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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



Enclosure 1
September 12 – 16, 2022
Quarter: First Quarter Grade Level: Grade-9
Week: 4 Learning Area: English
MELCs: Compose clear and coherent sentence using modals
Express permission, obligation and prohibition using modals E
Review the four kinds of sentences
Day Objectives Topics Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
1 Compose clear and Classroom Activity: Present Activity No. 1 Correct Usage
coherent sentence using Lesson Content: Modals – is human situation, and they of Modals
considered as a type of
modals must be guided by the ff. Exercise: Fill in the blanks
auxiliary (helping) verb that is
used to express: ability, questions. The teacher must with the correct form of the
Express permission, solicit their answer, and he following modals:
possibility, permission,
obligation and obligation and prohibition. needs to write it on the can, could, be able to, may,
prohibition using modals Modal phrases (or semi- blackboard for sentence might, shall, should, must,
E analysis.
modals) are used to express Situation Number 1: have to, don’t have to, need
Review the four kinds of the same things as modals, but to
sentences are a combination of auxiliary – You may have to make the
verbs and the preposition to. modals negative according to
the context of the sentence.
1. Permission- in this use of
modals, MAY, CAN, and – There may be more than
COULD are used as polite
expression that request Q1. What would people do one possibility.
permission. It is also used in seeing a situation like this?
expressing ability or lack of
ability. e.g 1. He has to take his
Situation No. 2 car to be serviced. The brakes
a. Could- as a polite expression are squeaking.
may have a present or future
meaning, not past. Usually, we 2. Would you please
understood is if it is used in the save me a seat at the dinner
past tense. event.

can, could, and be able 1. If you are sick, you

a. Present and Future: Q2. What do you think the

________ go to work You’ll.
man would do? infect everyone there.
can/can’t +
Situation No. 3
base form of the verb 2. Drivers _______ stop at red
1. Tom can write poetry very 3. You _______ finish the
well. proposal today. You can finish
it tomorrow.
2. I can help you with that next
week. 4. She ______ hear much
better with her new hearing
3. Lisa can’t speak French. aids.
b. Can/Could - it is used in the Q3. What would you think
5. ______ I order us a bottle of
informal discussion. CAN is your parents would feel when
used to express ability or
capability while MAY and 6. Sam ______ pick his
you graduate? daughter up from school. She’s
COULD expresses possibility. taking the bus home.

e.g I can swim in the river. My parents would be very 7. You _____________ smoke
happy. here. It’s a smoke-free
May I borrow the pencil? building.
My parents would be very
When I was a child, I 8. You ________ eat so many
sweets. They are bad for you.
could climb a tree. happy. 9. _________ you mind
walking a little faster? We’re
going to be late.
10. I’m sorry. I _______ help
you. I don’t know how to do it.

2 2. Obligation - Have to' and Personal- Engagement: As Activity 1. Textual-

'must' are both used to the learners understood the Experiential Analysis:
express obligation. There is a lesson -content, it is also Through the text of the song,
slight difference in the way good to let them realize the let us pick a text that utilized
that they are both used. personal-relevance of the the used of modals, then let us
text itself or the lesson to
a. Have to' - It shows that the
their own personal
obligation comes from
try to reflect the relevance of
someone else, not the speaker. experience as a person who
This is usually referring to a the text to our personal life as a
has encountered existential child.
rule or law.
e.g We have to be at the questions in life. e.g Text No. 1
airport at least two hours
before the flight. 1. Listening Activity: The
teacher will play the song, 1. If I could steal one final
I have to work on entitled as “DANCE WITH MY glance, one final step, one
Saturday. FATHER. “Then, the teacher final dance with him, I'd play a
will present the guide song that would never, ever
They have to wear their questions for the reflective- end.
uniforms at school. sharing.
b. Must' - It shows us that the 1. How did you feel while 2. Uses of Modals: If I could...
obligation comes from the you were listening to the it signifies that there is
speaker. song? uncertainty of the actions that
e.g I must hand in my thesis happened in the past. There is
2. What unforgettable
by tomorrow. a regret on the part of the
experiences did the speaker
speaker, stating that if there is
have with his father?
I really must call my still a chance for him to dance
parents. 3. Were there regrets on the with his father, he could still
part of the speaker? play a song that would never
b.1 Here is an example of the end.
difference between 'have to' 4. To whom does the speaker
and 'must': long for? 3. Experiential-Relationship -
there is still regrets on the side
e.g 1. My doctor said 5. What statements show of the speaker or performer.
that I have to stop smoking, or that the speaker is longing
I'll risk serious problems. (I for his father?
have no choice)
6. Why is he longing for his
2. I must stop smoking. 7. Have you tried expressing
It’s costing me too much love to your father? If yes, in
money. (it’s my decision) what way?

