only

I and II
I only

II and III

What is the correct sequence of these given items, and difficulty level of the test?                      
                         1. Prepare a table of specifications                                    2. Determine the
purpose of the test                                3. Specify the instructional objective                              
                                       4. Determine the item format, number of the test items, and difficulty
level of the test*






Which of the following situations may lower the validity of test?*


Mr. Santosa simplifies the language in the directions for the test.

None of the above.

Miss. Lopeza removes the items in the achievement test that everyone would be able to answer

Mrs. Josea increases the number of items measuring each specific skill from three to five.

Which of the following situations may lower the validity of test?*


Mrs. Josea increases the number of items measuring each specific skill from three to five.
Mr. Santosa simplifies the language in the directions for the test.

Miss. Lopeza removes the items in the achievement test that everyone would be able to answer

None of the above.

Who among the teachers below gave the most authentic assessment task for the objective
"Solve word problems involving the four basic operations"*


Mrs. Malang who asked her pupils to construct any word problem that involves the four
fundamental operations and then asked them to show how to solve it.

Mrs. Mandia who asked her pupils to construct a word problem for a given number sentence
that involves four fundamental operations and then asked them to solve the word problem they

Mrs. Pontipedra who asked her pupils to construct any word problem that involves the four
fundamental operations then formed them by twos so that each pair exchanged problems and
help solve each other's problem.

Mrs. Juliano who presented a word problem involving a four fundamental operations and then
asked the pupils to solve it.

The difficulty index of item 20 is 0.55 and the discrimination index is 0.15. What should the
teacher do with this item?*


Make the item bonus

Revise the item

Reject the item

Retain the item

This form was created inside of Southern Christian College.


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