Day 4

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SURE60 Gurukul

अगर आप र आज उ र :- 5G Classes
Application र और 5G Dictionary र
Plinth to Paramount Volume-I [Word Power][Day-04]
Day-04 [Idioms and Phrases]
S. No. Idioms & Phrases Image
121. Get down to:-To attend to work seriously.
ग र प आर र

122. Get into a soup:-Get into trouble पर

123. Get into hot water:-Get into trouble

124. Get off scot free:-To escape without punishment.

ज प
125. Get on one’s nerves:-To irritate or annoy ग र
126. Gibble-gabble:-Foolish talk. प प

127. Gift of the gab:-Talent for speaking बोऱने में कुशऱता

128. Give a piece of mind:-To rebuke or scold.

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SURE60 Gurukul
अगर आप र आज उ र :- 5G Classes
Application र और 5G Dictionary र
129. Go through fire and water:-To brave any danger कोई
भी खतरा मोऱ ऱेना

130. Go to dogs:-To deteriorate/ degenerate. ज

131. Go to rack and ruin:-To decay or get destroyed बबााद

132. Good Samaritan:-A person who helps and pays
sympathy to those in distress दस
ू रो की सहायता करने
133. Grass widow:-A woman who is separated, divorced or
lives apart from her husband.
134. Grease the palm:-To bribe.

135. Green room:-A lounge in a theater or studio for the

performers to get ready. अ - र

136. Grist to one’s mill:-Something that can be used for

one's advantage. / ज अप
इ ज
137. Halcyon days:-Peaceful days खुशहाऱी के ददन
138. Hammer and sickle:-A symbolic representation of
communism in general. ज

139. Hammer and tongs:-With great effort or energy अधिक

मेहनत करना

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Application Search :-5G Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
SURE60 Gurukul
अगर आप र आज उ र :- 5G Classes
Application र और 5G Dictionary र
140. Hand and glove with:-In close co- operation. अ

141. Hang by a thread:- Be in a risky situation बहुत नाजक

संतुऱन में
142. Hard nut to crack:- A difficult problem to solve/ A
person difficult to Understand मुश्ककऱ काम

143. Haul over the coals:-To take to task, to reprimand डॉट


144. Have finger in the pie:-To be involved in something.

र ग

145. Have one’s hands full:-To be completely occupied

बहुत व्यस्त होना

146. Have one’s way:-The way one wants. अप इ

अ र

147. Have several irons in the fire:-To be involved in many

projects or activities at the same time.

148. Hen-pecked husband:- Admirer of one’s own wife in
a servile manner. ज ग

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Application Search :-5G Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
SURE60 Gurukul
अगर आप र आज उ र :- 5G Classes
Application र और 5G Dictionary र
149. Herculean task:- Task requiring tremendous effort
बहुत कदिन काया

150. High and dry:-In a deprived situation (alone) अकेऱा

एवं ननरूसहाय

151. High handed:-Overbearing. र

152. High living:-Living with comfort and ease. ऐ आर

ज ग
153. Hit below the belt:-To strike unfairly अनुधित तरीके से
ऱाभ उिाना

154. Hit the jackpot:-Gaining a big/great success (specially

by luck) ककस्मत का तारा िमक उिना

155. Hit the nail on the head:-To do the right thing at the
right time सटीक व सही समय पर

156. Hobson’s choice:-No alternative. ई ओर प

157. Hole and corner policy:-Secret policy. ग

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Application Search :-5G Classes / Sure60 Gurukul
SURE60 Gurukul
अगर आप र आज उ र :- 5G Classes
Application र और 5G Dictionary र
158. Hue and cry:-Any loud public outcry शोरगुऱ करना

159. Hush money:-Money given to someone to keep

something secret घुस दे ना

160. In a nutshell:-In very brief form संऺेप मे

161. In black and white:-In printed or written form लऱखखत


162. In full swing:-At the height of activity. पर ग

163. In the blues:-In dumps depressed उदास/मायूस

164. In the long run:-Ultimately आखखरकार/ अंत में

165. In the nick of time:-At the last possible moment एकदम

सही समय पर

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Application Search :-5G Classes / Sure60 Gurukul

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