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Nitesh Madhukar
PGT Computer Science
m M-9800321080

Data Base- A data base refers to a collection of related data and a data base
system. It is basically computer based record keeping system. It contains
information about one particular organisation.
In addition to storage and retrieval of data certain other operation can be
performed on a database. These operations include adding, updating, sorting &
deleting data. All these operation can be performed by using a DBMS. Other
database software-MY SQL, Oracle, Foxpro, Open Database, MS Access Q.
What is Data?
Ans- Any raw facts and figure like any number, person name, sound, image,
graphics etc . The raw data are useless and not provide a proper meaning. Q.
What is information?
Raw data are converted into a meaningful and useful form known as
Information is an essential tool in every field of development as because
decisions are taken by the help of that. For taking a meaningful and useful
decision various information are essential.
i. Accurate
ii. Complete
iii. Timely
iv. Relevant
Q. What is File? What are the disadvantages of File over DBMS? Ans-A
collection of data or information that has a name called File. There are many
different types of File-program File, Directory File, Data File., and so on.
Disadvantage of File over DBMS
i. Sorting of data not allowed.
ii. Comparing of data is not possible.
iii. Retrieving of data is difficult.
Steps for designing a Database
1. Determine the purpose of your database.
2. Determine the tables you need.
3. Determine the fields you required.
4. Identify the fields with unique values in each record.
5. Determine the relationship between the tables.
6. Refine your database and design.
7. Enter data and create other database object like Report, Queries, Form Etc.

Advantages of Related Database
i. Database reduce the data redundancy (data duplication) to a large extend.
ii. Database control data inconsistency to a large extend.
iii. Databases facilitate sharing of data.
iv. Databases enforce standard.
v. Centralized databases can ensure data security.
vi. Integrity can be maintained through databases.
Q. What are Templates?
Ans- MS access comes with a variety of templates that we can use as starting
An access template is a ready to use database that contains all the tables,
queries, forms, & reports needed to perform a specified task. Example-
Assets, Contacts, Events, Faculty etc.
Practical Related Questions
1. Steps to open MS Access
Click on start🡪 All Program🡪 MS Office🡪MS Access
2. Steps to create Blank database
Open Ms Access🡪 click on Blank database🡪 give a suitable name of the
database🡪click on create button🡪 Click OK
3. Steps to open database in Design/ Datasheet view and Rename Open a
database🡪 right click on Table🡪click on Datasheet view/ Design View (While
opening in Design view give a suitable name of the table) Then click OK
4. steps for creating a new table
Open a Database in design/Datasheet view🡪Click on Create 🡪 Click on Table 5.
Inserting/Deleting Field
Open Database in design view🡪Right click where you want to insert a
field/Select the field which you want to delete🡪click on Insert New Row for
inserting a field or Click on Delete Row for deleting a field.
Rules for Naming a Field
1. Give the field a descriptive name, something that describes its purpose;
2. A field name can consist of up to 64 characters, including letters,
numbers, spaces, and many special characters;
3. A filed name can’t start with blank space.

4. A filed name can be in upper case, lower case or mixed case. 5. A field
name can't contain a period (.), an exclamation point (!), an accent grave (`),
or either bracket ([ or ]); a field name can contain a space character, but it
can't be the first character. Data Types
Every field in a table has properties and these properties define the field's
characteristics and behaviour. The most important property for a field is
its data type. A field's data type determines what kind of data it can
store. MS Access supports different types of data, each with a specific
Data Type Functions

Short Text Text or combinations of text and numbers,

including numbers that do not require calculating.
Up to 255 characters.
Long Text Lengthy text or combinations of text and
numbers. Up to 65535 characters.
Number Numeric data used in mathematical calculations.
Date/Time Stores date and time values. You can use various format
of date/Time. The maximum size is used by this is 8
Currency Currency values use the currency data type to prevent
rounding off during calculations. Accurate to 15 digit left
of decimal point and 4 digit right to the decimal point.
Size-8 Byte
AutoNumber A unique sequential (incremented by 1) number or
random number assigned by Microsoft Access whenever
a new record is added to a table.
Yes/No Yes and No values and fields that contain only one of
two values (Yes/No, True/False, or On/Off).
OLE Object OLE objects can store pictures, audio, video upto 2 GB.
Hyperlink Text or combinations of text and numbers stored as text
and used as a hyperlink address.
Attachment Files, such as digital photos. Multiple files can be
attached per record.
Calculated You can create an expression that uses data from one or
more fields. You can designate different result data
types from the expression.
Lookup Wizard It helps us to create a file whose value are chosen
from another table, query or list of values.

