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1. Early diagnosis and intervention is critical for the education of children with autism.

Or similar
disabilities like aphasia. This Includes all non verbalization and communication disabilities that one
might be displaying. Research shows that in fact, with early appropriate intervention , starting
services as soon as age 3 will likley fall out of autism spectrum disorder categorychildren As I have
had for my child. My son was active in recovery and Life enhancement for the betterment and
medical stability which we were able to obtain for over the past two years.
2. Since this improper removal, my son has been to the emergency room 23 times and none of the
times except for four of them were reported. They kept this from me and kicked me out of his life
without an evidentiary hearing. Following him suffering a hematoma which is bleeding to the brain
after falling down to flights of wooden steps, which later on they accused my son of throwing his
body down steps had first in order to cover up what really happened to him. Because I expressed
that I might be pressing charges, being as though I never got any answers to any questions, any
paperwork, I wasn’t informed of The incident and that is very dangerous, especially for someone
who is medically fragile, such as him. CFSA accused me of being high. An excuse. To say that I had
to be under some type of influence because he did not have any injuries. But he did. I have
medical records to prove this and pictures as well. After. The allegations. Of me being so-called
high at a visit. Resulted in me not seeing my kids, socially or educationally. I was intentionally
prevented from attending medical appointments or making any decisions from October 10 th, 21.
Till May 2022.
3. My Sons entire life. Was changed and rearranged without notice.
4. Lacking Legitimate reasoning. Or informal consent. All violations of my son's human rights. My
parental rights, civil rights. The government targeted epic. When they observed my so-called over
protectionism. He decided that he would pick on my weaknesses. The love for my son. An when
they got. A negative reaction from me. They label these as behaviors and Unpredictability. And
Began to question my mental health. I’ve never been so insulted in my life. CFSA isn’t a bad
agency. They lack workers with work ethics and honesty.
5. If I was a social worker there is no way that I would let Michael Smith convinced me to stay silent
or go along with his plan by sending in flat out lies. Misleading the courts so that ,and breaking
hearts and separating families, Unnecessarily. They may have it their way. Every single thing that
has been reported to the courts. Hadn’t been challenged by. The court appointed counsel that
was given to me. Nor was it Questioned by the judge. You don’t have to be there to know anything
to know when someone is ************ you.
6. Epic Was doing exceedingly well. He excelled beyond expectations. He was attending, On a
regular basis. Speech therapy, OT therapy and also physical therapy in which CPS social workers
abruptly stopped by removing my son from his school in which he was excelling and doing great in
and never ever displayed any issues of the reported new and unusual behaviors.
7. In fact, my son. Was favorited. He was always receiving compliments. And wellness reports
always reflected him making progress or either meeting expectations and moving on to new goals
in Bancroft, his original school. An often was complemented. On his behaviors and his friendly
disposition. His thriving attitude and extremely loving disposition for others. Love for learning. His
behavior was Referenced as Lovey dovey.
8. This was verified by his teachers and therapists. CFSA concocted a strategy that consists of
constant wild and Scary lies. Describing a child I couldn’t identify by the behaviors described.
Excessive crying, an minimal rebellion. That seemed about right, being as though he was
separated from everyone he ever knew and Replaced with strangers & totally new surroundings.
The removal would probably impact him and cause these behaviors. Those were believable. But
not the erroneous exaggerated allegations that were reported. This is when things became really
strange and I seriously began to question the validness of the intense overall dramatic things that
were supposedly taking place. Honest the that child and Family Services was even capable of
displaying. They even did so at this institution that I was completely against. I don’t understand
why they call themselves trying to fix something that is not broken. Just in effort. To make a case.
If you don’t have one, you don’t have one. This is really sad and needs to be investigated and
looked into, not just me and my family, but others because I’m sure that this is something that
they do all the time. When you sign up as an indigent family, an request legal counsel. That form.
Signs you up. For being treated. And due process being violated. You have to pray in hope. That.
You will not. Be. Treated like crap and your rights trampled on. Because. They make sure that you
can’t complain to anybody, and if you do? That only ensures that you don’t get your kids
back.’cause, that’s what happened to me.
