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Theorizing Deviant Historiography JENNIFER TERRY Feminist Theoretical Linas of Deviant Hisoriogrophy: A Respective relace following ey wat orgy composed for ane of the ‘the preset se, twat fo signal baw ein here {Ter one two complex ind il tems identity and exper fe pater probes or the deiphoayfamewark of womens Fomor an pethaps for Feminss pits genera at wel 3 or he emerng bel of quer history Am presi aay ofemnit they ae comtrtes and ow they pert. icading oth wh ‘erm le and wha hey consti, nthe sea aul ‘Emin pote ai andin the wring of ion" sack asmens theoreti terete 00 lage 4 sk ete: bt Uh ‘want mugges seer ridge point between debates oe thee ‘theory whet the following ey pinay sted Tn brine smmacy of generative contradictions wih CS Shih lite ot fae a eto powbiiies which "ean secure th Individual andthe rational sbjec in thei place wth ll th gues for “another kind of intervention” aimed 3¢ "ela {uestions of coherence and engi to tertopte the ee {nbjecs] own constitution’ Weeds intervention, th ‘rety focused upon hori Sorting histor of ile ‘women or gay people or Afican Americas pet Se. butt the Snalyiecaeyores and social sytem of race gener ls nd Sxl which, through dedingpracrces,conmtract thoes {ect as rll their heretofore unmaked oppnites Weed stoeps {oon and creatures Kentifed “lesbians” sod "gay men” ate tlacoravely produced, opposed to taking them 8 Even objects lorena, embodied perspective fom which tll oF “expe intervention for analysing the Motori! production of cla sje alle xual) devin, Tor sigficat degre, wot we might cll he historiography ofaerence gins its power fom the very tendency within woes Ihstry upon which Weed focuses he ergue the det of erty 21 sable quality sated by women serous hitoreal_ periods Questions of lence and assy aniosted te "den to ‘ieory” model which uvached te fed of womens bistor ns carly days And this model neceaiyzled pom some ides of 2 sxcaated. and restored to speech and wnbility fom the obesity ff the pat of “Hn Story” But even in ts ton popular form hertry” came te be not imply an adie tory” cere the seed of 3 radia cre of exiting hitrioaphy Ae Joon Scot bar noted," ecaioned ser for onthodonbatory by multiplying orice and wbjece an well 3 by showing th ior, ke ater Gel of inguin. writen fom the periestive oF thot catying with tthe won abd Blind poe of Est pot fen Th mene he wa un mo ‘ences offered by histriea account of women ate among the most valuble comeguencer ofthis deventering of erhodon btory However womens stry toa subtanual degree, didnot refure the tes of securay and trth, provided one frashed degate the lives lived atthe matgins of social power Despite chen, the x would be hadi not unpose go imagine theorizing istry ference without the ambition and cuca projects thc placed women a the enter of historical analy and ths began to mete sed pect of tain hore inguity anu polite" Tecchlee notes thatthe "I" in the ecunclton Of autobiographical “experience” preg the individual x vestige ‘of bourgeois human eho cenit the subject sore open ‘on and place ether ways spprosching history outst ean ‘of steel snaps And, father, when it bt we” hich ‘seductive but profoundly homogenizing itn re bro ate pay i i es Aevoationry crit generated by feminists of cla dh cary toto bed crcl guetonr show tee homoge inves 2 they pled ot many inances hee omc {xprence” in modied fr wacked Thr ey tr {Sac imerventon came nthe frm of Lorine Bethy eet {ean "Wha Chou Meant Whe Gi aie a he Partly scm ac eiercnce,demaed spree sot Shales epee for wom nd he Scot inher parca ceigue ef ewe of “experienc” evidence in hoi work, oun to several sumpson Hn which terns ely when hey ketch "ned experi Seow’ etiqe i pethaps mos ofl for etaking so ofthe sion fsochl try fr sn sel hte El ack 2 notion of experince ha ehh nl eating Pit hee" in these terme tape tat mee) Ie bs Sabjec and aaroeé by the Kiera, [her ee Zeenpe to show bow eit wt of experience a beech ieee tik the hora’ dvion stout shar quai eine toy aie scout Beyond the suman tar experince teapot fer the jet anon