b.2 We use 'don't have to' to 8. Before it is too late to

show that there is no show your love for your
obligation. You can do father, are you willing to
something if you want but it is manifest it personally?
not an obligation.
e.g Listening Activity: Playing
of the song entitled as
1. You don't have to wear a tie “Dance with My Father.”
to go to that restaurant, but it • This listening activity
would be nice. is integrated to the
lesson of the modals
2. You didn't have to call for for the purpose to
me. I could have got a taxi. show among the
learners the concepts
3. Students don't have to wear of the different
uniforms to school. human situations,
such as the concepts
of possibility,
impossibility, and
• In this strategy in
discussing the lesson
on modals, the
teacher is really
hoping that he can
touch their real
situation, for he
believes the modern
issues that triggered
the Filipino family is
the issue of family
• The writer is really
asking this question
for himself, if there
could still be the
possibility for him to
dance with his father.

Sharing: Before doing our

learning task, let us first
share our findings on how
we could relate our
personal life as a child to
the text by answering the
Activity No. 1 of the


3 3. Prohibition- 'Can't' and Teacher's Reflection Paper: After

'mustn't' (must not) are used listening to the teacher's
to show that something is Reflection: sharing of the main points of
prohibited (not allowed) I don’t know if there is a the song, it is really good for
more heart-rending song the learners to assimilate or
than “Dance with My imbibe themselves the
messages of the song. That
e.g 1. You can't go into Father” by Luther Vandross. there is no other unconditional
that restaurant without a tie. To write a great song, you love of the father that could
need to be able to look into
2. You can't drive in this replace the real love for us as
your soul. You need to reflect
country unless you are over his child. It is really good to
on deep personal
eighteen. remember those memories that
experiences. You need to be
able to connect with other we shared with him.
3. You mustn't use your
people who want to share
phone in class.
your story. Great song Before, we have to do the
Reminder: Can't' usually gives writers do this every day. Learning Task NO. 5, it is really
the idea of something that is Most of the great records good if we could reflect the
against the rules. Mustn’t you can sing in your head message of the song to our
usually means that it is the have been written like this. personal life with our father. It
speaker who is setting the rule. But every once in a while, a could be done by just selecting
songwriter goes deeper than the phrases that touch our
they ever have before… personal relationship with
indeed deeper than nearly your father.
every other songwriter has
gone before…and creates e.g 1. Another dance with
something so intense, so him
personal and so heartfelt
that their song transcends I'd play a song that
would never ever end
anything else they’ve Personal Reflection: The
written up to that point. main issue is to re-visit or to
“Dance With My Father” is make a reconciliation with my
one such song. It was co- father. I need to be humble
written by Luther Vandross enough and thank God for he
and Richard Marx (a has given me existence and I
am successful for this life.
successful songwriter and That's why if I would be given
performer in his own right, another dance, I prefer to
with hits like “Hazard”) and another dance with my father
and I would select a music that
would really give us happiness
tells the story of Luther
for we are able to renew that
Vandross’s childhood.
Luther’s father passed away love between us.
when he was just seven
years old. I can’t imagine
what he went through at the Rubric: The learners'
time. Those sorts of scars reflection paper will be
never heal, I guess. However, graded by the following
as children often do, a criteria.
particular incident stuck in
Luther Vandross’s mind over
the years. He remembered 1. Used of the Thesis
seeing his parents dancing Statement…… ….25%
together in the living room in
their home and how happy 2. Structures: Supporting
that made them. Although it Details, Concluding Sentence,
was his mum, rather than and the used Cohesive
himself, who was dancing Devices,or transitory devices
with his father, by switching 25%
the characters around a 3. Messages/ Themes
little, Luther Vandross ………….25%
created a lovely metaphor
for spending time with his
4. Grammar………..5%
dad as a kid, whether or not
they were actually dancing
together. Because Luther