9. Child and Family Services unenrolled my stable child from his school without any legitimate
reason or knowledge. Other than to cause Disruption in which they would get a negative
reaction from me and my son, and then they would later use against us. With claims that I'm
mentally disturbed. This along with my newborn being gone, worried about epic. And not
seeing or talking to my 2 year old for 2 ½ months. This was used as leverage to say that I was
unfit and that my son is out of control. That was a strategy. Cold-hearted
10. This Is a violation of our civil rights and the IDEA ACT. They uprooted, ruined all his hard work
and progress. When he arrived at B;ancroft he didn't know his complete alphabet, his name ,
labels of everyday items. After 5 months at Bancroft elementary, he blossomed into a Eager,
Curious, Social, Butterfly. He found himself. He knows is own name! That's big for Epic. He now
knows his entire alphabet, counts to 26, recognized and labels 97% of his surroundings . Started
going to the bathroom , correctly. He was wearing underwear. Every morning he was up waiting
for his school bus. Now he’s feeling insecure and unwanted. They hurt my child emotionally
creating a disruption in his life. And he already had to deal with this in his personal life when he
sleeps, considered his home life. But they actually. Took away. From his academics. They
remove him from his school. CFSA Abruptly stopped all of his speech OT and physical therapy.
For a entire year. Set him up to fail. In the whole entire time the government did this knowing
how this would effect me and how it would Negatively impact my son. But they didn’t care.
Because it’s all about. A case. Not about humanity. Not about the care, concern, safety and
welfare of my son. It’s clear to me that it never was and it never will be. Because if it was. They
would have been honest with the judges And send my children back home the moment that
they realized I was falsely accused and arrested. And when those charges were dropped, they
should have sent my kids back home. And started the in-home services that they never Started.
They claimed in their petition. That they didn’t have an opportunity to start it, but. My daughter
was born on July 11th and. This happened on July 21st. That was less than two weeks later. They
had all of those days while I was on maternity leave because I was still home everyday. I didn’t
go back to work yet. But they never contacted me to start any services
11. CFSA placed my son and newborn daughter direct harms way . Especially since he was displaying
signs of separation anxiety, which is normal for any child that has been taken from there mother &
siblings. What is not normal, is his seizure activity.
12. Which his seizure activity. Aren’t normal seizures. Because. Most times He stops breathing. My
son. Has a life saving device that is similar to EpiPen. That no matter where he goes, it should be
with him at all times. But every time I’ve seen my son. He hasn’t had it. In fact, I have a e-mail
from the new placement. Were they specifically sent me a e-mail requesting. That lifesaving
medication. They said that they need two of them, one for school. And one for him in the home.
Yet, and still? They asked. The courts. To make them the medical decision maker. & the Judge goes
along with it. I worry about whether my son is going to die In their hands. Because Of their bold
and obvious. Recklessness and carelessness. That they have no problem in making up lies to point
the finger at the parent. And then the courts believe it. With no problem. Or any evidence. Even
when sometimes it’s clear that it’s a lie. This is no A good system. Is seems like. It’s some type of
conspiracy. This is similar to a scandal. They’ve already killed me spiritually. The worryation that I
have Is completely And utterly Out of control? Sometimes I can’t breathe. I can’t sleep. My
children. Are the definition of me. Without them. I’m nothing. And that’s why God gave me. This
epic gift. Motherhood. And definitely going to be more difficult of a transition for him because he
is Misunderstood.
Epic is scared and lonely Think about it for a moment…..Surrounded. By.People he had never
met. Who were making a bunch of assumptions. They. Are adults. And I thought my son. To
respect and listen to adults. But. They are engaging. In full. And adulterated. Uncut.
Conversations. Making plans? And making statements such as. He’s nasty. He won’t use the
bathroom.And he hears and understands everything. And he’s listening to these people assume
that he understands nothing. An all their plans to get rid of him and place him in homes. Ann is
nothing he can do about it. None of his wants or needs are being met because they are saying
that he doesn’t know how to communicate. And he has to sit back and do nothing. And his
sisters and his mother is gone. Imagine yourself in this situation. It’s almost like being duck
taped and having your hands tide and listening to the very plan to do something to harm you an
it’s nothing that you can do, accept over hear 👂 this. At one of those appointments that was
kept for me. My son acts. The Doctor at Children’s Hospital to call me. As it is specified in the
report. But it’s also specified that the social worker did not acknowledge his request and
specified that she did not think this that was what he was saying. She claimed that he always
said “phone.”
