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For the body to function properly, the heart needs to pump blood at a sufficient rate to
maintain an adequate and continuous supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the brain
and other vital organs. Cardiac output is the term that describes the amount of blood your
heart pumps each minute.

A general introduction of circulatory system.

The circulatory system, also called the cardiovascular system or the vascular system, is an
organ system that permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients (such as amino acids and
electrolytes), oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood cells to and from the cells in the body
to provide nourishment and help in fighting diseases, stabilize temperature and pH, and maintain

Effect of exercise on heartbeat.

1. our heart is a muscle, and gets a workout during exercise. Its job is to get more blood out to
the body's muscles when they work hard.
2. When you are exercising, the heart's blood flow increases by around four or five times from
when you are at rest. Your body does this for you by increasing the rate of your heartbeat,
thus increasing the amount of blood that goes out to the rest of the body.
3. Exercise causes the heart to pump blood into the circulation more efficiently as a result of
increased oxygen delivery.
4. Aerobic conditioning exercises, such as running and swimming, train the heart and lungs to
pump blood more efficiently, allowing more oxygen to get to muscles and organs.
5. Exercise lowers blood pressure, works against blood clotting, and lowers stress, all of which
contribute to improved cardiovascular health.

Most commonly observed causes of increased heart beat in human

 Heart disease

 Anemia

 Exercise

 Sudden stress, such as fright

 High or low blood pressure

 Smoking

 Fever

 Drinking too many caffeinated beverages

 Medication side effects

our heart rate is the number of times your heart beats per minute. The heart, like any other
muscle, needs physical activity to keep it in good condition. In most cases regular exercise can
help improve your overall heart health and help improve many of the ‘risk factors’ for heart and
circulatory disease. It is important to know if you are exercising at the correct level for you, and
measuring your heart rate can help you track your level of fitness. A normal heart rate is between
60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm), whilst resting. However, it will vary depending on when it is
measured and what you were doing immediately before the reading. For example, it will be higher
when you walk compared to when you sit and rest. This is because your body needs more energy
when you are active and so your heart has to work harder. To make sure you increase your fitness
and strength safely, it is important that you increase your heart rate to the right level while you are
exercising. You should always remember to warm up and cool down before and after exercising to
avoid injury to your muscles.

heart beat before exercise heart beat after exercise

football 74 145
swimming 71 165
running 73 137
riding 76 140
basketball 75 138

Difference in heart beat before and after exercise










football swimming running riding basketball

heart beat before exercise Column1

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