Vandross was writing about

such a deeply personal
experience, the lyrics really
get to you…
Back when I was a child

Before life removed all the


My father would lift me high

And dance with my mother

and me

Then spin me round till I fell


Then up the stairs he would

carry me

And I knew for sure I was

Especially if you’ve had your
own challenges in life,
knowing for sure that you
are loved is all any of us are
really looking for in our
earthy existence. If we’re
lucky, that’s something we
get from our parents.
Perhaps from a spouse,
partner, or lover. Maybe a
life-long friend. If just one
single person in the world
makes you know for sure
that you are loved, then the
world can be a magical
place. So, whilst Luther
Vandross is singing about his
personal experience as a
child, his song is so powerful
because he’s really singing it
for all of us. Reminding us

what it’s like to be loved

unconditionally. Of course,
all good things come to an
end. Usually before we’re
ready for them to draw to a
close. Maybe we get over it
after a while. Perhaps we

meet someone who helps

soothe our pain and,
gradually, we re-discover

feelings we thought had

gone forever.
Sometimes we spend the rest
of our lives wishing we could

relive those days again. We

never get over our loss.

Numbness comes to define

our lives and we go out of
our way to make sure we
never feel a loss like that
again. We push people away
who want to help and we

retreat into a world filled

with sadness and regret.We
all deal with situations like
this very differently.I wish I
could tell you there was one
“right answer”…one fail-safe
way that takes the pain away
and helps you get on with
your life.I’m sorry to tell you,
there isn’t a magic answer
hiding somewhere just
waiting for you to find
it.Whether we’re able to
move on with our lives or
not, there will always be a
memory inside. There will
always be that feeling we’d
give anything to recapture,
even just for a moment.
I’m not sure anyone has
described that feeling better
than Luther Vandross in
“Dance With My Father”…

4. Review the four kinds of Lesson Content: Four Kinds Board Exercise: As the Read the following
sentences of Sentences teacher presents the concept sentences and mark
about the four kinds of whether Declarative,
1. Declarative Sentence sentences, he would create a Interrogative, Imperative
A declarative or situation in which there or Exclamatory.
assertive sentence states would be an interaction
a fact, opinion or idea. between the teacher and his 1.Do you drink milk
students by analyzing the daily?
Most sentences are sample for each kind of
declarative. A sentence. 2.Stars are twinkling in
declarative sentence is the sky.
followed by a period (.). e.g My teacher is smart.
Is my teacher nice? 3.Ah! What a lovely
Examples: Eat vegetable.
He sold cakes to the Your teacher is nice!
4.Let us go for a river
No, I do not like to eat
5.Let us go to the river
2. Interrogative Sentence
An interrogative to swim.
sentence asks a
question. 6.The train is not
An interrogative sentence running on time.
is followed by a
question mark (?). 7.Where has Rohan
Have you ever seen a 8.Call in the doctor
flying fish? please.
Would you like another
piece of pie? 9.Kindly lend me your
3. Exclamatory Sentence
An exclamatory 10.I like this book.
sentence expresses
strong feeling. The
exclamatory sentence Answer Key
always ends with an
exclamation point. 1. Interrogative
2. Declarative
Examples: 3. Exclamatory
That sounds incredible! 4. Imperative
I can’t believe that you 5. Imperative
didn’t show up! 6. Declarative
4. Imperative Sentence 7. Interrogative
An imperative sentence
8. Imperative
gives a command or a
9. Imperative
Imperative sentences do
not have a subject as
you is the implied
subject. The imperative
sentence is usually
followed by a period (.).
Very strong commands
may be followed by an
exclamation point (!).

Go to your room now.

Brainstorming: Involve the

students in a classroom
brainstorming related to each
sub-topic, and encourage
them to participate to the
5. Task 2 All for the Best related activity. Reflection: Try to write a
p. 3 short reflection about your
roles in your personal life,
Task 3 Inspiration home, in school, or even
p. 4 to your family.

Task 4 Effective? Partially …

Ineffective? P. 5

Prepared by:
Checked by:
English Department Head
Address: Army Rd. Silangan, San Mateo, Rizal

Email Add.

Telephone No. 9 855-4600

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