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Name: Kimberly Wyne C. Santos

n Living
Pause for a while and reflect upon the things, people, and events that prove that God loves you so much.
List them down.

 In my everyday life He always provide my needs even sometimes I forget to pray and
thank to Him. God never doubt to provide our needs even you don’t ask for.
 God don’t let happened the things I want, or I’ve asked from Him, Maybe Because he is
protecting me, and He is the only one knows the best for me because His loves me.
 Not that much financially stable but realize I should not think or give hope on wealth but
instead give thanks to Him because He provides everything I need.
 When pandemic happened, we’ve lost our family business, but God prove His love We
survive and still get daily blessings in pandemic we were be able to build again an online
business during pandemic. He is always our Provider.
 God really loves and my family too because since pandemic happened for 3years now
we never experience to have Covid-19 virus He really prove His Love for us and
protected my family from this pandemic.
 Never putted in me in a situation that I never survived.
 He really proves that He loves me because I thought I cannot take this course where I
am now because I know we cannot afford. Thankful and Grateful for Him.
 Lastly, He always proves that He Loves me because I always survive and overcome all
the challenges that happened to me.
 God loves me so much because in everyday he always giving us a new life,
We should be Thankful as we always prove His Love to us in such many ways maybe in the
things we need, protection, wealth and health, dreams.

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