13. Not to mention the fact that everything in his life and all his surroundings had changed and
nothing or anybody around him was familiar to him. Which caused him to display. Behaviors. That
were internalized labeled Or observed to be disruptive. But they weren’t. These were just simply
behaviors of a child that. Has communication disabilities. And is terrified. In his unfamiliar
surroundings and surrounded by strangers. Who he understands. Questions who he is. Ann treats
him as if he is some sort of lab rat in often. With UN welcoming.
14. I only realized that Epic was not at his original school after Receiving an e-mail. From a unfamiliar
teacher with a picture. Of my son. And a background I have never seen. And to my understanding
that. He was going to be with the same teacher he was with last year. And so it was strange to me.
That the e-mail was coming from a recipient I had never heard of. And then it all came together
because his teacher continuously called me, saying that she was worried about epic. Due to all the
stress. It never dawned on me. That she was concerned about Epic because. She never specifically.
Verbalize the fact that my son was unenrolled. And so. I immediately called his teacher. And then
she explained in detail. That the fact that she was worried is because she knew. The epic wasn’t
coming back. And she didn’t directly say anything to me. Because she knows that is my right to
unenroll my child if I wanted too. So she assumed that this was by my decision. Which I explained
it wasn’t. I called the social worker and she would not answer the phone nor respond to me in
regards to. Why my son was at another school and how did that happen?
15. Say it. DCPS. Change the school. She never. But honest about the fact. That should unenrolled
him. And placed him. At Murch elementary.
16. On welcoming. And. Non grata. Treatment of my son.

And his original school at Bancroft Elementary. The principals, teachers and.. Company leaders,
parents, and counselors who Professional But non judgmental are able to listen to others and
describe thoughts or behaviors without thinking negatively about them. Which CPS And merge
elementary. Were unable to do. They weren’t even willing to follow his current IEP. Which did
not reflect autism and they made specific note that they felt that Epic did not have autism as
well as his doctors that he had for. The past four years. Child and Family Services directly
undermined it. And diagnosis is that my son had. They were very pushy.They were described as
consistent. An always. Telling the physicians and medical staff. That they needed my son. To
have autism documented as a diagnosis. And. He was screened. By a physician. That specifically.
Works with CFSA. Anne. This physician. Made a recommendation. To the neurologist. Which?
Surprisingly, they didn’t change her. But at any rate. They went ahead and did it anyway.
Because. See FSA is a government entity. And. People. Don’t like to go against them. Even when
they’re wrong. At the end of the day. People are only human. And they want to keep their jobs.
CFSA. Poses as a threat. To their careers. Which essentially is how they survive. So when they
make requests. They’re normally followed even when they don’t make sense. And that is what
happened with my son in that diagnosis. Think about it. He had medical care his whole entire
life. And had been followed by His specialized medical team of physicians. If they felt that my
son was autistic. He would have had that diagnosis. My son wasn’t lacking medical care. And he
went to all of his appointments. So it’s not like he was in loss of contact and that’s why he didn’t
have the diagnosis. Because he’s not autistic. Is a perfect example of how things can go wrong
at this highly sought after placement. My son had four seizures even though Teresa Jackson told
me he only had two. And they were shocked and they didn’t know what to do. Number one,
they don’t even have his emergency medication, nor is anybody trained on it, on how to use it,
because they don’t have it. Then on top of that. They are focused on autism and not the fact
that he’s medically fragile. This is very dangerous. And no, it’s not OK that they make medical
decisions for my son. Because the decisions they made so far are awful. And besides the point, I
don’t need anybody to do my job for me. I do a perfectly good job at keeping my son well and
alive myself.