sleamowiogs nds csorenive ins hone human ton “Thi founda exegry of experience clay ineced Chater desing the bond paramos af coe try {eld a examines how the massa aria peo the Bigs hisory*Thi speach ocd x onesie a hse dn themes for interpreting anos nd af evento or Stats foil rpnization Thor also povided song pe te historian acenpting to Inne women, in hotry Women Norns close eltnship other pers socal itor. hs been intreed in he eawnip between the ndjecte fet of women (iniuly and i calcite Inger iors il fs ish tey wet aie Th She"ined epee’ of women common nek ine ‘tte and the odd. Not only do women become subjects the historia proce but their experience x presumed Teconstruction of veaity by the Horan in saa the samme ay that tne subjects “ned” ie An addtional problem esl inthe Fovemlaton of collective eaperience bee difference within and anon sets the collectivity ae elded rather than eaced ‘And she “experience” fords 4 way of endowing historical sctoxs ith agency. san agency groded inthe notion of he feilm of val outde of dacorvecomeucion wif experience” tree an cuenta snd Boundable rath, Knowable ne vale prior ‘Scot i concetned with geting hisrias to 66 the disc sively comtracted mtare of experience” as hey invoke 08g how it operates in the production of diferent clases of subjects er crtgue canbe entened tendency wath gay aad lesan tory sod theory There, too,"experence” is commonly invoked sta way co uke one} eve stone cypecill through pprepi ‘ons of biographical soures, In theve Kinds af historety the Ivorical actors experience ted to consioutete and 16K Knowledge. and ated wo produce an authorsatve acount im which ‘he historian cans 4 postion tore akin o that of sre However. is undertanding of experience as been peri tent and central problem for scholar researching the place of Iebisns and gay en im bstory. rot cn the erica Ielf-The evidence of experience naa overwhelming number of count of lesan and mae omoesuaity yn fat ieribed ‘thin the clinical and patholgizing mechan ht Brough the ‘tant sat nt bing and induced it spenk. In other words, tn diacurave aalye af peor label, mel dagose, nd nological itegorination of homovenealwbjects Of cour, the Alone oot sneer somorphicly interchangeable with totally encemparing of the eabjciiies of "lesbians sd 39 tnens" the deviant subject occupier 4 parila poston 68 = nce Silay, one could ioerrpate race st «pen with arcularopertion that produc al modern sabjecte—whether sy from 4 merely nldive model of eling the Bistory of tack People, for example, to's criteal and deconsvctve apronch ‘adil potent ean seeing how cin produced in order to ‘ake ie apart These ston: and dcipnaty tnsons ate relevant 2 the coeeping Hels varouny called lean and ay seis, sent dies, and quer theory Here too we Hind chon betwen, om the onc hands making quran Heats which growed inlet Iimory of diferenc,Petaps cant afte bitoreel emergence after significant disney trond mee made by ws soto of theoretical and mcthodologicl tens exting ta “women history” tous" stony crtque of tamhitorical and tame {ural ection vie Sv sexual Ment appented in easly works sm the try of sexuality which placed questions oF ies nd eperence under ceitialsrstiny and argued for dhe hin ‘pectic of gay and lebian Meoity formation" Even 1. Stomen' hixory we ind examples of lesbian aad pay bio recuperating ot liming guys tae pase Thi pp een umeted by 2 shit toward facung on how norma deviant sexuality et detined and are th enaled tsetse tn velation co which al kinds of abject ae constrained to st A history of diferme thas becomes» istry of deve mth pst ‘hac flows, signaling the mechani by which the norm ays ‘lemly and nbly constructed through» noty.anaiouy sd Asmboyanefation om the deviant ‘Yer there rein theareil and poll derences ns Ihstorian of homorenuity ato whether one nut poi at Ten 9 provsionaly coherent leban oe gay ieusty which Ean be Fed inthe pst orf one should tae the conition by which he Imyriadsdenity postions af the homotuaal ms wel 3 the hte ‘exul came ato being and operate. gai, among some prac tet of lesbian and gay history, we