Pre Test in Modern World Mathematics

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Salazar Colleges of Science and Institute of Technology

211- N. Bacalso Avenue Cebu City, Cebu 6000

Mathematics in Modern World

Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Yr. & Course: ____________

I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is conceivably the most basic pattern in nature.

a. regularity c. symmetry
b. movement d. rhythm
2. It contains both radical and bilateral symmetry
a. honeycomb c. sunflower
b. human body d. butterfly
3. These are numbers that are used to measure the number of elements in a given set.
a. cardinal c. sequence
b. subset d. binary
4. It is declarative statement that is true or false but not both.
a. negation c. proposition
b. preposition d. disjunction
5. It uses the connector “if and only if”
a. biconditional c. corollary
b. conditional d. lemma
6. Which of the following is not a method for proof?
a. deductive c. subjective
b. contradiction d. indirect proof
7. What type of sequence deals with common ratio?
a. arithmetic c. Fibonacci
b. geometric d. harmonic
8. This kind of pattern is unpredictable and it often contains fractals.
a. geometric c. forms
b. movement d. visual
9. Two sets, say A and B, are said to be joint sets if they are mutually exclusive.
a. True c. Maybe
b. False d. None of the choices
10. Two sets, say A and B, are said to be equivalent if and only if they have the exact number of elements.
a. true, at all situations c. true, but there are exemptions
b. false, at all situations d. false, but there are exemptions
11. In union sets, elements are not repeated in a set.
a. true c. maybe
b. false d. None of the choices
12. It is the value of the golden ratio.
a. 1.861 c. 1.168
b. 1.186 d. 1.618
13. An example of non-reflexive relation statement.
a. is the father of c. is married to
b. is less than d. is the sister of
14. Between two sets, it is the collection of ordered pairs containing one object from each set.
a. subset c. ordered pair
b. relation d. function
15. Co-domain has no bearing in determining functions.
a. true c. maybe
b. false d. none of the choices
16. All of the following statements are correct about Fibonacci except:
a. The logarithmic spiral growth of the Nautilus shell is an example of Fibonacci
b. Fibonacci numbers are the root of the discovery of the secret behind the sunflower seeds
c. The total number of family members corresponds to a Fibonacci number
d. The numbers of petals of almost all flowers in the world correspond to the Fibonacci numbers.
17. What is the sum of Fib (10) + Fib (5)
a. 58 c. 59
b. 60 d. 61
18. Which of the following is NOT a statement?
a. √3 < √2 c. a force is a push or pull
b. is a caption of positive charged? d. many cells comprise a tissue.
19. Let x be a whole number and P(x):x is a prime. Which of the following is true?
a. For all x, P(x) c. For all x, not P(x)
b. For some x, P(x) d. None of these
20. The negation of ‘some planets are terrestrial’ is
a. some planets are terrestrial c. all planets are terrestrial
b. some planets are not terrestrial d. all planets are not terrestrial
21. M is an invertible matrix, Therefore,
a. all matrices are invertible c. some matrices are invertible
b. all matrices are not invertible d. some matrices are not invertible
22. The argument ‘A force is a push or pull. A force is pull, therefore, a force is not a push’ is
a. true c. false
b. valid d. invalid
23. Let p be true and q be false. Which of the following is true?
a. p or q c. p and q
b. if p then q d. p if and only if q
24. All TV shows need sponsors. Therefore,
a. some TV shows do not need sponsors c. all TV shows do not need sponsors
b. some TV shows need sponsors d. no TV shows do not need sponsors
25. The negation of the statement “If Kari is offered a job then she will accept it” is
a. If Kari is not offered a job, she will not accept it
b. Kari is offered a job, and she does not accept it.
c. Kari is offered a job and she does not accept it.
d. If Kari is offered a job, she will not accept it.
26. Which of the following sets is NOT a function?
a. {(a,a),(a,b),(a,c)} c. {(a,a),(b,b),(c,c)}
b. {(a,a),(b,a),(c,a)} d. {(a,b),(b,c),(c,a)}
27. Which of the following relationships is a function?
a. teacher->student c. mother->child
b. student->family name d. child->parent
28. If a boy saved P25 on the first day, P27 the second day, P29 the third day, and so on, how many days will it take
him to save P880?
a. 20 c. 21
b. 22 d. 23
29. A ticket raffle consists of 20 prizes. The first prize is P25, 000, and each successive prize is P500 less than the
preceding prize. What is the value of the 19th prize?
a. 10, 000 c. 12, 000
b. 14, 000 d. 16, 000
30. The third term of geometric progression is 144 and the sixth term is 486. Find the first term of the geometric
a. 56 c. 64
b. 72 d. 80
31. The population of a certain town is 5000. If it increases 5% each years, what will be the approximate population
at the end of 10 years?
a. 8144 c. 8532
b. 8926 d. 8756
3 6 3 6
32. , , , , . . . . . .𝑎18
2 7 5 13

a. 55/6 c. 6/55
b. 66/5 d. 5/66
3 3 1
33. 1, , , , ….𝑎24 ?
5 7 3

a. 94/3 c. 3/94
b. 3/49 d. 49/3
34. What is the sum of the first 20 Fibonacci numbers?
a. 10, 945 c. 10, 924
b. 6, 743 d. 6, 742
35. Given f(t)=𝑡 and h(x) = 3x + 2, evaluate f[h(1)].
a. 5 c. 10
b. 15 d. 20
36. What is the next letter in the series; A, D, I, L?
a. N c. O
b. Q d. P
37. Find the 30th term of the arithmetic sequence, 10,7,4…
a. -77 c. -74
b. -71 d. -68
38. If a viral cell penetrated a healthy rabbit and the cell will divide into two in about one day. After a day, these two
cells will divide again, with the doubling process continues until there are 2 billion cells, at which time the rabbit
dies. On which day after the experiment is started does this happen?
a. 31 days c. 41 days
b. 51 days d. 61 days
39. What is the next pattern?

a. c.

b. d.

40. In a town of 605 people, 285 people eat hamburger and 212 people eat pizza and 127 people eat chicken, 20
people eat hamburger and chicken, 29 people eat hamburger and pizza and 35 people eat pizza and chicken. 50
people do not any of these foods and 15 people eat all kinds of foods. How many people eat one food?
a. 350 c. 269
b. 450 d. 501
41. What is next to this sequence, 4, -1, -11, -26, -45, ?
a. -72 c. -74
b. -71 d. -75
42. What is next to this sequence, 1, 4, 10, 22, 46, ?
a. 93 c. 95
b. 92 d. 94

44. .


46. ,

47. .

48. An Italian Mathematician who discovered the sequence.

a. Leonardo Pisano Bogollo c. Leonardo De Caprio
b. Leonardo Da Vinci d. Leonardo Da Fibonacci

49. When is the Fibonacci Day?

a. November 23 c. November 18
b. November 01 d. November 05

50. What do you mean by “Fibonacci”?

a. Son of Bogollo c. Son of Bigollo
b. Son of Bonacci d. Son of Fibocci

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