18. They even in several reports claimed that he was already diagnosed with autism. Including in the
petition. In the lifetime of this case, they refer to my son’s being diagnosed with autism. When he
wasn’t. It wasn’t until he was taken without my permission might without my know how an
informal consent. Technically behind my back that he was diagnosed with autism after explaining
to. The medical facility at Children’s Hospital that he needed to have this diagnosis because they
wanted to place him at a. Facility where he would need to have that diagnosis. And I can present
the proper paperwork that these statements are written on.
19. When they were unsuccessful they also went behind my back and changed my sons doctor to a
doctor that specifically works with child and Family Services. And he made a recommendation to
epics neurologist, stating that he needed a diagnosis of autism. And all of this went on behind the
scenes and without my permission or knowledge. I only found out after doing research.
20. None of the social workers are clinical staff, nor do they know my son and my child was already
enrolled in services. Anne had a neurologist, a therapist. A speech therapist and occupational
therapist. And he also had a behavior analyst that he saw every week an even throughout the
pandemic. He. Would also have his sessions via zoom or even through Microsoft Teams he never
stopped. Going to school, nor that he stop therapy.
21. It wasn’t until child and Family Services came into our lives. And. Carelessly and cold heartedly.
Took my sons. So-called or alleged disruptive behavior to be. Symptoms of. A more severe
22. Never. Ever realizing the fact That. That my son was in a state of shock. And that his whole world
had changed simply by him just awakening. Never realizing that he was waking out of his bed by a
police officer. He was taking to an emergency room. Were they probably probed and looked all
over his body because they were claims of so-called child abuse? Next thing you know, he was
placed with a very mean and nasty estranged mother of mines who never liked epic, which she
already expressed
23. Of course this cause stress in his as it would to any normal parents if their child is placed with
someone who openly expressed to me that she did not like my son an thought he was a waste of
time and that he needed to be put in a home.
24. Being as though I was already under microscope and everything that I did or do would be judged
negatively by CPS, I didn’t want to openly make a big deal about it because if I did, it would then
be turned around on me. Negatively, instead of them facing the fact that this woman is a fraud
and it's dangerous that my children are in her care.
25. She often told me that she thinks that my son needs to be in a home and she also made that
recommendation to the social workers and she is the one who told me about SESAC and she is the
same person who recommended that to child and Family Services. And being as though they were
under the impression that she was the grandmother and someone that was in their lives, not ever
noticing the fact that I know for effect. She didn’t know anything about the kids and the kids did
not know her an you could tell by the behavior that that was theirFirst time. Ever been around
her, especially my son, because of the statement she made and also the refusal? To take him with
her four, since she already had took my daughter, which cried and begged to come home. And my
mother found offence to that as well.
26. My strange mother has a brother that has Down syndrome. And she resents him. She often made
claims and made statements that said. He took a lot of attention away from her and her and her
mother were unable to Bond. Her mother never paid her attention because. She.always focused
on him. That was clear resentment, especially since she would always say that right after having
conversations about my son.
27. Everything I said had came true. And nobody ever. Gave credit or. Apologize to me for the many
assumptions and. Takeover of my life and listening to someone who clearly hadHatred towards
me. But CPS never ever documented this. They only documented the fact that. I. I was in
complete, utter shock. And it caused me a lot of worry ation and stress. Because of the fact that. I
knew. She had my children. And it was dangerous, me knowing the fact that. She was. Actually
successfully. Fooling. The government and siding with them. That is not a normal behavior for.
Someone and their mother. For them to go against their own daughter with child and Family
Services and the prosecutor.
28. But they didn’t care because it was to their benefit.with her having my kids. Which I wasn’t. She
only got my kids. Because of my husbands doing They had. A undercover hidden relationship. My
husband was already aware.that she was my mother. They had seen each other again at the MAS,
where Muslims go in, meet. And after that they kept in contact behind my back. An even had built
a romantic relationship. Which they had hidden.
29. that they had already made-up to have me arrested and have the children removed so that she
would have her bills paid an receive benefits and they were. Also. Going to eliminate me as well
30. Miss All, which has changed her name. Three different times. Due to herTumultuous crime field
and fraudulent. Pass. And deceptive behavior.

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