Bnd «poi nd ole Swory that lesbian snd gay try will be subumed in + ger Iitory af erat which would faces its aoe om hectses tnd inthe process, bury the particule conditions ad stories of same-sex lovers Iris my own Bele tha hcriogaphic peste that expe the mean by which both homonenuale"and hes ‘sexual ate produced connate interventions inthe reproduction fimegaleartin and homophobic relisons odiferencer nd wil face ree the cling of queer stories, many ef which tnvlve (Gtentional and unintentional) certances, accommodation, and strategic appropriation ofthe mechan by which devon ab "amume i he following piece, that Weed caution sou she lure of demity and wana coherence i a important forthe ascent eld of quer theory at ie fo emi theory te on Gayatri Spivak the suggenion tht in wecing the hisory of subalteenity--whether st be of “women” or of quecto"—one trast look or dilference rather than wable ateoris of ei In ster word, decomsractie hstorogephy stateplly mobies Constructed ientiies "women “men “heteoseros “lesb 2s “baler” im order #0 watch their dar ct ™ sven renay Tweonane Devt Hisronoceary The week ofa heron ofthe pretend 2 form of poli action. wre sr tora of homosexual uct Sycenich nto tases hora of cor proce coer te erent cuntanrofwdeseed mapa Ide at seem {Ctorct the hort cord though Toesting tls of eh Sted orcs orsach projet wold preset eject femoensaty enemy ashe ed eset send Took or he condor tat make pombe sd thee at eon theenergence ud tality of lees py mer ‘tho popula our prea. Tls a pect roy new iortgraphc picts for ncing det bt oman ce {towing per cspoetewonel poutbiger for he devlop- ‘mea of der songphy ns method for mopping the complex Gicanive in tetal operon apy ee hare me. ce of bec mo comet be ciled bias sd gay te ein sty conidering te metodo wii af Foes: (Grins hsty Gaya Spas decontrction fr contending Tan the prices af sore eon sd pubelogeton Teed by Hemera ej hen deploy th en cide cape the prodolan of commentecusie Tolan that pthologite homosexuality. Fall | conclude with some speculations om 3 ftore aends for devans hiorlogephy ‘The New Archivist of (Sexual) Deviance The testy of hioricalinerpeation it charged with power rot only co decie upon the important elements af try "the rete ad the ature” to emplt these cements acconding te eresin natative design that bind the moment in question and sewer truth 2 he point of nacatie clare Foul dps this gtond deer of eth through hs reading of Nites ‘oti of genealogy. In contrat tothe ideal continuity of tad, ‘onal history whi Res sere event in x rth try of the pat, Foucales fate hire attentive co the rupans tdocontinsies in hatoey kr without constants” Dy ote nny Fouctle snot opgesting x more ecient orien il logy ata proces that eater tock of fete fear are the tu franieation of even, often here and when they apps tmow in cootaticion oe eaitance to tinal sequencing ‘They darpe the sedation of hitorica marae desi or ‘he cacti tth which the product of resolution eajned {he aterglow of ehieved terra umescence:" Genealogy allows + ‘divociaton hat decontact coherent Minor trating ‘ity of eas Being” which relied on erion ofthe pst fo #0 This kindof torial method isan intersenbonit teats ef and necemary to tote pontoned inthe margins of domt traditional history I iwoles what Foucauleclls"historical se 1 nestegie awarenen of point of emergence or "port “ting at pacer biorial moment nthe formavon of pa tule courae. It aces the conditions whereby marginal i Jets apprehend posible for expreion and velf-represeattion {na Geld of conte. This genealogical method allows st theorize 1 countedacuve positon of hatry-eling which nether fh ona new coberence nor providers more sacusive relation of ‘onuadccing “evens” He mt an alkeraative narrative with ‘vm porto mencence peopled by previously elided but noe reaperated Others. Ete hitry—tha i hitory concerned writ efleceenpone, not the events and actors elided by tad Monal tory but the proses and epetation by whieh these els ccuted “The topography of elective history isa place of

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