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1. Why will the groom make a good husband?

2. She would mostly be likely to win at what game show?

3. If the bachelorette could honeymoon anywhere, where would she choose?
4. What is the most romantic thing the groom has done for the bachelorette?
5. What is the bachelorette’s dream job?
6. Name the bachelorette’s most prized possession.
7. Do the groom and the bachelorette have a song they say is “their song”?
8. What song will always get the bachelorette on the dance floor?
9. How long did she know the groom before their first kiss?
10. What is the most expensive purchase she has ever made?
11. Did the bachelorette have a nickname in high school?
12. What three words best describe the bachelorette?
13. Does the groom have any bad habits that drive the bachelorette crazy?
14. What celebrity does the groom resemble?
15. If she can have her bachelorette party anywhere, where would she want to go?
16. What type of engagement ring did the groom give the bachelorette
17. What color are the bridesmaid dresses?
18. How many days until the bachelorette becomes a bride?
19. Does the bachelorette have any tattoos or piercings?
20. Name the bachelorette’s celebrity crush.
21. What is the bachelorette’s favorite kind of flower?
22. Where did the groom and bachelorette go on their first date?
23. What three words best describe the groom?
24. What do you think is her most attractive feature?
25. What is her favorite outdoor activity?
26. Can you name her high school mascot?
27. When she met the groom, was it love at first sight?
28. Can you identify her natural hair color?
29. What is the bachelorette’s favorite piece of clothing?
30. Which female celebrity does the bachelorette idolize most?
31. Does the bachelorette prefer to wear gold or silver jewelry?
32. What color was her senior dress?
33. Why do you think the bachelorette will make a good wife?
34. What would you say is the bachelorette’s idea of a “wild night?
35. What is her favorite band of all time?
36. What is the best dish she every cooked for you?
37. Which animal would you compare her to and why?
38. What is her favorite cocktail?
39. When do they think they happy couple will have kids?
40. What was the name of her first pet?
41. Do you know the bachelorette’s shoes size?
42. What is her favorite brand of perfume?
43. What is her astrological sign?
44. What is her favorite “ chick flick” to watch with the girls?
45. Where is her favorite place to shop?
46. What is the bachelorette’s biggest fear?
47. How does the bachelorette like to spend her free time?
48. Where do you see the happy couple in five years?
49. If you went out to brunch together, what would the bachelorette most likely order?
50. Which member of the bachelorette party is the “wild one”?
51. What snack will the bachelorette crave after a crazy night out with the girls ?
52. How many guys did she date before she met the groom?
53. What is the bachelorette’s favorite kind of flower?
54. Name the bachelorette’s celebrity crush.
55. Does the bachelorette have any tattoos or piercings?
56. How many days until the bachelorette becomes a bride?
57. What color are the bridesmaid dresses?
58. What type of engagement ring did the groom give the bachelorette?
59. If she can have her bachelorette party anywhere, where would she want to go?
60. What celebrity does the groom resemble?
61. Does the groom have any bad habits that drive the bachelorette crazy?

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