Primary Key: A primary key is a field that has unique value for each record in
a database table.
Advantage of Primary Key
⮚ The table is automatically indexed. This result is faster access to the data.
⮚ It prevents duplications of data in the table.
Steps for creating a primary Key
Open a Table in design View🡪 Select the field which you want to create as a
primary key🡪 click on design from Ribbon 🡪 Click on Primary key (A small
symbol of key will show in front of selected field)
Candidate Key: There may be two or more fields that can uniquely identify
records in a table. All such field are known as Candidate key.
Ex-Suppose we have field name like PAN No, AADHAR Number, Passport
No, so one will be as a Primary key and rest of all will be as a candidate key.
Field Properties
The Field properties control the behaviour of the field. Each field in a table has
its own set of properties that defines the field and how it is used in database. To
set the field properties open database in Design View.
There are some field Properties.
Field Property Description
Field size Property to set the maximum length of a text/Numeric field.
Format Property to control how data is displayed. You can
use predefined formats or customize your own.

Input Mask It specifies the pattern for the data to be entered in the
field. It is used as * Mark.

Caption Property to specify default field label in a form or report

Default Value Property to specify the value get entered automatically
when records are created.

Validation Rule This property defines expression that defines data entry rule.
Validation Text Property to customize the error message which appears
when you enter a value that violates the validation rule.

Required You can use this property to specify that value is required
or not.

Sorting Data: Arrangement of data as per their ascending order or descending

order is known as sorting.

Steps for sorting data
1. Select the field which you want to sort as per the ascending order or
descending order.
2. Select Advanced from the Database Tools section of the ribbon bar and then
choose Advanced Filter/Sort.
3. For each level of sort you want, choose the data field by which you want to
sort in the Field row, and then choose Ascending or Descending in the Sort row.
Select Toggle Filter to apply the sort to the data table.
4. Review the data to ensure its sorted properly, and modify your sort and filter
conditions as necessary.
Filter and Advanced Filter
Filters allow you to view only the data you want to see. When you
create a filter, you set criteria for the data you want to display. The
filter then searches all of the records in the table, finds the ones that
meet your search criteria, and temporarily hides the ones that don't.
For Filter a data Follow the steps
1. Click the drop-down arrow next to the field you want to filter by.
2. A drop-down menu with a checklist will appear. Only checked items
will be included in the filtered results. Use the following options to
determine which items will be included in your filter: ∙ Select and
deselect items one at a time by clicking their checkboxes. ∙ Click Select All
to include every item in the filter. If all items are already selected, this
option will deselect all items.
∙ Click Blanks to set the filter to find only the records with no data in
the selected field.

1. What is database? Give example.
Ans A data base refers to a collection of related data and a data base system. It
is basically computer based record keeping system. It contains information
about one particular organisation.
Example-Telephone directory, Dictionary etc
2. Differentiate between Flat file Database and Relational Database.
Ans In a Flat file Database, all the data is stored in a single file.
Ex-Spreadsheet, Excel
In a Relational Database, data is stored in multiple tables linked via common
Ex- Access, Oracle, MYSql, Open base etc.
3. Define Tables. List the different elements of Table.
Ans-Table is a storage container storing data pertaining to a single object,
subject or purpose.
Field, Record and Data are the different elements of Table.
4. What are data types? List the data types available in Access 2016 and
explain any two.
Ans- A data type determines what kind of data it can store. MS Access
supports different types of data, each with a specific purpose. There are
the lists of Data Types.
Short text, Long Text, Number, Date/Time, Currency, AutoNumber,
Yes/No, OLE object, Hyperlink, Attachment, Calculated, Lookup wizard.
Short Text-Text or combinations of text and numbers, including numbers that do
not require calculating. Up to 255 characters.
Number- Numeric data used in mathematical calculations.
5. What do you understand by Sorting? How can you sort data in Access?
Ans- Arrangement of data as per their ascending order or descending order is
known as sorting.
Steps for sorting data
1. Select the field which you want to sort as per the ascending order or
descending order.
2. Select Advanced from the Database Tools section of the ribbon bar and then
choose Advanced Filter/Sort.
3. For each level of sort you want, choose the data field by which you want to
sort in the Field row, and then choose Ascending or Descending in the Sort row.
Select Toggle Filter to apply the sort to the data table.
4. Review the data to ensure its sorted properly, and modify your sort and filter
conditions as necessary.
6. What is the utility of Filter in a Database?
Ans-Filter is used to display specific records of a table in a datasheet.
7.Write short notes on the following:
a. Validation Text: The field Property used to customize the error message which
appears when you enter a value that violates the validation rule. Suppose that we
have given the condition that value >0, then Negative value can’t be entered into
that field.
b. Caption Property: This property is used to specify default field label in a
form or report.


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